3,540 research outputs found

    Three-body forces and proton-rich nuclei

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    We present the first study of three-nucleon (3N) forces for proton-rich nuclei along the N=8 and N=20 isotones. Our results for the ground-state energies and proton separation energies are in very good agreement with experiment where available, and with the empirical isobaric multiplet mass equation. We predict the spectra for all N=8 and N=20 isotones to the proton dripline, which agree well with experiment for 18Ne, 19Na, 20Mg and 42Ti. In all other cases, we provide first predictions based on nuclear forces. Our results are also very promising for studying isospin symmetry breaking in medium-mass nuclei based on chiral effective field theory.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, published versio

    Two-neutrino double electron capture on 124^{124}Xe based on an effective theory and the nuclear shell model

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    We study the two-neutrino double electron capture on 124^{124}Xe based on an effective theory (ET) and large-scale shell model calculations, two modern nuclear structure approaches that have been tested against Gamow-Teller and double-beta decay data. In the ET, the low-energy constants are fit to electron capture and β\beta^{-} transitions around xenon. For the nuclear shell model, we use an interaction in a large configuration space that reproduces the spectroscopy of nuclei in this mass region. For the dominant transition to the 124^{124}Te ground state, we find half-lives T1/22νECEC=(1.318)×1022T^{2\nu{\rm ECEC}}_{1/2}=(1.3-18)\times 10^{22} y for the ET and T1/22νECEC=(0.432.9)×1022T^{2\nu{\rm ECEC}}_{1/2} = (0.43-2.9)\times 10^{22} y for the shell model. The ET uncertainty leads to a half-life almost entirely consistent with present experimental limits and largely within the reach of ongoing experiments. The shell model half-life range overlaps with the ET, but extends less beyond current limits. Our findings thus suggest that the two-neutrino double electron capture on 124^{124}Xe has a good chance to be discovered by ongoing or future experiments. In addition, we present results for the two-neutrino double electron capture to excited states of 124^{124}Te.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Mimicking anti-viruses with machine learning and entropy profiles

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    The quality of anti-virus software relies on simple patterns extracted from binary files. Although these patterns have proven to work on detecting the specifics of software, they are extremely sensitive to concealment strategies, such as polymorphism or metamorphism. These limitations also make anti-virus software predictable, creating a security breach. Any black hat with enough information about the anti-virus behaviour can make its own copy of the software, without any access to the original implementation or database. In this work, we show how this is indeed possible by combining entropy patterns with classification algorithms. Our results, applied to 57 different anti-virus engines, show that we can mimic their behaviour with an accuracy close to 98% in the best case and 75% in the worst, applied on Windows’ disk resident malware

    Uncertainties in constraining low-energy constants from 3^3H β\beta decay

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    We discuss the uncertainties in constraining low-energy constants of chiral effective field theory from 3^3H β\beta decay. The half-life is very precisely known, so that the Gamow-Teller matrix element has been used to fit the coupling cDc_D of the axial-vector current to a short-range two-nucleon pair. Because the same coupling also describes the leading one-pion-exchange three-nucleon force, this in principle provides a very constraining fit, uncorrelated with the 3^3H binding energy fit used to constrain another low-energy coupling in three-nucleon forces. However, so far such 3^3H half-life fits have only been performed at a fixed cutoff value. We show that the cutoff dependence due to the regulators in the axial-vector two-body current can significantly affect the Gamow-Teller matrix elements and consequently also the extracted values for the cDc_D coupling constant. The degree of the cutoff dependence is correlated with the softness of the employed NN interaction. As a result, present three-nucleon forces based on a fit to 3^3H β\beta decay underestimate the uncertainty in cDc_D. We explore a range of cDc_D values that is compatible within cutoff variation with the experimental 3^3H half-life and estimate the resulting uncertainties for many-body systems by performing calculations of symmetric nuclear matter.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, published version, includes Erratum, which corrects Figs. 2-6 due to the incorrect c_D relation between 3N forces and two-body currents use

