256 research outputs found

    Relaciones de poder y memoria de un linaje. La intervención de la Casa de Moscoso en la Compostela de los siglos XIV-XVI

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    During the Late Middle Ages, cities offered opportunities to those nobles who understood urban politics and its diverse aspects. This was made possible thanks to social and physical support. This stabilization of territorial nobility is perfectly exemplified by the constant confrontation between the Archbishop of Santiago and the city council. In order to analyse this, we will look into the role of a noble household –The Moscosos– regarding public life. We will include the family’s constant confrontation with the Church and their urban heritage, including those elements related to the Moscosos’ lineage within the city.La ciudad ofrecía en la Baja Edad Media claras oportunidades para aquellos nobles que supieran situarse en el complejo juego de la política urbana y sus diversas instancias de poder. Para ello siempre se hace necesario contar con los apoyos sociales y físicos adecuados. La dinámica de enfrentamientos entre el Arzobispo de Santiago y el concello compostelano presenta un ejemplo inmejorable para valorar en su justa medida la inserción de la nobleza territorial en las relaciones de poder. Para abordar este caso se analizará la participación en la vida pública –también las revueltas urbanas– de la Casa de Moscoso tanto a través de su larga trayectoria de enfrentamientos con la Iglesia como mediante el estudio de su patrimonio urbano, incluyendo aquellos elementos relacionados con la creación de una memoria específica del linaje dentro de la ciudad.A cidade ofrecía na Baixa Idade Media claras oportunidades para os nobres que souberan situarse no complexo xogo da política urbana e das súas diversas instancias de poder. Para isto faise sempre necesario contar cos apoios sociais e físicos axeitados. A dinámica de enfrontamentos entre o Arcebispo de Santiago e o concello compostelán é un inmellorable exemplo para valorar na súa medida xusta a inserción da nobreza territorial nas relacións de poder. Para tratar este caso, analizarase a participación na vida pública –tamén as revoltas urbanas– da Casa de Moscoso, tanto desde a súa larga traxectoria de enfrontamentos coa Iglesia, como desde o estudo do seu patrimonio urbano, incluíndo aqueles elementos relacionados coa creación dunha memoria específica da liñaxe dentro da cidade

    Mejor tú que yo. La Guerra Interseñorial: batallas, asaltos y tomas de fortificaciones en la Galicia del siglo XV

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    El estudio de la guerra en el Medievo ha ocupado siempre un papel destacado en la historiografía incluso con algún avance notable en los últimos años. Sin embargo, se han privilegiado los grandes conflictos en detrimento del análisis de la abundate conflictividad señorial y de la aplicabilidad a ésta de las perspectivas y metodologías empleadas. Así, se presentan algunos ejemplos gallegos mostrando brevemente la gran complejidad que puede alcanzar este tipo de enfrentamientos.The study of war during Middle Ages has occupied a key role historiography, even with the important progresses during the last years. However, the interest has been focussed in the great conflicts instead of examining, with the same perspectives, the most abundant seigneurial conflicts. This paper shows briefly some galician examples regarding the scale of the complexity reached in this kind of engagements

    In situ enzymatic generation of Au/Pt nanoparticles as an analytical photometric system: proof of concept determination of tyramine

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    In situ enzymatic generation of bimetallic nanoparticles, mainly Au/Pt, overcomes the drawbacks (continuous absorbance drift, modest LOQ, and long-time reaction) observed when AuNP alone are produced. In this study, Au/Pt nanoparticles have been characterized by EDS, XPS, and HRTEM images using the enzymatic determination of tyramine with tyramine oxidase (TAO) as a model. Under experimental conditions, the Au/Pt NPs show an absorption maximum at 580 nm which can be related to the concentration of tyramine in the range 1.0 × 10-6M to 2.5 × 10-4M with a RSD of 3.4% (n = 5, using 5 × 10-6M tyramine). The Au/Pt system enables low LOQ (1.0 × 10−6 M), high reduction of the absorbance drift, and a significant shortening of the reaction time (i.e., from 30 to 2 min for a [tyramine] = 1 × 10−4M); additionally, a better selectivity is also obtained. The method has been applied to tyramine determination in cured cheese and no significant differences were obtained compared to a reference method (HRP:TMB). The effect of Pt(II) seems to involve the previous reduction of Au(III) to Au(I) and NP generation from this oxidation state. Finally, a three-step (nucleation-growth-aggregation) kinetic model for the generation of NPs is proposed; this has enabled us to obtain a mathematical equation which explains the experimentally observed variation of the absorbance with time

