1,747 research outputs found

    Hoop restraint on beam-column behavior in a stiffened cylindrical shell

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    Skin's hoop restraint is determined by treating each stringer as an independent column on an elastic foundation. The equivalent radial support is simulated by elastic supports on a beam column. The formula is given for determination of the spring rates of these supports

    Rotation identification in geometric algebra : theory and application to the navigation of underwater robots in the field

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of Field Robotics 32 (2015): 632–654, doi:10.1002/rob.21572.We report the derivation and experimental evaluation of a stable adaptive identifier to estimate rigid body rotations using rotors in Geometric Algebra (GA). This work is motivated by the need for in situ estimation of the alignment between sensors commonly used in underwater vehicle navigation. Here we derive an adaptive identifier using a geometric interpretation of the error to drive first-order rotor kinematics. We prove that it is Lyapunov stable, and we show that it is asymptotically stable in the presence of persistent excitation. We use the identifier to estimate the alignment between the Doppler velocity log sonar and the fiber optic gyrocompass used by underwater vehicles for dead reckoning (DR). We evaluate this method in the laboratory with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and then with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) operating in the field at 1,200 m depth. Our results show that this technique reduces dead reckoning navigation errors on these platforms and provides comparable performance to previously reported SO(3) constrained Linear Algebra (LA) approaches. The rotor identifier has a number of advantages over these previously reported methods, including a more straightforward derivation, simpler gain tuning, increased computational efficiency, and reduced data manipulation.This work was supported in part by the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Program (MJS), the Edwin A. Link Foundation (MJS), the WHOI Academic Programs Office (MJS), The Jessie B. Cox Endowed Fund in Support of Scientific Staff (JCK), and The Penzance Endowed Fund in Support of Assistant Scientists (JCK)

    Epsilon-Near-Zero Al-Doped ZnO for Ultrafast Switching at Telecom Wavelengths: Outpacing the Traditional Amplitude-Bandwidth Trade-Off

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    Transparent conducting oxides have recently gained great attention as CMOS-compatible materials for applications in nanophotonics due to their low optical loss, metal-like behavior, versatile/tailorable optical properties, and established fabrication procedures. In particular, aluminum doped zinc oxide (AZO) is very attractive because its dielectric permittivity can be engineered over a broad range in the near infrared and infrared. However, despite all these beneficial features, the slow (> 100 ps) electron-hole recombination time typical of these compounds still represents a fundamental limitation impeding ultrafast optical modulation. Here we report the first epsilon-near-zero AZO thin films which simultaneously exhibit ultra-fast carrier dynamics (excitation and recombination time below 1 ps) and an outstanding reflectance modulation up to 40% for very low pump fluence levels (< 4 mJ/cm2) at the telecom wavelength of 1.3 {\mu}m. The unique properties of the demonstrated AZO thin films are the result of a low temperature fabrication procedure promoting oxygen vacancies and an ultra-high carrier concentration. As a proof-of-concept, an all-optical AZO-based plasmonic modulator achieving 3 dB modulation in 7.5 {\mu}m and operating at THz frequencies is numerically demonstrated. Our results overcome the traditional "modulation depth vs. speed" trade-off by at least an order of magnitude, placing AZO among the most promising compounds for tunable/switchable nanophotonics.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Multilayer and multiplex networks: an introduction to their use in veterinary epidemiology

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    This is the final version. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record.Contact network analysis has become a vital tool for conceptualizing the spread of pathogens in animal populations and is particularly useful for understanding the implications of heterogeneity in contact patterns for transmission. However, the transmission of most pathogens cannot be simplified to a single mode of transmission and, thus, a single definition of contact. In addition, host-pathogen interactions occur in a community context, with many pathogens infecting multiple host species and most hosts being infected by multiple pathogens. Multilayer networks provide a formal framework for researching host-pathogen systems in which multiple types of transmission-relevant interactions, defined as network layers, can be analyzed jointly. Here, we provide an overview of multilayer network analysis and review applications of this novel method to epidemiological research questions. We then demonstrate the use of this technique to analyze heterogeneity in direct and indirect contact patterns amongst swine farms in the United States. When contact among nodes can be defined in multiple ways, a multilayer approach can advance our ability to use networks in epidemiological research by providing an improved approach for defining epidemiologically relevant groups of interacting nodes and changing the way we identify epidemiologically important individuals such as superspreaders.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)NIFA-NSF-NIH Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease awardAgriculture and Food Research InitiativeSwine Health Information Center (SHIC)University of MinnesotaUniversity of Exete

    Use of a bacterial hygromycin B resistance gene as a dominant selectable marker in Neurospora crassa transformation

