66 research outputs found

    Pušenje među makedonskim radnicima pet godina nakon kampanje protiv pušenja

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    To assess the efficacy of a nationwide anti-smoking campaign, we compared the findings of a study on worker smoking performed in 2005 with our latest cross-sectional study completed in 2010. It included 753 randomly selected workers, of whom 126 office, 108 construction, 93 agricultural, 97 petroleum refinery, 114 textile, 117 food processing workers, and 98 cleaners. Information was collected with a selfadministered questionnaire. The prevalence of current smokers among all workers was 35.4 %, ranging from 30.2 % in office workers to 43.5 % in construction workers. It did not significantly differ from the prevalence recorded in 2005 (35.4 % vs. 36.8 %, respectively; P=0.441). Mean pack-years smoked among all smokers was 12.4±2.3, ranging from 10.9 in administrative workers to 13.7 in agricultural workers. We did not find any significant difference in the prevalence of current smokers between male and female workers and between workers aged less or more than 40 years, as well as between workers of higher and lower education. The prevalence of ex-smokers was 10.5 %, ranging from 8.4 % in construction workers to 12.1 % in administrative workers, whereas the prevalence of passive smokers was 29.1 %, ranging from 26.2 % in food processing workers to 32.9 % in agricultural workers. Our findings indicate that the prevalence of current and passive smokers has remained high regardless of the anti-smoking campaign and call for stricter implementation of anti-smoking regulations.Želeći utvrditi djelotvornost kampanje protiv pušenja u Makedoniji, usporedili smo rezultate istraživanja o pušenju u radničkoj populaciji provedenog 2005. s rezultatima našega najnovijega presječnoga randomiziranog ispitivanja koje je dovršeno 2010. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 753 radnika, od kojih je 126 uredskih, 108 građevinskih, 93 poljoprivrednih, 97 u rafineriji nafte, 114 tekstilnih, 117 prehrambenih te 98 čistač(ic)a. Podaci su prikupljeni s pomoću upitnika koji su ispunjavali ispitanici. Prevalencija aktivnih pušača među svim radnicima bila je 35,4 %, od 30,2 % u uredskih radnika do 43,5 % u građevinskih. Nije se značajno razlikovala od prevalencije zabilježene 2005. (35,4 % odnosno 36,8 %, P=0,441). Srednja vrijednost kutija/godina u pušača bila je 12,4±2,3, od 10,9 u uredskih do 13,7 u poljoprivrednih radnika. Značajnih razlika u aktivnome pušenju nije bilo među ženama i muškarcima, radnicima starijim i mlađima od 40 godina, niti među radnicima višeg i nižeg obrazovanja. Prevalencija bivših pušača bila je 10,5 %, od 8,4 % u građevinskih do 12,1 % u uredskih radnika, dok je prevalencija pasivnih pušača bila 29,1 %, od 26,2 % u radnika u preradi hrane do 32,9 % u poljoprivrednih radnika. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je prevalencija aktivnih i pasivnih pušača ostala visoka bez obzira na kampanju protiv pušenja te pozivaju na strožu provedbu propisa koji ograničavaju pušenje

    Izloženost ambijentalnomu duhanskomu dimu na radnome mjestu u Makedoniji: kako sada stojimo?

