3,120 research outputs found

    Percepción del médico residente sobre la asignatura de salud mental en el tercer año del residentado médico de una universidad pública de Lima-Perú: The perception of resident physicians on the subject of mental health in the third year of the medical residency of a public university in Lima-Peru.

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    Introduction: Mental health is a topic that has taken on great importance in recent years and hasbecome a substantial part of many training programs around the world. Objective: Determine theperception of the resident doctor of the mental health subject during the last year of the medicalresidency. Methods: Observational, descriptive and transversal study with a sample of 130 students ofthe Mental Health course of the medical residency given by the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarrealwho were surveyed with a 10-question form that sought to know the students' perceptions about thiscourse. The sample was non-probabilistic. Results: Of the 130 students surveyed, 57.69% were womenand 13.85% were pediatricians, 57.69% were in a clinical specialty and 58.46% were in a residencyprogram. An exploratory analysis was made: concerning the importance of the course, differenceswith age range (p = 0.038) and residency modality (p = 0.005) were found. Besides, with respect to theacceptance of the course, differences with age range (p = 0.021) and type of residence (p = 0.053) werefound. Conclusion: The participants of the mental health course of the medical resident have goodacceptance of the subject and consider it important.Introducción: La salud mental es un tema que ha tomado gran importancia en los últimos años yse ha vuelto parte sustancial en muchos programas de formación alrededor del mundo. Objetivo:Determinar la percepción del médico residente de la asignatura de salud mental durante el último añodel residentado médico. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal con una muestrade 130 estudiantes del curso de Salud mental de la residencia médica impartida por la UniversidadNacional Federico Villarreal que fueron encuestados con un formulario de 10 preguntas que buscabaconocer las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre este curso. El muestreo fue no probabilístico.Resultados: De los 130 encuestados, 57,69% eran mujeres y 13,85% eran pediatras, 57,69% realizabanuna especialidad clínica y 58,46% hacia la residencia por modalidad libre. Se hizo un análisis exploratorio:sobre la importancia del curso se encontraron diferencias con el rango de edad (p = 0,038) y modalidadde la residencia (p = 0,05). Además, con respecto a la aceptación del curso se encontraron diferenciascon el rango de edad (p = 0,021) y tipo de residencia (p = 0,053). Conclusión: Los participantes delcurso de salud mental del residentado médico tienen buena aceptación de la asignatura y se consideraimportante

    Faint emission lines in the Galactic H II regions M16, M20 and NGC 3603

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    We present deep echelle spectrophotometry of the Galactic {\hii} regions M16, M20 and NGC 3603. The data have been taken with the Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph in the 3100 to 10400 \AA range. We have detected more than 200 emission lines in each region. Physical conditions have been derived using different continuum and line intensity ratios. We have derived He+^{+}, C++^{++} and O++^{++} abundances from pure recombination lines as well as abundances from collisionally excited lines for a large number of ions of different elements. We have obtained consistent estimations of the temperature fluctuation parameter, {\ts}, using different methods. We also report the detection of deuterium Balmer lines up to Dδ\delta (M16) and to Dγ\gamma (M20) in the blue wings of the hydrogen lines, which excitation mechanism seems to be continuum fluorescence. The temperature fluctuations paradigm agree with the results obtained from optical CELs and the more uncertain ones from far IR fine structure CELs in NGC 3603, although, more observations covering the same volume of the nebula are necessary to obtain solid conclusions.Comment: 22 pages, 13 Tables, 7 Figures. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Institutional Metacognition as an Improvement Tool for Educational Management

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    A theoretical article is presented in order to describe and analyze an innovative methodology for educational management called institutional metacognition (IM), and it’s defined as a reflective and participatory process of an educative community to face conflicts, applying techniques that generate a conscious, dialogical and collaboratory learning in educational organizations. This perspective is relevant to school management field, because it implies the need to build a new vision of the school as an organization that not only teaches but also learns and therefore delivers new tools to current social needs of communication and participation that are stressed nowadays in educational organizations. This process can be used as a management tool for organizational change, to promote an effective learning, and to improve coexistence in schools; it would be used to manage organizational change, and it allows monitoring and accomplishing activities and conflicts that may occur. The characteristics of IM help to improve managing the organizational process when it is visualized as a part of improvement cycle. It presents benefits to collaborative learning, diversity, conflicts mediation and participatory diagnostics. On the other hand, there are challenges that hinder their application to improve relationships, both internally, as a new and unknown tool, and externally related to features of educational institutions

    A low-mass planet candidate orbiting Proxima Centauri at a distance of 1.5 AU

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    Copyright © 2020 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).Our nearest neighbor, Proxima Centauri, hosts a temperate terrestrial planet. We detected in radial velocities evidence of a possible second planet with minimum mass m c sin i c = 5.8 ± 1.9 M ⊕ and orbital period P c = 5.21 - 0.22 + 0.26 years. The analysis of photometric data and spectro-scopic activity diagnostics does not explain the signal in terms of a stellar activity cycle, but follow-up is required in the coming years for confirming its planetary origin. We show that the existence of the planet can be ascertained, and its true mass can be determined with high accuracy, by combining Gaia astrometry and radial velocities. Proxima c could become a prime target for follow-up and characterization with next-generation direct imaging instrumentation due to the large maximum angular separation of ~1 arc second from the parent star. The candidate planet represents a challenge for the models of super-Earth formation and evolution.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Immunization With Bovine Herpesvirus-4-Based Vector Delivering PPRV-H Protein Protects Sheep From PPRV Challenge

