188 research outputs found

    10 ans de lutte contre la violence domestique dans le canton de Vaud: résumé de la recherche menée par l'Unité de Médecine des Violences (UMV) sur mandat de la Commission cantonale de lutte contre la violence domestique (CCLVD)

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    [Sommaire] Introduction. - 1. Quelques données de base: le contexte juridique, la violence domestique: une réalité chiffrée, principales institutions du réseau d'aide dans le canton de Vaud. - 2. Résumé de la recherche "10 ans de lutte contre la violence domestique dans le canton de Vaud": contexte, méthode, résultats, recommandations à l'intention de la CCLVD. - 3. Axes stratégiques de la politique cantonale de prévention de lutte contre la violence domestique 2011-2015. - Bibliographie [Introduction (extrait)] La violence entre membres d'une même famille ou entre proches, à savoir la violence domestique, a longtemps été considérée comme une affaire privée et un tabou. Un important changement de mentalité s'est toutefois opéré ces 20 dernières années. La lutte contre la violence envers les femmes d'une manière générale et contre la violence domestique en particulier préoccupe de plus en plus les organes internationaux, nationaux et locaux et est reconnue comme une tâche d'intérêt public. [...] Dans le canton de Vaud, en 1999, le Bureau de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes (BEFH) a mandaté l'Unité de Prévention de l'Institut de médecine sociale et préventive du CHUV, afin de mener une étude sur la violence conjugale, auprès des institutions concernées2. Cette recherche visait à établir un état des lieux et à identifier les besoins prioritaires. En 2001, des recommandations ont émergé de cette étude sous la forme de 40 mesures. Six d'entre elles ont été retenues comme prioritaires par la Conseillère d'Etat Madame Jacqueline Maurer Mayor. Presque 10 ans après, en automne 2008, la Commission cantonale de lutte contre la violence domestique (CCLVD), instituée par le Conseil d'Etat afin de coordonner les efforts en vue de la prévention et de la lutte contre la violence domestique, a décidé de faire un bilan sur la réalisation de ces mesures, d'identifier les besoins actuels des professionnel-le-s de terrain et les problématiques émergeantes. Les résultats de cette étude, menée par L'Unité d médecine des violences (UMV) ont servi de fondement à la CCLVD dans l'établissement d'un plan stratégique 2011-2015, en matière de lutte contre la violence conjugale dans le canton de Vaud. Le présent document présente à la fois un éclairage contextuel sur la situation dans le canton de Vaud aujourd'hui et une synthèse de la recherche précitée

    Psychometric validation of an instrument to evaluate the context of quality improvement and accreditation of hospitals

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    Objective. To adapt and validate an instrument to mea­sure the context factors which favor quality improvement initiatives and accreditation of hospitals. Materials and methods. The model and questionnaire Model for Under­standing Success in Quality (MUSIQ) is adapted and validated for application in Spanish-speaking countries and its specific use in hospital accreditation projects. The theoretical con­struct of its dimensions is assessed by confirmatory factor analysis (Bartlett test and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkim index) and internal consistency (Cronbach’s a), in a study carried out in a sample of 54 hospitals of medium and high complexity in Colombia. Results. Instrument with four dimensions of context (environment, macrosystem, microsystem, quality team), composed of 23 elements that are measured through 35 variables. Factor analysis showed statistical significance and adequacy of the dimensions, which had also good internal consistency. Conclusion. Adapted instrument with useful­ness for measurement of context elements that can promote initiatives of improvement and accreditation in hospitals

    Ocorrência e caracterização de bactérias isoladas de nódulos de amendoinzeiro (Arachis hypogaea L.) em solos paranaenses, Brasil.