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    To assess the prevalence and the level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the workplace after the enactment of the law restricting indoor smoking in Macedonia, we performed a cross-sectional, self-administered questionnaire study including 372 never-smoking workers recruited from six workplaces. We found a high prevalence of workers exposed to ETS in the workplace (27.4 %) with no significant difference between particular occupation groups. We found no significant difference in the prevalence of passive smokers in the workplace between this study and our study conducted before the law was enacted (31.5 % vs. 27.4 %, P=0.324). The prevalence of workers exposed to ETS for less than three hours a day was significantly lower than of passive smokers with longer exposure (28.4 % vs. 71.6 %, P=0.038). The prevalence of workers exposed to ETS from less than 10 cigarettes smoked by coworkers per day was lower than the prevalence of workers with higher exposure, but statistical significance was not reached (37.9 % vs. 62.1 %, P=0.087). Our findings indicate a high prevalence and a high level of exposure to ETS in the workplace, which calls for stricter adherence to smoking-free legislation or even the total ban of smoking in the workplace.Ovo je ispitivanje obuhvatilo 372 radnika na šest različitih radnih mjesta koji nikad nisu pušili kako bi se procijenila zastupljenost osoba izloženih duhanskomu dimu na radnome mjestu i razina njihove izloženosti nakon zakonskih ograničenja pušenja u zatvorenim prostorijama u Makedoniji. Ispitivanje je provedeno s pomoću upitnika koji su radnici ispunjavali sami. Utvrdili smo visoku zastupljenost radnika izloženih ambijentalnomu duhanskomu dimu na radnome mjestu (27,4 %) te nisu zamijećene statistički značajne razlike među zanimanjima. Nisu uočene značajne razlike između zastupljenosti pasivnih pušača na radnome mjestu u ovome ispitivanju i u našem ranijem ispitivanju, kada još nije na snagu stupio zakon o ograničenju pušenja (31,5 % naprema 27,4 %, P=0,324). Zastupljenost radnika izloženih ambijentalnomu duhanskomu dimu ne dulje od tri sata na dan bila je statistički značajno niža negoli onih čija je izloženost trajala duže (28,4 % naprema 71,6 %, P=0,038). Zastupljenost radnika koji su bili izloženi dimu kolega koji su pušili manje od 10 cigareta na dan bila je niža negoli onih s većom izloženosti, ali razlika nije bila statistički značajna (37,9 % naprema 62,1 %, P=0,087). Naši rezultati potvrđuju da i dalje postoje visoka zastupljenost izloženih radnika i visoke razine izloženosti ambijentalnomu duhanskomu dimu na radnome mjestu, što upućuje na potrebu uvođenja strožih zakona o zabrani pušenja

    Profesionalna astma u radnika izloženih prašinama iz biljnih i voćnih čajeva

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    We performed a cross-sectional study to detect occupational asthma (OA) in 63 subjects occupationally exposed to herbal and fruit tea dust and in 63 corresponding controls. The evaluation included a questionnaire, skin prick tests to workplace and common inhalant allergens, spirometry, and histamine challenge test. The evaluation of the work-relatedness of asthma in the exposed workers was based on serial peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) measurements and bronchoprovocation tests. We found a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the exposed workers, whereas spirometric parameters were significantly lower. The prevalence of sensitisation to allergens and of bronchial hyperresponsivenss (BHR) did not differ significantly between the groups. The prevalence of asthma was also similar in both groups (8.0 % vs. 6.4 %; P=0.540). Work-relatedness of symptoms was reported by all asthmatic tea workers and by no control with asthma. Significant work-related changes in PEFR diurnal variations and in non-specific BHR, suggesting allergic OA, were found in one tea worker with asthma (1.6 %). No specific workplace agent causing OA in the affected subject was identified. None of the tea workers with asthma met the criteria for medical case definition of the reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS). Our data confirm workplace exposure to herbal and fruit tea dust as a risk factor for OA.Svrha je ovoga presječnog ispitivanja bila otkriti profesionalnu astmu u skupini od 63 ispitanika koji su na radnome mjestu bili izloženi prašinama biljnih i voćnih čajeva. Kao kontrola uzet je jednak broj uredskih radnika koji nisu bili izloženi ovim prašinama. Ocjena izloženih i kontrolnih ispitanika obuhvatila je upitnik, skin prick testove na uobičajene i profesionalne inhalacijske alergene, spirometriju te histaminski test. Povezanost astme s profesionalnom izloženosti u radnika utvrđena je prema kriterijima Američkog kolegija pulmologa (American College of Chest Physicians, krat. ACCP), a na temelju mjerenja niza vršnih ekspiratornih protoka (engl. peak expiratory flow rate, PEFR) i niza bronhoprovokativnih testova. Izloženi su radnici iskazali veću prevalenciju respiratornih simptoma odnosno niže spirometrijske vrijednosti od kontrole. Izloženi ispitanici nisu se značajno razlikovali od kontrole u prevalenciji senzibilizacije na profesionalne i uobičajene inhalacijske alergene te prevalenciji pretjerane bronhalne reaktivnosti (engl. bronchial hyperresponsiveness, krat. BHR). Isto vrijedi i za prevalenciju astme (8,0 % u izloženih radnika prema 6,4 % u kontrola; P=0,540). Povezanost simptoma s poslom prijavili su svi radnici u obradi čaja oboljeli od astme te ni jedan kontrolni ispitanik s astmom. U jednoga astmatičnog radnika na čaju utvrđene su značajne promjene u dnevnim varijacijama PEFR-a te u nespecifičnom BHR-u koji upućuju na profesionalnu astmu (1.6 %). Nije utvrđeno koja je to tvar uzrokovala profesionalnu astmu u ovog ispitanika. Nitko od izloženih radnika s astmom nije zadovoljio sve medicinske kriterije za dijagnozu sindroma reaktivne disfunkcije dišnih putova (engl. reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, RADS). Naši podaci potvrđuju da je profesionalna izloženost prašinama iz biljnih i voćnih čajeva čimbenik rizika od profesionalne astme

