7 research outputs found

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Spatially resolving the environmental quenching of star formation in GAMA galaxies

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    We use data from the Sydney-AAO Multi-Object Integral Field Spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey and the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to investigate the spatially-resolved signatures of the environmental quenching of star formation in galaxies. Using dust-corrected measurements of the distribution of Hα emission we measure the radial profiles of star formation in a sample of 201 star-forming galaxies covering three orders of magnitude in stellar mass (M∗M∗; 108.1-1010.95 M⊙) and in 5th nearest neighbour local environment density (Σ5; 10−1.3- 102.1 Mpc−2). We show that star formation rate gradients in galaxies are steeper in dense (log10(Σ5/Mpc2) > 0.5) environments by 0.58 ± 0.29 dex re−1 in galaxies with stellar masses in the range 1010 1.0). These lines of evidence strongly suggest that with increasing local environment density the star formation in galaxies is suppressed, and that this starts in their outskirts such that quenching occurs in an outside-in fashion in dense environments and is not instantaneous

    Multi-robot systems research: a data-driven trend analysis

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    This paper provides a data-driven analysis of the trends of research on multi-robot systems (MRS). First, it reports the findings of an exhaustive search of the MRS studies published from 2010 to 2020 in 27 leading robotics journals, including a quantitative analysis of trends. Second, it reports the findings of a survey capturing the views of 68 leading experts in the field of MRSs. Finally, it summarises the findings

    Prioridades de investigación en términos de fluidoterapia perioperatoria y monitorización hemodinámica: encuesta de consenso Delphi del Subcomité de Fluidoterapia y Monitorización hemodinámica de la Sección de Hemostasia, Medicina Transfusional y Fluidoterapia (SHTF) de la Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación (SEDAR)

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    Background Research in fluid therapy and perioperative hemodynamic monitoring is difficult and expensive. The objectives of this study were to summarize these topics and to prioritize these topics in order of research importance. Methods Electronic structured Delphi questionnaire over three rounds among 30 experts in fluid therapy and hemodynamic monitoring identified through the Fluid Therapy and Hemodynamic Monitoring Subcommittee of the Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine and Fluid Therapy Section of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care. Results 77 topics were identified and ranked in order of prioritization. Topics were categorized into themes of crystalloids, colloids, hemodynamic monitoring and others. 31 topics were ranked as essential research priority. To determine whether intraoperative hemodynamic optimization algorithms based on the invasive or noninvasive Hypotension Prediction Index versus other management strategies could decrease the incidence of postoperative complications. As well as whether the use of renal stress biomarkers together with a goal-directed fluid therapy protocol could reduce hospital stay and the incidence of acute kidney injury in adult patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, reached the highest consensus. Conclusions The Fluid Therapy and Hemodynamic Monitoring Subcommittee of the Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine and Fluid Therapy Section of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care will use these results to carry out the research.Antecedentes La investigación sobre fluidoterapia y monitorización hemodinámica perioperatorias es difícil y costosa. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron resumir y priorizar estas cuestiones, en orden de importancia investigadora. Métodos Cuestionario estructurado electrónico Delphi a lo largo de tres rondas entre 30 expertos en fluidoterapia y monitorización hemodinámica identificados a través del Subcomité de Fluidoterapia y Monitorización hemodinámica de la Sección de Hemostasis, Medicina Transfusional y Fluidoterapia de la Sociedad española de Anestesiología y Reanimación. Resultados Se identificaron 77 cuestiones, que se clasificaron en orden de priorización. Las cuestiones se categorizaron en temas de cristaloides, coloides, monitorización hemodinámica y otros. Se categorizaron 31 cuestiones como de prioridad investigadora esencial, para determinar si los algoritmos de optimización hemodinámica intraoperatorios basados en el Índice de predicción de hipotensión invasivo o no invasivo frente a otras estrategias de manejo podrían reducir la incidencia de complicaciones postoperatorias, así como si el uso de biomarcadores del estrés renal junto con un protocolo de fluidoterapia dirigido por objetivos podría reducir la estancia hospitalaria y la incidencia de insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes adultos sometidos a cirugía no cardiaca, lográndose el más alto consenso. Conclusiones El Subcomité de Fluidoterapia y Monitorización hemodinámica de la Sección de Hemostasis, Medicina Transfusional y Fluidoterapia de la Sociedad española de Anestesiología y Reanimación utilizará estos resultados para la realización de investigació


