193 research outputs found

    Antropología y envejecimiento: aproximaciones teóricas y ejemplos etnográficos

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    La ponencia se propone realizar algunas consideraciones sobre la aproximación antropológica al estudio de los procesos de envejecimiento. La misma comprenderá el estudio de un conjunto de textos seleccionados y analizados en los últimos años en el marco de los contenidos del curso de Etnografía II, asignatura obligatoria para todos los estudiantes que cursan la Carrera de Antropología de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP). Partiendo de la consideración de que las cuestiones vinculadas al género y la edad se instalan como preocupación disciplinar en la segunda parte del siglo XX, nos proponemos rescatar los principales aportes que las fuentes etnográficas nos ofrecen, especialmente sobre los procesos de envejecimiento y la variabilidad de experiencias del envejecer. Rescataremos el valor del criterio etario como un principio de organización presente en distintas sociedades, sobre la base del cual las mismas establecen un parámetro para ubicar a los individuos más o menos contemporáneos en el marco de sus relaciones con el resto de conjunto social. En tal sentido, destacaremos el valor central del concepto de edad social para entender diversas estrategias culturales asignadas al colectivo “viejos”. Finalmente, señalaremos el modo en que el estudio de los procesos de envejecimiento en las sociedades etnográficas puede contribuir a la reflexión acerca del fenómeno en las sociedades modernas. Basados en la variabilidad intra e intercultural que nos ofrece la aproximación antropológica, reflexionaremos sobre los aportes que el trabajo disciplinar e interdisciplinar puede proporcionar para una mejor comprensión del problema del envejecimiento y las políticas adecuadas para el tránsito por esta última etapa del trayecto vital.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Dietary Crude Lecithin Increases Systemic Availability of Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid with Combined Intake in Rats

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    Crude lecithin, a mixture of mainly phospholipids, potentially helps to increase the systemic availability of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Nevertheless, no clear data exist on the effects of prolonged combined dietary supplementation of DHA and lecithin on RBC and plasma PUFA levels. In the current experiments, levels of DHA and choline, two dietary ingredients that enhance neuronal membrane formation and function, were determined in plasma and red blood cells (RBC) from rats after dietary supplementation of DHA-containing oils with and without concomitant dietary supplementation of crude lecithin for 2–3 weeks. The aim was to provide experimental evidence for the hypothesized additive effects of dietary lecithin (not containing any DHA) on top of dietary DHA on PUFA levels in plasma and RBC. Dietary supplementation of DHA-containing oils, either as vegetable algae oil or as fish oil, increased DHA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and total n-3 PUFA, and decreased total omega-6 PUFA levels in plasma and RBC, while dietary lecithin supplementation alone did not affect these levels. However, combined dietary supplementation of DHA and lecithin increased the changes induced by DHA supplementation alone. Animals receiving a lecithin-containing diet also had a higher plasma free choline concentration as compared to controls. In conclusion, dietary DHA-containing oils and crude lecithin have synergistic effects on increasing plasma and RBC n-3 PUFA levels, including DHA and EPA. By increasing the systemic availability of dietary DHA, dietary lecithin may increase the efficacy of DHA supplementation when their intake is combined.Nutricia Researc


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    telekomunikasi sebagaimana dilakukan oleh IM2. IM2 telah menyalahgunakan pita frekuensi 2.1 Ghz, dan secara melawan hukum beroperasi pada jaringan tersebut sehingga menimbulkan kerugian negara. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penulis tertarik meneliti, bagaimana Undang-Undang Telekomunikasi jo Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika dan Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi mengatur mekanisme pemanfaatan aset negara berupa jaringan satelit, mengapa aset negara berupa jaringan satelit kerap kali disalahgunakan didalam pemanfaatannya oleh korporasi, serta bagaimana upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melindungi aset negara dalam bentuk jaringan satelit terhadap penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesifikasi penelitian yang bersifat deskriftif analitis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dibantu yuridis empiris, data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data berupa yuridis kualitatif. Pemanfaatan aset negara berupa jaringan satelit melalui pita frekuensi merupakan salah satu hak yang dalam pemanfaatannya diatur oleh peraturan perundang-undangan agar tercipta keadilan, kepastian dan ketertiban, keamanan, keseimbangan, perlindungan dan pemeliharaan dalam pemanfataannya. Jaringan satelit yang merupakan jaringan satelit aset negara pemanfaatannya mensyaratkan izin dan pembayaran tarif tertentu, sehingga konsekuensinya ketika terjadi penyalahgunaan pemanfaatan jaringan satelit, negara akan mengalami kerugian. Aset negara berupa jaringan satelit kerap kali disalahgunakan didalam pemanfaatannya oleh korporasi disebabkan beberapa faktor diantaranya faktor hukum itu sendiri dalam hal ini peraturan perundang-undangannya, faktor penegak hukum, faktor sarana atau fasilitas yang mendukung pengawasan dan penegakan hukum itu sendiri, faktor masyarakat, yakni lingkungan dimana hukum tersebut berlaku atau diterapkan, dalam hal ini yaitu lingkungan korporasi, faktor kebudayaan yakni kurangnya kesadaran hukum korporasi dalam upaya pemanfaatan aset negara secara berkeadilan dan tertib sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dimana pemanfaatan yang tidak secara berkeadilan akan membawa negara menuju kepada kehancuran. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melindungi aset negara dalam bentuk jaringan satelit terhadap penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi harus berangkat dari beberapa faktor yang menjadi penyebab penyalahgunaan pemanfaatan jaringan satelit diantaranya yaitu melalui upaya preventif berupa revisi perunang-undangan, pengawasan, sosialisasi sert upaya represif berupa penegakan hukum. Penegakan hukum harus dilaksanakan tanpa pandang bulu, sebagai bentuk keyakinan atas doktrin hukum, bahwa setiap orang mempunyai kedudukan yang sama di depan hukum. Kata Kunci: Penyalahgunaan Aset Negara, Jaringan Sateli