    El respeto a la verdad como límite de la libertad de expresión

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    The law regulating the press affirms -as do the most renowned texts at the international level upon the consecration of the right to information- that freedom of expression cannot be unlimited but rather that it must on the contrary accommodate itself to some guidelines which layout the frontiers of this right. Among the restraints most universally imposed upon the freedom of emission of thought, there exists one which clearly stands out, due to its generalized acceptance: the respect of truth. Truth walks hand in hand with sincerity. Any type of duality, any rupture between intimate thought and the expression of this thought is correctly understood as the lack of sincerity and therefore as the lack of truth. The right to information which belongs to the public requires objective and truthful contento Any kind of manipulation, any falsehood committed by the social communications media therefore implies a violation of this basic right. Commutative justice demands the equilibrium between the counteractions involved: if the people buy newspapers, it is because they expect to receive objective information; justice demands that they be given the truth which they have sought to acquire. Without fraud nor half-truths. For this reason, moralists and theologians have been able to affirm that truth is a "pars justitiae-. Truth, however, does not have an absolute value. -It is not always convenient to say all the truth. the moralists subtlely point out. At times, a secret can be more respectable than an open indiscretion: the safeguard of national security, the prudence that must be a guiding principie of courts of law, and the respect due to the honor and the privacy of the individual are just a few of the many barriers which must be raised in the stream of unrestrained information. However true it may be that it is never licit to consciously communicate falsehood, in some cases there may exist an excuse for mistakes made by the professional, especially when he has to work with second-hand materials. Just the same, no error can ever be allowed to slip by through un excusable ignorance. Professional deontology must be very demanding at the hour of programming retractions in those cases of false information being given. The media must have the courage to rectify whenever the mendacity of what has been transmitted has been discovered -a posteriori-; in such an event, there must not exist any fear of suffering a possible setback stemming from the disavowal of its editors and collaborators. For economic reasons, the truth and the information given may clash head-on in the realm of advertising. There lies the danger of editorial publicity whereby the message can be distorted or veiled with regard to the public. Here again, a demanding code of ethics should clearly state -without any kind of watering-down- the guidelines through which the advertising message is sufficiently identified

    Microwaving Wastes for Producing Syngas

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    This paper discloses the research carried out at MCAT (INCAR-CSIC) in the last years, which has been aimed to develop a new microwave induced process (MIP) for the conversion of biosolids into syngas. The different organic substrates that can be processed, the operational conditions that lead to a maximum production of syngas and the characteristics of the syngas as well as the by-products obtained are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the partial recycling of the solid fraction and its role as microwave susceptor and as a catalyst of some of the gasification reactions taking place during the MIP of the organic residues. Additionally, some insights on the energy costs of the process are also given.Peer reviewe

    Coexistence of spherical states with deformed and superdeformed bands in doubly magic 40-Ca; A shell model challenge

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    Large scale shell model calculations, with dimensions reaching 10**9, are carried out to describe the recently observed deformed (ND) and superdeformed (SD) bands based on the first and second excited 0+ states of 40-Ca at 3.35-MeV and 5.21-MeV respectively. A valence space comprising two major oscillator shells, sd and pf, can accommodate most of the relevant degrees of freedom of this problem. The ND band is dominated by configurations with four particles promoted to the pf-shell (4p-4h in short). The SD band by 8p-8h configurations. The ground state of 40-Ca is strongly correlated, but the closed shell still amounts to 65%. The energies of the bands are very well reproduced by the calculations. The out-band transitions connecting the SD band with other states are very small and depend on the details of the mixing among the different np-nh configurations, in spite of that, the calculation describes them reasonably. For the in-band transition probabilities along the SD band, we predict a fairly constant transition quadrupole moment Q_0(t)~170 e fm**2 up to J=10, that decreases toward the higher spins. We submit also that the J=8 states of the deformed and superdeformed band are maximally mixed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure