131 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum-mechanical scaling of ionization from excited hydrogen atoms in single-cycle THz pulses

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    Excited atoms, or nanotip surfaces, exposed to strong single-cycle terahertz radiation emit electrons with energies strongly dependent on the characteristics of the initial state. Here we consider scaling properties of the ionization probability and electron momenta of H(nd) atoms exposed to a single-cycle pulse of duration 0.5–5 ps, with n=9,12,15. Results from three-dimensional quantum and classical calculations are in good agreement for long pulse lengths, independent of pulse strength. However, differences appear when the two approaches are compared at the most detailed level of density distributions. For the longest pulse lengths a mixed power law, n-scaling relation, αn−4+(1−α)n−3 is shown to hold. Our quantum calculations show that the scaling relation puts its imprint on the momentum distribution of the ionized electrons as well: By multiplying the emitted electron momenta of varying initial n level with the appropriate scaling factor the spectra fall onto a common momentum range. Furthermore, the characteristic momenta of emitted electrons from a fixed n level are proportional to the pulse strength of the driving field.publishedVersio

    PFAS and Precursor Bioaccumulation in Freshwater Recreational Fish: Implications for Fish Advisories

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a diverse class of fluorinated anthropogenic chemicals that include perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA), which are widely used in modern commerce. Many products and environmental samples contain abundant precursors that can degrade into terminal PFAA associated with adverse health effects. Fish consumption is an important dietary exposure source for PFAS that bioaccumulate in food webs. However, little is known about bioaccumulation of PFAA precursors. Here, we identify and quantify PFAS in recreational fish species collected from surface waters across New Hampshire, US, using a toolbox of analytical methods. Targeted analysis of paired water and tissue samples suggests that many precursors below detection in water have a higher bioaccumulation potential than their terminal PFAA. Perfluorobutane sulfonamide (FBSA), a short-chain precursor produced by electrochemical fluorination, was detected in all fish samples analyzed for this compound. The total oxidizable precursor assay interpreted using Bayesian inference revealed fish muscle tissue contained additional, short-chain precursors in high concentration samples. Suspect screening analysis indicated these were perfluoroalkyl sulfonamide precursors with three and five perfluorinated carbons. Fish consumption advisories are primarily being developed for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), but this work reinforces the need for risk evaluations to consider additional bioaccumulative PFAS, including perfluoroalkyl sulfonamide precursors

    Structure of mammalian respiratory complex I.

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    Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase), one of the largest membrane-bound enzymes in the cell, powers ATP synthesis in mammalian mitochondria by using the reducing potential of NADH to drive protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Mammalian complex I (ref. 1) contains 45 subunits, comprising 14 core subunits that house the catalytic machinery (and are conserved from bacteria to humans) and a mammalian-specific cohort of 31 supernumerary subunits. Knowledge of the structures and functions of the supernumerary subunits is fragmentary. Here we describe a 4.2-Å resolution single-particle electron cryomicroscopy structure of complex I from Bos taurus. We have located and modelled all 45 subunits, including the 31 supernumerary subunits, to provide the entire structure of the mammalian complex. Computational sorting of the particles identified different structural classes, related by subtle domain movements, which reveal conformationally dynamic regions and match biochemical descriptions of the 'active-to-de-active' enzyme transition that occurs during hypoxia. Our structures therefore provide a foundation for understanding complex I assembly and the effects of mutations that cause clinically relevant complex I dysfunctions, give insights into the structural and functional roles of the supernumerary subunits and reveal new information on the mechanism and regulation of catalysis

    Cryo-EM structures of complex I from mouse heart mitochondria in two biochemically defined states.