    Detection of two QTL on chicken chromosome 14 for keyhole lymphet heamocyanin

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    A keyhole lymphet heamocyanin is an antigen which triggers Th1 type of immune response. A QTL for a primary immune response towards keyhole lymphet heamocyanin has been detected on chicken chromosome 14 in three populations. The results from the most recent population were inconsistent and varied depending on the applied QTL detection model. The major goal of the current study was the reanalysis of this data using a 2 QTL model. Additionally, in order to provide more accurate estimates of QTL effects and positions, epistasis between the QTL was considered as a potential important contributor to quantitative traits. Four statistical models were assumed: M1: A model assuming marginal additive effects of two QTL; M2: A model assuming marginal and epistatic additive effects of two QTL; M3: A model assuming marginal additive and dominance effects of two QTL; M4: A model assuming marginal additive and dominance effects of two QTL and all possible pairwise epistases. Two QTL with significant additive and dominance effects were detected on chicken chromosome 14 using model M3. One QTL was detected at 63 cM between MCW0123 and ROS0005, another at 76 cM between ROS0005 and MCW0225/NTN2Lsts1 (FDR = 0.0051). Modelling only additive effects resulted in a significantly worse fit. On the other hand, including epistatic effects did not improve fit significantly. The current study confirms previous reports of the QTL location on GGA14. A notable finding of this study is recognition of two closely related QTL for a keyhole lymphet heamocyanin response at the distal part of chicken chromosome 14

    Brain imaging and human nutrition: which measures to use in intervention studies?

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    The present review describes brain imaging technologies that can be used to assess the effects of nutritional interventions in human subjects. Specifically, we summarise the biological relevance of their outcome measures, practical use and feasibility, and recommended use in short- and long-term nutritional studies. The brain imaging technologies described consist of MRI, including diffusion tensor imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy and functional MRI, as well as electroencephalography/magnetoencephalography, near-IR spectroscopy, positron emission tomography and single-photon emission computerised tomography. In nutritional interventions and across the lifespan, brain imaging can detect macro- and microstructural, functional, electrophysiological and metabolic changes linked to broader functional outcomes, such as cognition. Imaging markers can be considered as specific for one or several brain processes and as surrogate instrumental endpoints that may provide sensitive measures of short- and long-term effects. For the majority of imaging measures, little information is available regarding their correlation with functional endpoints in healthy subjects; therefore, imaging markers generally cannot replace clinical endpoints that reflect the overall capacity of the brain to behaviourally respond to specific situations and stimuli. The principal added value of brain imaging measures for human nutritional intervention studies is their ability to provide unique in vivo information on the working mechanism of an intervention in hypothesis-driven research. Selection of brain imaging techniques and target markers within a given technique should mainly depend on the hypothesis regarding the mechanism of action of the intervention, level (structural, metabolic or functional) and anticipated timescale of the intervention's effects, target population, availability and costs of the technique

    Molecular insights into disease-associated glutamate transporter (EAAT1 / SLC1A3) variants using in silico and in vitro approaches

