1,797 research outputs found

    Local structure of intercomponent energy transfer in homogeneous turbulent shear flow

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    Intercomponent energy transfer by pressure-strain-rate was investigated for homogeneous turbulent shear flow. The rapid and slow parts of turbulent pressure (decomposed according to the influence of the mean deformation rate) are found to be uncorrelated; this finding provides strong justification for current modeling procedure in which the pressure-strain-rate term is split into the corresponding parts. Issues pertinent to scales involved in the intercomponent energy transfer are addressed in comparison with those for the Reynolds-stress and vorticity fields. A physical picture of the energy transfer process is described from a detailed study of instantaneous events of high transfer regions. It was found that the most significant intercomponent energy transfer events are highly localized in space and are imbedded within a region of concentrated vorticity

    Pressure-strain-rate events in homogeneous turbulent shear flow

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    A detailed study of the intercomponent energy transfer processes by the pressure-strain-rate in homogeneous turbulent shear flow is presented. Probability density functions (pdf's) and contour plots of the rapid and slow pressure-strain-rate show that the energy transfer processes are extremely peaky, with high-magnitude events dominating low-magnitude fluctuations, as reflected by very high flatness factors of the pressure-strain-rate. A concept of the energy transfer class was applied to investigate details of the direction as well as magnitude of the energy transfer processes. In incompressible flow, six disjoint energy transfer classes exist. Examination of contours in instantaneous fields, pdf's and weighted pdf's of the pressure-strain-rate indicates that in the low magnitude regions all six classes play an important role, but in the high magnitude regions four classes of transfer processes, dominate. The contribution to the average slow pressure-strain-rate from the high magnitude fluctuations is only 50 percent or less. The relative significance of high and low magnitude transfer events is discussed

    Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and wind farms: a case study in the Dutch North Sea

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    The rapid increase in development of offshore wind energy in European waters has raised concern for the possible environmental impacts of wind farms. We studied whether harbour porpoise occurrence has been affected by the presence of the Dutch offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee. This was done by studying acoustic activity of porpoises in the wind farm and in two reference areas using stationary acoustic monitoring (with T-PODs) prior to construction (baseline: June 2003 to June 2004) and during normal operation of the wind farm (operation: April 2007 to April 2009). The results show a strong seasonal pattern, with more activity recorded during winter months. There was also an overall increase in acoustic activity from baseline to operation, in line with a general increase in porpoise abundance in Dutch waters over the last decade. The acoustic activity was significantly higher inside the wind farm than in the reference areas, indicating that the occurrence of porpoises in this area increased as well. The reasons of this apparent preference for the wind farm area are not clear. Two possible causes are discussed: an increased food availability inside the wind farm (reef effect) and/or the absence of vessels in an otherwise heavily trafficked part of the North Sea (sheltering effect

    Kinematics and dynamics of vortex rings in a tube

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    Kinematic theory and flow visualization experiments were combined to examine the dynamic processes which control the evolution of vortex rings from very low to very high Reynolds numbers, and to assess the effects of the wall as a vortex ring travels up a tube. The kinematic relationships among the size, shape, speed, and strength of vortex rings in a tube were computed from the theory. Relatively simple flow visualization measurements were used to calculate the total circulation of a vortex rings at a given time. Using this method, the strength was computated and plotted as a function of time for experimentally produced vortex rings. Reynolds number relationships are established and quantitative differences among the three Reynolds number groups are discussed

    Optimal analysis of in situ data in the western Mediterranean using statistics and cross-validation

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    To study the Mediterranean general circulation, there is a constant need for reliable interpretations of available hydrological observations. Optimal data analyses (in the probabilistic point of view of objective analysis) are fulfilled using an original finite-element technique to minimize the variational principle of the spline procedure. Anyway, a prior statistical knowledge of the problem is required to adapt the optimization criterion to the purpose of this study and to the particular features of the system. The main goal of this paper is to show how the cross-validation methodology can be used to deduce statistical estimators of this information only from the dataset. The authors also give theoretical and/or numerical evidence that modified estimators-using generalized cross-validation or sampling algorithms-are interesting in the analysis optimization process. Finally, results obtained by the application of these methods to a Mediterranean historical database and their comparison with those provided by other techniques show the usefulness and the reliability of the method

