21,978 research outputs found

    Determination of bone mineral mass in vivo

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    Radiographic equipment incorporates two radiation sources, generating high-energy and low-energy beams. Recording equipment measures amount of radiation that has penetrated limb. Data are fed into computer that determines mass of the examined bone

    Temporal fluctuations in the differential rotation of cool active stars

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    This paper reports positive detections of surface differential rotation on two rapidly rotating cool stars at several epochs, by using stellar surface features (both cool spots and magnetic regions) as tracers of the large scale latitudinal shear that distorts the convective envelope in this type of stars. We also report definite evidence that this differential rotation is different when estimated from cool spots or magnetic regions, and that it undergoes temporal fluctuations of potentially large amplitude on a time scale of a few years. We consider these results as further evidence that the dynamo processes operating in these stars are distributed throughout the convective zone rather than being confined at its base as in the Sun. By comparing our observations with two very simple models of the differential rotation within the convective zone, we obtain evidence that the internal rotation velocity field of the stars we investigated is not like that of the Sun, and may resemble that we expect for rapid rotators. We speculate that the changes in differential rotation result from the dynamo processes (and from the underlying magnetic cycle) that periodically converts magnetic energy into kinetic energy and vice versa. We emphasise that the technique outlined in this paper corresponds to the first practical method for investigating the large scale rotation velocity field within convective zones of cool active stars, and offers several advantages over asteroseismology for this particular purpose and this specific stellar class.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic activity on AB Doradus: Temporal evolution of starspots and differential rotation from 1988 to 1994

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    Surface brightness maps for the young K0 dwarf AB Doradus are reconstructed from archival data sets for epochs spanning 1988 to 1994. By using the signal-to-noise enhancement technique of Least-Squares Deconvolution, our results show a greatly increased resolution of spot features than obtained in previously published surface brightness reconstructions. These images show that for the exception of epoch 1988.96, the starspot distributions are dominated by a long-lived polar cap, and short-lived low to high latitude features. The fragmented polar cap at epoch 1988.96 could indicate a change in the nature of the dynamo in the star. For the first time we measure differential rotation for epochs with sufficient phase coverage (1992.05, 1993.89, 1994.87). These measurements show variations on a timescale of at least one year, with the strongest surface differential rotation ever measured for AB Dor occurring in 1994.86. In conjunction with previous investigations, our results represent the first long-term analysis of the temporal evolution of differential rotation on active stars.Comment: accepted by MNRAS 18 pages 18 figure

    Compressed intramolecular dispersion interactions.

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    The feasibility of the compression of localized virtual orbitals is explored in the context of intramolecular long-range dispersion interactions. Singular value decomposition (SVD) of coupled cluster doubles amplitudes associated with the dispersion interactions is analyzed for a number of long-chain systems, including saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons and a silane chain. Further decomposition of the most important amplitudes obtained from these SVDs allows for the analysis of the dispersion-specific virtual orbitals that are naturally localized. Consistent with previous work on intermolecular dispersion interactions in dimers, it is found that three important geminals arise and account for the majority of dispersion interactions at the long range, even in the many body intramolecular case. Furthermore, it is shown that as few as three localized virtual orbitals per occupied orbital can be enough to capture all pairwise long-range dispersion interactions within a molecule

    Penetration and spreading of transverse jets of hydrogen in a Mach 2.72 airstream

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    Schlieren photography of flow distribution for transverse hydrogen jets from flat plate into Mach 2.72 airstrea

    Rotationally Modulated X-ray Emission from T Tauri Stars

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    We have modelled the rotational modulation of X-ray emission from T Tauri stars assuming that they have isothermal, magnetically confined coronae. By extrapolating surface magnetograms we find that T Tauri coronae are compact and clumpy, such that rotational modulation arises from X-ray emitting regions being eclipsed as the star rotates. Emitting regions are close to the stellar surface and inhomogeneously distributed about the star. However some regions of the stellar surface, which contain wind bearing open field lines, are dark in X-rays. From simulated X-ray light curves, obtained using stellar parameters from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project, we calculate X-ray periods and make comparisons with optically determined rotation periods. We find that X-ray periods are typically equal to, or are half of, the optical periods. Further, we find that X-ray periods are dependent upon the stellar inclination, but that the ratio of X-ray to optical period is independent of stellar mass and radius.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Data users note: Apollo 17 lunar photography

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    The availability of Apollo 17 pictorial data is announced as an aid to the selection of the photographs for study. Brief descriptions are presented of the Apollo 17 flight, and the photographic equipment used during the flight. The following descriptions are also included: service module photography, command module photography, and lunar surface photography

