629 research outputs found

    Improvement of the drug therapy results in patients with high blood pressure at a community pharmacy

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    En el presente trabajo se analizan las consecuencias de la actividad asistencial del farmacéutico en un grupo de pacientes hipertensos de una ofi cina de farmacia. Se han estudiado los diferentes Problemas Relacionados con la Medicación (PRM) que podrían dar lugar a la aparición de Resultados Negativos asociados a la Medicación (RNM), clasifi cándolos y relacionándolos con las cualidades de necesidad, efectividad y seguridad de la farmacoterapia. La incidencia de la vía de comunicación utilizada en la intervención (farmacéutico-paciente o farmacéutico-pacientemédico) sobre el resultado fi nal de ésta fue investigada, observándose un mejor resultado si se requería la colaboración del médico. En este estudio se ha puesto de manifi esto la necesidad de solucionar determinadas trabas que difi cultan la mejor aplicación del servicio de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico a los pacientes y la inclusión de un mayor número de personas en éste.In the present work, the consequences of the sanitary assistance activity of the pharmacist in a group of patients with high blood pressure are analyzed. The Drug Related Problems (DRP), detected in these patients at a community pharmacy, that could generate Negative Results Associated to the Medication (NRM) were studied, carrying out a classifi cation with respect to the pharmacotherapy qualities of necessity, effectiveness and security. The impact of the communication channel used in the intervention (pharmacist-patient or pharmacist-patient-doctor) in its fi nal result was also studied. Better result was obtained when the collaboration with the doctor was selected. This study also remarks the need to overcome some barriers that hinders a better application of this pharmacotherapeutic monitoring service and a greater integration of patients

    Determining astrophysical three-body radiative capture reaction rates from inclusive Coulomb break-up measurements

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    A relationship between the Coulomb inclusive break-up probability and the radiative capture reaction rate for weakly bound three-body systems is established. This direct link provides a robust procedure to estimate the reaction rate for nuclei of astrophysical interest by measuring inclusive break-up processes at different energies and angles. This might be an advantageous alternative to the determination of reaction rates from the measurement of B(E1) distributions through exclusive Coulomb break-up experiments. In addition, it provides a reference to assess the validity of different theoretical approaches that have been used to calculate reaction rates. The procedure is applied to Li11 (Li9+n+n) and He6 (He4+n+n) three-body systems for which some data exist.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under Projects No. FIS2011-28738-c02-01, No. FIS2013-41994-P, No. FPA2013-47327- C2-1-R, No. FIS2014-53448-c2-1-P, and FIS2014-51941-P and by Junta de Andalucía under Group No. FQM-160 and Project No. P11-FQM-7632. J. Casal acknowledges support from the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, FPU Research Grant No. AP2010-3124. M. Rodríguez-Gallardo acknowledges postdoctoral support from the Universidad de Sevilla under the V Plan Propio de Investigacion, Contract No. USE-11206-M.Peer Reviewe

    Data driven flavour model

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    A bottom-up approach has been adopted to identify a flavour model that agrees with present experimental measurements. The charged fermion mass hierarchies suggest that only the top Yukawa term should be present at the renormalisable level. Similarly, describing the lightness of the active neutrinos through the type-I Seesaw mechanism, right-handed neutrino mass terms should also be present at the renormalisable level. The flavour symmetry of the Lagrangian including the fermionic kinetic terms and only the top Yukawa is then a combination of U(2) and U(3) factors. Once considering the Majorana neutrino terms, the associated symmetry is O(3). Lighter charged fermion and active neutrino masses and quark and lepton mixings arise considering specific spurion fields à la Minimal Flavour Violation. The associated phenomenology is investigated and the model turns out to have almost the same flavour protection as the Minimal Flavour Violation in both quark and lepton sectors. Promoting the spurions to dynamical fields, the associated scalar potential is also studied and a minimum is identified such that fermion masses and mixings are correctly reproduced. Very precise predictions for the Majorana phases follow from the minimisation of the scalar potential and thus the neutrinoless-double-beta decay may represent a smoking gun for the model