    Pretjerana bronhalna reaktivnost u kuharica i čistača

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the prevalence and characteristics of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) in 43 women cleaners (aged 26 to 57) and 37 women cooks (aged 29 to 55) and compare them with 45 controls (women office workers aged 27 to 58). The evaluation of all subjects included a questionnaire, skin prick tests to common aeroallergens, spirometry, and histamine challenge (PC20≤8 mg mL-1). We found higher BHR prevalence in cleaners and cooks than in office workers (30.2 % and 29.7 %, vs. 17.7 %, respectively), but statistical significance was not reached. The prevalence of mild and moderate to severe BHR was similar in all groups. Borderline BHR prevalence was significantly higher in cleaners than in controls (16.2 % vs. 6.6 %, P=0.032) whereas the difference was on the verge of significance in cooks (13.5 % vs. 6.6 %, P=0.081). Moderate to severe BHR was strongly associated with positive family history of asthma and atopy in all groups. Mild BHR was significantly associated with daily smoking in cleaners (P=0.031) and cooks (P=0.021), as well as with the duration of exposure in cleaners (P=0.038). Borderline BHR was closely related to daily smoking and duration of exposure in both cleaners and cooks. Our findings indicate an important role of workplace exposure in borderline BHR development, as well as the significant effect of smoking on mild BHR development in women cleaners and cooks.Svrha je ovoga presječnog ispitivanja bila utvrditi prevalenciju i značajke pretjerane bronhalne reaktivnosti (engl. bronchial hyperresponsiveness, krat. BHR) u profesionalnih čistačica (43 ispitanice u dobi od 26 do 57 godina) i kuharica (37 ispitanica u dobi od 29 do 55 godina). Kontrolna skupina obuhvatila je 45 uredskih radnica u dobi od 27 do 58 godina. Ocjena izloženih i kontrolnih ispitanica obuhvatila je upitnik, skin prick testove na uobičajene inhalacijske alergene, spirometriju te histaminski test (PC20 ≤8 mg mL-1). ^istačice odnosno kuharice iskazale su veću prevalenciju BHR-a od kontrolnih uredskih radnica (30,2 % odnosno 29,7 % prema 17,7 %), ali ona nije bila statistički značajna. Sve su skupine iskazale podjednaku prevalenciju umjerenog i snažnog BHR-a. Prevalencija graničnoga BHR-a bila je značajno viša u čistačica negoli u kontrole (16,2 % naprema 6,6 %, P=0,032), a na rubu statističke značajnosti bila je i razlika između kuharica i kontrole (13,5 % prema 6,6 %, P=0,081). Umjeren odnosno snažan BHR u svih je skupina bio značajno povezan s obiteljskom povijesti astme i atopija. Blagi BHR značajno je povezan sa svakodnevnim pušenjem u čistačica (P=0,031) i kuharica (P=0,021), a u čistačica i s trajanjem izloženosti (P=0,038). Granični BHR je i u čistačica i u kuharica povezan sa svakodnevnim pušenjem i trajanjem profesionalne izloženosti. Naši podaci upućuju na važnu ulogu profesionalne izloženosti u nastanku graničnoga BHR-a te na značajan utjecaj pušenja na nastanak blagoga BHR-a u profesionalnih čistačica i kuharica

    A Manifesto Concerning the Legal Protection of Computer Programs

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    Rationale: There is conflicting evidence on whether patients with asthma experience an accelerated decline in lung function with age. We examined the association between postbronchodilator lung function, asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), and atopy with age using a large European sample. Methods: In 17 centers in 11 European countries, case control studies were nested within representative cross-sectional surveys of adults aged less than 75 years. Representative samples of participants with asthma, CRS or both and controls were assessed for postbronchodilator ventilatory function, smoking history, atopy, and treatment. Multiple regression was used to assess the interactive effects of age and diagnostic group on decline in postbronchodilator ventilatory function. Results: A total of 3337 participants provided adequate data (778 with asthma, 399 with CRS, 244 with both asthma and CRS and 1916 controls who had neither asthma nor CRS). Participants with asthma had lower FEV1/FVC (-4.09% (95% CI: -5.02, -3.15, P < 0.001) and a steeper slope of FEV1/FVC against age (-0.14%/annum [95%CI: -0.19, -0.08]) equivalent to smoking 1-2 packs of cigarettes per day. Those with atopy had a slope equivalent to controls. Conclusions: People with asthma have a steeper decline in postbronchodilator lung function with age, but neither CRS nor atopy alone were associated with such decline

