310 research outputs found

    El paleógeno del sector suroccidental de la Cuenca del Duero: nueva división estratigráfica y controles sobre su sedimentación

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    Como resultado de un detallado trabajo cartográfico, estratigráfico y sedimentológico, se propone la división del Paleógeno del sector suroccidental de la Cuenca del Duero en cuatro U.T.S. limitadas por discordancias. Estas D.T.S., que abarcan desde el tránsito Cretácico superior-Paleoceno hasta el Oligoceno, incluyen distintas unidades litoestratigráficas que sonreordenadas, modificando la sucesión estratigrática propuesta por los autores anteriores. Se asigna a la U.T.S. Me una edad Cretácico superior-Paleoceno. Se individualiza el Eoceno inferior (U.T.S. PI) en la zona de Salamanca. Se reinterpreta la relación existente entre los materiales del Eoceno mediosuperior y los del Eoceno superior-Oligoceno considerándolos en tránsito por lo que se asignan a una única U.T.S. (UT.S. P2, Eoceno medio Oligoceno inferior). Se incluyen en la U.T.S. P3 (Oligoceno superior) los sedimentos arcósicos anterionnente considerados como Vatlesienses. Así mismo, se considera que gran parte de los materiales asignados al mioceno inferior son sedimentos paleógenos afectados por un proceso de alteración de edad Miocena, lo que implica una variación en la extensión y límites de la cuenca neógena en su extremo SO. Se analiza la evolución de las distintas U.T.S. deduciendo un carácter tectónico para las megasecuencias propuestas relacionado con el progresivo levantamiento de las áreas fuente. El clima muestra un tránsito desde condiciones tropicales sin estaciones contrastadas (U,T.S. MC) hasta un clima mediterráneo árido (U.T.S. P3) con una estación seca muy marcada y una corta estación húmeda caracterizada por violentas avenidas. [ABSTRACT] A Paleogene four-fold stratigraphical division is proposed here as result fram the detailed studies carried out during the elaboration of 22 sheets of the Geological Map of Spain (E. 1 :50.000). This units (T.S.U.) are limited by regional discordances and they have a Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene ages. The previous stratigraphical schemes are rearranged due to the different stratigraphical relations observed between the lithostratigraphical units proposed by other workers (Jiménez, 1970; Corrochano, 1977; Alonso, 1981...). An Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene age is assumed to T.S.U. MC which is mainly composed by siliciclastic sediments strongly silicified forming a FU megasequence. It is intcrpretated as braided streams that flowed downslope filling paleovalleys erodcd onto Paleozoic materiaIs. Mineralogical features point to a tropical climate. Lower Eocene (T.S.U. P I ) is identified in the Salamanca area, where ir was considered as lacking. It is composed by arkosic sediments forming a CU megasequence. Fossil faunas of this T.S.U. record a subtropical clima te. It is observed a transition from high sinuosity streams to braided ones. T.S.U. P2 (Middle Eocene-Lower Oligocene) is composed of two lithostratigraphical units previously considered as bounded by a discordance (Alonso, 1981).It has a subarkosic to lithic nature and forms a CU megasequence. This unit records a subtropical climate with short arid periods and is interpretated as braided streams showing an increasing stability and enviromental energy to the topo T.S. U. P3 (Upper Oligocene) is composed by arkosic sediments previously considered of Vallesian (Middle to Upper Miocene) age. They form a CU megasequence that records braided streams prograding basinwardfrom higher arcas. Palinological associations and pedological features indicate an arid mediterranean climate with long arid periods and a short rainy season with strong floods. We consider that most of Lower Miocene sediments are of Paleogene age. They are afected by a widespread alteration profile developed along Lower Miocene that masked its more significative features. Sedimentological analysis of T.S.U. shows that its megasequentiality is related to the rates of tectonical uplift of source arcas whereas a distensive regime developed in the sedimentation basin

    Complicaciones en la anestesia general del perro : revisión de 265 casos

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    Un total de 265 perros fueron anestesiados por diferentes motivos diagnósticos y terapéuticos en los Servicios Clínicos de la Facultad de Veterinaria de Córdoba,siguiendo diversos protocolos anestésicos

