1,933 research outputs found

    The Impact of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Male Fertility: Focus on the Action of Obesogens

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    The current scenario of male infertility is not yet fully elucidated; however, there is increasing evidence that it is associated with the widespread exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and in particular to obesogens. These compounds interfere with hormones involved in the regulation of metabolism and are associated with weight gain, being also able to change the functioning of the male reproductive axis and, consequently, the testicular physiology and metabolism that are pivotal for spermatogenesis. The disruption of these tightly regulated metabolic pathways leads to adverse reproductive outcomes. The permanent exposure to obesogens has raised serious health concerns. Evidence suggests that obesogens are one of the leading causes of the marked decline of male fertility and key players in shaping the future health outcomes not only for those who are directly exposed but also for upcoming generations. In addition to the changes that lead to inefficient functioning of the male gametes, obesogens induce alterations that are “imprinted” on the genes of the male gametes, establishing a link between generations and contributing to the transmission of defects. Unveiling the molecular mechanisms by which obesogens induce toxicity that may end-up in epigenetic modifications is imperative. This review describes and discusses the suggested molecular targets and potential mechanisms for obesogenic–disrupting chemicals and the subsequent effects on male reproductive health

    Civil Disobedience, and What Else? Making Space for Uncivil Forms of Resistance

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    Theorists of political obligation have long devoted special attention to civil disobedience, establishing its pride of place as an object of philosophical analysis, and as one of a short list of exceptions to an otherwise binding obligation to obey the law. Yet all of this attention to civil disobedience has left the broader terrain of resistance to injustice relatively under-theorized. What other forms of action are justifiable – even required – in the face of systemic injustice? Candice Delmas’ A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should Be Uncivil offers an original and powerful defense of the idea that we have a duty to resist, and that carrying out this duty may sometimes require going beyond civil disobedience – engaging in forms of action that are evasive, shocking, violent, or otherwise deemed “uncivil.” Building on a wealth of recent scholarship and a rich set of examples, Delmas grounds the duty to resist in the same principles that political philosophers routinely use to defend an obligation to obey the law: the natural duty of justice, the principle of fair play, Samaritan duties to rescue others from peril, and the associative duties of membership. In making room for uncivil forms of dissent, however, I contend that Delmas ironically hollows out the category of civil disobedience, wedding it too tightly to a principle of decorum, and isolating it from protest that exceeds the boundaries of the communicative. Nevertheless, A Duty to Resist is an excellent – and much needed – contribution to the literature on dissent and disobedience

    Disaggregating political authority: what's wrong with Rawlsian civil disobedience?

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    Contemporary philosophical and theoretical discussions of civil disobedience hope to contribute to significant political debates around when and in which forms political dissent, protest and resistance is appropriate. In doing so, they often focus on and criticize John Rawls' work on civil disobedience. However, ignoring the frame in which Rawls discusses civil disobedience has led critics to wrongly attack his theory for being too restrictive when it is more likely to be too permissive. That permissiveness depends on treating any political order which does not come close to fulfilling his theory of justice as absolutely illegitimate. In this sense, Rawls’ theory of political authority is binary and demanding. The problems his theory shares with most others, including his critics’, show that political authority needs to be disaggregated to make sense of the conditions under which different forms of protest and resistance are appropriate

    Conceptual overview of the Olifants River Basin's groundwater, South Africa. Occasional paper

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    River basin development / Groundwater / Aquifers / Groundwater recharge / Water quality / South Africa / Olifants River Basin

    La criminología y la vivencia de las crisis económicas en el derecho penal

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    El artículo contiene una foto en la que aparecen de izda. a dcha.: A. Beristain, J. Bernat de Celis, J.J. Martínez Zato, E. Ruiz Vadillo, Ch. Bassiouni, J.L. de la Cuesta, J. Pinatel y R. Ottenhof.[ES] Después de analizar la influencia de las crisis económicas en la evolución delincuencial, estudia las respuestas en el Código vigente, el Proyecto de 1980 y la Propuesta de Anteproyecto de 1983, finalizando con las nuevas perspectivas que se vislumbran.[EU] Krisialdi ekonomikoak dilinkuentzia-bilakabidean duen eragina ikertutakoan, erantzunak indarreango Kode, 1980.eko Projektu eta 1983.eko Aurreprojektu- Proposamenean aztertu zituen, antzeman daitezkeen perspektiba berriekin amaituko zuelarik.[FR] Après avoir analysé l’influence des crisis économiques dans l’évolution de la delinquance, il étudie les réponses dans le Code en vigeur, le proyet de 1980 et la proposition d’avantprojet de 1983, finissant avec les nouvelles perspectives quónt entrevoit.[EN] After analycing the economical crisis influence on delinquency development, he studies the Actual Code answers, The 1980 Proyect and the 1983 Law Proposed Proposal, ending with the new perspectives for the future

    La criminología y la vivencia de las crisis económicas en el derecho penal

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    El artículo contiene una foto en la que aparecen de izda. a dcha.: A. Beristain, J. Bernat de Celis, J.J. Martínez Zato, E. Ruiz Vadillo, Ch. Bassiouni, J.L. de la Cuesta, J. Pinatel y R. Ottenhof.[ES] Después de analizar la influencia de las crisis económicas en la evolución delincuencial, estudia las respuestas en el Código vigente, el Proyecto de 1980 y la Propuesta de Anteproyecto de 1983, finalizando con las nuevas perspectivas que se vislumbran.[EU] Krisialdi ekonomikoak dilinkuentzia-bilakabidean duen eragina ikertutakoan, erantzunak indarreango Kode, 1980.eko Projektu eta 1983.eko Aurreprojektu- Proposamenean aztertu zituen, antzeman daitezkeen perspektiba berriekin amaituko zuelarik.[FR] Après avoir analysé l’influence des crisis économiques dans l’évolution de la delinquance, il étudie les réponses dans le Code en vigeur, le proyet de 1980 et la proposition d’avantprojet de 1983, finissant avec les nouvelles perspectives quónt entrevoit.[EN] After analycing the economical crisis influence on delinquency development, he studies the Actual Code answers, The 1980 Proyect and the 1983 Law Proposed Proposal, ending with the new perspectives for the future

    Case of Monostotic Fibrous Dysplasia in the hand

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    A case of monostotic fibrous dysplasia in the proximal phalanx of an otherwise healthy, twenty-five year old is discussed. Fibrous dysplasia in the hand is rarely seen. Our patient presented with a swelling in his proximal phalanx. Xrays showed a lytic lesion. The lesion was treated with excision biopsy and cancellous bone grafting. Histological examination excluded malignancy but was diagnostically inconclusive. At recurrence, two and a half years later, a diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia was made. Intractable pain necessitated a ray amputation of the affected phalanx. The indications for surgical intervention in cases of fibrous dysplasia are discussed.peer-reviewe