    Dynamical evolution of the error statistics with the SEEK filter to assimilate altimetric data in eddy-resolving ocean models

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    ISSN 0035 - 9009International audienceThe Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman (SEEK) filter introduced by Pham et al. is applied to a primitive‐equation model in order to reconstruct the mesoscale circulation typical of the mid‐latitude ocean from altimetric data. The SEEK filter is a variant of the Kalman‐filter algorithm based on two concepts: the order reduction of the initial‐error covariance matrix, and the dynamical evolution of the reduced‐order basis. This makes the method potentially suitable for problems with a high number of degrees of freedom.Previous work has shown the ability of a steady version of the filter to improve the vertical structure of the ocean thermocline in the case of the quasi‐linear dynamics associated with the equatorial tropical Pacific Ocean, and the need to combine the dynamical evolution of the basis with an adaptive scheme in a mid‐latitude ocean model of the Gulf Stream region.This work examines the potential advantages of the dynamical evolution of the basis functions with simple assimilation experiments. It demonstrates the ability of the method to propagate in time the statistical properties of the system when the filter is initialized properly. However, the lack of robustness of the filter is investigated theoretically and experimentally, showing the need to consider variants of the method when the filter is not properly initialized

    A preliminary three-dimensional global model study of atmospheric methyl chloride distributions

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    A global three-dimensional atmospheric model of methyl chloride (CH3Cl) is presented. When incorporating known terrestrial and oceanic source terms, the tropospheric budget of CH3Cl is unbalanced. We show that a reduction in the atmospheric CH3Cl loss rate could account for the net budget discrepancy but fails to reproduce the observed latitudinal distribution. We rind that observed mixing ratios and latitudinal distributions can be reproduced by addition of a tropical terrestrial CH3Cl source of 2330-2430 Gg yr(-1) combined with a 50% reduction in the southeastern Asian biomass burning contribution. This is equivalent to a net source of 3800-3900 Gg yr(-1), slightly higher than previously estimated. The magnitude of additional emissions required to match observations is sensitive to their latitudinal distribution. We successfully simulate tropical land-bascd observations best when the added source is increased at the coasts relative to inland areas. Mixing ratios at remote sites are relatively insensitive to the finer details of the source parameterization

    Can treatment success with 5% lidocaine medicated plaster be predicted in cancer pain with neuropathic components or trigeminal neuropathic pain?

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    An expert group of 40 pain specialists from 16 countries performed a first assessment of the value of predictors for treatment success with 5% lidocaine-medicated plaster in the management of cancer pain with neuropathic components and trigeminal neuropathic pain. Results were based on the retrospective analysis of 68 case reports (sent in by participants in the 4 weeks prior to the conference) and the practical experience of the experts. Lidocaine plaster treatment was mostly successful for surgery or chemotherapy-related cancer pain with neuropathic components. A dose reduction of systemic pain treatment was observed in at least 50% of all cancer pain patients using the plaster as adjunct treatment; the presence of allodynia, hyperalgesia or pain quality provided a potential but not definitively clear indication of treatment success. In trigeminal neuropathic pain, continuous pain, severe allodynia, hyperalgesia, or postherpetic neuralgia or trauma as the cause of orofacial neuropathic pain were perceived as potential predictors of treatment success with lidocaine plaster. In conclusion, these findings provide a first assessment of the likelihood of treatment benefits with 5% lidocaine-medicated plaster in the management of cancer pain with neuropathic components and trigeminal neuropathic pain and support conducting large, well-designed multicenter studies

    Chemical characteristics and limnology of Loskop Dam on the Olifants River (South Africa), in light of recent fish and crocodile mortalities