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    Glutamate is an essential excitatory neurotransmitter and an intermediate for energy metabolism. Depending on the tumor site, cancer cells have increased or decreased expression of excitatory amino acid transporter 1 or 2 (EAAT1/2, SLC1A3/2) to regulate glutamate uptake for the benefit of tumor growth. Thus, EAAT1/2 may be an attractive target for therapeutic intervention in oncology. Genetic variation of EAAT1 has been associated with rare cases of episodic ataxia, but the occurrence and functional contribution of EAAT1 mutants in other diseases, such as cancer, is poorly understood. Here, 105 unique somatic EAAT1 mutations were identified in cancer patients from the Genomic Data Commons dataset. Using EAAT1 crystal structures and in silico studies, eight mutations were selected based on their close proximity to the orthosteric or allosteric ligand binding sites and the predicted change in ligand binding affinity. In vitro functional assessment in a live-cell, impedance-based phenotypic assay demonstrated that these mutants differentially affect L-glutamate and L-aspartate transport, as well as the inhibitory potency of an orthosteric (TFB-TBOA) and allosteric (UCPH-101) inhibitor. Moreover, two episodic ataxia-related mutants displayed functional responses that were in line with literature, which confirmed the validity of our assay. Of note, ataxia-related mutant M128R displayed inhibitor-induced functional responses never described before. Finally, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to gain mechanistic insights into the observed functional effects. Taken together, the results in this work demonstrate 1) the suitability of the label-free phenotypic method to assess functional variation of EAAT1 mutants and 2) the opportunity and challenges of using in silico techniques to rationalize the in vitro phenotype of disease-relevant mutants

    Advancing drug discovery through assay development: a survey of tool compounds within the human solute carrier superfamily

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    With over 450 genes, solute carriers (SLCs) constitute the largest transporter superfamily responsible for the uptake and efflux of nutrients, metabolites, and xenobiotics in human cells. SLCs are associated with a wide variety of human diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and metabolic and neurological disorders. They represent an important therapeutic target class that remains only partly exploited as therapeutics that target SLCs are scarce. Additionally, many small molecules reported in the literature to target SLCs are poorly characterized. Both features may be due to the difficulty of developing SLC transport assays that fulfill the quality criteria for high-throughput screening. Here, we report one of the main limitations hampering assay development within the RESOLUTE consortium: the lack of a resource providing high-quality information on SLC tool compounds. To address this, we provide a systematic annotation of tool compounds targeting SLCs. We first provide an overview on RESOLUTE assays. Next, we present a list of SLC-targeting compounds collected from the literature and public databases; we found that most data sources lacked specificity data. Finally, we report on experimental tests of 19 selected compounds against a panel of 13 SLCs from seven different families. Except for a few inhibitors, which were active on unrelated SLCs, the tested inhibitors demonstrated high selectivity for their reported targets. To make this knowledge easily accessible to the scientific community, we created an interactive dashboard displaying the collected data in the RESOLUTE web portal (https://re-solute.eu). We anticipate that our open-access resources on assays and compounds will support the development of future drug discovery campaigns for SLCs

    09 FERRY_04 LORD_c

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    Abstract: Interventions are crucial as they offer simple and inexpensive public health solutions that will be useful over the long term use. A Task Force on designing trials of nutritional interventions to slow cognitive decline in older adults was held in Toulouse in September 2012. The aim of the Task Force was to bring together leading experts from academia, the food industry and regulatory agencies to determine the best trial designs that would enable us to reach our goal of maintaining or improving cognitive function in apparently healthy aging people. An associated challenge for this Task Force was to determine the type of trials required by the Public Food Agencies for assessing the impact of nutritional compounds in comparison to well established requirements for drug trials. Although the required quality of the study design, rationale and statistical analysis remains the same, the studies designed to show reduction of cognitive decline require a long duration and the objectives of this task force was to determine best design for these trials. Two specific needs were identified to support trials of nutritional interventions: 1-Risk-reduction strategies are needed to tackle the growing burden of cognitive decline that may lead to dementia, 2-Innovative study designs are needed to improve the quality of these studies

    Eicosapentaenoic Acid, Arachidonic Acid and Eicosanoid Metabolism in Juvenile Barramundi Lates calcarifer

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    A two part experiment was conducted to assess the response of barramundi (Lates calcarifer; initial weight=10.3±0.03g; mean±S.D.) fed one of five diets with varying eicosapentaenoic acid (diets 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20g/kg) or one of four diets with varying arachidonic acid (1, 6, 12, 18g/kg) against a fish oil control diet. After 6weeks of feeding, the addition of EPA or ARA did not impact on growth performance or feed utilisation. Analysis of the whole body fatty acids showed that these reflected those of the diets. The ARA retention demonstrated an inversely related curvilinear response to either EPA or ARA. The calculated marginal utilisation efficiencies of EPA and ARA were high (62.1 and 91.9% respectively) and a dietary ARA requirement was defined (0.012g/kg0.796/day). The partial cDNA sequences of genes regulating eicosanoid biosynthesis were identified in barramundi tissues, namely cyclooxygenase 1 (Lc COX1a, Lc COX1b), cyclooxygenase 2 (Lc COX2) and lipoxygenase (Lc ALOX-5). BothLc COX2andLc ALOX-5expression in the liver tissue were elevated in response to increasing dietary ARA, meanwhile expression levels ofLcCOX2and the mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (LcCPT1a) were elevated in the kidney. A low level of EPA increased the expression ofLc COX1bin the liver. Consideration should be given to the EPA to ARA balance for juvenile barramundi in light of nutritionally inducible nature of the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase enzymes