    Prescripción inducida en atención primaria de la Comarca Bilbao

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    ObjetivosPrincipales: conocer la proporción de prescripción inducida (PI) en Comarca Bilbao y su procedencia, la proporción de gasto correspondiente a la PI, la proporción de PI en los principales grupos terapéuticos, la actitud del médico de atención primaria ante la prescripción solicitada y su influencia en el gasto, la proporción de desacuerdo con dicha prescripción y los motivos de desacuerdo, y la proporción con informe del especialista. Secundarios: conocer la proporción de PI en los demás grupos terapéuticos, en fármacos VINE, EFG y en los de nula o baja mejora terapéutica.Diseño.Estudio transversal, descriptivoEmplazamientoAtención primariaParticipantesFármacos financiables prescritos por y/o solicitados a los médicos de familia de EAP.Resultados principalesSe estudiaron 7.922 fármacos. Tipo de prescripción: PI, 48,3% (IC del 95%, 47,2–49,4); del médico de atención primaria (PRO), 50,6% (IC del 95%, 49,5–51,7); desconocida, 1,1% (IC del 95%, 0,9–1,3). Procedencia principal: especialista público (72,2%), especialista privado (16,6%). Un 62,5% del gasto correspondió a la PI. En el grupo terapéutico más prescrito, sistema nervioso central (24,2%), PI, 39,8%; PRO, 58,9%; en aparato cardiovascular (19,1%), PI, 56,2%, PRO, 43,1%. Se prescribió el fármaco solicitado en un 98,4% de los casos, se cambio en el 1,2% y se suprimió en un 0,4%. Proporción de desacuerdo, 11%; motivos de desacuerdo, no hay necesidad de tratar (23,9%), grupo terapéutico (34,4%), principio activo (13,2%), marca comercial (28,5%). Hubo informe de especialista en un 62,4% de los casos.ConclusionesSe detecta una proporción considerable de prescripción no atribuible a atención primaria y una proporción importante de fármacos que el médico de primaria prescribe sin estar de acuerdo. Sería necesario un sistema que permitiera separar el gasto por niveles, así como mejorar la comunicación entre éstos.ObjectivesMain objetives: to know the proportion of induced prescription (IP) in Area Bilbao and its source, the proportion of cost IP accounts for, the proportion of IP in the main therapeutic groups, the attitude of GP when requested for prescription and its influence on cost, the proportion of disagreement with requested prescription, the reasons for disagreement, and the proportion with letter from specialist. Secondary objectives: to know the proportion of IP in the remaining therapeutic groups, in drugs of low clinical value, in generic drugs and in new drugs with low or no therapeutic improvement.DesignA descriptive cross-sectional study.SettingPrimary health care.ParticipantsDrugs prescribable under National Health Service prescribed by and/or requested to GPs.Main results7.922 drugs were analysed. Type of prescription: IP, 48.3% (95% CI, 47.2–49.4); GP prescription (GPP), 50.6% (95% CI, 49.5–51.7); unknown source, 1,1% (95% CI, 0.9–1.3). Main source, public specialist (72.2%), private specialist (16.6%). IP accounted for 62.5% of cost. In the most prescribed therapeutic group, central nervous system (24.2%), IP, 39.8%; GPP, 58.9%; in cardiovascular system (19.1%), IP, 56.2%; GPP, 43.1%. 98.4% of requested prescription was actually prescribed, 1.2% was changed and 0.4%, suppressed. Proportion of disagreement, 11%; reasons for disagreement, no need for medical treatment (23.9%), therapeutic group (34.4%), active ingredient (13.2%), brand name (28.5%). There was a 62.4% with letter from specialist.ConclusionsPrimary care is not accountable for a substantial proportion of prescription. GP prescribes a considerable proportion of drugs without agreement. It would be necessary a system that allows to separate the cost by care levels and also improve their communication

    Ambiente sedimentario y edad de la unidad superior de brechas de la Cuenca de Quesa (provincia de Valencia)

