14,379 research outputs found

    Uncertainties of predictions from parton distribution functions II: the Hessian method

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    We develop a general method to quantify the uncertainties of parton distribution functions and their physical predictions, with emphasis on incorporating all relevant experimental constraints. The method uses the Hessian formalism to study an effective chi-squared function that quantifies the fit between theory and experiment. Key ingredients are a recently developed iterative procedure to calculate the Hessian matrix in the difficult global analysis environment, and the use of parameters defined as components along appropriately normalized eigenvectors. The result is a set of 2d Eigenvector Basis parton distributions (where d=16 is the number of parton parameters) from which the uncertainty on any physical quantity due to the uncertainty in parton distributions can be calculated. We illustrate the method by applying it to calculate uncertainties of gluon and quark distribution functions, W boson rapidity distributions, and the correlation between W and Z production cross sections.Comment: 30 pages, Latex. Reference added. Normalization of Hessian matrix changed to HEP standar

    The effect of various dietary factores on the serum- cholesterol level

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    Validating methods for estimating endocranial volume in individual red deer (Cervus elaphus).

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    Comparing brain sizes is a key method in comparative cognition and evolution. Brain sizes are commonly validated by interspecific comparisons involving animals of varying size, which does not provide a realistic index of their accuracy for intraspecific comparisons. Intraspecific validation of methods for measuring brain size should include animals of the same age and sex to ensure that individual differences can be detected in animals of similar size. In this study we compare three methods of measuring the endocranial volume of 33 red deer skulls to investigate the accuracy of each method. Methods for estimating endocranial volume included scanning each skull using computerised tomography (CT) and quantifying the volume with OsiriX software, filling the cranium with glass beads and measuring the bead volume, and linear measurements (length, width, and height) of the cranium using callipers. CT scan volumes were highly correlated with results from the bead method, but only moderately correlated with the linear method. This study illustrates the importance of validating intraspecies measurement methods, which allows for the accurate interpretation of results.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2012.10.01

    Observed Effects of a Changing Step-Edge Density on Thin-Film Growth Dynamics

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    We grew SrTiO3 on SrTiO3 [001] by pulsed laser deposition, while observing x-ray diffraction at the (0 0 .5) position. The drop dI in the x-ray intensity following a laser pulse contains information about plume-surface interactions. Kinematic theory predicts dI/I = -4sigma(1-sigma), so that dI/I depends only on the amount of deposited material sigma. In contrast, we observed experimentally that |dI/I| < 4sigma(1-sigma), and that dI/I depends on the phase of x-ray growth oscillations. The combined results suggest a fast smoothing mechanism that depends on surface step-edge density.Comment: 4 figure

    Nearly strain-free heteroepitaxial system for fundamental studies of pulsed laser deposition: EuTiO3 on SrTiO3

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    High quality epitaxial thin-films of EuTiO3 have been grown on the (001) surface of SrTiO3 using pulsed laser deposition. In situ x-ray reflectivity measurements reveal that the growth is two-dimensional and enable real-time monitoring of the film thickness and roughness during growth. The film thickness, surface mosaic, surface roughness, and strain were characterized in detail using ex situ x-ray diffraction. The thicnkess and composition were confirmed with Rutherford Backscattering. The EuTiO3 films grow two-dimensionally, epitaxially, pseudomorphically, with no measurable in-plane lattice mismatch.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Pregnancy is detected via odour in a wild cooperative breeder

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    Among mammals, scent has long been known to encode oestrus, however in many species detecting pregnancy may also be important in terms of both competition and mate-choice. Here we show, through odour presentation experiments, that pregnancy is discernible via scent by both sexes in the cooperatively breeding banded mongoose. Males spent more time investigating and were more likely to scent mark the odours of non-pregnant females, compared to pregnant females. Females showed increased levels of scent marking when odours were of the same reproductive state as themselves. These results present the first direct demonstration that pregnancy is detectable via scent in wild cooperative breeders. Detecting pregnancy may be particularly important in cooperative breeders as, in addition to the competition between males for receptive mates, there is also intense competition between females for access to alloparental care. Consequently, dominant females benefit from targeting reproductive suppression towards subordinates that represent direct threats, such as pregnant females

    Mapping Metal Distributions in Thin Cryosections without Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope with the Philips Electron Beam and Image Deflection (EBID) Unit

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    The purpose of the present paper was to describe the use of a commercially-available, and relatively inexpensive, beam and image deflection unit that can facilitate digital X-ray (element) mapping in a standard transmission electron microscope not furnished with a STEM attachment. The test specimen was a thin freeze-dried section of the metal-sequestering chloragogenous tissue from the earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus, inhabiting a soil naturally contaminated with Pb, Zn and Cd. Qualitative maps obtained from this material confirmed the efficacy of the deflection unit, and revealed the presence of three compositionally distinct metal-accumulating compartments within the chloragocytes: (i) ovoid, electron-dense, phosphate-bearing and Ca-, Pb-and Zn-containing chloragosomes; (ii) relatively electron lucent, morphologically featureless, Cd-and S-rich cadmosomes ; an extremely electron-dense compartment lying close to individual chloragosomes, containing high concentrations of Ca, Pb and Zn but deficient in P. Azo dye histochemistry indicated that the chloragogenous tissue did not contain either diffuse or focal acid phosphatase activity. The possible relationships of the three metal-sequestering compartments to each other and to the lysosomal system was discussed