607 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y validación de la escala de relajación-mindfulness para adolescentes (EREMIND-A)

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background: The aim of this investigation was to validate the Relaxation- Mindfulness Scale for Adolescents (EREMIND-A), consisting of 18 items and three factors (Attention-Concentration in the present moment; Relaxation (abilities and attitudes); and Sensory awareness/Contemplation/ Interiority). Method: The validation was done with a sample of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate students from four different centres in Spain (n = 1.120). EFA and CFA of the EREMIND-A were performed and construct and incremental validities calculated. Results: Initial results confi rm the validity and reliability of the scale. Conclusions: There is a need for a broader conceptualization of mindfulness, as well as the inclusion and analysis of other related and cross-cutting concepts. The research in this sense will propitiate the adaptation of the Mindfulness- Based Interventions to the reality of the adolescents in the educational centers, where relaxation and the interiority are aspects to be taken into consideration. © 2018 Psicothema.Antecedentes: el objetivo de esta investigación fue validar la Escala de relajación-Mindfulness para Adolescentes (EREMIND-A), que contiene 18 ítems y tres factores (Atención-Concentración en el momento presente; Relajación (habilidades y actitudes); Consciencia Sensorial/Contemplación/Interioridad. Método: la validación se realizó con una muestra de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato de cuatro centros diferentes en España (n = 1.120). Se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios de la escala y se calcularon la validez de constructo e incremental. Resultados: los resultados iniciales confirman la fiabilidad y validez de la escala. Conclusiones: es necesaria una conceptualización más amplia de la atención plena, así como la inclusión y análisis de otros conceptos relacionados y transversales. La investigación en este sentido propiciará la adaptación de las intervenciones basadas en mindfulness a la realidad de los adolescentes en los centros educativos, donde la relajación y la interioridad son aspectos a tener en consideración.http://www.psicothema.com/pdf/4475.pd

    Effect of stress and/or field annealing on the magnetic behavior of the „Co77Si13.5B9.5…90Fe7Nb3 amorphous alloy

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    Variations of coercive field, induced magnetic anisotropy, and saturation magnetostriction constant in sCo77Si13.5B9.5d90Fe7Nb3 amorphous ribbons submitted to stress and/or axial magnetic-field annealing are reported. The annealing was carried out by using the Joule-heating effect saverage temperature values of the sample corresponding to the intensity of the electrical current were 273, 378, 409, and 445 °Cd and the applied stress and axial magnetic field during the thermal treatments were 500 MPa and 750 A/m, respectively. As a result of these treatments, a uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy, which affects drastically the soft magnetic character of the samples, was developed.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España-MAT2001-0082-C04-0

    Sidelobe apodization in optical pulse compression reflectometry for fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing

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    We demonstrate a technique to reduce the sidelobes in optical pulse compression reflectometry for distributed acoustic sensing. The technique is based on using a Gaussian probe pulse with linear frequency modulation. This is shown to improve the sidelobe suppression by 13 dB compared to the use of square pulses without any significant penalty in terms of spatial resolution. In addition, a 2.25 dB enhancement in signal-to-noise ratio is calculated compared to the use of receiver-side windowing. The method is tested by measuring 700 Hz vibrations with a 140 nϵ amplitude at the end of a 50 km fiber sensing link with 34 cm spatial resolution, giving a record 147,058 spatially resolved points.European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad de Madri

    ´Primary productivity in winter in the Ria of Pontevedra (NW of Spain) and the changes caused by the contamination

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    Spatial distribution in winter of the primary productivity in the Ria of Pontevedra (NW of Spain), is shown. It is proved that industrial and urban efluents have a negative effect on photosynthesis, especially on the surface of the water, and on the Northern Coast, which is in accordance with the dynamics of the RiaOn indique la distribution spatial d'hiver de la production primaire dans la Ria de Pontevedra (NO d'Espagne). Les debuts industrielles et urbains affectent negativement la photosynthése. Cette influence est plus noté dans la surface et spécialement dans la zone Nord de la Ria

    Rotura traumática del tendón del supraespinoso en un niño de seis años

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    Presentamos un caso de un niño de seis años que sufrió un traumatismo por caída sobre su hombro derecho, con rotura completa del tendón del supraespinoso. Comprobado con Resonancia Magnética. Se operó para efectuar una reinserción transósea del tendón mediante cirugía abierta. Después de un mes de inmovilización se comenzaron los ejercicios activos progresivos con recuperación completa a los tres meses de la intervención.A six year old boy sustained a right shoulder injury after a causal fall. Magnetic Resonance Imaging showed a complete rupture of the supraespinatus tendon. Open surgery was indicated by transosseus reinsertion of the tendon on the humeral head. After one month of shoulder immobilization, the patient physical therapy with progressive active exercises. The patient achivied complete joint motion and function three months after surgery

    In Silico Analysis of Putative Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Toxins Export Proteins in Cyanobacteria

