85 research outputs found

    Submillimetre point sources from the Archeops experiment: Very Cold Clumps in the Galactic Plane

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    Archeops is a balloon-borne experiment, mainly designed to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies at high angular resolution (~ 12 arcminutes). By-products of the mission are shallow sensitivity maps over a large fraction of the sky (about 30 %) in the millimetre and submillimetre range at 143, 217, 353 and 545 GHz. From these maps, we produce a catalog of bright submillimetre point sources. We present in this paper the processing and analysis of the Archeops point sources. Redundancy across detectors is the key factor allowing to sort out glitches from genuine point sources in the 20 independent maps. We look at the properties of the most reliable point sources, totalling 304. Fluxes range from 1 to 10,000 Jy (at the frequencies covering 143 to 545 GHz). All sources are either planets (2) or of galactic origin. Longitude range is from 75 to 198 degrees. Some of the sources are associated with well-known Lynds Nebulae and HII compact regions in the galactic plane. A large fraction of the sources have an IRAS counterpart. Except for Jupiter, Saturn, the Crab and Cas A, all sources show a dust-emission-like modified blackbody emission spectrum. Temperatures cover a range from 7 to 27 K. For the coldest sources (T<10 K), a steep nu^beta emissivity law is found with a surprising beta ~ 3 to 4. An inverse relationship between T and beta is observed. The number density of sources at 353 GHz with flux brighter than 100 Jy is of the order of 1 per degree of Galactic longitude. These sources will provide a strong check for the calibration of the Planck HFI focal plane geometry as a complement to planets. These very cold sources observed by Archeops should be prime targets for mapping observations by the Akari and Herschel space missions and ground--based observatories.Comment: Version matching the published article (English improved). Published in Astron. Astrophys, 21 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables Full article (with complete tables) can be retrieved at http://www.archeops.org/Archeops_Publicatio

    Observational Limits on Machos in the Galactic Halo

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    We present final results from the first phase of the EROS search for gravitational microlensing of stars in the Magellanic Clouds by unseen deflectors (machos: MAssive Compact Halo Objects). The search is sensitive to events with time scales between 15 minutes and 200 days corresponding to deflector masses in the range 1.e-7 to a few solar masses. Two events were observed that are compatible with microlensing by objects of mass of about 0.1 Mo. By comparing the results with the expected number of events for various models of the Galaxy, we conclude that machos in the mass range [1.e-7, 0.02] Mo make up less than 20% (95% C.L.) of the Halo dark matter.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    First Detection of Polarization of the Submillimetre Diffuse Galactic Dust Emission by Archeops

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    We present the first determination of the Galactic polarized emission at 353 GHz by Archeops. The data were taken during the Arctic night of February 7, 2002 after the balloon--borne instrument was launched by CNES from the Swedish Esrange base near Kiruna. In addition to the 143 GHz and 217 GHz frequency bands dedicated to CMB studies, Archeops had one 545 GHz and six 353 GHz bolometers mounted in three polarization sensitive pairs that were used for Galactic foreground studies. We present maps of the I, Q, U Stokes parameters over 17% of the sky and with a 13 arcmin resolution at 353 GHz (850 microns). They show a significant Galactic large scale polarized emission coherent on the longitude ranges [100, 120] and [180, 200] deg. with a degree of polarization at the level of 4-5%, in agreement with expectations from starlight polarization measurements. Some regions in the Galactic plane (Gem OB1, Cassiopeia) show an even stronger degree of polarization in the range 10-20%. Those findings provide strong evidence for a powerful grain alignment mechanism throughout the interstellar medium and a coherent magnetic field coplanar to the Galactic plane. This magnetic field pervades even some dense clouds. Extrapolated to high Galactic latitude, these results indicate that interstellar dust polarized emission is the major foreground for PLANCK-HFI CMB polarization measurement.Comment: Submitted to Astron. & Astrophys., 14 pages, 12 Fig., 2 Table

    AGAPEROS: Searches for microlensing in the LMC with the Pixel Method; 2, Selection of possible microlensing events

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    We apply the pixel method of analysis (sometimes called ``pixel lensing'') to a small subset of the EROS-1 microlensing observations of the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The pixel method is designed to find microlensing events of unresolved source stars and had heretofore been applied only to M31 where essentially all sources are unresolved. With our analysis optimised for the detection of long-duration microlensing events due to 0.01-1 Mo Machos, we detect no microlensing events and compute the corresponding detection efficiencies. We show that the pixel method should detect 10 to 20 times more microlensing events for M>0.05 Mo Machos compared to a classical analysis of the same data which latter monitors only resolved stars. In particular, we show that for a full halo of Machos in the mass range 0.1 -- 0.5 Mo, a pixel analysis of the three-year EROS-1 data set covering 0.39 deg^2 would yield 4 events.We apply the pixel method of analysis (sometimes called ''pixel lensing'') to a small subset of the EROS-1 microlensing observations of the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The pixel method is designed to find microlensing events of unresolved source stars and had heretofore been applied only to M31 where essentially all sources are unresolved. With our analysis optimised for the detection of long-duration microlensing events due to 0.01-1 Mo Machos, we detect no microlensing events and compute the corresponding detection efficiencies. We show that the pixel method, applied to crowded fields, should detect 10 to 20 times more microlensing events for M>0.05 Mo Machos compared to a classical analysis of the same data which latter monitors only resolved stars. In particular, we show that for a full halo of Machos in the mass range 0.1-0.5 M ⹀\bigodot, a pixel analysis of the three-year EROS-1 data set covering 0.39deg20.39deg^{2} would yield ≃4\simeq 4 events