    Harmonized definition of occupational burnout : A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by the University of Lausanne and European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Action CA 16216 "Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts” (OMEGA-NET). Publisher Copyright: © 2021, Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health. All rights reserved.Objective A consensual definition of occupational burnout is currently lacking. We aimed to harmonize the definition of occupational burnout as a health outcome in medical research and reach a consensus on this definition within the Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts (OMEGA-NET). Methods First, we performed a systematic review in MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Embase (January 1990 to August 2018) and a semantic analysis of the available definitions. We used the definitions of burnout and burnout-related concepts from the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) to formulate a consistent harmonized definition of the concept. Second, we sought to obtain the Delphi consensus on the proposed definition. Results We identified 88 unique definitions of burnout and assigned each of them to 1 of the 11 original definitions. The semantic analysis yielded a first proposal, further reformulated according to SNOMED-CT and the panelists` comments as follows: "In a worker, occupational burnout or occupational physical AND emotional exhaustion state is an exhaustion due to prolonged exposure to work-related problems". A panel of 50 experts (researchers and healthcare professionals with an interest for occupational burnout) reached consensus on this proposal at the second round of the Delphi, with 82% of experts agreeing on it. Conclusion This study resulted in a harmonized definition of occupational burnout approved by experts from 29 countries within OMEGA-NET. Future research should address the reproducibility of the Delphi consensus in a larger panel of experts, representing more countries, and examine the practicability of the definition.Peer reviewe

    Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein/100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food—A first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions: A GA²LEN position paper

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    Background: Food anaphylaxis is commonly elicited by unintentional ingestion of foods containing the allergen above the tolerance threshold level of the individual. While labeling the 14 main allergens used as ingredients in food products is mandatory in the EU, there is no legal definition of declaring potential contaminants. Precautionary allergen labeling such as "may contain traces of" is often used. However, this is unsatisfactory for consumers as they get no information if the contamination is below their personal threshold. In discussions with the food industry and technologists, it was suggested to use a voluntary declaration indicating that all declared contaminants are below a threshold of 0.5 mg protein per 100 g of food. This concentration is known to be below the threshold of most patients, and it can be technically guaranteed in most food production. However, it was also important to assess that in case of accidental ingestion of contaminants below this threshold by highly allergic patients, no fatal anaphylactic reaction could occur. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to assess whether a fatal reaction to 5mg of protein or less has been reported, assuming that a maximum portion size of 1kg of a processed food exceeds any meal and thus gives a sufficient safety margin. Methods: MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched until 24 January 2021 for provocation studies and case reports in which one of the 14 major food allergens was reported to elicit fatal or life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and assessed if these occurred below the ingestion of 5mg of protein. A Delphi process was performed to obtain an expert consensus on the results. Results: In the 210 studies included, in our search, no reports of fatal anaphylactic reactions reported below 5 mg protein ingested were identified. However, in provocation studies and case reports, severe reactions below 5 mg were reported for the following allergens: eggs, fish, lupin, milk, nuts, peanuts, soy, and sesame seeds. Conclusion: Based on the literature studied for this review, it can be stated that cross-contamination of the 14 major food allergens below 0.5 mg/100 g is likely not to endanger most food allergic patients when a standard portion of food is consumed. We propose to use the statement "this product contains the named allergens in the list of ingredients, it may contain traces of other contaminations (to be named, e.g. nut) at concentrations less than 0.5 mg per 100 g of this product" for a voluntary declaration on processed food packages. This level of avoidance of cross-contaminations can be achieved technically for most processed foods, and the statement would be a clear and helpful message to the consumers. However, it is clearly acknowledged that a voluntary declaration is only a first step to a legally binding solution. For this, further research on threshold levels is encouraged

    Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein/100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food-A first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions : A GA(2)LEN position paper

