22 research outputs found

    Structure in the Rotation Measure Sky

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    An analysis of structure in rotation measure (RM) across the sky based on the RM catalog of Taylor et al. (2009) is presented. Several resolved RM structures are identified with structure in the local ISM, including radio loops I, II, and III, the Gum nebula, and the Orion-Eridanus super bubble. Structure functions (SFs) of RM are presented for selected areas, and maps of SF amplitude and slope across the sky are compared with H-alpha intensity and diffuse polarized intensity. RM variance on an angular scale of 1 degree is correlated with length of the line of sight through the Galaxy, with a contribution from local structures. The slope of the SFs is less concentrated to the Galactic plane and less correlated with length of the line of sight through the Galaxy, suggesting a more local origin for RM structure on angular scales ~ 10 degrees. The RM variance is a factor ~2 higher towards the SGP than towards the NGP, reflecting a more wide-spread asymmetry between the northern and southern Galactic hemispheres. Depolarization of diffuse Galactic synchrotron emission at latitudes < 30 degrees can be explained largely by Faraday dispersion related to small-scale variance in RM, but the errors allow a significant contribution from differential Faraday rotation along the line of sight.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures. Figures 1-4 and 9-10 available as separate files. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal A complete pdf with all figures included is available at http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/~stil/Stil_2010_RM_structure.pd

    Modelling the implications of stopping vector control for malaria control and elimination

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    Increasing coverage of malaria vector control interventions globally has led to significant reductions in disease burden. However due to its high recurrent cost, there is a need to determine if and when vector control can be safely scaled back after transmission has been reduced.; A mathematical model of Plasmodium falciparum malaria epidemiology was simulated to determine the impact of scaling back vector control on transmission and disease. A regression analysis of simulation results was conducted to derive predicted probabilities of resurgence, severity of resurgence and time to resurgence under various settings. Results indicate that, in the absence of secular changes in transmission, there are few scenarios where vector control can be removed without high expectation of resurgence. These, potentially safe, scenarios are characterized by low historic entomological inoculation rates, successful vector control programmes that achieve elimination or near elimination, and effective surveillance systems with high coverage and effective treatment of malaria cases.; Programmes and funding agencies considering scaling back or withdrawing vector control from previously malaria endemic areas need to first carefully consider current receptivity and other available interventions in a risk assessment. Surveillance for resurgence needs to be continuously conducted over a long period of time in order to ensure a rapid response should vector control be withdrawn

    An improved map of the Galactic Faraday sky

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    We aim to summarize the current state of knowledge regarding Galactic Faraday rotation in an all-sky map of the Galactic Faraday depth. For this we have assembled the most extensive catalog of Faraday rotation data of compact extragalactic polarized radio sources to date. In the map making procedure we use a recently developed algorithm that reconstructs the map and the power spectrum of a statistically isotropic and homogeneous field while taking into account uncertainties in the noise statistics. This procedure is able to identify some rotation angles that are offset by an integer multiple of pi. The resulting map can be seen as an improved version of earlier such maps and is made publicly available, along with a map of its uncertainty. For the angular power spectrum we find a power law behavior with a power law index of -2.14 for a Faraday sky where an overall variance profile as a function of Galactic latitude has been removed, in agreement with earlier work. We show that this is in accordance with a 3D Fourier power spectrum P(k) proportional to k^-2.14 of the underlying field n_e times B_r under simplifying geometrical and statistical assumptions.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. Update in one data catalog. All results are available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/ift/faraday

    Sharing the spotlight in Durban: A report from IAS TB2016 at AIDS2016

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is now recognized as the number one cause of death worldwide due to a single infectious pathogen and is the cause of death in one-third of people living with HIV worldwide. An inaugural pre-conference focused on TB (TB2016) was held at the International AIDS Society Conference AIDS2016. This report focuses on key messages from the TB2016 conference that are important for the medical, public health, activist, and scientific communities. Keywords: Tuberculosis, HIV, Epidemiology, Public health, Treatment, Preventio

