154 research outputs found

    Fasciola and fasciolosis in ruminants in Europe: Identifying research needs

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    18 páginas, 1 figura, 2 tablas.Fasciola hepatica is a trematode parasite with a global distribution, which is responsible for considerable disease and production losses in a range of food producing species. It is also identified by WHO as a re-emerging neglected tropical disease associated with endemic and epidemic outbreaks of disease in human populations. In Europe, F. hepatica is mostly associated with disease in sheep, cattle and goats. This study reviews the most recent advances in our understanding of the transmission, diagnosis, epidemiology and the economic impact of fasciolosis. We also focus on the impact of the spread of resistance to anthelmintics used to control F. hepatica and consider how vaccines might be developed and applied in the context of the immune-modulation driven by the parasite. Several major research gaps are identified which, when addressed, will contribute to providing focussed and where possible, bespoke, advice for farmers on how to integrate stock management and diagnosis with vaccination and/or targeted treatment to more effectively control the parasite in the face of increasing the prevalence of infection and spread of anthelmintic resistance that are likely to be exacerbated by climate change.All authors are members of the Livestock Helminth Research Alliance (LiHRA), whose vision is to improve the health, wealth and productivity of European livestock by providing sustainable helminth control options. This review was commissioned by DISCONTOOLS (www.discontools.eu) as part of the process of identifying research gaps which impinge on effective and sustainable control of fasciolosis in food producing animals in Europe. DJLW, JC, LR, CC, JPA, AMM all received funding from the European Union through the following awards: FPVI‐FOOD‐CT‐200X‐023025‐DELIVER; FPVII‐KBBE‐2011‐5‐288975‐GLOWORM; FPVII‐KBBE‐2010‐4‐265862‐PARAVAC; H2020‐635408‐PARAGONE. DJLW, JEH, NJB received funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) through awards: BB/K015591/1 and BBI002480/1, and RJF was supported by BBSRC award BB/M018520/1. MMV was funded by the Spanish “Ramón y Cajal” Programme of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RYC‐2015‐18368). CC was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections at the University of Liverpool in partnership with Public Health England (PHE) and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, the Department of Health or PHE.Peer reviewe

    Expanding the phenotype in argininosuccinic aciduria: need for new therapies

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    OBJECTIVES: This UK-wide study defines the natural history of argininosuccinic aciduria and compares long-term neurological outcomes in patients presenting clinically or treated prospectively from birth with ammonia-lowering drugs. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of medical records prior to March 2013, then prospective analysis until December 2015. Blinded review of brain MRIs. ASL genotyping. RESULTS: Fifty-six patients were defined as early-onset (n = 23) if symptomatic < 28 days of age, late-onset (n = 23) if symptomatic later, or selectively screened perinatally due to a familial proband (n = 10). The median follow-up was 12.4 years (range 0-53). Long-term outcomes in all groups showed a similar neurological phenotype including developmental delay (48/52), epilepsy (24/52), ataxia (9/52), myopathy-like symptoms (6/52) and abnormal neuroimaging (12/21). Neuroimaging findings included parenchymal infarcts (4/21), focal white matter hyperintensity (4/21), cortical or cerebral atrophy (4/21), nodular heterotopia (2/21) and reduced creatine levels in white matter (4/4). 4/21 adult patients went to mainstream school without the need of additional educational support and 1/21 lives independently. Early-onset patients had more severe involvement of visceral organs including liver, kidney and gut. All early-onset and half of late-onset patients presented with hyperammonaemia. Screened patients had normal ammonia at birth and received treatment preventing severe hyperammonaemia. ASL was sequenced (n = 19) and 20 mutations were found. Plasma argininosuccinate was higher in early-onset compared to late-onset patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our study further defines the natural history of argininosuccinic aciduria and genotype-phenotype correlations. The neurological phenotype does not correlate with the severity of hyperammonaemia and plasma argininosuccinic acid levels. The disturbance in nitric oxide synthesis may be a contributor to the neurological disease. Clinical trials providing nitric oxide to the brain merit consideration