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    Background Food anaphylaxis is commonly elicited by unintentional ingestion of foods containing the allergen above the tolerance threshold level of the individual. While labeling the 14 main allergens used as ingredients in food products is mandatory in the EU, there is no legal definition of declaring potential contaminants. Precautionary allergen labeling such as "may contain traces of" is often used. However, this is unsatisfactory for consumers as they get no information if the contamination is below their personal threshold. In discussions with the food industry and technologists, it was suggested to use a voluntary declaration indicating that all declared contaminants are below a threshold of 0.5 mg protein per 100 g of food. This concentration is known to be below the threshold of most patients, and it can be technically guaranteed in most food production. However, it was also important to assess that in case of accidental ingestion of contaminants below this threshold by highly allergic patients, no fatal anaphylactic reaction could occur. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to assess whether a fatal reaction to 5mg of protein or less has been reported, assuming that a maximum portion size of 1kg of a processed food exceeds any meal and thus gives a sufficient safety margin. Methods MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched until 24 January 2021 for provocation studies and case reports in which one of the 14 major food allergens was reported to elicit fatal or life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and assessed if these occurred below the ingestion of 5mg of protein. A Delphi process was performed to obtain an expert consensus on the results. Results In the 210 studies included, in our search, no reports of fatal anaphylactic reactions reported below 5 mg protein ingested were identified. However, in provocation studies and case reports, severe reactions below 5 mg were reported for the following allergens: eggs, fish, lupin, milk, nuts, peanuts, soy, and sesame seeds. Conclusion Based on the literature studied for this review, it can be stated that cross-contamination of the 14 major food allergens below 0.5 mg/100 g is likely not to endanger most food allergic patients when a standard portion of food is consumed. We propose to use the statement "this product contains the named allergens in the list of ingredients, it may contain traces of other contaminations (to be named, e.g. nut) at concentrations less than 0.5 mg per 100 g of this product" for a voluntary declaration on processed food packages. This level of avoidance of cross-contaminations can be achieved technically for most processed foods, and the statement would be a clear and helpful message to the consumers. However, it is clearly acknowledged that a voluntary declaration is only a first step to a legally binding solution. For this, further research on threshold levels is encouraged.Peer reviewe

    Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein/100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food—A first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions: A GA²LEN position paper

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    Background Food anaphylaxis is commonly elicited by unintentional ingestion of foods containing the allergen above the tolerance threshold level of the individual. While labeling the 14 main allergens used as ingredients in food products is mandatory in the EU, there is no legal definition of declaring potential contaminants. Precautionary allergen labeling such as “may contain traces of” is often used. However, this is unsatisfactory for consumers as they get no information if the contamination is below their personal threshold. In discussions with the food industry and technologists, it was suggested to use a voluntary declaration indicating that all declared contaminants are below a threshold of 0.5 mg protein per 100 g of food. This concentration is known to be below the threshold of most patients, and it can be technically guaranteed in most food production. However, it was also important to assess that in case of accidental ingestion of contaminants below this threshold by highly allergic patients, no fatal anaphylactic reaction could occur. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to assess whether a fatal reaction to 5mg of protein or less has been reported, assuming that a maximum portion size of 1kg of a processed food exceeds any meal and thus gives a sufficient safety margin. Methods MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched until 24 January 2021 for provocation studies and case reports in which one of the 14 major food allergens was reported to elicit fatal or life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and assessed if these occurred below the ingestion of 5mg of protein. A Delphi process was performed to obtain an expert consensus on the results. Results In the 210 studies included, in our search, no reports of fatal anaphylactic reactions reported below 5 mg protein ingested were identified. However, in provocation studies and case reports, severe reactions below 5 mg were reported for the following allergens: eggs, fish, lupin, milk, nuts, peanuts, soy, and sesame seeds. Conclusion Based on the literature studied for this review, it can be stated that cross-contamination of the 14 major food allergens below 0.5 mg/100 g is likely not to endanger most food allergic patients when a standard portion of food is consumed. We propose to use the statement “this product contains the named allergens in the list of ingredients, it may contain traces of other contaminations (to be named, e.g. nut) at concentrations less than 0.5 mg per 100 g of this product” for a voluntary declaration on processed food packages. This level of avoidance of cross-contaminations can be achieved technically for most processed foods, and the statement would be a clear and helpful message to the consumers. However, it is clearly acknowledged that a voluntary declaration is only a first step to a legally binding solution. For this, further research on threshold levels is encouraged