    Learning and Networking: Utilization of a Primary Care Listserv by Pharmacists

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    BACKGROUND: Expanding into new types of practice, such as family health teams, presents challenges for practising pharmacists. The Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network (PC-PSN) was established in 2007 to support collaboration among pharmacists working in primary care. The PC-PSN offers to its members a listserv (also referred to as an electronic mailing list) jointly hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists and the Canadian Pharmacists Association. OBJECTIVES: To characterize PC-PSN membership and participation in the listserv and to examine how the listserv is used by analyzing questions posted, concerns raised, and issues discussed. METHODS: Qualitative content analysis was used to examine 1 year of archived PC-PSN listserv posts from the year 2010. Two coders used NVivo software to classify the content of posts. Research team members reviewed and discussed the coding reports to confirm themes emerging from the data. RESULTS: Overall, 129 people (52.9% of the 244 listserv members registered at the end of the calendar year) posted to the listserv during the study period. These participants worked in various practice settings, with over half residing in Ontario (68/129 [52.7%]). A total of 623 posts were coded. Agreement between coders, for a sample of posts from 10 users, was acceptable (kappa = 0.78). The listserv was used to share information on a diverse set of topics, to support decision-making and acquire solutions for complex problems, and as a forum for mentorship. CONCLUSIONS: The qualitative content analysis of the PC-PSN listserv posts for the year 2010 showed that the listserv was a medium for information-sharing and for providing and receiving support, through mentorship from colleagues. Apparent learning needs included effective question-posing skills and application of evidence to individual patients

    Learning and Networking: Utilization of a Primary Care Listserv by Pharmacists

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Expanding into new types of practice, such as family health teams, presents challenges for practising pharmacists. The Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network (PC-PSN) was established in 2007 to support collaboration among pharmacists working in primary care. The PC-PSN offers to its members a listserv (also referred to as an electronic mailing list) jointly hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists and the Canadian Pharmacists Association.Objectives: To characterize PC-PSN membership and participation in the listserv and to examine how the listserv is used by analyzing questions posted, concerns raised, and issues discussed.Methods: Qualitative content analysis was used to examine 1 year of archived PC-PSN listserv posts from the year 2010. Two coders used NVivo software to classify the content of posts. Research team members reviewed and discussed the coding reports to confirm themes emerging from the data.Results: Overall, 129 people (52.9% of the 244 listserv members registered at the end of the calendar year) posted to the listserv during the study period. These participants worked in various practice settings, with over half residing in Ontario (68/129 [52.7%]). A total of 623 posts were coded. Agreement between coders, for a sample of posts from 10 users, was acceptable (kappa = 0.78). The listserv was used to share information on a diverse set of topics, to support decision-making and acquire solutions for complex problems, and as a forum for mentorship.Conclusions: The qualitative content analysis of the PC-PSN listserv posts for the year 2010 showed that the listserv was a medium for information-sharing and for providing and receiving support, through mentorship from colleagues. Apparent learning needs included effective question-posing skills and application of evidence to individual patients.RÉSUMÉContexte : Passer à de nouveaux types de pratiques, comme les groupes de médecine de famille, présente différents défis pour les pharmaciens en exercice. Le Réseau de spécialistes en pharmacie (RSP) en soins de santé primaires a été mis sur pied en 2007 dans le but de favoriser la collaboration entre pharmaciens oeuvrant en soins de santé primaires. Le RSP en soins de santé primaires offre à ses membres un gestionnaire de liste de diffusion (listserv) sous l’égide conjoint de la Société canadienne des pharmaciens d’hôpitaux et de l’Association des pharmaciens du Canada.Objectifs : Offrir un portrait des effectifs du RSP en soins de santé primaires et de la participation des membres au forum de discussion, et étudier comment le gestionnaire de liste de diffusion est utilisé à l’aide d’une analyse des questions publiées, des préoccupations soulevées et des problèmes abordés.Méthodes : Une analyse qualitative du contenu a servi à étudier l’ensemble des messages archivés dans le gestionnaire de liste de diffusion de l’année 2010. Deux codeurs ont utilisé le logiciel NVivo pour classer le contenu des messages publiés. Les résultats de l’encodage ont été examinés par les membres de l’équipe de recherche afin d’identifier les thèmes se dégageant des données.Résultats : Dans l’ensemble, 129 personnes (52,9 % des 244 membres inscrits au gestionnaire de liste de diffusion à la fin de l’année civile) ont publié des messages durant la période à l’étude. Les participants travaillaient dans différents milieux et plus de la moitié habitaient en Ontario (68/129 [52,7 %]). Au total, 623 messages ont été encodés et la concordance entre les résultats des deux codeurs était satisfaisante pour un échantillon de messages provenant de 10 usagers (indice kappa = 0,78). Le gestionnaire de liste de diffusion a servi à partager de l’information sur une gamme de sujets, à appuyer des prises de décision et à trouver des solutions à des problèmes complexes. Il a aussi servi de forum de mentorat.Conclusions : L’analyse qualitative du contenu des messages publiés en 2010 dans le gestionnaire de liste de diffusion par les membres du RSP en soins de santé primaires a montré que le gestionnaire est un média d’échange d’information et qu’il permet d’offrir et de recevoir du soutien grâce au mentorat entre collègues. Parmi les besoins identifiés, on compte la capacité à bien formuler des questions et l’application des données probantes pour le traitement individuel des patients

    15 Doctors Send Message to Michiganders on Wearing Masks, Following Science

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    http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/166462/1/15 Doctors Send Message to Michiganders_0001.pdfSEL