431 research outputs found

    Absolute flux measurements for swift atoms

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    While a torsion balance in vacuum can easily measure the momentum transfer from a gas beam impinging on a surface attached to the balance, this measurement depends on the accommodation coefficients of the atoms with the surface and the distribution of the recoil. A torsion balance is described for making absolute flux measurements independent of recoil effects. The torsion balance is a conventional taut suspension wire design and the Young modulus of the wire determines the relationship between the displacement and the applied torque. A compensating magnetic field is applied to maintain zero displacement and provide critical damping. The unique feature is to couple the impinging gas beam to the torsion balance via a Wood's horn, i.e., a thin wall tube with a gradual 90 deg bend. Just as light is trapped in a Wood's horn by specular reflection from the curved surfaces, the gas beam diffuses through the tube. Instead of trapping the beam, the end of the tube is open so that the atoms exit the tube at 90 deg to their original direction. Therefore, all of the forward momentum of the gas beam is transferred to the torsion balance independent of the angle of reflection from the surfaces inside the tube

    Oscillating Starless Cores: The Nonlinear Regime

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    In a previous paper, we modeled the oscillations of a thermally-supported (Bonnor-Ebert) sphere as non-radial, linear perturbations following a standard analysis developed for stellar pulsations. The predicted column density variations and molecular spectral line profiles are similar to those observed in the Bok globule B68 suggesting that the motions in some starless cores may be oscillating perturbations on a thermally supported equilibrium structure. However, the linear analysis is unable to address several questions, among them the stability, and lifetime of the perturbations. In this paper we simulate the oscillations using a three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic code. We find that the oscillations are damped predominantly by non-linear mode-coupling, and the damping time scale is typically many oscillation periods, corresponding to a few million years, and persisting over the inferred lifetime of gobules.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    Spitzer-IRAC GLIMPSE of high mass protostellar objects. I Infrared point sources and nebulae

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    The GLIMPSE archive was used to obtain 3.6--8.0micron, point source photometry and images for 381 massive protostellar candidates lying in the Galactic mid-plane. The colours, magnitudes and spectral indicies of sources in each of the 381 target fields were analysed and compared with the predictions of 2D radiative transfer model simulations. Although no discernable embedded clusters were found in any targets, multiple sources or associations of redenned young stellar objects were found in many sources indicating multiplicity at birth. The spectral index (α\alpha) of these point sources in 3.6--8.0mum bands display large values of α\alpha=2--5. A color-magnitude analog plot was used to identify 79 infrared counterparts to the HMPOs. Compact nebulae are found in 75% of the detected sources with morphologies that can be well described by core-halo, cometary, shell-like and bipolar geometries similar to those observed in ultra-compact HII regions. The IRAC band SEDs of the IR counterparts of HMPOs are best described to represent YSOs with a mass range of 8--20\msun in their Class I stages when compared with 2D radiative transfer models. They also suggest that the high α\alpha values represent reprocessed star/star+disk emission that is arising in the dense envelopes. Thus we are witnessing the luminous envelopes around the protostars rather than their photospheres or disks. We argue that the compact infrared nebulae likely reflect the underlying physical structure of the dense cores and are found to imitate the morphologies of known UCHII regions. Our results favour models of continuuing accretion involving both molecular and ionised accretion components to build the most massive stars rather than purely molecular rapid accretion flows.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&

    Rotation of the pre-stellar core L1689B

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    The search for the onset of star formation in pre-stellar cores has focussed on the identification of an infall signature in the molecular line profiles of tracer species. The classic infall signature is a double peaked line profile with an asymmetry in the strength of the peaks such that the blue peak is stronger. L1689B is a pre-stellar core and infall candidate but new JCMT HCO+ line profile data, presented here, confirms that both blue and red asymmetric line profiles are present in this source. Moreover, a dividing line can be drawn between the locations where each type of profile is found. It is argued that it is unlikely that the line profiles can be interpreted with simple models of infall or outflow and that rotation of the inner regions is the most likely explanation. A rotational model is developed in detail with a new 3D molecular line transport code and it is found that the best type of model is one in which the rotational velocity profile is in between solid body and Keplerian. It is firstly shown that red and blue asymmetric line profiles can be generated with a rotation model entirely in the absence of any infall motion. The model is then quantitively compared with the JCMT data and an iteration over a range of parameters is performed to minmize the difference between the data and model. The results indicate that rotation can dominate the line profile shape even before the onset of infall.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 7 pages, 4 figure

