229 research outputs found

    The Octonionic Membrane

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    We generalize the supermembrane solution of D=11 supergravity by permitting the 4-form GG to be either self-dual or anti-self-dual in the eight dimensions transverse to the membrane. After analyzing the supergravity field equations directly, and also discussing necessary conditions for unbroken supersymmetry, we focus on two specific, related solutions. The self-dual solution is not asymptotically flat. The anti-self-dual solution is asymptotically flat, has finite mass per unit area and saturates the same mass=charge Bogomolnyi bound as the usual supermembrane. Nevertheless, neither solution preserves any supersymmetry. Both solutions involve the octonionic structure constants but, perhaps surprisingly, they are unrelated to the octonionic instanton 2-form FF, for which TrFFTrF \wedge F is neither self-dual nor anti-self-dual.Comment: 17 pages, Latex; enhanced discussion on supersymmetry, some references adde

    Dyonic Membranes

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    We present dyonic multi-membrane solutions of the N=2 D=8 supergravity theory that serves as the effective field theory of the T2T^2-compactified type II superstring theory. The `electric' charge is fractional for generic asymptotic values of an axion field, as for D=4 dyons. These membrane solutions are supersymmetric, saturate a Bogomolnyi bound, fill out orbits of an Sl(2;Z)Sl(2;\Z) subgroup of the type II D=8 T-duality group, and are non-singular when considered as solutions of T3T^3-compactified D=11 supergravity. On K3K_3 compactification to D=4, the conjectured type II/heterotic equivalence allows the Sl(2;Z)Sl(2;\Z) group to be reinterpreted as the S-duality group of the toroidally compactified heterotic string and the dyonic membranes wrapped around homology two-cycles of K3K_3 as S-duals of perturbative heterotic string states.Comment: Phyzzx. 27 pp. Additional para. added to introductio

    Saturation Physics in Negative- and Positive-Triangularity Plasmas

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    Gravitational lensing by p-branes

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    The scattering of R-R gauge bosons off of Dirichlet p-branes is computed to leading order in the string coupling. The results are qualitatively similar to those found in the scattering of massless NS-NS bosons: all p-branes with p >= 0 exhibit stringy properties, in particular the Regge behavior. Both the R-R and NS-NS scattering amplitudes agree in the limit of small momentum transfer with scattering off the extremal R-R charged p-brane solutions found in the low-energy supergravities. We interpret this as evidence that Dirichlet-branes are an exact world-sheet description of the extremal p-branes. The -1-brane (D-instanton) is a special object which, unlike all other Dirichlet-branes, exhibits point-like behavior. We find the R-R charged instanton solution to type IIB supergravity and confirm that the field theoretic scattering off of this solution miraculously reproduces the full stringy calculation. As an aside, we include a discussion of the entropy of non-extremal black holes in ten dimensions, produced by exciting the 0-brane. We show that, for large black holes, the entropy grows linearly with the black hole mass.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 1 figure, uses psfig.sty, available from http://xxx.lanl.gov/ftp/hep-th/papers/macros/psfig.sty Final version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Arterial inflammation in mice lacking the interleukin 1 receptor antagonist gene

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    Branch points and flexures in the high pressure arterial system have long been recognized as sites of unusually high turbulence and consequent stress in humans are foci for atherosclerotic lesions. We show that mice that are homozygous for a null mutation in the gene encoding an endogenous antiinflammatory cytokine, interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), develop lethal arterial inflammation involving branch points and flexures of the aorta and its primary and secondary branches. We observe massive transmural infiltration of neutrophils, macrophages, and CD4(+) T cells. Animals appear to die from vessel wall collapse, stenosis, and organ infarction or from hemorrhage from ruptured aneurysms. Heterozygotes do not die from arteritis within a year of birth but do develop small lesions, which suggests that a reduced level of IL-1ra is insufficient to fully control inflammation in arteries. Our results demonstrate a surprisingly specific role for IL-1ra in the control of spontaneous inflammation in constitutively stressed artery walls, suggesting that expression of IL-1 is likely to have a significant role in signaling artery wall damage

    Effect of Triangularity on Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven Turbulence

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    The linear and nonlinear properties of ion-temperature-gradient-driven (ITG) turbulence with adiabatic electrons are modeled for axisymmetric configurations for a broad range of triangularities δ, both negative and positive. Peak linear growth rates decrease with negative δ but increase and shift toward a finite radial wavenumber kx with positive δ. The growth-rate spectrum broadens as a function of kx with negative δ and significantly narrows with positive δ. The effect of triangularity on linear instability properties can be explained through its impact on magnetic polarization and curvature. Nonlinear heat flux is weakly dependent on triangularity for |δ| ≤ 0.5, decreasing significantly with extreme δ, regardless of sign. Zonal modes play an important role in nonlinear saturation in the configurations studied, and artificially suppressing zonal modes increased nonlinear heat flux by a factor of about four for negative δ, increasing with positive δ by almost a factor of 20. Proxies for zonal-flow damping and drive suggest that zonal flows are enhanced with increasing positive δ.</p

    Generalized Conformal Quantum Mechanics of D0-brane

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    We study the generalized conformal quantum mechanics of the probe D0-brane in the near horizon background of the bound state of source D0-branes. We elaborate on the relationship of such model to the M theory in the light cone frame.Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX, revised version with added references to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Technological Devices in the Archives: A Policy Analysis

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    Doing research in the archive is the cornerstone of humanities scholarship. Various archives institute policies regarding the use of technological devices, such as mobile phones, laptops, and cameras in their reading rooms. Such policies directly affect the scholars as the devices mediate the nature of their interaction with the source materials in terms of capturing, organizing, note taking, and record keeping for future use of found materials. In this paper, we present our analysis of the policies of thirty archives regarding the use of technology in their reading rooms. This policy analysis, along with data from interviews of scholars and archivists, is intended to serve as a basis for developing mobile applications for assisting scholars in their research activities. In this paper we introduce an early prototype of such a mobile application— AMTracker.Informatio

    Classical and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Branes

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    It is argued that many non-extremal black branes exhibit a classical Gregory-Laflamme instability if, and only if, they are locally thermodynamically unstable. For some black branes, the Gregory-Laflamme instability must therefore disappear near extremality. For the black pp-branes of the type II supergravity theories, the Gregory-Laflamme instability disappears near extremality for p=1,2,4p=1,2,4 but persists all the way down to extremality for p=5,6p=5,6 (the black D3-brane is not covered by the analysis of this paper). This implies that the instability also vanishes for the near-extremal black M2 and M5-brane solutions.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX. v2: Various points clarified, typos corrected and reference adde

    CFT driven cosmology and the DGP/CFT correspondence

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    We present a dual 5D braneworld picture of a recently suggested model for a microcanonical description of a 4D cosmology driven by a conformal field theory with a large number of quantum fields. The 5D side of the duality relation is represented by a generalized brane induced gravity model in a Schwarzschild-de Sitter bulk. The values of the bulk cosmological and the induced 4D cosmological constants are determined by requiring the absence of conical singularity at the de Sitter horizon of the Euclidean Schwarzschild-de Sitter bulk. Those values belong to the vicinity of the upper bound of a range of admissible values for the cosmological constant. This upper bound is enforced by the 4D CFT and coincides with the natural gravitational cutoff in a theory with many quantum species. The resulting DGP/CFT duality suggests the possibility of a new type of {\em background independent} correspondence. A mechanism for inverting the sign of the effective cosmological constant is found, which might reconcile a negative value of the primordial cosmological constant compatible with supersymmetry with the one required by inflationary cosmology.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 3 figure