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    The Morbillivirus peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is the causal agent of a highly contagious disease that mostly affects sheep and goats and produces considerable losses in developing countries. Current PPRV control strategies rely on live-attenuated vaccines, which are not ideal, as they cannot differentiate infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA). Recombinant vector-based vaccines expressing viral subunits can provide an alternative to conventional vaccines, as they can be easily paired with DIVA diagnostic tools. In the present work, we used the bovine herpesvirus-4-based vector (BoHV-4-A) to deliver PPRV hemagglutinin H antigen (BoHV-4-A-PPRV-H-ΔTK). Vaccination with BoHV-4-A-PPRV-H-ΔTK protected sheep from virulent PPRV challenge and prevented virus shedding. Protection correlated with anti-PPRV IgGs, neutralizing antibodies and IFN-γ-producing cells induced by the vaccine. Detection of antibodies exclusively against H-PPRV in animal sera and not against other PPRV viral proteins such as F or N could serve as a DIVA diagnostic test when using BoHV-4-A-PPRV-H-ΔTK as vaccine. Our data indicate that BoHV-4-A-PPRV-H-ΔTK could be a promising new approach for PPRV eradication programs

    Predictive model for polishing times in mould finishing

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    El pulido, proceso final utilizado en la producción de piezas, es a menudo lento y se aplica manualmente. Normalmente define la rugosidad superficial y la precisión de la pieza. Se lleva a cabo utilizando partículas duras para producir la abrasión de la superficie de la pieza a pulir. En este documento se propone un modelo para predecir el progreso del frente de pulido. El modelo tiene en cuenta la topografía resultante antes de la mecanización a través de su curva de Abbott - Firestone, la velocidad relativa del material abrasivo, la fuerza aplicada, el material de la pieza y el tamaño de los granos abrasivos. Separa las aportaciones realizadas por el material de la pieza y el tipo abrasivo de la topografía previa. También muestra los valores recomendados para los diferentes parámetros de proceso a ser utilizados en la predicción de la evolución del frente de pulido en algunos materiales. Además se estima el tiempo de pulido necesario para eliminar completamente la topografía resultante del fresado utilizando una estrategia de perforación transversal. Por último, se muestra la predicción del modelo del frente de pulido, lo que confirma que el mecanismo de abrasión caracteriza dicho proceso.Polishing, the final process used in the production of parts, is often slow and often applied manually. It normally defines the surface roughness and part accuracy. It is performed using hard particles to produce abrasion of the workpiece surface to be polished. In this paper a model for predicting the progress of the polishing face is proposed. The model considers the topography resulting from prior mechanizing through its Abbott-Firestone curve, the relative speed of the abrasive material, the applied force, the workpiece material and the size of the abrasive grains. It separates the contributions made by the workpiece material and the abrasive type from the prior topography. It also shows recommended values for different process parameters to be used in predicting the evolution of the polishing front in some materials. Additionally, the polishing time required to completely remove the topography that results from ball milling using a cross drilling strategy is estimated. Finally, the model's correct prediction of the polished front is shown, confirming that the abrasion mechanism characterizes the sandpaper polishing process.Peer Reviewe

    Unveiling the nature of IGR J17177-3656 with X-ray, NIR and Radio observations

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    We report on the first broad-band (1-200 keV) simultaneous Chandra-INTEGRAL observations of the recently discovered hard X-ray transient IGR J17177-3656 that took place on 2011, March 22, about two weeks after the source discovery. The source had an average absorbed 1-200 keV flux of about 8x10^(-10) erg cm^(-2) s^(-1). We extracted a precise X-ray position of IGR J17177-3656, RA=17 17 42.62, DEC= -36 56 04.5 (90% uncertainty of 0.6"). We also report Swift, near infrared and quasi simultaneous radio follow-up observations. With the multi-wavelength information at hand, we propose IGR J17177-3656 is a low-mass X-ray binary, seen at high inclination, probably hosting a black hole.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Draft Genome Sequence of a Multi-Metal Resistant Bacterium Pseudomonas putida ATH-43 Isolated from Greenwich Island, Antarctica

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.In this report we present the first draft genome sequence of a P. putida strain isolated from the Antarctic continent. The shotgun sequencing strategy, assembly, and subsequent annotation showed that the ATH-43 strain possesses a wide spectrum of genetic determinants involved in heavy metal and antibiotic resistance, apparently to cope with extreme oxidative stress conditions. P. putida ATH-43 genome now forms part of the 65 genomes of this species registered at the NCBI database (September, 2016) and it is highly related with the endophytic strain P. putida W619, which is also resistant to several heavy metals. Further characterization of multi-metal resistant psychrotrophic bacteria such as P. putida ATH-43 will be promising to develop novel strategies for heavy metal bioremediation in low temperature environments. All genome data has been submitted to NCBI.http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01777/ful