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    RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência e caracterizar morfofisiologicamente e geneticamente bactérias isoladas de nódulos de amendoinzeiro (Arachis hypogaea L.), em solos paranaenses, Brasil. Em amostras de 36 municípios representativos do estado Paraná foi observada nodulação do amendoim em 84,4%, independente se em áreas cultivadas, ou em florestas. Nos testes de caracterização morfofisiológica de 44 estirpes autenticadas, 75% das estirpes apresentaram taxa de crescimento rápido em meio de cultura com manitol; 25 acidificaram o meio, cinco alcalinizaram e 14 não resultaram em modificação do pH. A capacidade de produzir sideróforos foi observada em 43% das estirpes e 16% foram capazes de solubilizar fosfato de cálcio em meio de cultura. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA mostrou a formação de três principais grupos, correspondentes a três filos: Alfaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria e Firmicutes. O gênero com maior ocorrência foi o Bacillus

    Development and validation of a Screening Questionnaire of Family Mistreatment against Older Adults for use in primary care settings in Mexico

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    The abuse of older adults is a serious public health issue that can be difficult to identify at the first level of care. Medical and nursing personnel are sometimes unable to identify older adults who suffer family mistreatment. This can occur when victims feel shame or as a result of cultural factors. In the light of this, healthcare personnel require a screening tool that can be used to identify signs of mistreatment. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a screening tool for detecting the familial mistreatment of older adults in primary care settings. A mixed method cross‐sectional study was carried out in three phases between 2009 and 2012 in Mexico. The formative phase involved using a qualitative methodology to identify terms that older adults use to identify practices defined as forms of mistreatment. On this basis, the second phase involved the design of a screening tool through the formation of items in collaboration with a panel of experts. These items were tested on older adults to ensure their intelligibility. Finally, validity and reliability levels were evaluated through the application of the screening tool to a sample of older adults at a primary care facility and at a legal centre. These findings were discussed with gerontologists, and the data were analysed through an exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal rotation and Cronbach's alpha using STATA v13. From the results, we generated a screening tool that is culturally and socially tailored to older adults in Mexico. The tool has a Cronbach's alpha of 0.89, a sensitivity value of 86% (p < .05) and a specificity value of 90% (p < .05) for positive answers to the tool's 15 items. Applying this tool at the first level of care could limit damage to older adults’ health and could lower the frequency of emergency room use in hospitals.publishedVersio

    Targeting the LOX/hypoxia axis reverses many of the features that make pancreatic cancer deadly: inhibition of LOX abrogates metastasis and enhances drug efficacy

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the leading causes of cancer‐related mortality. Despite significant advances made in the treatment of other cancers, current chemotherapies offer little survival benefit in this disease. Pancreaticoduodenectomy offers patients the possibility of a cure, but most will die of recurrent or metastatic disease. Hence, preventing metastatic disease in these patients would be of significant benefit. Using principal component analysis (PCA), we identified a LOX/hypoxia signature associated with poor patient survival in resectable patients. We found that LOX expression is upregulated in metastatic tumors from Pdx1‐Cre KrasG12D/+ Trp53R172H/+ (KPC) mice and that inhibition of LOX in these mice suppressed metastasis. Mechanistically, LOX inhibition suppressed both migration and invasion of KPC cells. LOX inhibition also synergized with gemcitabine to kill tumors and significantly prolonged tumor‐free survival in KPC mice with early‐stage tumors. This was associated with stromal alterations, including increased vasculature and decreased fibrillar collagen, and increased infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils into tumors. Therefore, LOX inhibition is able to reverse many of the features that make PDAC inherently refractory to conventional therapies and targeting LOX could improve outcome in surgically resectable disease

    Tracking the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic-related debris on wildlife using digital platforms