    Translating microarray data for diagnostic testing in childhood leukaemia

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    BACKGROUND: Recent findings from microarray studies have raised the prospect of a standardized diagnostic gene expression platform to enhance accurate diagnosis and risk stratification in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). However, the robustness as well as the format for such a diagnostic test remains to be determined. As a step towards clinical application of these findings, we have systematically analyzed a published ALL microarray data set using Robust Multi-array Analysis (RMA) and Random Forest (RF). METHODS: We examined published microarray data from 104 ALL patients specimens, that represent six different subgroups defined by cytogenetic features and immunophenotypes. Using the decision-tree based supervised learning algorithm Random Forest (RF), we determined a small set of genes for optimal subgroup distinction and subsequently validated their predictive power in an independent patient cohort. RESULTS: We achieved very high overall ALL subgroup prediction accuracies of about 98%, and were able to verify the robustness of these genes in an independent panel of 68 specimens obtained from a different institution and processed in a different laboratory. Our study established that the selection of discriminating genes is strongly dependent on the analysis method. This may have profound implications for clinical use, particularly when the classifier is reduced to a small set of genes. We have demonstrated that as few as 26 genes yield accurate class prediction and importantly, almost 70% of these genes have not been previously identified as essential for class distinction of the six ALL subgroups. CONCLUSION: Our finding supports the feasibility of qRT-PCR technology for standardized diagnostic testing in paediatric ALL and should, in conjunction with conventional cytogenetics lead to a more accurate classification of the disease. In addition, we have demonstrated that microarray findings from one study can be confirmed in an independent study, using an entirely independent patient cohort and with microarray experiments being performed by a different research team

    A Rapid and Sensitive Method for Measuring NAcetylglucosaminidase Activity in Cultured Cells

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    A rapid and sensitive method to quantitatively assess N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) activity in cultured cells is highly desirable for both basic research and clinical studies. NAG activity is deficient in cells from patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB (MPS IIIB) due to mutations in NAGLU, the gene that encodes NAG. Currently available techniques for measuring NAG activity in patient-derived cell lines include chromogenic and fluorogenic assays and provide a biochemical method for the diagnosis of MPS IIIB. However, standard protocols require large amounts of cells, cell disruption by sonication or freeze-thawing, and normalization to the cellular protein content, resulting in an error-prone procedure that is material- and time-consuming and that produces highly variable results. Here we report a new procedure for measuring NAG activity in cultured cells. This procedure is based on the use of the fluorogenic NAG substrate, 4- Methylumbelliferyl-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (MUG), in a one-step cell assay that does not require cell disruption or post-assay normalization and that employs a low number of cells in 96-well plate format. We show that the NAG one-step cell assay greatly discriminates between wild-type and MPS IIIB patient-derived fibroblasts, thus providing a rapid method for the detection of deficiencies in NAG activity. We also show that the assay is sensitive to changes in NAG activity due to increases in NAGLU expression achieved by either overexpressing the transcription factor EB (TFEB), a master regulator of lysosomal function, or by inducing TFEB activation chemically. Because of its small format, rapidity, sensitivity and reproducibility, the NAG one-step cell assay is suitable for multiple procedures, including the high-throughput screening of chemical libraries to identify modulators of NAG expression, folding and activity, and the investigation of candidate molecules and constructs for applications in enzyme replacement therapy, gene therapy, and combination therapies

    FusionFinder: A Software Tool to Identify Expressed Gene Fusion Candidates from RNA-Seq Data

