2,220 research outputs found

    Effect of cell density on thrombin binding to a specific site on bovine vascular endothelial cells.

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    We studied thrombin binding to proliferating and confluent endothelial cells derived from bovine vascular endothelium. [125]thrombin was incubated with nonconfluent or confluent endothelial cells and both the total amount bound and the amount linked in a 77,000-dalton thrombin-cell complex were determined. Approximately 230,000 molecules of thrombin bound per cell in nonconfluent cultures compared to 12,800 molecules per cell in confluent cultures. Approximately 67,7000 thrombin molecules were bound in an apparently covalent complex, Mr = 77,000, with each cell in sparse cultures, whereas only 4,600 thrombin molecules per cell were bound in this complex with confluent cultures. Similar studies with [125I]thrombin and endothelial cells derived from bovine cornea revealed no difference either in the total amount of thrombin bound or in the amount bound in the 77,000-dalton complex using sparse or confluent cultures. When confluent vascular endothelial cultures were wounded, additional cellular binding sites for the 77,000-dalton complex with thrombin appeared within 24 h. A 237% increase in the amount of thrombin bound to these sites was induced by a wound which resulted in a 20% decrease in cell number in the monolayer. There was no significant increase in thrombin binding to other cellular sites at 24 h. These experiments provide evidence that the first change in thrombin binding after injury is an increase in the cellular sites involved in the 77,000-dalton complex, and suggest that thrombin binding to endothelial cells may be important in the vascular response to injury

    Laser radiation pressure slowing of a molecular beam

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    There is substantial interest in producing samples of ultracold molecules for possible applications in quantum computation, quantum simulation of condensed matter systems, precision measurements, controlled chemistry, and high precision spectroscopy. A crucial step to obtaining large samples of ultracold, trapped molecules is developing a means to bridge the gap between typical molecular source velocities (~150-600 m/s) and velocities for which trap loading or confinement is possible (~5-20 m/s). Here we show deceleration of a beam of neutral strontium monofluoride (SrF) molecules using radiative force. Under certain conditions, the deceleration results in a substantial flux of molecules with velocities <50 m/s. The observed slowing, from ~140 m/s, corresponds to scattering ~10000 photons. We also observe longitudinal velocity compression under different conditions. Combined with molecular laser cooling techniques, this lays the groundwork to create slow and cold molecular beams suitable for trap loading.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Supplementary material updated

    Identification and characterization of the orf virus type I topoisomerase

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    AbstractVaccinia virus (VV) and Shope fibroma virus (SFV), representatives of the orthopox and leporipox genera, respectively,encode type I DNA topoisomerases. Here we report that the 957-nt F4R open reading frame of orf virus (OV), a representative of the parapox genus, is predicted to encode a 318-aa protein with extensive homology to these enzymes. The deduced amino acid sequence of F4R has 54.7 and 50.6% identity with the VV and SFV enzymes, respectively. One hundred forty amino acids are predicted to be conserved in all three proteins. The F4R protein was expressed in Escherichia coli under the control of an inducible T7 promoter, partially purified, and shown to be a bona fide type I topoisomerase. Like the VV enzyme, the OV enzyme relaxed negatively supercoiled DNA in the absence of divalent cations or ATP and formed a transient covalent intermediate with cleaved DNA that could be visualized by SDS-PAGE. Both the noncovalent and covalent protein/DNA complexes could be detected in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The initial PCR used to prepare expression constructs yielded a mutant allele of the OV topoisomerase with a G-A transition at nt 677 that was predicted to replace a highly conserved Tyr residue with a Cys. This allele directed the expression of an enzyme which retained noncovalent DNA binding activity but was severely impaired in DNA cleavage and relaxation. Incubation of pUC19 DNA with the wild-type OV or VV enzyme yielded an indistinguishable set of DNA cleavage fragments, although the relative abundance of the fragments differed for the two enzymes. Using a duplex oligonucleotide substrate containing the consensus site for the VV enzyme, we demonstrated that the OV enzyme also cleaved efficiently immediately downstream of the sequence CCCTT↓

    Colombia & the New Global Economy: Implications of Tratado de Libre Comercio for Colombian Industry, Engineers and Engineering Educators

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    The landscape of the world economy has changed significantly over the last twenty five years. The inter-connectedness of national economies, the rapid ascent of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) in the global engineering environment and the pro-active role of organizations such as the World Trade Organization, regional alliances such as the EU, and Mercosur are factors that have synergized this movement towards a new order. The completion of the Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) agreement is a major milestone for the Colombian economy. These developments have serious and opportunistic implications for organizations, engineers, and engineering educators. We focus here on the drivers and consequences for engineering practitioners and educators. Corporate strategies, along with the need for engineering curriculum reform to ensure that Colombian engineers will effectively compete in the global marketplace, are detailed

