759 research outputs found

    Tertiary remagnetization of Paleozoic rocks from the Eastern Cordillera and sub-Andean Belt of Bolivia

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    Paleomagnetic samples were collected from 98 sedimentary horizons in eight different Devonian to Permian sedimentary units at eight localities in the Eastern Cordillera and the sub-Andean Belt of Bolivia. For 77 sites, thermal demagnetization allowed determination of a characteristic magnetization (ChRM) with site-mean 95% confidence limit, α95, ≤15°. The ChRM is carried predominantly or entirely by hematite. Fold and reversal tests from two of the sampled localities indicate that the characteristic magnetization is synfolding, likely acquired during the earliest stages of deformation. Additionally, a modified conglomerate test at one locality and the nearly uniform direction of ChRM across the Devonian to Permian age units clearly reveals the secondary nature of the characteristic magnetization. Finally, the ChRM directions are discordant from any expected Paleozoic directions. Paleomagnetic poles calculated from the ChRM directions fall near the Cenozoic portion of the apparent polar wander path for South America. We interpret these observations to indicate widespread chemical remagnetization of these Paleozoic strata during, but prior to completion of, Cenozoic Andean folding

    Criteri topologici per l'ottimizzazione sicura di reazioni potenzialmente fuggitive

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    In this work, optimization procedures, particurarly suitable for potentially runaway reactions carried out in indirectly cooled semibatch reactors operated in isoperibolic temperature control mode, have been developed. Such optimization procedures based on a particular criterion, referred to as "topological", in order tio select a set of operating conditions which is able of ensuring both process thermochemical stability and high productivity and selectivity with respect the desired product. This topological approach has been validated both experimentally and theoretically by studing kinetic schemes characterized by different complexity degrees. As an example, the relevant case study of the free radical emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate has been analyzed and reported

    Q fever mimicking herpetic encephalitis

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    We describe a patient with temporal lobe encephalitis associated with primary Coxiella burnetii infection who lsresented with CT and MRI findings suggestive of herpes simplex encephaktis and an initial improvement during treatment with acyclovir. Q fever should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients whose manifestations suggest herpes encephalitis

    Removal of a mixture of oxygenated VOCs in a biotrickling filter

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    [Abstract] Laboratory scale-studies on the biodegradation of a 1:1:1 wt mixture of three oxygenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ethanol, ethyl acetate and methyl-ethyl ketone (MEK) in a biotrickling filter were carried out using two identically sized columns, filled with different polypropylene rings. The reactors were seeded with a two-month preconditioned culture from activated sludge. The performance of the biotrickling filters was examined for a continuous period of 4 months at VOC concentration from 125 mg-C/m3 to 550 mg-C/m3 and at gas flow rates of around 1.0 m3/h, 2.0 m3/h and 4.6 m3/h, which correspond to gas empty bed residence times (EBRT) of 68 s, 33 s and 16 s, respectively. Similar performance was obtained for both supports. Intermittent flow rate of trickling liquid was shown as beneficial to improve the removal efficiency of the system. A stratification in the substrate consumption was observed from gas composition profiles, with MEK % in the emission greater than 78%. Continuous VOC feeding resulted in an excessive accumulation of biomass and high pressure drop was developed in less than 20-30 days of operation. Intermittent VOC loading with night and weekend feed cut-off periods passing dried air, but without water addition, was shown as a successful operational mode to control the biofilm thickness. In this case, operation at high inlet loads was extended for more than 50 days maintaining high removal efficiencies and low pressure drops

    LaeA and VeA are involved in growth morphology, asexual development, and mycotoxin production in Alternaria alternata

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    Alternaria alternata is a common filamentous fungus that contaminates various fruits, grains and vegetables causing important economic losses to farmers and the food industry. A. alternata is a mycotoxigenic mould, which may jeopardize human and animal health. Two of the most common A. alternata mycotoxins found in food and feed are alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether. In this study we examined the role of LaeA and VeA, two regulatory proteins belonging to the velvet family, which have been described to be involved in several functions in many fungi including secondary metabolism. We found that deletion of laeA and veA genes, respectively, greatly reduced sporulation and strongly compromised mycotoxin production, both in vitro or during pathogenesis of tomato fruits. We have also studied how the loss of laeA and veA may affect expression of genes related to alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether biosynthesis (pksJ and altR), and to melanin biosynthesis (cmrA, pksA).We are also grateful to the Catalonian Government (XaRTA-Reference Network on Food Technology) for their financial support. N. Estiarte thanks the Secretaria de Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Economia i Coneixement of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the pre-doctoral grant (FI-DGR 2013)

    Ichthyoplankton composition and variability of a shallow coastal area in the Tabarca Marine Reserve, southeast Iberian Peninsula