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    Dominant transformation markers allow maximum flexibility in the choice of transformation recipients

    Diffuse venting at the ASHES hydrothermal field : heat flux and tidally modulated flow variability derived from in situ time-series measurements

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2016. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (2016): 1435–1453, doi:10.1002/2015GC006144.Time-series measurements of diffuse exit-fluid temperature and velocity collected with a new, deep-sea camera, and temperature measurement system, the Diffuse Effluent Measurement System (DEMS), were examined from a fracture network within the ASHES hydrothermal field located in the caldera of Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge. The DEMS was installed using the HOV Alvin above a fracture near the Phoenix vent. The system collected 20 s of 20 Hz video imagery and 24 s of 1 Hz temperature measurements each hour between 22 July and 2 August 2014. Fluid velocities were calculated using the Diffuse Fluid Velocimetry (DFV) technique. Over the ∼12 day deployment, median upwelling rates and mean fluid temperature anomalies ranged from 0.5 to 6 cm/s and 0°C to ∼6.5°C above ambient, yielding a heat flux of 0.29 ± 0.22 MW m−2 and heat output of 3.1± 2.5 kW. Using a photo mosaic to measure fracture dimensions, the total diffuse heat output from cracks across ASHES field is estimated to be 2.05 ± 1.95 MW. Variability in temperatures and velocities are strongest at semidiurnal periods and show significant coherence with tidal height variations. These data indicate that periodic variability near Phoenix vent is modulated both by tidally controlled bottom currents and seafloor pressure, with seafloor pressures being the dominant influence. These results emphasize the importance of local permeability on diffuse hydrothermal venting at mid-ocean ridges and the need to better quantify heat flux associated with young oceanic crust.NSF Grant Numbers: OCE-1131772, OCE-1131455, OCE-1337473; University of Washington, and the NSF award Grant Number: OCE-09579382016-10-2

    Predicting sexual problems in women: The relevance of sexual excitation and sexual inhibition

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    This is the post-print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below.Data from a non-clinical sample of 540 heterosexual women were used to examine the relationships between scores on the Sexual Excitation/Sexual Inhibition Inventory for Women (SESII-W) and ratings of current sexual problems, lifetime arousal difficulty, lifetime orgasm difficulty, and lifetime problems with low sexual interest. Multiple regression analyses also included several demographic/background variables as predictors: age, full-time employment, completed college, children in household, married, health ratings, importance of sex, and whether the woman was in a sexual relationship. The strongest statistical predictors of both current and lifetime sexual problems were the SESII-W inhibition factors Arousal Contingency and Concerns about Sexual Function. Demographic factors did not feature largely in any of the models predicting sexual problems even when statistically significant relationships were found. If future research supports the predictive utility of the SESII-W in identifying women who are more likely to experience sexual difficulties, these scales may be used as prognostic factors in treatment studies.This study was funded, in part, by a grant from the Lilly Centre for Women's Health

    Use of RIP to inactivate genes in Neurospora crassa.

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    About two years ago we suggested that a novel genetic mechanism, operating in the period between fertilization and nuclear fusion in Neurospora, scans the genome for sequence dupliations and alters them (Selker E. et al. 1987 Cell 51:741-752)

    Navigational infrastructure at the East Pacific Rise 9°50′N area following the 2005–2006 eruption : seafloor benchmarks and near-bottom multibeam surveys

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9 (2008):Q11T04, doi:10.1029/2008GC002070.Four seafloor benchmarks were deployed with ROV Jason2 at frequently visited areas along the northern East Pacific Rise (NEPR) ridge crest near 9°50′N, within the Ridge2000 EPR integrated study site (ISS) bull's eye. When used in concert with established deep-ocean acoustic positioning techniques, these benchmarks provide navigational infrastructure to facilitate the integration of near-bottom data at this site by allowing efficient and quantitative coregistration of data and observations collected on multiple dives and over multiple cruises. High-resolution, near-bottom multibeam bathymetric surveys also were conducted along and across the ridge crest to provide a morphological and geological context for the benchmark areas. We describe the navigation and data processing techniques used to constrain the benchmark positions and outline operational details to effectively use benchmarks at this and other deep-ocean sites where multidisciplinary time series studies are conducted. The well-constrained positions of the benchmarks provide a consistent geospatial framework that can be used to limit navigational uncertainties during seafloor sampling and mapping programs and enable accurate spatial coregistration and integration of observations. These data are important to test a range of multidisciplinary hypotheses that seek to link geological, chemical, and biological processes associated with crustal accretion and energy transfer from the mantle to the hydrosphere at mid-ocean ridges
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