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    International audienceThe CMEMS Iberian-Biscay-Ireland Monitoring and Forecasting Center (IBI-MFC) currently provides a variety of OMIs oriented to monitor the main oceanographic processes taking place in this regional domain. Among the OMIs currently delivered by IBI-MFC, it is worth mentioning (i) the coastal upwelling index focused on the African-Iberian coast, (ii) the indicator of Mediterranean Outflow Water variability and (iii) diverse indicators of extreme events of temperature or wave height. Currently, IBIMFC efforts are concentrated on designing bloom phenology indicators derived from chlorophyll anomalies detected within IBI regional seas.The present work aims to provide a general overview of the IBI-MFC OMIs operationally provided nowadays and further insight into the routine OMI update strategy, as well as main conclusions from them. Finally, ongoing developments of novel upcoming OMIs for the IBI region are also introduced.Le centre de surveillance et de prévision CMEMS Iberian-Biscay-Ireland (IBI-MFC) fournit actuellement une variété d'OMIs orientés vers la surveillance des principaux processus océanographiques ayant lieu dans ce domaine régional. Parmi les OMIs actuellement fournis par l'IBI-MFC, il convient de mentionner (i) l'indice d'upwelling côtier centré sur la côte africaine-ibérique, (ii) l'indicateur de variabilité des eaux de sortie de la Méditerranée et (iii) divers indicateurs d'événements extrêmes de température ou de hauteur de vague. Actuellement, les efforts de l'IBIMFC se concentrent sur la conception d'indicateurs de la phénologie des fleurs d'eau dérivés des anomalies de chlorophylle détectées dans les mers régionales de l'IBI.Le présent travail vise à fournir une vue d'ensemble des OMIs IBI-MFC fournis de manière opérationnelle aujourd'hui et un aperçu de la stratégie de mise à jour de routine des OMIs, ainsi que les principales conclusions qui en découlent. Enfin, les développements en cours des nouveaux OMIs à venir pour la région IBI sont également présentés

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Early Data Release

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    We present the Early Data Release of the Sydney–AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey. The SAMI Galaxy Survey is an ongoing integral field spectroscopic survey of ∼3400 low-redshift (z < 0.12) galaxies, covering galaxies in the field and in groups within the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey regions, and a sample of galaxies in clusters. In the Early Data Release, we publicly release the fully calibrated data cubes for a representative selection of 107 galaxies drawn from the GAMA regions, along with information about these galaxies from the GAMA catalogues. All data cubes for the Early Data Release galaxies can be downloaded individually or as a set from the SAMI Galaxy Survey website. In this paper we also assess the quality of the pipeline used to reduce the SAMI data, giving metrics that quantify its performance at all stages in processing the raw data into calibrated data cubes. The pipeline gives excellent results throughout, with typical sky subtraction residuals in the continuum of 0.9–1.2 per cent, a relative flux calibration uncertainty of 4.1 per cent (systematic) plus 4.3 per cent (statistical), and atmospheric dispersion removed with an accuracy of 0.09 arcsec, less than a fifth of a spaxel

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: instrument specification and target selection

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    The SAMI Galaxy Survey will observe 3400 galaxies with the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral-field spectrograph (SAMI) on the Anglo-Australian Telescope in a 3-yr survey which began in 2013. We present the throughput of the SAMI system, the science basis and specifications for the target selection, the survey observation plan and the combined properties of the selected galaxies. The survey includes four volume-limited galaxy samples based on cuts in a proxy for stellar mass, along with low-stellar-mass dwarf galaxies all selected from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. The GAMA regions were selected because of the vast array of ancillary data available, including ultraviolet through to radio bands. These fields are on the celestial equator at 9, 12 and 14.5 h, and cover a total of 144 deg2 (in GAMA-I). Higher density environments are also included with the addition of eight clusters. The clusters have spectroscopy from 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and photometry in regions covered by the SDSS and/or VLT Survey Telescope/ATLAS. The aim is to cover a broad range in stellar mass and environment, and therefore the primary survey targets cover redshifts 0.004 < z < 0.095, magnitudes rpet < 19.4, stellar masses 107–1012 M⊙, and environments from isolated field galaxies through groups to clusters of ∼1015 M⊙