76 research outputs found

    NaAlH4 production from waste aluminum by reactive ball milling

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    Due to its thermodynamic properties and high reversibility, Ti doped sodium alanateis considered as a prototype hydrogen storage material. In this work we show how sodium alanate can be synthesized by reactive ball milling using aluminum particles obtained from recycled waste incineration slag. The synthesis was monitoredwith an in situ milling vial and characterized stepwise by PXD and DTA analyses. The sorption properties of the material were investigated using in situ synchrotron radiation PXD and volumetric analyses. A complete conversion of the starting reactants was obtained

    Effect of Fe additive on the hydrogenation-dehydrogenation properties of 2LiH + MgB2/2LiBH4 + MgH2 system

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    Lithium reactive hydride composite 2LiBH4 + MgH2 (Li-RHC) has been lately investigated owing to its potential as hydrogen storage medium for mobile applications. However, the main problem associated with this material is its sluggish kinetic behavior. Thus, aiming to improve the kinetic properties, in the present work the effect of the addition of Fe to Li-RHC is investigated. The addition of Fe lowers the starting decomposition temperature of Li-RHC about 30 °C and leads to a considerably faster isothermal dehydrogenation rate during the first hydrogen sorption cycle. Upon hydrogenation, MgH2 and LiBH4 are formed whereas Fe appears not to take part in any reaction. Upon the first dehydrogenation, the formation of nanocrystalline, well distributed FeB reduces the overall hydrogen storage capacity of the system. Throughout cycling, the agglomeration of FeB particles causes a kinetic deterioration. An analysis of the hydrogen kinetic mechanism during cycling shows that the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation behavior is influenced by the activity of FeB as heterogeneous nucleation center for MgB2 and its non-homogenous distribution in the Li-RHC matrix.Fil: Puszkiel, Julián Atilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Gennari, Fabiana Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro Atómico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Arneodo Larochette, Pierre Paul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro Atómico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Ramallo Lopez, Jose Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Vainio, U.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh; . Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; AlemaniaFil: Karimi, F.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Pranzas, P. K.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Troiani, Horacio Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro Atómico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Pistidda, C.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Jepsen, J.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Tolkiehn, M.. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; AlemaniaFil: Welter, E.. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; AlemaniaFil: Klassen, T.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Bellosta Von Colbe, J.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Dornheim, M.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh

    Application of hydrides in hydrogen storage and compression: Achievements, outlook and perspectives

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    Metal hydrides are known as a potential efficient, low-risk option for high-density hydrogen storage since the late 1970s. In this paper, the present status and the future perspectives of the use of metal hydrides for hydrogen storage are discussed. Since the early 1990s, interstitial metal hydrides are known as base materials for Ni – metal hydride rechargeable batteries. For hydrogen storage, metal hydride systems have been developed in the 2010s [1] for use in emergency or backup power units, i. e. for stationary applications. With the development and completion of the first submarines of the U212 A series by HDW (now Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems) in 2003 and its export class U214 in 2004, the use of metal hydrides for hydrogen storage in mobile applications has been established, with new application fields coming into focus. In the last decades, a huge number of new intermetallic and partially covalent hydrogen absorbing compounds has been identified and partly more, partly less extensively characterized. In addition, based on the thermodynamic properties of metal hydrides, this class of materials gives the opportunity to develop a new hydrogen compression technology. They allow the direct conversion from thermal energy into the compression of hydrogen gas without the need of any moving parts. Such compressors have been developed and are nowadays commercially available for pressures up to 200 bar. Metal hydride based compressors for higher pressures are under development. Moreover, storage systems consisting of the combination of metal hydrides and high-pressure vessels have been proposed as a realistic solution for on-board hydrogen storage on fuel cell vehicles. In the frame of the “Hydrogen Storage Systems for Mobile and Stationary Applications” Group in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Task 32 “Hydrogen-based energy storage”, different compounds have been and will be scaled-up in the near future and tested in the range of 500 g to several hundred kg for use in hydrogen storage applications.Fil: Bellosta von Colbe, Jose. Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht; AlemaniaFil: Ares Fernández, José Ramón. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; EspañaFil: Jussara, Barale. Università di Torino; ItaliaFil: Baricco, Marcello. Università di Torino; ItaliaFil: Buckley, Craig E.. Curtin University; AustraliaFil: Capurso, Giovanni. Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht; AlemaniaFil: Gallandat, Noris. GRZ Technologies Ltd; SuizaFil: Grant, David M.. Science and Technology Facilities Council of Nottingham. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; Reino Unido. University of Nottingham; Estados UnidosFil: Guzik, Matylda N.. University of Oslo; NoruegaFil: Jacob, Isaac. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Jensen, Emil H.. University of Oslo; NoruegaFil: Jensen, Torben. University Aarhus; DinamarcaFil: Jepsen, Julian. Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht; AlemaniaFil: Klassen, Thomas. Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht; AlemaniaFil: Lototskyy, Mykhaylol V.. University of Cape Town; SudáfricaFil: Manickam, Kandavel. University of Nottingham; Estados Unidos. Science and Technology Facilities Council of Nottingham. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; Reino UnidoFil: Montone, Amelia. Casaccia Research Centre; ItaliaFil: Puszkiel, Julián Atilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht; AlemaniaFil: Sartori, Sabrina. University of Oslo; NoruegaFil: Sheppard, Drew A.. Curtin University; AustraliaFil: Stuart, Alastair. University of Nottingham; Estados Unidos. Science and Technology Facilities Council of Nottingham. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; Reino UnidoFil: Walker, Gavin. University of Nottingham; Estados Unidos. Science and Technology Facilities Council of Nottingham. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; Reino UnidoFil: Webb, Colin J.. Griffith University; AustraliaFil: Yang, Heena. Empa Materials Science & Technology; Suiza. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Yartys, Volodymyr. Institute for Energy Technology; NoruegaFil: Züttel, Andreas. Empa Materials Science & Technology; Suiza. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Dornheim, Martin. Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht; Alemani