    AGAPEROS: Searches for microlensing in the LMC with the Pixel Method; 1, Data treatment and pixel light curves production

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    The presence and abundance of MAssive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs) towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) can be studied with microlensing searches. The 10 events detected by the EROS and MACHO groups suggest that objects with 0.5 Mo could fill 50% of the dark halo. This preferred mass is quite surprising, and increasing the presently small statistics is a crucial issue. Additional microlensing of stars too dim to be resolved in crowded fields should be detectable using the Pixel Method. We present here an application of this method to the EROS 91-92 data (one tenth of the whole existing data set). We emphasize the data treatment required for monitoring pixel fluxes. Geometric and photometric alignments are performed on each image. Seeing correction and error estimates are discussed. 3.6" x 3.6" super-pixel light curves, thus produced, are very stable over the 120 days time-span. Fluctuations at a level of 1.8% of the flux in blue and 1.3% in red are measured on the pixel light curves. This level of stability is comparable with previous estimates. The data analysis dedicated to the search of possible microlensing events together with refined simulations will be presented in a companion paper.Recent surveys monitoring millions of light curves of resolved stars in the LMC have discovered several microlensing events. Unresolved stars could however significantly contribute to the microlensing rate towards the LMC. Monitoring pixels, as opposed to individual stars, should be able to detect stellar variability as a variation of the pixel flux. We present a first application of this new type of analysis (Pixel Method) to the LMC Bar. We describe the complete procedure applied to the EROS 91-92 data (one tenth of the existing CCD data set) in order to monitor pixel fluxes. First, geometric and photometric alignments are applied to each images. Averaging the images of each night reduces significantly the noise level. Second, one light curve for each of the 2.1 10^6 pixels is built and pixels are lumped into 3.6"x3.6" super-pixels, one for each elementary pixel. An empirical correction is then applied to account for seeing variations. We find that the final super-pixel light curves fluctuate at a level of 1.8% of the flux in blue and 1.3% in red. We show that this noise level corresponds to about twice the expected photon noise and confirms previous assumptions used for the estimation of the contribution of unresolved stars. We also demonstrate our ability to correct very efficiently for seeing variations affecting each pixel flux. The technical results emphasised here show the efficacy of the Pixel Method and allow us to study luminosity variations due to possible microlensing events and variable stars in two companion papers

    Temperature and polarization angular power spectra of Galactic dust radiation at 353 GHz as measured by Archeops

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    We present the first measurement of temperature and polarization angular power spectra of the diffuse emission of Galactic dust at 353 GHz as seen by Archeops on 20% of the sky. The temperature angular power spectrum is compatible with that provided by the extrapolation to 353 GHz of IRAS and DIRBE maps using \cite{fds} model number 8. For Galactic latitudes ∣bâˆŁâ‰„5|b| \geq 5 deg we report a 4 sigma detection of large scale (3≀ℓ≀83\leq \ell \leq 8) temperature-polarization cross-correlation (ℓ+1)CℓTE/2π=76±21ÎŒKRJ2(\ell+1)C_\ell^{TE}/2\pi = 76\pm 21 \mu\rm{K_{RJ}}^2 and set upper limits to the EE and BB modes at 11ÎŒKRJ211 \mu\rm{K_{RJ}}^2. For Galactic latitudes ∣bâˆŁâ‰„10|b| \geq 10 deg, on the same angular scales, we report a 2 sigma detection of temperature-polarization cross-correlation (ℓ+1)CℓTE/2π=24±13ÎŒKRJ2(\ell+1)C_\ell^{TE}/2\pi = 24\pm 13 \mu\rm{K_{RJ}}^2. These results are then extrapolated to 100 GHz to estimate the contamination in CMB measurements by polarized diffuse Galactic dust emission. The TETE signal is then 1.7±0.51.7\pm0.5 and 0.5±0.3ÎŒKCMB20.5\pm0.3 \mu\rm{K^2_{CMB}} for ∣bâˆŁâ‰„5|b| \geq 5 and 10 deg. respectively. The upper limit on EE and BB becomes 0.2ÎŒKCMB2(2σ)0.2 \mu\rm{K^2_{CMB}} (2\sigma). If polarized dust emission at higher Galactic latitude cuts is similar to the one we report here, then dust polarized radiation will be a major foreground for determining the polarization power spectra of the CMB at high frequencies above 100 GHz.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to A

    The Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Power Spectrum measured by Archeops

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    We present a determination by the Archeops experiment of the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy in 16 bins over the multipole range l=15-350. Archeops was conceived as a precursor of the Planck HFI instrument by using the same optical design and the same technology for the detectors and their cooling. Archeops is a balloon-borne instrument consisting of a 1.5 m aperture diameter telescope and an array of 21 photometers maintained at ~100 mK that are operating in 4 frequency bands centered at 143, 217, 353 and 545 GHz. The data were taken during the Arctic night of February 7, 2002 after the instrument was launched by CNES from Esrange base (Sweden). The entire data cover ~ 30% of the sky.This first analysis was obtained with a small subset of the dataset using the most sensitive photometer in each CMB band (143 and 217 GHz) and 12.6% of the sky at galactic latitudes above 30 degrees where the foreground contamination is measured to be negligible. The large sky coverage and medium resolution (better than 15 arcminutes) provide for the first time a high signal-to-noise ratio determination of the power spectrum over angular scales that include both the first acoustic peak and scales probed by COBE/DMR. With a binning of Delta(l)=7 to 25 the error bars are dominated by sample variance for l below 200. A companion paper details the cosmological implications.Comment: A&A Letter, in press, 6 pages, 4 figures, see also http://www.archeops.or
