2,753 research outputs found

    Azimuth axis optical alignment system Final report

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    Azimuth axis optical alignment system to monitor and measure attitude or angular position of remote object about azimuth axis using phase information imposed on returning beam of ligh

    Herijking EHS Noord-Holland : een toets vanuit het perspectief van ruimtelijke samenhang

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    De realisatie van de Ecologische Hoofdstructuur in de Provincie Noord-Holland ligt achter op schema. Hierom hebben Gedeputeerde Staten van Noord-Holland besloten te onderzoeken of via een herbegrenzing een groter deel van de EHS nog is te realiseren. De gebieden die in aanmerking komen voor herbegrenzing zijn beoordeeld op de ruimtelijke samenhang van het gebied zelf én de mate waarin het gebied bijdraagt aan de omgeving. Op basis van de analyses mag geconcludeerd worden dat de beoogde herbegrenzing in Noord-Holland goed is voor de ruimtelijke samenhang van de provinciale EHS. Tevens zijn er twee quick-scan analyses uitgevoerd die een positief beeld laten zien van de herbegrenzingen op het niveau van Natuurdoelen en in relatie tot Natura2000-gebieden

    The Atomic Slide Puzzle: Self-Diffusion of an Impure Atom

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    In a series of recent papers van Gastel et al have presented first experimental evidence that impure, Indium atoms, embedded into the first layer of a Cu(001) surface, are not localized within the close-packed surface layers but make concerted, long excursions visualized in a series of STM images. Such excursions occur due to continuous reshuffling of the surface following the position exchanges of both impure and host atoms with the naturally occuring surface vacancies. Van Gastel et al have also formulated an original lattice-gas type model with asymmetric exchange probabilities, whose numerical solution is in a good agreement with the experimental data. In this paper we propose an exact lattice solution of several versions of this model.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (RC

    Semiclassical expansion of parametric correlation functions of the quantum time delay

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    We derive semiclassical periodic orbit expansions for a correlation function of the Wigner time delay. We consider the Fourier transform of the two-point correlation function, the form factor K(τ,x,y,M)K(\tau,x,y,M), that depends on the number of open channels MM, a non-symmetry breaking parameter xx, and a symmetry breaking parameter yy. Several terms in the Taylor expansion about τ=0\tau=0, which depend on all parameters, are shown to be identical to those obtained from Random Matrix Theory.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    Multidimensional sampling for simulation and integration: measures, discrepancies, and quasi-random numbers

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    This is basically a review of the field of Quasi-Monte Carlo intended for computational physicists and other potential users of quasi-random numbers. As such, much of the material is not new, but is presented here in a style hopefully more accessible to physicists than the specialized mathematical literature. There are also some new results: On the practical side we give important empirical properties of large quasi-random point sets, especially the exact quadratic discrepancies; on the theoretical side, there is the exact distribution of quadratic discrepancy for random point sets.Comment: 51 pages. Full paper, including all figures also available at: ftp://ftp.nikhef.nl/pub/preprints/96-017.ps.gz Accepted for publication in Comp.Phys.Comm. Fixed some typos, corrected formula 108,figure 11 and table

    Central limit theorem for multiplicative class functions on the symmetric group

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    Hambly, Keevash, O'Connell and Stark have proven a central limit theorem for the characteristic polynomial of a permutation matrix with respect to the uniform measure on the symmetric group. We generalize this result in several ways. We prove here a central limit theorem for multiplicative class functions on symmetric group with respect to the Ewens measure and compute the covariance of the real and the imaginary part in the limit. We also estimate the rate of convergence with the Wasserstein distance.Comment: 23 pages; the mathematics is the same as in the previous version, but there are several improvments in the presentation, including a more intuitve name for the considered function

    The density of states of chaotic Andreev billiards

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    Quantum cavities or dots have markedly different properties depending on whether their classical counterparts are chaotic or not. Connecting a superconductor to such a cavity leads to notable proximity effects, particularly the appearance, predicted by random matrix theory, of a hard gap in the excitation spectrum of quantum chaotic systems. Andreev billiards are interesting examples of such structures built with superconductors connected to a ballistic normal metal billiard since each time an electron hits the superconducting part it is retroreflected as a hole (and vice-versa). Using a semiclassical framework for systems with chaotic dynamics, we show how this reflection, along with the interference due to subtle correlations between the classical paths of electrons and holes inside the system, are ultimately responsible for the gap formation. The treatment can be extended to include the effects of a symmetry breaking magnetic field in the normal part of the billiard or an Andreev billiard connected to two phase shifted superconductors. Therefore we are able to see how these effects can remold and eventually suppress the gap. Furthermore the semiclassical framework is able to cover the effect of a finite Ehrenfest time which also causes the gap to shrink. However for intermediate values this leads to the appearance of a second hard gap - a clear signature of the Ehrenfest time.Comment: Refereed version. 23 pages, 19 figure