73 research outputs found

    Comparing relative abundance of amphibians in forest canopy gaps of natural origin vs. timber harvest origin

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    Relative abundance of amphibians in forest canopy gaps of natural origin vs. timber harvest origin.— Small–scale canopy gaps created by logging may retain adequate habitat structure to maintain amphibian abundance. We used pitfalls with drift fences to measure relative abundance of amphibians in 44 harvested gaps, 19 natural treefall gaps, and 36 closed–canopy forest plots. Metamorphs had relatively lower capture rates in large harvest gaps for Ambystoma maculatum, Lithobates catesbeianus, L. clamitans, and L. sylvaticus but we did not detect statistically significant (p \u3c 0.1) differences among gap types for Lithobates palustris metamorphs. L. clamitans juveniles and L. sylvaticus juveniles and adults had relatively lower capture rates in large harvest gaps. For juvenile–adult A. maculatum, we caught relatively fewer individuals in all gap types than in closed–canopy areas. Some groups with overall lower capture rates (immature Plethodon cinereus, juvenile L. palustris) had mixed differences among gap types, and Notophthalmus viridescens (efts) and adult P. cinereus showed no differences among gap types. One species, L. clamitans, was captured more often at gap edges than gap centers. These results suggest that harvest gaps, especially small gaps, provided habitat similar to natural gaps for some, but not all, amphibian species or life–stages

    CIRS-lite, a Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Low-Cost Planetary Missions

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    Passive spectroscopic remote sensing of planetary atmospheres and surfaces in the thermal infrared is a powerful tool for obtaining information about surface and atmospheric temperatures, composition, and dynamics (via the thermal wind equation). Due to its broad spectral coverage, the Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) is particularly suited to the exploration and discovery of molecular species. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) developed the CIRS (Composite Infrared Spectrometer) FTS for the NASA/ESA Cassini mission to the Saturnian system. CIRS observes Saturn, Titan, icy moons such as Enceladus, and the rings in thermal self-emission over the spectral range of 7 to 1000 ell11. CIRS has given us important new insights into stratospheric composition and jets on Jupiter and Saturn, the cryo-geyser and thermal stripes on Enceladus, and the winter polar vortex on Titan. CIRS has a mass of 43 kg, contrasted with the earlier GSFC FTS, pre-Voyager IRIS (14 kg). Future low-cost planetary missions will have very tight constraints on science payload mass, thus we must endeavor to return to IRIS-level mass while maintaining CIRS-level science capabilities ("do more with less"). CIRS-lite achieves this by pursuing: a) more sensitive infrared detectors (high Tc superconductor) to enable smaller optics. b) changed long wavelength limit from 1000 to 300 microns to reduce diffraction by smaller optics. c) CVD (chemical vapor deposition) diamond beam-splitter for broad spectral coverage. d) single FTS architecture instead of a dual FTS architecture. e) novel materials, such as single crystal silicon for the input telescope primary

    Genetic background of immune complications after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children

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    Immune reactions are among the most serious complications observed after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in children. Microarray technique allows for simultaneous assessment of expression of nearly all human genes. The objective of the study was to compare the whole genome expression in children before and after HSCT. A total of 33 children referred for HSCT were enrolled in the study. In 70% of the patients HSCT was performed for the treatment of neoplasms. Blood samples were obtained before HSCT and six months after the procedure. Subsequently, the whole genome expression was assessed in leukocytes using GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST microarray. The analysis of genomic profiles before and after HSCT revealed altered expression of 124 genes. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed upregulation of five pathways after HSCT: allograft rejection, graft-versus-host disease, type I diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroid disease, and viral myocarditis. The activation of those pathways seems to be related to immune reactions commonly observed after HSCT. Our results contribute to better understanding of the genomic background of the immunologic complications of HSCT

    Effect of spark plasma sintering and high-pressure torsion on the microstructural and mechanical properties of a Cu–SiC composite