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    We studied the ichthyoplankton assemblage (eggs and larvae) in a shallow coastal area in the Tabarca Marine Reserve (southeast Spain, Mediterranean Sea). Samples were taken during four different months of the same year, covering different temporal scales (season, moon phase, and day-night), and were obtained from two sampling sites, 1 km apart. The temporal variability of catches is discussed, and their relationships with the factors studied. Channel plankton nets were used in order to get the habitat associated assemblage. We captures 21 855 eggs (mean 140.41 eggs/100 m³, SD 260.36) and 4 542 larvae (mean 42.45 larvae/100 m³, SD 82.9). Ninety-nine percent of the larvae were pre-flexion. We identified 20 families. The most abundant taxonomic groups were: Gobiesocidae (31.8 %), Gobiidae (31.7 %), Sardina pilchardus (11.1 %), Bleniidae (7.5 %), Sparidae (6.9 %), Sardinella aurita (2.6 %), Serranidae (2.4 %) and Atherinidae (1.8 %). The resulting assemblage was more similar to that of estuaries and coastal lagoons than coastal shelf areas. The results showed no evidence of retention of commercial species larvae, which may be exported with currents. Analysis showed no difference between both sampling sites. Higher larvae and eggs densities were found in August and June. Eggs variability was associated with the moon phase, i.e., higher catches during the new moon and the first quarter, although there were not differences between day and night. Nocturnal larvae catches were higher, and differences between night and day were more accentuated during dark moon phases.La comunidad de ictioplancton (huevos y larvas) en una zona somera de la reserva marina de Tabarca fue caracterizada a distintas escalas temporales a lo largo de un año (estación, fase lunar y día-noche). Se discute la variabilidad temporal que mostraron las capturas de huevos y larvas, y su posible relación con los factores estudiados. Se utilizaron redes de plancton fijas. Fueron capturados en total 21 855 huevos (media 140,41 individuos/100 m³, SD 260,36) y 4 542 larvas (media 42,45 individuos/100 m³, SD 82,9). Las larvas preflexión constituyeron el 99 % de las capturas. Se identificó un total de 20 familias. Las categorías taxonómicas más abundantes fueron Gobiesocidae (31,8 %), Gobiidae (31,7 %), Sardina pilchardus (11,1 %), Bleniidae (7,5 %), Sparidae (6,9 %), Sardinella aurita (2,6 %), Serranidae (2,4 %) y Atherinidae (1,8 %). La composición de la comunidad se asemejó a la encontrada en estuarios y lagunas costeras por otros autores, más que a la encontrada en zonas de plataforma cercanas. No hay evidencias de que la reserva marina actúe como zona de retención de larvas de especies comerciales, sino más bien de exportación. No hubo diferencias entre las dos localidades de muestreo. Las mayores densidades de huevos y larvas aparecieron en los meses de agosto y junio. Los huevos mostraron cierta variabilidad relacionada con la fase lunar, con mayores capturas en cuarto creciente y luna nueva, pero no tuvieron diferencias día-noche. Las larvas mostraron una mayor densidad durante la noche, con mayores diferencias respecto al día en las fases lunares oscuras.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Multiscaling analysis of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 fish assemblage in Alicante (southeast Iberian Peninsula)

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    The aim of this study is to describe a Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 fish community and detect any daily changes in its composition at different spatial levels. Posidonia oceanica appears at depths from 0 to 30-40 meters, depending on water transparency. Its importance is based on the high number of associated fishes and invertebrates attracted by its spatial heterogeneity and variety of habitats compared with no vegetated areas. The fishing gear knows as beam trawl (1.8 meters of width and 0.8 meters of height) was used, at six localities. Each of these localities was divided in six subdivision (sites), of which we randomly sampled three by the day and three at night. Three replicates were performed at each site, for a total of 108 samples. In an overall catch of 8 747 specimens, 53 species were found, the most numerous being Diplodus annularis (1 493), Serranus scriba (1 326), Symphodus rostratus (1 156) and Symphodus cinereus (665). The nocturnal catches, compared with the diurnal, were more abundant, with a higher number of species and specimens.En este estudio se pretende describir la comunidad de peces de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 y detectar el efecto producido por el periodo del día considerando diferentes escalas espaciales. Posidonia oceanica se encuentra desde la superficie hasta los 30 o 40 metros de profundidad, en función de la transparencia del agua. Su importancia se basa en el alto número de peces e invertebrados que están asociados a ella debido a su alta heterogeneidad espacial y a su gran variedad de hábitats si se compara con zonas sin vegetación. Para ello, se utilizó un gánguil (1,8 metros de anchura por 0,8 metros de altura), y se consideraron seis localidades. En cada una de ellas, se eligieron seis sitios, de los que se muestrearon, al azar, tres de día y tres de noche. En cada uno de estos sitios se realizaron tres réplicas, lo que da un total de 108 muestras. Se capturaron 8 747 individuos pertenecientes a 53 especies, siendo las más numerosas Diplodus annularis (1 493), Serranus scriba (1 326), Symphodus rostratus (1 156) y Symphodus cinereus (665). Las capturas nocturnas fueron más abundantes en cuanto a diversidad y abundancia.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    A multiscaling approach to the study of the fish fauna on the rocky bottom of Ceuta (Spain)