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    Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) uses the reducing potential of NADH to drive protons across the energy-transducing inner membrane and power oxidative phosphorylation in mammalian mitochondria. Recent cryo-EM analyses have produced near-complete models of all 45 subunits in the bovine, ovine and porcine complexes and have identified two states relevant to complex I in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Here, we describe the 3.3-Å structure of complex I from mouse heart mitochondria, a biomedically relevant model system, in the 'active' state. We reveal a nucleotide bound in subunit NDUFA10, a nucleoside kinase homolog, and define mechanistically critical elements in the mammalian enzyme. By comparisons with a 3.9-Å structure of the 'deactive' state and with known bacterial structures, we identify differences in helical geometry in the membrane domain that occur upon activation or that alter the positions of catalytically important charged residues. Our results demonstrate the capability of cryo-EM analyses to challenge and develop mechanistic models for mammalian complex I

    Defects in memory B-cell and plasma cell subsets expressing different immunoglobulin-subclasses in patients with CVID and immunoglobulin subclass deficiencies

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    Background: Predominantly antibody deficiencies (PADs) are the most prevalent primary immunodeficiencies, but their B-cell defects and underlying genetic alterations remain largely unknown. Objective: We investigated patients with PADs for the distribution of 41 blood B-cell and plasma cell (PC) subsets, including subsets defined by expression of distinct immunoglobulin heavy chain subclasses. Methods: Blood samples from 139 patients with PADs, 61 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), 68 patients with selective IgA deficiency (IgAdef), 10 patients with IgG subclass deficiency with IgA deficiency, and 223 agematched control subjects were studied by using flow cytometry with EuroFlow immunoglobulin isotype staining. Patients were classified according to their B-cell and PC immune profile, and the obtained patient clusters were correlated with clinical manifestations of PADs. Results: Decreased counts of blood PCs, memory B cells (MBCs), or both expressing distinct IgA and IgG subclasses were identified in all patients with PADs. In patients with IgAdef, B-cell defects were mainly restricted to surface membrane (sm)IgA1 PCs and MBCs, with 2 clear subgroups showing strongly decreased numbers of smIgA1 PCs with mild versus severe smIgA1 MBC defects and higher frequencies of nonrespiratory tract infections, autoimmunity, and affected family members. Patients with IgG subclass deficiency with IgA deficiency and those with CVID showed defects in both smIgA1 and smIgG1 MBCs and PCs. Reduced numbers of switched PCs were systematically found in patients with CVID (absent in 98%), with 6 different defective MBC (and clinical) profiles: (1) profound decrease in MBC numbers; (2) defective CD271 MBCs with almost normal IgG3 1 MBCs; (3) absence of switched MBCs; and (4) presence of both unswitched and switched MBCs without and; (5) with IgG2 1 MBCs; and (6) with IgA

    Structure and mechanism of Zn^(2+)- transporting P-type ATPases

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    Zinc is an essential micronutrient for all living organisms. It is required for signalling and proper functioning of a range of proteins involved in, for example, DNA binding and enzymatic catalysis. In prokaryotes and photosynthetic eukaryotes, Zn2+-transporting P-type ATPases of class IB (ZntA) are crucial for cellular redistribution and detoxification of Zn2+ and related elements. Here we present crystal structures representing the phosphoenzyme ground state (E2P) and a dephosphorylation intermediate (E2·P_i) of ZntA from Shigella sonnei, determined at 3.2 Å and 2.7 Å resolution, respectively. The structures reveal a similar fold to Cu^+-ATPases, with an amphipathic helix at the membrane interface. A conserved electronegative funnel connects this region to the intramembranous high-affinity ion-binding site and may promote specific uptake of cellular Zn^(2+) ions by the transporter. The E2P structure displays a wide extracellular release pathway reaching the invariant residues at the high-affinity site, including C392, C394 and D714. The pathway closes in the E2·P_i state, in which D714 interacts with the conserved residue K693, which possibly stimulates Zn^(2+) release as a built-in counter ion, as has been proposed for H^+-ATPases. Indeed, transport studies in liposomes provide experimental support for ZntA activity without counter transport. These findings suggest a mechanistic link between P_(IB)-type Zn^(2+)-ATPases and P_(III)-type H^+-ATPases and at the same time show structural features of the extracellular release pathway that resemble P_(II)-type ATPases such as the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) and Na^+, K^+-ATPase. These findings considerably increase our understanding of zinc transport in cells and represent new possibilities for biotechnology and biomedicine

    Spatial and temporal trends of the Stockholm Convention POPs in mothers’ milk — a global review

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