368 research outputs found

    Художній світ Василя Стуса

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    В статье рассматривается жизненный и творческий путь Василия Стуса, который за непокорность, за своё личное мнение, за гордость провёл долгие годы в ссылке. Исследования проводятся на архивных материалах, воспоминаниях современников поэта. Рассматривается следующая проблема: определить роль и место творческого наследия Василия Стуса в развитии украинской культуры. Цель: раскрыть идейно-художественные тенденции поэзии В.Стуса, подчеркнуть его обширный словарь.Дана стаття присвячена життєвій та творчій стежині Василя Стуса, який за нескореність, за непокірність, за свою власну думку, за гордість, за неприниження зазнав довгих років заслання. Дослідження проводиться на архівних матеріалах, спогадах сучасників поета. Розв’язується така проблема: визначити роль і місце творчого доробку В.Стуса у розвитку української культури. Мета: розкрити ідейно-художні особливості поезій В.Стуса, підкреслити його надзвичайно широкий словник.The article deals with Vasyl Stys’ life and creative way why speut many years in exile for his disobeying and own way of thinking. The investigation helds upon archive materials, recollections of the poet’s contemporaries. Defining the position and the place of creative heredity of Vasyl Stys is under the problem stated. Setting out the ideal and exressive tendencies of V.Stys’ poetry, underlying of his vast verbal stock is a main goa

    Optical bench development for LISA

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    For observation of gravitational waves at frequencies between 30 μHz and 1 Hz, the LISA mission will be implemented in a triangular constellation of three identical spacecraft, which are mutually linked by laser interferometry in an active transponder scheme over a 5 million kilometer arm length. On the end point of each laser link, remote and local beam metrology with respect to inertial proof masses inside the spacecraft is realized by the LISA Optical Bench. It implements further- more various ancillary functions such as point-ahead correction, acquisition sensing, transmit beam conditioning, and laser redundancy switching. A comprehensive design of the Optical Bench has been developed, which includes all of the above mentioned functions and at the same time ensures manufacturability on the basis of hydroxide catalysis bonding, an ultrastable integration technology already perfected in the context of LISA's technology demonstrator mission LISA Pathfinder. Essential elements of this design have been validated by dedicated pre-investigations. These include the demonstration of polarizing heterodyne interferometry at the required Picometer and Nanoradian performance levels, the investigation of potential non-reciprocal noise sources in the so-called backlink fiber, as well as the development of a laser redundancy switch breadboard

    Neuronal pentraxin 2 : a synapse-derived CSF biomarker in genetic frontotemporal dementia

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    Introduction: Synapse dysfunction is emerging as an early pathological event in frontotemporal dementia (FTD), however biomarkers are lacking. We aimed to investigate the value of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neuronal pentraxins (NPTXs), a family of proteins involved in homeostatic synapse plasticity, as novel biomarkers in genetic FTD. Methods: We included 106 presymptomatic and 54 symptomatic carriers of a pathogenic mutation in GRN, C9orf72 or MAPT, and 70 healthy non-carriers participating in the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI), all of whom had at least one CSF sample. We measured CSF concentrations of NPTX2 using an in-house ELISA, and NPTX1 and NPTX receptor (NPTXR) by Western blot. We correlated NPTX2 with corresponding clinical and neuroimaging datasets as well as with CSF neurofilament light chain (NfL) using linear regression analyses. Results: Symptomatic mutation carriers had lower NPTX2 concentrations (median 643 pg/mL, IQR (301-872)) than presymptomatic carriers (1003 pg/mL (624-1358), p<0.001) and non-carriers (990 pg/mL (597-1373), p<0.001) (corrected for age). Similar results were found for NPTX1 and NPTXR. Among mutation carriers, NPTX2 concentration correlated with several clinical disease severity measures, NfL and grey matter volume of the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, insula and whole brain. NPTX2 predicted subsequent decline in phonemic verbal fluency and Clinical Dementia Rating scale plus FTD modules. In longitudinal CSF samples, available in 13 subjects, NPTX2 decreased around symptom onset and in the symptomatic stage. Discussion: We conclude that NPTX2 is a promising synapse-derived disease progression biomarker in genetic FTD