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    A declining crocodile population and fish mortalities attributed to pansteatitis, along with increasing blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa and Ceratium hirundinella, have led to serious concerns about water quality in Loskop Dam, on the Olifants River, South Africa. Major impacts include acid mine drainage and eutrophication associated with sewage effluent. However, the specific causes of pansteatitis remain elusive. In 2011 the water chemistry and limnology of Loskop Dam were studied to determine factors that may be influencing aquatic ecosystem health. Long-term monitoring data collected by the Department of Water Affairs were analysed for trends using a seasonal Mann-Kendall trend test, and were used to determine the trophic state of Loskop Dam using the Carlson index. Multiple sites were sampled which showed the reservoir was heterogeneous with regard to nutrient concentrations, algal biomass and dissolved metals. Specifically, the transitional zone was characterised by frequent algal blooms, resulting in fluctuating dissolved oxygen (range = 2.1–14.5 mg/ℓ) and pH (range = 7.35–10.59) levels. Using total phosphorus, Secchi depth, and chlorophyll-a concentrations, the trophic state of Loskop Dam was classified as meso- to eutrophic. Significant positive trends were observed in total (Tau = 0.422) and dissolved inorganic (Tau = 0.193) phosphorus.The reservoir showed a monomictic pattern of summer stratification (October to April) and holomictic winter circulation (June to July), with an increase in the depth and extent of anoxia in the hypolimnion when compared to previous research. Simultaneous elevated concentrations of manganese (>370 μg/ℓ) and iron in near-bottom water samples coincided with hypolimnetic anoxia. Aluminium concentrations exceeded the target water quality range (>10 μg/ℓ) during summer (December) in both surface and near-bottom water samples. We conclude that fish in Loskop Dam are periodically exposed to several physiological stressors including elevated ammonia, aluminium, iron and manganese and possibly hydrogen sulphide, as well as low dissolved oxygen. While these factors have never individually been linked to pansteatitis, their combined impacts have not been studied. To ensure the sustainability of Loskop Dam, catchment management plans must focus on reducing phosphorus inputs, and continue seeking treatment solutions for mine-water associated with abandoned and working coal mines.Keywords: Loskop Dam, limnology, pansteatitis, eutrophication, Olifants Rive

    Characterization of mixing errors in a coupled physical biogeochemical model of the North Atlantic: implications for nonlinear estimation using Gaussian anamorphosis

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    In biogeochemical models coupled to ocean circulation models, vertical mixing is an important physical process which governs the nutrient supply and the plankton residence in the euphotic layer. However, vertical mixing is often poorly represented in numerical simulations because of approximate parameterizations of sub-grid scale turbulence, wind forcing errors and other mis-represented processes such as restratification by mesoscale eddies. Getting a sufficient knowledge of the nature and structure of these errors is necessary to implement appropriate data assimilation methods and to evaluate if they can be controlled by a given observation system. <br><br> In this paper, Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to study mixing errors induced by approximate wind forcings in a three-dimensional coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the North Atlantic with a 1/4° horizontal resolution. An ensemble forecast involving 200 members is performed during the 1998 spring bloom, by prescribing perturbations of the wind forcing to generate mixing errors. The biogeochemical response is shown to be rather complex because of nonlinearities and threshold effects in the coupled model. The response of the surface phytoplankton depends on the region of interest and is particularly sensitive to the local stratification. In addition, the statistical relationships computed between the various physical and biogeochemical variables reflect the signature of the non-Gaussian behaviour of the system. It is shown that significant information on the ecosystem can be retrieved from observations of chlorophyll concentration or sea surface temperature if a simple nonlinear change of variables (anamorphosis) is performed by mapping separately and locally the ensemble percentiles of the distributions of each state variable on the Gaussian percentiles. The results of idealized observational updates (performed with perfect observations and neglecting horizontal correlations) indicate that the implementation of this anamorphosis method into sequential assimilation schemes can substantially improve the accuracy of the estimation with respect to classical computations based on the Gaussian assumption