148 research outputs found

    The synthesis, characterization and targeting ability of nano-scale enrichment polymer layers

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    Thin polymer films have been utilized as enrichment layers for evanescent waveguide chemical sensors and other analytical techniques. This is due to the fact that the chemical nature of polymers is ideal for trapping chemically similar organic molecules making analysis more convenient. Specifically, research in this area of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detection, focused has been given to identifying a single polymer film of micron scale thickness to target one analyte. This work focuses on the design and use of multiple polymers in one enrichment layer to target VOCs to facilitate detection. Two distinct layered enrichment systems were synthesized via the “grafting to” approach. The end application is to apply these polymers onto mid-infrared transparent evanescent wave micro-disk or micro-ring resonators. Analysis of the polymer affinity to VOCs and to act as enrichment layers is determined by the thickness increase caused by swelling of the film when exposed to the analyte vapor. Detection analysis was done using attenuated total reflection (ATR) FT-IR spectroscopy. The polymer layered systems were characterized by atomic force microscopy, ellipsometry and infrared spectroscopy. Studies of pure analyte vapors and mixtures were conducted in saturated conditions

    Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Determination of Physical Properties of Eclipsing Binaries. I. The EBAI Project

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    Achieving maximum scientific results from the overwhelming volume of astronomical data to be acquired over the next few decades will demand novel, fully automatic methods of data analysis. Artificial intelligence approaches hold great promise in contributing to this goal. Here we apply neural network learning technology to the specific domain of eclipsing binary (EB) stars, of which only some hundreds have been rigorously analyzed, but whose numbers will reach millions in a decade. Well-analyzed EBs are a prime source of astrophysical information whose growth rate is at present limited by the need for human interaction with each EB data-set, principally in determining a starting solution for subsequent rigorous analysis. We describe the artificial neural network (ANN) approach which is able to surmount this human bottleneck and permit EB-based astrophysical information to keep pace with future data rates. The ANN, following training on a sample of 33,235 model light curves, outputs a set of approximate model parameters (T2/T1, (R1+R2)/a, e sin(omega), e cos(omega), and sin i) for each input light curve data-set. The whole sample is processed in just a few seconds on a single 2GHz CPU. The obtained parameters can then be readily passed to sophisticated modeling engines. We also describe a novel method polyfit for pre-processing observational light curves before inputting their data to the ANN and present the results and analysis of testing the approach on synthetic data and on real data including fifty binaries from the Catalog and Atlas of Eclipsing Binaries (CALEB) database and 2580 light curves from OGLE survey data. [abridged]Comment: 52 pages, accepted to Ap

    Phoebe 2.0 – Triple and multiple systems

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    Some close binary formation theories require the presence of a third body so that the binary orbit can shrink over time. Tidal friction and Kozai cycles transfer energy from the binary to its companion, resulting in a close inner binary and a wide third body orbit. Spectroscopy and imaging studies have found 40% of binaries with periods less than 10 days, and 96% with periods less than 3 days, have a wide tertiary companion. With recent advancements in large photometric surveys, we are now beginning to detect many of these triple systems by observing tertiary eclipses or through the effect they have on the eclipse timing variations (ETVs) of the inner-binary. In the sample of 2600 Kepler EBs, we have detected the possible presence of a third body in ∼20%, including several circumbinary planets. Some multiple systems are quite dynamical and feature disappearing and reappearing eclipses, apsidal motion, and large disruptions to the inner-binary. phoebe is a freely available binary modeling code which can dynamically model all of these systems, allowing us to better test formation theories and probe the physics of eclipsing binaries

    PHOEBE 2.0 – Where no model has gone before

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    phoebe 2.0 is an open source framework bridging the gap between stellar observations and models. It allows to create and fit models simultaneously and consistently to a wide range of observational data such as photometry, spectroscopy, spectrapolarimetry, interferometry and astrometry. To reach the level of precision required by the newest generation of instruments such as Kepler, GAIA and the arrays of large telescopes, the code is set up to handle a wide range of phenomena such as multiplicity, rotation, pulsations and magnetic fields, and to model the involved physics to a new level

    Physics of Eclipsing Binaries: Heartbeat Stars and Tidally Induced Pulsations

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    Heartbeat stars are a relatively new class of eccentric ellipsoidal variable first discovered by Kepler. An overview of the current field is given with details of some of the interesting objects identified in our current Kepler sample of 135 heartbeats stars. Three objects that have recently been or are undergoing detailed study are described along with suggestions for further avenues of research. We conclude by discussing why heartbeat stars are an interesting new tool to study tidally induced pulsations and orbital dynamics

    On the detectability of habitable exomoons with Kepler-class photometry

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    In this paper we investigate the detectability of a habitable-zone exomoon around various configurations of exoplanetary systems with the Kepler Mission or photometry of approximately equal quality. We calculate both the predicted transit timing signal amplitudes and the estimated uncertainty on such measurements in order to calculate the confidence in detecting such bodies across a broad spectrum of orbital arrangements. The effects of stellar variability, instrument noise and photon noise are all accounted for in the analysis. We validate our methodology by simulating synthetic lightcurves and performing a Monte Carlo analysis for several cases of interest. We find that habitable-zone exomoons down to 0.2 Earth masses may be detected and ~25,000 stars could be surveyed for habitable-zone exomoons within Kepler's field-of-view. A Galactic Plane survey with Kepler-class photometry could potentially survey over one million stars for habitable-zone exomoons. In conclusion, we propose that habitable exomoons will be detectable should they exist in the local part of the galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey: The Multi-Telescope Robotic Observatory

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    The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey (TAOS) operates four fully automatic telescopes to search for occultations of stars by Kuiper Belt Objects. It is a versatile facility that is also useful for the study of initial optical GRB afterglows. This paper provides a detailed description of the TAOS multi-telescope system, control software, and high-speed imaging.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    In vitro evaluation of sugar digestibility in molasses

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    Beet and cane molasses mainly contain mono- di-, and tri-saccharides, composed by hexoses, as well as pentoses in traces. However, rationing software consider sugars as only one entity, with a rate of digestion ∼20% h−1. The aim of this initial study was to investigate and evaluate the in vitro digestion dynamics and rates of the sugar fraction in molasses. Three beet and three cane molasses were randomly selected from a variety of samples collected world-wide and digested via in vitro rumen fermentation, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 24 h. Samples were then analysed with a specific enzymatic kit to quantify residual sucrose, glucose, fructose, raffinose, galactose, and arabinose. Complete disappearance of sucrose happened within 3 hours of incubation. Glucose and fructose were completely digested within 4-6 h, showing variability among samples. Even if not so representative, galactose showed a similar trend of digestion (97% digestion within 3-4 h). Raffinose was quite slower in cane molasses, while it was completely digested within 1 h in beet molasses. Arabinose, a pentose, never reached a complete digestion, and its fermentation dynamic was different compared to other sugars. Calculated rates of digestion for sucrose, glucose and fructose, most representative sugars in molasses, were higher than 50% h−1 in both cane and beet. Obtained results showed that sugar fraction in molasses may vary, and different sugars are rapidly fermented by rumen microbes. Modern rationing models should consider a modification of sugar rates of digestion, since the actual one appears too slow than those observed in vitro.Highlights Molasses are unique blends of several sugars Major sugars are digested in few hours Rationing software should consider a faster rate of digestion for different sugars