    Study of sperm parameters in the retuertas horse

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    Geographical concentration and scarce census of the Retuertas horse force to design a complete conservation plan. One of the used tools as a mean of ex situ conservation was the creation of a germplasm bank. Previously, a study of the se-minal quality and its aptitude for freezing was developed. Results were: volume 23,25±12,72 ml; concentration 335,83±135,60x106 spermatozoa/ml; basal motility 3,83±0,98 (1-5) and progressive motility 60,42±15,42 (0-100%); all of them shown significant differences among stallions.La concentración geográfica y el reducido censo del Caballo de las Retuertas obligaron a diseñar un Plan de Conservación integral. Una de las herramientaspara la conservación ex situ fue la creación de un banco de germoplasma. Previamente, se estudió la calidad seminal y aptitud para congelación. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: volumen 23,25±12,72 ml, concentración 335,83±135,60x106 espermatozoides/ml; motilidad masal 3,83±0,98 (1-5) y motilidad progresiva 60,42±15,42 (0-100%), mostrando todas diferencias significativas en relación al semental

    Decoherence due to an excited-state quantum phase transition in a two-level boson model

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    10 págs.; 8 figs.; 2 tabs.; PACS number s : 03.65.Yz, 05.70.Fh, 64.70.TgThe decoherence induced on a single qubit by its interaction with the environment is studied. The environment is modeled as a scalar two-level boson system that can go through either first-order or continuous-excited-state quantum phase transitions, depending on the values of the control parameters. A mean-field method based on the Tamm-Damkoff approximation is worked out in order to understand the observed behavior of the decoherence. Only the continuous-excited-state phase transition produces a noticeable effect in the decoherence of the qubit. This is maximal when the system-environment coupling brings the environment to the critical point for the continuous phase transition. In this situation, the decoherence factor (or the fidelity) goes to zero with a finite-size scaling power law. © 2009 The American Physical Society.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and by the European regional development fund FEDER under Projects No. FIS2008-04189, No. FIS2006-12783-C03-01, No. FPA2006- 13807-C02-02, and No. FPA2007-63074, by CPAN-Ingenio, by Comunidad de Madrid under Project No. 200650M012, CSIC, and by Junta de Analucía under Projects No. FQM160, No. FQM318, No. P05-FQM437, and No. P07- FQM-02962. A.R. is supported by the Spanish program “Juan de la Cierva” and P. P-F. is supported by a FPU grant of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.Peer Reviewe


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    ResumenUn control óptimo para regular la temperatura al interior de un invernadero se puede obtener a partir del modelo matemático integrado del cultivo y del invernadero. El modelo en consideración es exclusivo de la sierra norte del estado de Puebla, México; pues los parámetros necesarios se determinaron durante un periodo de cosecha de 80 días en la época de invierno. El modelo considera cinco estados: relativo con el cultivo consideramos el número de nodos, la masa seca del dosel y la masa seca de la raíz; relativo con el invernadero consideramos, la temperatura al interior del invernadero y la humedad relativa.Para aplicar la teoría de control óptimo, seleccionamos un costo funcional con el fin de aumentar el beneficio del agricultor, significa que el agricultor además de aumentar potencialmente la producción del cultivo obtendrá un ahorro en los gastos de consumo de energía.Construimos el algoritmo que da solución al problema de control óptimo y realizamos la simulación en un periodo de 80 días.Palabra(s) Clave: Control óptimo, Modelo dinámico integrado, Sistema de calefacción, Variables auxiliares, Variables de estado. OPTIMUM CONTROL FOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL IN GREENHOUSE TOMATO CULTIVATION BASED ON A DYNAMIC SYSTEMAbstractAn optimal control to regulate the temperature inside of a greenhouse can be obtained from a mathematical model, where such mathematical model integrates the dynamic model of the crop (tomato crop) and the greenhouse. This paper considers the dynamic model exclusive from northern mountain range of Puebla, Mexico. This means that all parameters were determined from a harvest throughout a period of 80 days in the winter season. The dynamic model considered 5 state variables, three of them are relative from the crop, they are the number of nodes (plant development), the biomass dry canopy, and the biomass dry root. The last 2 variables state are linked to the greenhouse, these are the temperature inside of the greenhouse and the relative humidity. Applying the optimal control theory with a proposal criterion of optimization, admissible trajectories for the variables state were obtained; such trajectories maximize the benefit of the crop, thereby the farmers and harvest improves the crop production, and reduce the energy consumption. An algorithm was built, which gives a solution for the optimal control and simulates a harvest throughout a period of 80 days.Keywords: Auxiliary states, Heating system, Integrated Dynamic Model, Optimal control, Variable state

    Relationship between radiologic morphology of the bone lengthening formation and its complications