    Hot high-mass accretion disk candidates

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    To better understand the physical properties of accretion disks in high-mass star formation, we present a study of a 12 high-mass accretion disk candidates observed at high spatial resolution with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) in the NH3 (4,4) and (5,5) lines. Almost all sources were detected in NH3, directly associated with CH3OH Class II maser emission. From the remaining eleven sources, six show clear signatures of rotation and/or infall motions. These signatures vary from velocity gradients perpendicular to the outflows, to infall signatures in absorption against ultracompact HII regions, to more spherical infall signatures in emission. Although our spatial resolution is ~1000AU, we do not find clear Keplerian signatures in any of the sources. Furthermore, we also do not find flattened structures. In contrast to this, in several of the sources with rotational signatures, the spatial structure is approximately spherical with sizes exceeding 10^4 AU, showing considerable clumpy sub-structure at even smaller scales. This implies that on average typical Keplerian accretion disks -- if they exist as expected -- should be confined to regions usually smaller than 1000AU. It is likely that these disks are fed by the larger-scale rotating envelope structure we observe here. Furthermore, we do detect 1.25cm continuum emission in most fields of view.Comment: 21 pages, 32 figures, accepted for ApJS. A high-resolution version can be found at http://www.mpia.de/homes/beuther/papers.htm

    Ionized Gas Kinematics and Morphology in Sgr B2 Main on 1000 AU Scales

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    We have imaged the Sgr B2 Main region with the Very Large Array in the BnA configuration (θbeam\theta_{beam} = 0\farcs13) in both the H52α\alpha (45.453 GHz) radio recombination line (RRL) and 7 mm continuum emission. At a distance of 8500 pc, this spatial resolution corresponds to a physical scale of 0.005 pc (\sim1100 AU). The current observations detect H52α\alpha emission in 12 individual ultracompact (UC) and hypercompact (HC) HII regions. Two of the sources with detected H52 α\alpha emission have broad (Δ\DeltaVFWHM_{FWHM}\sim50 \kms) recombination lines, and two of the sources show lines with peaks at more than one velocity. We use line parameters from the H52α\alpha lines and our previous H66α\alpha line observations to determine the relative contribution of thermal, pressure and kinematic broadening, and electron density. These new observations suggest that pressure broadening can account for the broad lines in some of the sources, but that gas motions (e.g. turbulence, accretion or outflow) contribute significantly to the broad lines in at least one of the sources (Sgr B2 F3).Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    CO abundances in a protostellar cloud: freeze-out and desorption in the envelope and outflow of L483

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    CO isotopes are able to probe the different components in protostellar clouds. These components, core, envelope and outflow have distinct physical conditions and sometimes more than one component contributes to the observed line profile. In this study we determine how CO isotope abundances are altered by the physical conditions in the different components. We use a 3D molecular line transport code to simulate the emission of four CO isotopomers, 12CO J=2-1, 13CO J=2-1, C18O J=2-1 and C17O J=2-1 from the Class 0/1 object L483, which contains a cold quiescent core, an infalling envelope and a clear outflow. Our models replicate JCMT (James Clerk Maxwell Telescope) line observations with the inclusion of freeze-out, a density profile and infall. Our model profiles of 12CO and 13CO have a large linewidth due to a high velocity jet. These profiles replicate the process of more abundant material being susceptible to a jet. C18O and C17O do not display such a large linewidth as they trace denser quiescent material deep in the cloud.Comment: 9 figures, 13 pages, 2 table