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    Since the start of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19) pandemic in December 2019, there have been global surges of single-use plastic use. Due to the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitation items in protecting against virus transmission and from testing, facemasks, respirators, disposable gloves and disposable wet wipes have become global staples in households and institutions. Widespread use and insufficient infrastructure, combined with improper waste management have resulted in an emerging category of litter. With widespread presence in the environment, such items pose a direct threat to wildlife as animals can interact with them in a series of ways. We examined the scope of COVID-19 pandemic-related debris, including PPE and sanitation items, on wildlife from April 2020 to December 2021. We document the geographic occurrence of incidents, debris types, and consequences of incidents that were obtained from social media searches, unpublished reports from colleagues, and reports available from the citizen science database "Birds and Debris". There were 114 unique sightings of wildlife interactions with pandemic-related debris (38 from 2020 and 76 from 2021). Within the context of this dataset, most incidents involved birds (83.3 %), while fewer affected mammals (10.5 %), invertebrates (3.5 %), fish (1.8 %), and sea turtles (0.9 %). Sightings originated in 23 countries, and consisted mostly of entanglements (42.1 %) and nest incorporations (40.4 %). We verified sightings by contacting the original observers and were able to identify replicated sightings and increase the resolution of the data collected compared with previously published results. Due to the complexities associated with global use and accessibility of digital platforms, we likely underestimate the number of animals harmed by debris. Overall, the global scope of this study demonstrates that online and social media platforms are a valuable way to collect biologically relevant citizen science data and track rapidly emerging environmental challenges.Copyright © 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Optical properties of aerosol particles over the Amazon rain forest: From background to biomass burning conditions

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    Atmospheric aerosols over the Amazon rainforest are strongly influenced by biomass burning activities in the southern regions of the Amazon Basin between July and October. This implies a complete change of the physical and chemical aerosol properties from the wet season, which is dominated by Primary Biological Aerosol Particles (PBAP) and biogenic secondary organic aerosols. Biomass burning emissions are highly loaded with light-absorbing aerosols, like black and brown carbon (BC and BrC, respectively). The latter one consists of a fraction of organic carbon that is able to absorb visible radiation (Andreae and Gelencs\ue9r, 2006). BrC is a strong absorber at near-UV to UV wavelengths. Therefore, light absorption by this component is wavelength dependent. This wavelength dependency, expressed as the absorption \uc5ngstr\uf6m exponent (AAE), has been used as a parameter to estimate the influence of biomass burning aerosols to total aerosol light absorption. However, the biogenic BrC contribution remains to be studied and could be significant under pristine conditions. The measurements presented here were carried out at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO), located 150 km NE of the city of Manaus, in the Uatum\ue3 Sustainable Development Reserve in Amazonas State, Brazil. The aerosol inlet (60 m high, 2.5 cm diameter) is installed on an 81-m triangular mast. The measurement period, from June to September 2014, includes the wetto- dry transition season (June-July) and part of the dry season (August and beginning of September). The optical properties were measured online by different instruments: 3-wavelengths nephelometer, Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP), Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) and a 7-wavelength Aethalometer. Additionally, MAAP filter samples were analyzed by the Multi-Wavelength Absorbance Analyzer (MWAA) (Massab\uf2 et al, 2013), as well as levoglucosan analysis was carried out for filters collected between 18-22 August 2014. The average light absorption coefficient at 637 nm was 1.0 \ub1 0.6 Mm-1 and 5.5 \ub1 3.9 Mm-1, during the wet-to-dry transition and the dry season, respectively. Here we concentrate on measurements during 18-22 August 2014 (Figure 1) when a high absorption coefficient was measured at 637 nm, averaging 10 \ub1 3 Mm-1. The AAE calculated from MWAA measurements increased from less than 1.0 to values higher than 1.4, indicating the presence of BrC aerosol particles. This period is characterized by a long-range transport of biomass burning aerosol (confirmed by backward trajectory analysis). Levoglucosan analysis reveals significantly increased concentration but is still relatively low compared to measurements close to the source (Graham et al, 2002). Nevertheless, AAE and levoglucosan concentration show a significant correlation (r\ub2 &gt; 0.9)

    Hypertrophic Adenoid Is A Major Infection Site Of Human Bocavirus 1.