    Magnesium based materials for hydrogen based energy storage: Past, present and future

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    Magnesium hydride owns the largest share of publications on solid materials for hydrogen storage. The “Magnesium group” of international experts contributing to IEA Task 32 “Hydrogen Based Energy Storage” recently published two review papers presenting the activities of the group focused on magnesium hydride based materials and on Mg based compounds for hydrogen and energy storage. This review article not only overviews the latest activities on both fundamental aspects of Mg-based hydrides and their applications, but also presents a historic overview on the topic and outlines projected future developments. Particular attention is paid to the theoretical and experimental studies of Mg-H system at extreme pressures, kinetics and thermodynamics of the systems based on MgH2, nanostructuring, new Mg-based compounds and novel composites, and catalysis in the Mg based H storage systems. Finally, thermal energy storage and upscaled H storage systems accommodating MgH2 are presented

    Metal hydrides for concentrating solar thermal power energy storage

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    The development of alternative methods for thermal energy storage is important for improving the efficiency and decreasing the cost for Concentrating Solar-thermal Power (CSP). We focus on the underlying technology that allows metal hydrides to function as Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems and highlight the current state-of-the-art materials that can operate at temperatures as low as room-temperature and as high as 1100 oC. The potential of metal hydrides for thermal storage is explored while current knowledge gaps about hydride properties, such as hydride thermodynamics, intrinsic kinetics and cyclic stability, are identified. The engineering challenges associated with utilising metal hydrides for high-temperature thermal energy storage are also addressed

    Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage - past, recent progress and future outlook

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    Globally, the accelerating use of renewable energy sources, enabled by increased efficiencies and reduced costs, and driven by the need to mitigate the effects of climate change, has significantly increased research in the areas of renewable energy production, storage, distribution and end-use. Central to this discussion is the use of hydrogen, as a clean, efficient energy vector for energy storage. This review, by experts of Task 32, “Hydrogen-based Energy Storage” of the International Energy Agency, Hydrogen TCP, reports on the development over the last 6 years of hydrogen storage materials, methods and techniques, including electrochemical and thermal storage systems. An overview is given on the background to the various methods, the current state of development and the future prospects. The following areas are covered; porous materials, liquid hydrogen carriers, complex hydrides, intermetallic hydrides, electrochemical storage of energy, thermal energy storage, hydrogen energy systems and an outlook is presented for future prospects and research on hydrogen-based energy storage

    Hydrogen Storage in Light Metal Hydrides

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