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    This investigation examines the problem of homogenization in metal matrix composites (MMCs) and the methods of increasing their strength using severe plastic deformation (SPD). In this research MMCs of pure copper and silicon carbide were synthesized by spark plasma sintering (SPS) and then further processed via highpressure torsion (HPT). The microstructures in the sintered and in the deformed materials were investigated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). The mechanical properties were evaluated in microhardness tests and in tensile testing. The thermal conductivity of the composites was measured with the use of a laser pulse technique. Microstructural analysis revealed that HPT processing leads to an improved densification of the SPS-produced composites with significant grain refinement in the copper matrix and with fragmentation of the SiC particles and their homogeneous distribution in the copper matrix. The HPT processing of Cu and the Cu-SiC samples enhanced their mechanical properties at the expense of limiting their plasticity. Processing by HPT also had a major influence on the thermal conductivity of materials. It is demonstrated that the deformed samples exhibit higher thermal conductivity than the initial coarse-grained samples

    Drobne gospodarstwa rolne w strukturze obszarowej gospodarstw krajów Unii Europejskiej

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    In spite of the evolution of the agrarian structure in EU countries (particularly in Western Europe) the problem of small agricultural holdings is still relevant, as this form of farming remains functional. The term ‘small farm’ has an ambiguous character. Thus, the study is based on relatively the most objective criterion for identification of small holdings – farms covering areas below 5 ha. The study employs the statistical method of vector elimination, which enables separation of subgroups with similar, homogeneous agrarian structures from among the studied set. The typology of the agrarian structure by means of the taxonomic technique demonstrates how diverse EU countries are with regard to their small agricultural holdings: Southern European countries, some Central European countries, and other states lying in the north of Europe. Additionally, the structure of small agricultural holdings is distinct in Denmark and in the Czech Republic.Mimo ewolucji struktury agrarnej w krajach Europy (szczególnie zachodniej) problematyka drobnych gospodarstw pozostaje aktualna w związku z funkcjonowaniem tej formy gospodarowania. Określenie „drobne gospodarstwo rolne” nie jest jednoznaczne. Z tego względu badanie oparto na relatywnie najbardziej obiektywnym kryterium wyodrębniania gospodarstw drobnych – według powierzchni (poniżej 5 ha). Badanie wykorzystuje technikę statystyczną nazywaną metodą eliminacji wektorów. Umożliwia ona wyodrębnienie spośród rozważanej zbiorowości podgrup o podobnych strukturach obszarowych. Typologia struktury obszarowej techniką taksonomiczną ukazuje zróżnicowanie krajów UE ze względu na specyfikę gospodarstw drobnych: krajów Europy Południowej, wybranych krajów Europy Środkowej oraz pozostałych państw (leżących na północy kontynentu). Dodatkowo odrębny charakter ma struktura gospodarstw drobnych w Danii i Czechach

    An assessment of Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effekt in agribusiness sector in Poland

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    Positioning of the EU countries on international market of meat products

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    Skoncentrowano się na próbie dokonania szacunku ilościowego międzynarodowej pozycji konkurencyjnej sektorów mięsnych krajów UE. Konkurencyjność międzynarodowa jest zjawiskiem trudno definiowalnym, ma charakter wielowymiarowy oraz dynamiczny. Efektywność jest podstawowym sposobem rywalizacji konkurencyjnej . Długofalowo znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w zmianach pozycji na rynku międzynarodowym, co uzasadnia wykorzystanie tej kategorii do oceny międzynarodowej pozycji konkurencyjnej. W badaniu podjęto także próbę określenia przyszłego kształtu relacji konkurencyjnych sektora.International competitiveness is a phenomenon hard to define, of both multidimensional and dynamic character. Problems with the location of the issue within the economics ’ theory are reflected in incomplete effectiveness of the measurement. The basic method of the competitive rivalry is the functioning efficiency. Therefore, the utilization of this conception for the evaluation of international competitive position is justified. The study exemplifies an application of the multidimensional comparative analysis aiming at quantification of the of international competitive position of the meat industry in EU with an assessment of the competitiveness levels equalization between countries