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    Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is associated with respiratory infections worldwide, mainly in children. Similar to other parvoviruses, it is believed that HBoV1 can persist for long periods of time in humans, probably through maintaining concatemers of the virus single-stranded DNA genome in the nuclei of infected cells. Recently, HBoV-1 was detected in high rates in adenoid and palatine tonsils samples from patients with chronic adenotonsillar diseases, but nothing is known about the virus replication levels in those tissues. A 3-year prospective hospital-based study was conducted to detect and quantify HBoV1 DNA and mRNAs in samples of the adenoids (AD), palatine tonsils (PT), nasopharyngeal secretions (NPS), and peripheral blood (PB) from patients undergoing tonsillectomy for tonsillar hypertrophy or recurrent tonsillitis. HBoV1 was detected in 25.3% of the AD samples, while the rates of detection in the PT, NPS, and PB samples were 7.2%, 10.5%, and 1.7%, respectively. The viral loads were higher in AD samples, and 27.3% of the patients with HBoV had mRNA detectable in this tissue. High viral loads and detectable mRNA in the AD were associated with HBoV1 detection in the other sample sites. The adenoids are an important site of HBoV1 replication and persistence in children with tonsillar hypertrophy. The adenoids contain high HBoV1 loads and are frequently positive for HBoV mRNA, and this is associated with the detection of HBoV1 in secretions.523030-

    Comparison of different Aethalometer correction schemes and a reference multi-wavelength absorption technique for ambient aerosol data

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    Deriving absorption coefficients from Aethalometer attenuation data requires different corrections to compensate for artifacts related to filter-loading effects, scattering by filter fibers, and scattering by aerosol particles. In this study, two different correction schemes were applied to seven-wavelength Aethalometer data, using multi-angle absorption photometer (MAAP) data as a reference absorption measurement at 637 nm. The compensation algorithms were compared to five-wavelength offline absorption measurements obtained with a multi-wavelength absorbance analyzer (MWAA), which serves as a multiple-wavelength reference measurement. The online measurements took place in the Amazon rainforest, from the wet-to-dry transition season to the dry season (June\u2013September 2014). The mean absorption coefficient (at 637 nm) during this period was 1.8 +/-2.1Mm-1, with a maximum of 15.9Mm-1. Under these conditions, the filter-loading compensation was negligible. One of the correction schemes was found to artificially increase the short-wavelength absorption coefficients. It was found that accounting for the aerosol optical properties in the scattering compensation significantly affects the absorption \uc5ngstr\uf6m exponent (\ue5ABS/ retrievals. Proper Aethalometer data compensation schemes are crucial to retrieve the correct \ue5ABS, which is commonly implemented in brown carbon contribution calculations. Additionally, we found that the wavelength dependence of uncompensated Aethalometer attenuation data significantly correlates with the \ue5ABS retrieved from offline MWAA measurements

    Use of Combined Hartree-Fock-Roothaan Theory in Evaluation of Lowest States of K [Ar]4s^0 3d^1 and Cr+ [Ar]4s^0 3d^5 Isoelectronic Series Over Noninteger n-Slater Type Orbitals

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    By the use of integer and noninteger n-Slater Type Orbitals in combined Hartree-Fock-Roothaan method, self consistent field calculations of orbital and lowest states energies have been performed for the isoelectronic series of open shell systems K [Ar]4s^0 3d^1 2(D) (Z=19-30) and Cr+ [Ar] 4s^0 3d^5 6(S) (Z=24-30). The results of calculations for the orbital and total energies obtained from the use of minimal basis sets of integer- and noninteger n-Slater Type Orbitals are given in tables. The results are compared with the extended-basis Hartree-Fock computations. The orbital and total energies are in good agreement with those presented in the literature. The results are accurately and considerably can be useful in the application of non-relativistic and relativistic combined Hartree-Fock-Roothaan approach for heavy atomic systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 tables, 2 figures. submitte