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    Lopez-Cortes, XA (Lopez-Cortes, Xaviera A.) Univ Talca, Nanobiotechnol Div, Fraunhofer Chile Res Fdn, Ctr Syst Biotechnol, Talca, Chile.Paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins (PSTs) are a family of more than 30 natural alkaloids synthesized by dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria whose toxicity in animals is mediated by voltage-gated Na+ channel blocking. The export of PST analogues may be through SxtF and SxtM, two putative MATE (multidrug and toxic compound extrusion) family transporters encoded in PSTs biosynthetic gene cluster (sxt). sxtM is present in every sxt cluster analyzed; however, sxtF is only present in the Cylindrospermopsis-Raphidiopsis clade. These transporters are energetically coupled with an electrochemical gradient of proton (H+) or sodium (Na+) ions across membranes. Because the functional role of PSTs remains unknown and methods for genetic manipulation in PST-producing organisms have not yet been developed, protein structure analyses will allow us to understand their function. By analyzing the sxt cluster of eight PST-producing cyanobacteria, we found no correlation between the presence of sxtF or sxtM and a specific PSTs profile. Phylogenetic analyses of SxtF/M showed a high conservation of SxtF in the Cylindrospermopsis-Raphidiopsis clade, suggesting conserved substrate affinity. Two domains involved in Na+ and drug recognition from NorM proteins (MATE family) of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and V. cholerae are present in SxtF/M. The Na+ recognition domain was conserved in both SxtF/M, indicating that Na+ can maintain the role as a cation anti-transporter. Consensus motifs for toxin binding differed between SxtF and SxtM implying differential substrate binding. Through protein modeling and docking analysis, we found that there is no marked affinity between the recognition domain and a specific PST analogue. This agrees with our previous results of PST export in R. brookii D9, where we observed that the response to Na+ incubation was similar to different analogues. These results reassert the hypothesis regarding the involvement of Na+ in toxin export, as well as the motifs L(398)XGLQD(403) (SxtM) and L(390)VGLRD(395) (SxtF) in toxin recognition

    Key plant species and detritivores drive diversity effects on instream leaf litter decomposition more than functional diversity: A microcosm study

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    Anthropogenic impacts on freshwater ecosystems cause critical losses of biodiversity that can in turn impair key processes such as decomposition and nutrient cycling. Forest streams are mainly subsidized by terrestrial organic detritus, so their functioning and conservation status can be altered by changes in forest biodiversity and composition, particularly if these changes involve the replacement of functional groups or the loss of key species. We examined this issue using a microcosm experiment where we manipulated plant functional diversity (FD) (monocultures and low-FD and high-FD mixtures, resulting from different combinations of deciduous and evergreen Quercus species) and the presence of a key species (Alnus glutinosa), all in presence and absence of detritivores, and assessed effects on litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and fungal and detritivore biomass. We found (i) positive diversity effects on detritivore-mediated decomposition, litter nutrient losses and detritivore biomass exclusively when A. glutinosa was present; and (ii) negative effects on the same processes when microbially mediated and on fungal biomass. Most positive trends could be explained by the higher litter palatability and litter trait variability obtained with the inclusion of alder leaves in the mixture. Our results support the hypothesis of a consistent slowing down of the decomposition process as a result of plant biodiversity loss, and hence effects on stream ecosystem functioning, especially when a key (N-fixing) species is lost; and underscore the importance of detritivores as drivers of plant diversity effects in the studied ecosystem processes.This study was funded by the 2014–2020 FEDER Operative Program Andalusia (RIOVEGEST project, Ref. FEDER-UAL18 -RNM -B006 – B, to J.J.C). Additional support was provided by the Spanish Ministry for Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER (BioLoss project, Ref. RTI2018-095023- B-I00, to L.B.). Rubio-Ríos was supported by an FPU grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (reference FPU16/03734)

    Predicting the energy consumption of heated plastic greenhouses in south-eastern Spain

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    [ENG] Measurements of heat consumption in a parral type greenhouse, equipped with an air-heating system, were carried out in south-eastern Spain (Almería) during the 1998/99 winter. From the daily values of heat consumption (Qd, MJ m-2 d-1) recorded in five identical greenhouses heated to different night temperature set-points (Tc), and data of minimum outside air temperature (Te,min), relationships between Qd and the temperature difference (ΔTmin = Tc – Te,min) were established. Linear regressions between Qd and ΔTmin gave satisfactory fits (R2 ranging from 0.75 to 0.83), considering that Te,min was the only input data for the model. When all data were pooled, the correlation was curvilinear, the best fit to a 2nd order polynomial being Qd = 0.049 ΔTmin 2 – 0.001 ΔTmin + 1.107 (R2 = 0.89). Validation of this model was performed using data obtained during other years, giving a fair agreement at the daily (R2 = 0.86), 10-day (R2 = 0.95) and yearly (R2 = 0.99) time scales. This simple model could be of interest to growers for decision-making related to the choice of set-point temperature and crop planning in heated greenhouses.[ESP] Se realizaron medidas de consumo de energía de la calefacción por aire caliente en invernaderos tipo parral durante la campaña 1998/99 en el sureste de España (Almería). Se determinaron relaciones adecuadas, para cinco invernaderos calentados a diferentes temperaturas nocturnas de consigna (Tc), entre los valores de consumos diarios de energía (Qd, MJ m-2 d-1) y la diferencia (ΔTmin) entre la temperatura de consigna de calefacción y la temperatura mínima exterior (Te,min). La regresión lineal entre Qd y ΔTmin fue satisfactoria (R2 varió entre 0,75 y 0,83), considerando que Te,min fue la única variable de entrada para el modelo. Cuando se analizaron todos los datos en conjunto, la correlación fue curvilínea, siendo el mejor ajuste para un polinomio de 2º orden, Qd = 0,049 ΔTmin 2 – 0,001 ΔTmin + 1,107 (R2 = 0,89). La validación de este modelo fue realizada utilizando datos de otros años, mostrando un ajuste adecuado para los periodos diarios (R2 = 0,86), 10-días (R2 = 0,95) y anuales (R2 = 0,99). Este sencillo modelo puede ser de interés para los agricultores a la hora de tomar decisiones sobre el mercado, escoger la temperatura de consigna y programar el periodo de calefacción del invernadero