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    The objective was to study the different types of lengthened bone regeneration and their development during the various phases of the process to correlate them with patient factors and the surgical technique used, and to establish a possible relation between the development of the bone lengthening formation and the problems or complications. The authors studied the radiographs of a random group of 55 patients taken at three points during the course of treatment. The callus was classified with regard to its transverse diameter and the presence or absence of hypodense areas. The overall callus type was significantly influenced by the etiology, the osteotomy site, and the percentage lengthened. The percentage by which the limb was lengthened at the beginning of the process influences the overall morphology of the callus. Poor callus had been lengthened the most, atrophic callus the least. There was a correlation between the morphology of the overall callus at the end of treatment and the percentage lengthened, and between the percentage lengthened and the presence of bands at the end of treatment. The authors also found a significant correlation between age and the appearance of bands at the end of distraction. A central band was found among younger patients. The type of osteotomy affected the overall callus at the end of distraction and at the end of treatment and also influenced the transverse diameter. All the elongations with poor bone formation at the end of treatment were found to have undergone a diaphyseal osteotomy. The most common complication at the first follow-up and at the end of distraction was angulation. The diameter of the callus and the presence of bands at the end of treatment were significantly related to the complications. Fracture occurred in the first 2 weeks after removal of the external fixator in 88% of cases and in the third and fourth week in the rest. However, the segment had no significant influence on the appearance of complications. Lengthened callus with incomplete trabecular formations and hypodense areas at the end of the treatment has a high risk of fracture at the end of treatment. Callus with axial deviation, hypodense areas, or an insufficient transverse diameter during the lengthening procedure must be manipulated so that it reaches the maturing phase in better conditio

    Neuroimagen del linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central en pacientes inmunodeprimidos

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    ResumenObjetivosEl linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central (LPSNC) es una entidad rara con un pronóstico fatal. Dado el aumento en el número de casos con inmunosupresión adquirida, nuestros objetivos son estudiar las características epidemiológicas y neurorradiológicas de aquellos pacientes inmunodeprimidos con diagnóstico de LPSNC con afectación cerebral e investigar si existen diferencias entre los pacientes con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) positivo y negativo.Materiales y métodosSe realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de los pacientes inmunodeprimidos con afectación cerebral por LPSNC, diagnosticados durante los últimos 13 años en 2 hospitales de referencia. Se evaluaron múltiples variables. El nivel de significación estadística utilizado fue p<0,05.ResultadosEl grupo VIH-positivo tenía una media de edad de 36,82±5,4 años, frente a los 55,60 ± 21,43 años de los pacientes VIH-negativo (p<0,022). Los pacientes VIH-positivo tuvieron una media de 1,27 ± 0,65 lesiones por paciente, mientras que en el grupo VIH-negativo fue de 2,60 ± 1,78 (p<0,039). El 18,2% (n=2) del grupo VIH-positivo y el 80% (n=8) del grupo VIH-negativo presentaron lesiones homogéneas (p<0,005). Ningún paciente VIH-positivo tuvo afectación del cuerpo calloso, pero el grupo VIH-negativo presentó un 50% (n=5) de afectación (p<0,012).ConclusionesEl LPSNC en pacientes inmunodeprimidos puede presentar múltiples características en las imágenes. Existen diferencias entre los pacientes VIH positivo y negativo, por lo que es importante reconocerlas para establecer un manejo y tratamiento diferente entre ambos grupos.AbstractPurposesPrimary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is a rare tumour with poor prognosis. Due to the increased number of patients with acquired immunodeficiency, our purposes are to describe epidemiological and imaging findings in immunodeficient patients with PCNSL of the brain and to study the differences between HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients with PCNSL.Materials and methodsA retrospective, descriptive study was performed with immunodeficient patients diagnosed of PCNSL of the brain during the last 13 years in two reference hospitals. Twenty-one patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Multiple variables were evaluated. Significance was defined as p<0.05.ResultsHIV-positive group was a mean age of 36,82±5,4 years and the mean age in HIV-negative group was 55,60±21,43 years (p<0,022). The mean number of lesions was 1,27±0,65 in HIV-positive group and 2,60±1,78 in HIV-negative group (p<0,039). The lesions were homogeneous in 18,2% (n=2) HIV-positive group and 80% (n=8) in HIV-negative group (p<0,005). No HIV-positive patient and 50% (n=5) of HIV-negative patients showed corpus callosum involvement (p<0,012).ConclusionsPCNSL in immunodeficient patients is associated with a large spectrum of radiological findings. There were differences between HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients, is important recognize these differences as the therapeutic management of these two groups vary