    The first magnetic maps of a pre-main sequence binary star system - HD 155555

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    We present the first maps of the surface magnetic fields of a pre-main sequence binary system. Spectropolarimetric observations of the young, 18 Myr, HD 155555 (V824 Ara, G5IV + K0IV) system were obtained at the Anglo-Australian Telescope in 2004 and 2007. Both datasets are analysed using a new binary Zeeman Doppler imaging (ZDI) code. This allows us to simultaneously model the contribution of each component to the observed circularly polarised spectra. Stellar brightness maps are also produced for HD 155555 and compared to previous Doppler images. Our radial magnetic maps reveal a complex surface magnetic topology with mixed polarities at all latitudes. We find rings of azimuthal field on both stars, most of which are found to be non-axisymmetric with the stellar rotational axis. We also examine the field strength and the relative fraction of magnetic energy stored in the radial and azimuthal field components at both epochs. A marked weakening of the field strength of the secondary star is observed between the 2004 and 2007 epochs. This is accompanied by an apparent shift in the location of magnetic energy from the azimuthal to radial field. We suggest that this could be indicative of a magnetic activity cycle. We use the radial magnetic maps to extrapolate the coronal field (by assuming a potential field) for each star individually - at present ignoring any possible interaction. The secondary star is found to exhibit an extreme tilt (~75 deg) of its large scale magnetic field to that of its rotation axis for both epochs. The field complexity that is apparent in the surface maps persists out to a significant fraction of the binary separation. Any interaction between the fields of the two stars is therefore likely to be complex also. Modelling this would require a full binary field extrapolation.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Doppler-beaming in the Kepler light curve of LHS 6343 A

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    Context. Kepler observations revealed a brown dwarf eclipsing the M-type star LHS 6343 A with a period of 12.71 days. In addition, an out-of-eclipse light modulation with the same period and a relative semi-amplitude of 2 x 10^-4 was observed showing an almost constant phase lag to the eclipses produced by the brown dwarf. In a previous work, we concluded that this was due to the light modulation induced by photospheric active regions in LHS 6343 A. Aims. In the present work, we prove that most of the out-of-eclipse light modulation is caused by the Doppler-beaming induced by the orbital motion of the primary star. Methods. We introduce a model of the Doppler-beaming for an eccentric orbit and also considered the ellipsoidal effect. The data were fitted using a Bayesian approach implemented through a Monte Carlo Markov chain method. Model residuals were analysed by searching for periodicities using a Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Results. For the first seven quarters of Kepler observations and the orbit previously derived from the radial velocity measurements, we show that the light modulation of the system outside eclipses is dominated by the Doppler-beaming effect. A period search performed on the residuals shows a significant periodicity of 42.5 +- 3.2 days with a false-alarm probability of 5 x 10^-4, probably associated with the rotational modulation of the primary component.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Surface differential rotation and prominences of the Lupus post T Tauri star RX J1508.6-4423

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    We present in this paper a spectroscopic monitoring of the Lupus post T Tauri star RX J1508.6-4423 carried out at two closely separated epochs (1998 May 06 and 10) with the UCL Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Applying least-squares convolution and maximum entropy image reconstruction techniques to our sets of spectra, we demonstrate that this star features on its surface a large cool polar cap with several appendages extending to lower latitudes, as well as one spot close to the equator. The images reconstructed at both epochs are in good overall agreement, except for a photospheric shear that we interpret in terms of latitudinal differential rotation. Given the spot distribution at the epoch of our observations, differential rotation could only be investigated between latitudes 15° and 60°. We find in particular that the observed differential rotation is compatible with a solar-like law (i.e., with rotation rate decreasing towards high latitudes proportionally to sin 2l, where l denotes the latitude) in this particular latitude range. Assuming that such a law can be extrapolated to all latitudes, we find that the equator of RX J1508.6-4423 does one more rotational cycle than the pole every 50 ±10 d, implying a photospheric shear 2 to 3 times stronger than that of the Sun. We also discover that the Hα emission profile of RX J1508.6-4423 is most of the time double-peaked and strongly modulated with the rotation period of the star. We interpret this rotationally modulated emission as being caused by a dense and complex prominence system, the circumstellar distribution of which is obtained through maximum entropy Doppler tomography. These maps show in particular that prominences form a complete and inhomogeneous ring around the star, precisely at the corotation radius. We use the total Hα and Hβ emission flux to estimate that the mass of the whole prominence system is about 10 20g. From our observation that the whole cloud system surrounding the star is regenerated in less than 4 d, we conclude that the braking time-scale of RX J1508.6-4423 is shorter than 1 Gyr, and that prominence expulsion is thus likely to contribute significantly to the rotational spindown of young low-mass stars