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    The hallmarks of many haematological malignancies and solid tumours are chromosomal translocations, which may lead to gene fusions. Recently, next-generation sequencing techniques at the transcriptome level (RNA-Seq) have been used to verify known and discover novel transcribed gene fusions. We present FusionFinder, a Perl-based software designed to automate the discovery of candidate gene fusion partners from single-end (SE) or paired-end (PE) RNA-Seq read data. FusionFinder was applied to data from a previously published analysis of the K562 chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) cell line. Using FusionFinder we successfully replicated the findings of this study and detected additional previously unreported fusion genes in their dataset, which were confirmed experimentally. These included two isoforms of a fusion involving the genes BRK1 and VHL, whose co-deletion has previously been associated with the prevalence and severity of renal-cell carcinoma. FusionFinder is made freely available for non-commercial use and can be downloaded from the project website (http://bioinformatics.childhealthresearch.org.au/software/fusionfinder/)

    Lithium Impacts on the Amplitude and Period of the Molecular Circadian Clockwork

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    Lithium salt has been widely used in treatment of Bipolar Disorder, a mental disturbance associated with circadian rhythm disruptions. Lithium mildly but consistently lengthens circadian period of behavioural rhythms in multiple organisms. To systematically address the impacts of lithium on circadian pacemaking and the underlying mechanisms, we measured locomotor activity in mice in vivo following chronic lithium treatment, and also tracked clock protein dynamics (PER2::Luciferase) in vitro in lithium-treated tissue slices/cells. Lithium lengthens period of both the locomotor activity rhythms, as well as the molecular oscillations in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, lung tissues and fibroblast cells. In addition, we also identified significantly elevated PER2::LUC expression and oscillation amplitude in both central and peripheral pacemakers. Elevation of PER2::LUC by lithium was not associated with changes in protein stabilities of PER2, but instead with increased transcription of Per2 gene. Although lithium and GSK3 inhibition showed opposing effects on clock period, they acted in a similar fashion to up-regulate PER2 expression and oscillation amplitude. Collectively, our data have identified a novel amplitude-enhancing effect of lithium on the PER2 protein rhythms in the central and peripheral circadian clockwork, which may involve a GSK3-mediated signalling pathway. These findings may advance our understanding of the therapeutic actions of lithium in Bipolar Disorder or other psychiatric diseases that involve circadian rhythm disruptions

    Validating genetic risk associations for ovarian cancer through the international Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium

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    The search for genetic variants associated with ovarian cancer risk has focused on pathways including sex steroid hormones, DNA repair, and cell cycle control. The Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC) identified 10 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes in these pathways, which had been genotyped by Consortium members and a pooled analysis of these data was conducted. Three of the 10 SNPs showed evidence of an association with ovarian cancer at P⩽0.10 in a log-additive model: rs2740574 in CYP3A4 (P=0.011), rs1805386 in LIG4 (P=0.007), and rs3218536 in XRCC2 (P=0.095). Additional genotyping in other OCAC studies was undertaken and only the variant in CYP3A4, rs2740574, continued to show an association in the replication data among homozygous carriers: ORhomozygous(hom)=2.50 (95% CI 0.54-11.57, P=0.24) with 1406 cases and 2827 controls. Overall, in the combined data the odds ratio was 2.81 among carriers of two copies of the minor allele (95% CI 1.20–6.56, P=0.017, phet across studies=0.42) with 1969 cases and 3491 controls. There was no association among heterozygous carriers. CYP3A4 encodes a key enzyme in oestrogen metabolism and our finding between rs2740574 and risk of ovarian cancer suggests that this pathway may be involved in ovarian carcinogenesis. Additional follow-up is warranted

    Small and medium-sized enterprise policy: Designed to fail?

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    Significant doubts persist over the effectiveness of government policy to increase the numbers or performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK economy. We analyse UK political manifestoes from 1964-2015 to examine the development of SME policy in political discourse. We do this by analysing how the broadly-defined category of ‘SME’ has been characterised in the manifestoes and assess these characterisations in relation to the empirical evidence base. We highlight three consistent themes in UK political manifestoes during 1964-2015 where SMEs have been characterised as having the potential for growth, struggling to access finance and being over-burdened by regulation. We argue that homogenising the broad range of businesses represented by the SME category and characterising them in these terms misrepresents them, undermining policies developed in relation to this mischaracterisation