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    The miocene deposits of the Quesa basin (Betic foreland) outcrops in the central part of the Valencia province (Spain). Quesa basin is a subsiding hanging-wall basin related to an ENE-WSW listric fault system. The deposits of this basin are formed by a 440 metres thick sequence of red clays, containing few intercalations of sandstones and micritic white limestones, and breccias. The upper 70 metres of this sequence is a wedge-shaped unit composed by breccias containing megablocks, wich interfinger with tabular limestones towards the central part of the basin. The breccias are foot-wall derived debris fiow deposits formed during normal faulting. A mammal site close to the base of the breccias (Quesa 2), has yielded a fossil micrommamal association of Middle to Upper Aragonian age. This allow us to consider as Middle Miocene the sediments and tectonic events in Quesa Basin.La cuenca miocena de Quesa está situada en la parte central de la provincia de Valencia. Es una cuenca continental del antepaís bético, con una estructura de semigraben, controlada por un sistema de fallas lístricas de orientación ENE-WSW. La sucesión de los depósitos de esta cuenca tiene 440 metros de potencia. Está formada por brechas y arcillas rojas conteniendo intercalaciones de areniscas, conglomerados y calizas. Las brechas, que incluyen grandes bloques y olistolitos, forman los 70 metros superiores de la serie, en el sector oriental de la cuenca. Constituyen un cuerpo, en forma de cuña, que se interdigita hacia el centro de la cuenca con calizas blancas laminadas. Estas brechas son depósitos de coluviones formados por mecanismos de «debris-fiow» en la base de un escarpe de falla. Han podido ser datadas como Aragoniense medio-superior gracias a un yacimiento de micromamíferos situado en su base. Esto nos permite considerar al conjunto de los depósitos y al control ejercido por la fractura, de una edad Mioceno medio como más reciente

    Reversión de sedantes agonistas alfa-2-adrenérgicos en el perro

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    En el presente Artículo de Revisión se aporta una información amplia sobre los productos de LISO más frecuente en la reversión de los efectos sedantes de los agonistas alfa-2-adrenérgicos empleados en el perro: xilacina, medetomidina y romifidina. Se refieren los detalles farmacológicos, dosificación, efectos y aplicaciones de los siguientes productos: yohimbina, 4-aminopiridina, doxapram y atipamezol


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    Our group has evolved around a small accelerator-based neutron source (ABNS), the 25 million electron Volt (MeV) linear electron accelerator at the Bariloche Atomic Centre. It is dedicated to applications of neutronic methods to tackle problems of basic sciences and to technological applications. Among these, the determination of total cross section of a material as a function of neutron energy by means of transmission experiments for thermal and sub-thermal neutrons is very sensitive to the geometric arrangement and movement of the atoms, over distances ranging from the 'first-neighbour scale' up to the microstructural level or 'grain scale'. This also allowed to test theoretical models of calculated cross sections and scattering kernels. Interest has moved from pulsed neutron diffraction towards deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS), a powerful tool for the determination of atomic momentum distribution in condensed matter and for non-destructive mass spectroscopy. In recent years non-intrusive techniques aimed at the scanning of large cargo containers have started to be developed with this ABNS, testing the capacity and limitations to detect special nuclear material and dangerous substances in thick cargo arrangements. More recently, the use of the ever-present “bremsstrahlung” radiation has been recognized as a useful complement to instrumental neutron activation, as it permits to detect other nuclear species through high-energy photon activation. The facility is also used for graduate and undergraduate students experimental work within the frame of Instituto Balseiro Physics and Nuclear Engineering courses of study, and also MSc and PhD theses work