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    The fish population off the coast of Ceuta (Spain) was sampled using visual censuses. Different spatial scales were used. Two sectors were defined, one of them with Mediterranean influence and the other with Atlantic influence. The population's composition showed differences between sectors, due to biogeographic factors, in the structuring of the fish assemblagse. The number of species, the diversity and the biomass presented significant differences only on a smaller spatial scale, due to the rocky habitat's heterogeneity. On a large spatial scale, the structure of the assemblage was dominated by pelagic wandering species, whereas on a smaller scale, the small-sized sedentary demersal species were more important. The trophic structure showed a predominance of microphages, followed by carnivorous mesophages, due to the exploitation level which the study zone suffers. Our results indicate the coast of Ceuta's potential as a diversity centre for fish fauna.Se estudió la ictiofauna litoral de Ceuta mediante censos visuales a varias escalas espaciales. Se diferenciaron dos sectores: uno con influencia mediterránea y otro con influencia atlántica. La composición del poblamiento mostró diferencias entre sectores debidas a factores de índole biogeográfico. El número de especies, la diversidad y la biomasa fueron significativamente diferentes sólo a la escala espacial menor, debido a la heterogeneidad estructural del hábitat. A gran escala espacial, la estructura del poblamiento estuvo dominada por especies pelágicas errantes, mientras que a escala menor tuvieron más importancia las especies demersales sedentarias de pequeño tamaño. La estructura trófica mostró un predominio de los micrófagos, grupo seguido de los carnívoros mesófagos, como consecuencia directa del nivel de explotación al que se ve sometida la zona de estudio. Los resultados han mostrado el potencial del litoral ceutí como centro de diversidad de la fauna íctica.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Simulating the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions limiting transmission in COVID-19 epidemics using a membrane computing model

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    [EN] Epidemics caused by microbial organisms are part of the natural phenomena of increasing biological complexity. The heterogeneity and constant variability of hosts, in terms of age, immunological status, family structure, lifestyle, work activities, social and leisure habits, daily division of time and other demographic characteristics make it extremely difficult to predict the evolution of epidemics. Such prediction is, however, critical for implementing intervention measures in due time and with appropriate intensity. General conclusions should be precluded, given that local parameters dominate the flow of local epidemics. Membrane computing models allows us to reproduce the objects (viruses and hosts) and their interactions (stochastic but also with defined probabilities) with an unprecedented level of detail. Our LOIMOS model helps reproduce the demographics and social aspects of a hypothetical town of 10 320 inhabitants in an average European country where COVID-19 is imported from the outside. The above-mentioned characteristics of hosts and their lifestyle are minutely considered. For the data in the Hospital and the ICU we took advantage of the observations at the Nursery Intensive Care Unit of the Consortium University General Hospital, Valencia, Spain (included as author). The dynamics of the epidemics are reproduced and include the effects on viral transmission of innate and acquired immunity at various ages. The model predicts the consequences of delaying the adoption of non-pharmaceutical interventions (between 15 and 45 days after the first reported cases) and the effect of those interventions on infection and mortality rates (reducing transmission by 20, 50 and 80%) in immunological response groups. The lockdown for the elderly population as a single intervention appears to be effective. This modeling exercise exemplifies the application of membrane computing for designing appropriate multilateral interventions in epidemic situations.MC and FB were sponsored by the Projects COV20 00067 of the Program SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 infection of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain, CB06/02/0053 of the Centro de Investigacion Biom edica en Red de Epidemiolog¿a y Salud Publica (CIBERESP), and the Regional Government of Madrid (InGeMICS-B2017/BMD-3691). For JCG, this study was partially founded by the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain (COVID-19 Grant, 2020) and the Ramon y Cajal Institute for Health Research (IRYCIS), Madrid, Spain. For AM, this study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-105969GB-I00), the government of Valencia (project Prometeo/2018/A/133) and cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Campos Frances, M.; Sempere Luna, JM.; Galán, JC.; Moya, A.; Llorens, C.; De-Los-Angeles, C.; Baquero-Artigao, F.... (2021). Simulating the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions limiting transmission in COVID-19 epidemics using a membrane computing model. microLife. 2:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1093/femsml/uqab011S114