    Executable Architecture Research at Old Dominion University

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    Executable Architectures allow the evaluation of system architectures not only regarding their static, but also their dynamic behavior. However, the systems engineering community do not agree on a common formal specification of executable architectures. To close this gap and identify necessary elements of an executable architecture, a modeling language, and a modeling formalism is topic of ongoing PhD research. In addition, systems are generally defined and applied in an operational context to provide capabilities and enable missions. To maximize the benefits of executable architectures, a second PhD effort introduces the idea of creating an executable context in addition to the executable architecture. The results move the validation of architectures from the current information domain into the knowledge domain and improve the reliability of such validation efforts. The paper presents research and results of both doctoral research efforts and puts them into a common context of state-of-the-art of systems engineering methods supporting more agility

    Franck-Condon Factors and Radiative Lifetime of the A^{2}\Pi_{1/2} - X^{2}\Sigma^{+} Transition of Ytterbium Monoflouride, YbF

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    The fluorescence spectrum resulting from laser excitation of the A^{2}\Pi_{1/2} - X^{2}\Sigma^{+} (0,0) band of ytterbium monofluoride, YbF, has been recorded and analyzed to determine the Franck-Condon factors. The measured values are compared with those predicted from Rydberg-Klein-Rees (RKR) potential energy curves. From the fluorescence decay curve the radiative lifetime of the A^{2}\Pi_{1/2} state is measured to be 28\pm2 ns, and the corresponding transition dipole moment is 4.39\pm0.16 D. The implications for laser cooling YbF are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Seasonal variations of glaciochemical, isotopic and stratigraphic properties in Siple Dome (Antarctica) surface snow

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    Six snow-pit records recovered from Siple Dome, West Antarctica, during 1994 are used to study seasonal variations in chemical (major ion and H202), isotopic (deuterium) and physical stratigraphic properties during the 1988-94 period. Comparison of δD measurements and satellite-derived brightness temperature for the Siple Dome area suggests that most seasonal SD maxima occur within ±4 weeks of each 1 January. Several other chemical species (H2O2, non-sea-salt (nss) SO4 2-, methanesulfonic acid and NO3-) show coeval peaks with SD, together providing an accurate method for identifying summer accumulation. Sea-salt-derived species generally peak during winter/spring, but episodic input is noted throughout some years. No reliable seasonal signal is identified in species with continental sources (nssCa2+ nss Mg2+), NH4 + or nssCl-. Visible strata such as large depth-hoar layers (\u3e5 cm) are associated with summer accumulation and its metamorphosis, but smaller hoar layers and crusts are more difficult to interpret. A multi-parameter approach is found to provide the most accurate dating of these snow-pit records, and is used to determine annual layer thicknesses at each site Significant spatial accumulation variability exists on an annual basis, but mean accumulation in the sampled 10 km2 grid for the 1988-94 period is fairly uniform

    Structure–function analysis of yeast RNA debranching enzyme (Dbr1), a manganese-dependent phosphodiesterase

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dbr1 is a 405-amino acid RNA debranching enzyme that cleaves the 2′-5′ phosphodiester bonds of the lariat introns formed during pre-mRNA splicing. Debranching appears to be a rate-limiting step for the turnover of intronic RNA, insofar as the steady-state levels of lariat introns are greatly increased in a Δdbr1 strain. To gain insight to the requirements for yeast Dbr1 function, we performed a mutational analysis of 28 amino acids that are conserved in Dbr1 homologs from other organisms. We identified 13 residues (His13, Asp40, Arg45, Asp49, Tyr68, Tyr69, Asn85, His86, Glu87, His179, Asp180, His231 and His233) at which alanine substitutions resulted in lariat intron accumulation in vivo. Conservative replacements at these positions were introduced to illuminate structure–activity relationships. Residues important for Dbr1 function include putative counterparts of the amino acids that comprise the active site of the metallophosphoesterase superfamily, exemplified by the DNA phosphodiesterase Mre11. Using natural lariat RNAs and synthetic branched RNAs as substrates, we found that mutation of Asp40, Asn85, His86, His179, His231 or His233 to alanine abolishes or greatly diminishes debranching activity in vitro. Dbr1 sediments as a monomer and requires manganese as the metal cofactor for debranching
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