    Plasma proteome profiling identifies changes associated to AD but not to FTD

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    Background Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is caused by frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), characterized mainly by inclusions of Tau (FTLD-Tau) or TAR DNA binding43 (FTLD-TDP) proteins. Plasma biomarkers are strongly needed for specific diagnosis and potential treatment monitoring of FTD. We aimed to identify specific FTD plasma biomarker profiles discriminating FTD from AD and controls, and between FTD pathological subtypes. In addition, we compared plasma results with results in post-mortem frontal cortex of FTD cases to understand the underlying process. Methods Plasma proteins (n = 1303) from pathologically and/or genetically confirmed FTD patients (n = 56; FTLD-Tau n = 16; age = 58.2 +/- 6.2; 44% female, FTLD-TDP n = 40; age = 59.8 +/- 7.9; 45% female), AD patients (n = 57; age = 65.5 +/- 8.0; 39% female), and non-demented controls (n = 148; 61.3 +/- 7.9; 41% female) were measured using an aptamer-based proteomic technology (SomaScan). In addition, exploratory analysis in post-mortem frontal brain cortex of FTD (n = 10; FTLD-Tau n = 5; age = 56.2 +/- 6.9, 60% female, and FTLD-TDP n = 5; age = 64.0 +/- 7.7, 60% female) and non-demented controls (n = 4; age = 61.3 +/- 8.1; 75% female) were also performed. Differentially regulated plasma and tissue proteins were identified by global testing adjusting for demographic variables and multiple testing. Logistic lasso regression was used to identify plasma protein panels discriminating FTD from non-demented controls and AD, or FTLD-Tau from FTLD-TDP. Performance of the discriminatory plasma protein panels was based on predictions obtained from bootstrapping with 1000 resampled analysis. Results Overall plasma protein expression profiles differed between FTD, AD and controls (6 proteins; p = 0.005), but none of the plasma proteins was specifically associated to FTD. The overall tissue protein expression profile differed between FTD and controls (7-proteins; p = 0.003). There was no difference in overall plasma or tissue expression profile between FTD subtypes. Regression analysis revealed a panel of 12-plasma proteins discriminating FTD from AD with high accuracy (AUC: 0.99). No plasma protein panels discriminating FTD from controls or FTD pathological subtypes were identified. Conclusions We identified a promising plasma protein panel as a minimally-invasive tool to aid in the differential diagnosis of FTD from AD, which was primarily associated to AD pathophysiology. The lack of plasma profiles specifically associated to FTD or its pathological subtypes might be explained by FTD heterogeneity, calling for FTD studies using large and well-characterize cohorts

    Supplemental oxygen strategies in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia after the neonatal intensive care unit period:study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (SOS BPD study)

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    Introduction Supplemental oxygen is the most important treatment for preterm born infants with established bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). However, it is unknown what oxygen saturation levels are optimal to improve outcomes in infants with established BPD from 36 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA) onwards. The aim of this study is to compare the use of a higher oxygen saturation limit (≥95%) to a lower oxygen saturation limit (≥90%) after 36 weeks PMA in infants diagnosed with moderate or severe BPD. Methods and analysis This non-blinded, multicentre, randomised controlled trial will recruit 198 preterm born infants with moderate or severe BPD between 36 and 38 weeks PMA. Infants will be randomised to either a lower oxygen saturation limit of 95% or to a lower limit of 90%; supplemental oxygen and/or respiratory support will be weaned based on the assigned lower oxygen saturation limit. Adherence to the oxygen saturation limit will be assessed by extracting oxygen saturation profiles from pulse oximeters regularly, until respiratory support is stopped. The primary outcome is the weight SD score at 6 months of corrected age. Secondary outcomes include anthropometrics collected at 6 and 12 months of corrected age, rehospitalisations, respiratory complaints, infant stress, parental quality of life and cost-effectiveness. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval for the trial was obtained from the Medical Ethics Review Committee of the Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (MEC-2018-1515). Local approval for conducting the trial in the participating hospitals has been or will be obtained from the local institutional review boards. Informed consent will be obtained from the parents or legal guardians of all study participants

    The pursuit for markers of disease progression in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia: a scoping review to optimize outcome measures for clinical trials

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    Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by diverse and prominent changes in behavior and personality. One of the greatest challenges in bvFTD is to capture, measure and predict its disease progression, due to clinical, pathological and genetic heterogeneity. Availability of reliable outcome measures is pivotal for future clinical trials and disease monitoring. Detection of change should be objective, clinically meaningful and easily assessed, preferably associated with a biological process. The purpose of this scoping review is to examine the status of longitudinal studies in bvFTD, evaluate current assessment tools and propose potential progression markers. A systematic literature search (in PubMed and Embase.com) was performed. Literature on disease trajectories and longitudinal validity of frequently-used measures was organized in five domains: global functioning, behavior, (social) cognition, neuroimaging and fluid biomarkers. Evaluating current longitudinal data, we propose an adaptive battery, combining a set of sensitive clinical, neuroimaging and fluid markers, adjusted for genetic and sporadic variants, for adequate detection of disease progression in bvFTD

    Gene-based association studies report genetic links for clinical subtypes of frontotemporal dementia

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