    Señor, non sejas ataúd de tus criados. Una aproximación a los afines del entorno de la casa de Moscoso (c.1411-c. 1510)

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    The analysis of the role played by the lordship fellows of Moscoso’s household throughout the XVth century might help to clarify many of the options and strategies of finance in the chaotic Galician context. With this aim we present an approximation to certain aspects of the relationship among lords and individuals, related to the lords in different degrees.El análisis del rol desempeñado por el entorno señorial de la casa de Moscoso a lo largo del siglo XV podría ayudar a aclarar muchas de las opciones y estrategias de afianzamiento desarrolladas en el complejo contexto señorial gallego. Con este fin presentamos una aproximación a determinados aspectos de la relación entre señores y afines

    Decay study of pesticide residues in apple samples

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    A method for monitoring pesticides in apple samples, including Soxhlet extraction, an evaporation step and capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection, is applied to a decay study of the carbamate pesticide ethiofencarb. The evaporation step is carried out by a surface nitrogen flow and the recoveries of ethiofencarb measured in standard solutions of ethyl acetate and apple extracts. The results of the decay studies show that ethiofencarb is degraded in the apple peel faster than in the interior of the fruit. The methodology is then applied to decay studies in the laboratory of the organophosphorus pesticides, diclofluanid, fenitrothion and malathion

    Diffusion MRI in early cancer therapeutic response assessment

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136261/1/nbm3458_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136261/2/nbm3458.pd

    Direct minimally invasive enzymatic determination of tyramine in cheese using digital imaging

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    An enzymatic method for the direct (without pretreatment) minimally invasive tyramine determination in cheese is proposed. Colorimetric test strips containing tyramine oxidase (TAO), peroxidase and 3, 3', 5, 5'-tetramethylbenzidine (Q-TAO), allow tyramine determination through the RGB chromatic coordinates of the observed blue colour (LOD = 2.6·10-6 M, LOQ = 8.7·10-6 M, RSD% (n = 5; 1.8·10-4 M) = 3.2%). The strips are inserted in the sample for 2 min and then the RGB coordinates are measured using a smartphone. Previously, these Q-TAO strips have been also optimized for tyramine determination in cheese extract. To do that, a spectrophotometric method in solution for tyramine determination in cheese extracts has been developed, which included an in-depth study of the indicating reaction; this study has allowed to gain new information about the spectroscopic properties of different TMB species and, which it is more important, to detect cross-reactions between TAO and TMB species. A mathematical model has also been developed which relate the RGB signals obtained with the tyramine concentrations, the instrumental characteristics of the smartphone and the spectroscopic properties of the absorbing product of the enzymatic reaction. © 2021 Elsevier B.V

    ¿Sueñan las piedras con fortalezas medievales? La heterodoxia disciplinar en el estudio de las fortalezas de la Terra de Santiago

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 6. La arquitectura en Arqueología : nuevas perspectivas para una vieja disciplinaLas posibilidades de la combinación de metodologías de cara al análisis de las fortalezas bajomedievales presentes en el arzobispado de Santiago no han sido demasiado tenidas en cuentas en los últimos años. Así, se ha planteado una incoveniente división entre la aproximación textual y la arqueológica al registro arquitectónico. En este breve trabajo intentamos mostrar las virtudes de una indagación basada en la información de las fuentes y no en su naturaleza.This paper intends to present how to overcome the useless bounds between both the documentary and the archaeological aproaches to the buildings that have been emphasized during the last years. So the research about the medieval fortressess present in the Archbishopric of Santiago must regard the effective information rather than the nature ot its sources. Some practical examples of the possibilities of this perspective are shown.Les possibilitats de la combinació de metodologies en vers l'anàlisi de les fortaleses baix medievals de l'arquebisbat de Santiago no han estat preses amb gaire consideració en els darrers anys. D'aquesta manera, s'ha plantejat una contrapruduent divisió entre la investigació documental i la investigació arqueològica al registre arquitectònic. En aquest breu treball que presentem a continuació, intentem posar de manifest els valors d'una recerca fonamentada en la informació de les fonts i no de la seva naturalesa