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    Our group has evolved around a small accelerator-based neutron source (ABNS), the 25 million electron Volt (MeV) linear electron accelerator at the Bariloche Atomic Centre. It is dedicated to applications of neutronic methods to tackle problems of basic sciences and to technological applications. Among these, the determination of total cross section of a material as a function of neutron energy by means of transmission experiments for thermal and sub-thermal neutrons is very sensitive to the geometric arrangement and movement of the atoms, over distances ranging from the 'first-neighbour scale' up to the microstructural level or 'grain scale'. This also allowed to test theoretical models of calculated cross sections and scattering kernels. Interest has moved from pulsed neutron diffraction towards deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS), a powerful tool for the determination of atomic momentum distribution in condensed matter and for non-destructive mass spectroscopy. In recent years non-intrusive techniques aimed at the scanning of large cargo containers have started to be developed with this ABNS, testing the capacity and limitations to detect special nuclear material and dangerous substances in thick cargo arrangements. More recently, the use of the ever-present “bremsstrahlung” radiation has been recognized as a useful complement to instrumental neutron activation, as it permits to detect other nuclear species through high-energy photon activation. The facility is also used for graduate and undergraduate students experimental work within the frame of Instituto Balseiro Physics and Nuclear Engineering courses of study, and also MSc and PhD theses work

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project : the MBH–host relations at 0.2 ∼< z ∼< 0.6 from reverberation mapping and Hubble Space Telescope imaging

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    Funding: Y.S. acknowledges support from an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and NSF grants AST-1715579, AST-2009947. Support for Program number HST-GO-14109 was provided through a grant from the STScI under NASA contract NAS5-26555. L.C.H. was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0400702) and the National Science Foundation of China (11721303, 11991052). E.D.B. is supported by Padua University grants DOR1715817/17, DOR1885254/18, and DOR1935272/19 and by MIUR grant PRIN 201720173ML3WW_001. J.V.H.S.and K.H. acknowledge funds from a Science and Technology Facilities Council grant ST/R000824/1.We present the results of a pilot Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging study of the host galaxies of ten quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) project. Probing more than an order of magnitude in BH and stellar masses, our sample is the first statistical sample to study the BH-host correlations beyond z>0.3 with reliable BH masses from reverberation mapping rather than from single-epoch spectroscopy. We perform image decomposition in two HST bands (UVIS-F606W and IR-F110W) to measure host colors and estimate stellar masses using empirical relations between broad-band colors and the mass-to-light ratio. The stellar masses of our targets are mostly dominated by a bulge component. The BH masses and stellar masses of our sample broadly follow the same correlations found for local RM AGN and quiescent bulge-dominant galaxies, with no strong evidence of evolution in the MBH-M*bulge relation to z~0.6. We further compare the host light fraction from HST imaging decomposition to that estimated from spectral decomposition. We found a good correlation between the host fractions derived with both methods. However, the host fraction derived from spectral decomposition is systematically smaller than that from imaging decomposition by ~30%, indicating different systematics in both approaches. This study paves the way for upcoming more ambitious host galaxy studies of quasars with direct RM-based BH masses at high redshift.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Two Nuclear Localization Signals in USP1 Mediate Nuclear Import of the USP1/UAF1 Complex

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    The human deubiquitinase USP1 plays important roles in cancer-related processes, such as the DNA damage response, and the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of osteosarcoma cells. USP1 deubiquitinase activity is critically regulated by its interaction with the WD40 repeat-containing protein UAF1. Inhibiting the function of the USP1/UAF1 complex sensitizes cancer cells to chemotherapy, suggesting that this complex is a relevant anticancer target. Intriguingly, whereas UAF1 has been reported to locate in the cytoplasm, USP1 is a nuclear protein, although the sequence motifs that mediate its nuclear import have not been functionally characterized. Here, we identify two nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in USP1 and show that these NLSs mediate the nuclear import of the USP1/UAF1 complex. Using a cellular relocation assay based on these results, we map the UAF1-binding site to a highly conserved 100 amino acid motif in USP1. Our data support a model in which USP1 and UAF1 form a complex in the cytoplasm that subsequently translocates to the nucleus through import mediated by USP1 NLSs. Importantly, our findings have practical implications for the development of USP1-directed therapies. First, the UAF1-interacting region of USP1 identified here might be targeted to disrupt the USP1/UAF1 interaction with therapeutic purposes. On the other hand, we describe a cellular relocation assay that can be easily implemented in a high throughput setting to search for drugs that may dissociate the USP1/UAF1 complex