237 research outputs found

    Closed orbits of a charge in a weakly exact magnetic field

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    We prove that for a weakly exact magnetic system on a closed connected Riemannian manifold, almost all energy levels contain a closed orbit. More precisely, we prove the following stronger statements. Let (M,g)(M,g) denote a closed connected Riemannian manifold and σ\sigma a weakly exact 2-form. Let ϕt\phi_{t} denote the magnetic flow determined by σ\sigma, and let cc denote the Mane critical value of the pair (g,σ)(g,\sigma). We prove that if k>ck>c, then for every non-trivial free homotopy class of loops on MM there exists a closed orbit with energy kk whose projection to MM belongs to that free homotopy class. We also prove that for almost all k<ck<c there exists a closed orbit with energy kk whose projection to MM is contractible. In particular, when c=∞c=\infty this implies that almost every energy level has a contractible closed orbit. As a corollary we deduce that if σ\sigma is not exact and MM has an amenable fundamental group (which implies c=∞c=\infty) then there exist contractible closed orbits on almost every energy level.Comment: 25 pages. v3 - minor corrections, this version to appear in PJ

    Dominated Splitting and Pesin's Entropy Formula

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    Let MM be a compact manifold and f: M→Mf:\,M\to M be a C1C^1 diffeomorphism on MM. If μ\mu is an ff-invariant probability measure which is absolutely continuous relative to Lebesgue measure and for μ\mu a.  e.  x∈M,a.\,\,e.\,\,x\in M, there is a dominated splitting Torb(x)M=E⊕FT_{orb(x)}M=E\oplus F on its orbit orb(x)orb(x), then we give an estimation through Lyapunov characteristic exponents from below in Pesin's entropy formula, i.e., the metric entropy hμ(f)h_\mu(f) satisfies hμ(f)≥∫χ(x)dμ,h_{\mu}(f)\geq\int \chi(x)d\mu, where χ(x)=∑i=1dim F(x)λi(x)\chi(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{dim\,F(x)}\lambda_i(x) and λ1(x)≥λ2(x)≥...≥λdim M(x)\lambda_1(x)\geq\lambda_2(x)\geq...\geq\lambda_{dim\,M}(x) are the Lyapunov exponents at xx with respect to μ.\mu. Consequently, by using a dichotomy for generic volume-preserving diffeomorphism we show that Pesin's entropy formula holds for generic volume-preserving diffeomorphisms, which generalizes a result of Tahzibi in dimension 2

    A new kind of Lax-Oleinik type operator with parameters for time-periodic positive definite Lagrangian systems

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    In this paper we introduce a new kind of Lax-Oleinik type operator with parameters associated with positive definite Lagrangian systems for both the time-periodic case and the time-independent case. On one hand, the new family of Lax-Oleinik type operators with an arbitrary u∈C(M,R1)u\in C(M,\mathbb{R}^1) as initial condition converges to a backward weak KAM solution in the time-periodic case, while it was shown by Fathi and Mather that there is no such convergence of the Lax-Oleinik semigroup. On the other hand, the new family of Lax-Oleinik type operators with an arbitrary u∈C(M,R1)u\in C(M,\mathbb{R}^1) as initial condition converges to a backward weak KAM solution faster than the Lax-Oleinik semigroup in the time-independent case.Comment: We give a new definition of Lax-Oleinik type operator; add some reference

    Persistent Chaos in High Dimensions

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    An extensive statistical survey of universal approximators shows that as the dimension of a typical dissipative dynamical system is increased, the number of positive Lyapunov exponents increases monotonically and the number of parameter windows with periodic behavior decreases. A subset of parameter space remains in which topological change induced by small parameter variation is very common. It turns out, however, that if the system's dimension is sufficiently high, this inevitable, and expected, topological change is never catastrophic, in the sense chaotic behavior is preserved. One concludes that deterministic chaos is persistent in high dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; Changes in response to referee comment

    Paysans, bergers et colporteurs: La vie d'un village de l'âge du Fer dans la Péninsule de Oman (AM1-Thuqeibah, Sharjah, E.A.U.)

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    Les fouilles archéologiques menées en al Madam (Sharjah, Emirats Arabes Unis) répondent à diverses questions restées en suspens relatives à l’histoire et l’archéologie del’âge du Fer dans la Péninsule d’Oman. L’ètroite collaboration entre l’histoire, l’archéologie et les sciences naturelles peutre trouver les modes de vie et l’histoire quotidienne d’une petite communauté rurale. Il a même aidé à découvrir des facettes imprévuesArchaeological excavations carried out in the al Madam oasis (Sharjah, UAE) are responding to various questions related to the history and archaeology of the Iron Age in the Oman Peninsula. Close cooperation between history, archaeology and natural sciences can recover the way of life and every day story of a small rural community, even discovering unexpected facets

    Nueva España en el siglo XVIII

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    Trabajo sobre las jurisdicciones de la Nueva España y el sistema de intendencia

    Cantor Spectrum for Schr\"odinger Operators with Potentials arising from Generalized Skew-shifts

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    We consider continuous SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb{R})-cocycles over a strictly ergodic homeomorphism which fibers over an almost periodic dynamical system (generalized skew-shifts). We prove that any cocycle which is not uniformly hyperbolic can be approximated by one which is conjugate to an SO(2,R)SO(2,\mathbb{R})-cocycle. Using this, we show that if a cocycle's homotopy class does not display a certain obstruction to uniform hyperbolicity, then it can be C0C^0-perturbed to become uniformly hyperbolic. For cocycles arising from Schr\"odinger operators, the obstruction vanishes and we conclude that uniform hyperbolicity is dense, which implies that for a generic continuous potential, the spectrum of the corresponding Schr\"odinger operator is a Cantor set.Comment: Final version. To appear in Duke Mathematical Journa

    Clinical haematology of the great bustard (Otis tarda)

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    The haematological parameters of healthy great bustards (Otis tarda L.) have been determined. The values obtained were red cell count (3.0 x 10(12) +/- 0.2 x 10(12/)1), white cell count (33.0 x 10(9) +/- 2.6 x 10(9)/1), haematocrit value (0.51 +/- 0.01 1/1), haemoglobin (13.0 +/- 0.3 g/dl), mean corpuscular volume (178.7 +/- 12.5 fl), mean cell haemoglobin concentration (25.0 +/- 0.6 g/dl), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (42.5 +/- 3.2 pg), differential white cell count: heterophils (22.5 x 10(9) +/- 0.7 x 10(9)/1), lymphocytes (6.0 x 10(9)+/-0.7 x 10(9)/1), eosinophils (2.7 x 10(9) +/- 0.3 x 10(9)/1) and monocytes (1.8 x 10(9)+/-0.2 x 10(9)/1)

    Topological entropy and blocking cost for geodesics in riemannian manifolds

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    For a pair of points x,yx,y in a compact, riemannian manifold MM let nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) (resp. st(x,y)s_t(x,y)) be the number of geodesic segments with length ≤t\leq t joining these points (resp. the minimal number of point obstacles needed to block them). We study relationships between the growth rates of nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) and st(x,y)s_t(x,y) as t→∞t\to\infty. We derive lower bounds on st(x,y)s_t(x,y) in terms of the topological entropy h(M)h(M) and its fundamental group. This strengthens the results of Burns-Gutkin \cite{BG06} and Lafont-Schmidt \cite{LS}. For instance, by \cite{BG06,LS}, h(M)>0h(M)>0 implies that ss is unbounded; we show that ss grows exponentially, with the rate at least h(M)/2h(M)/2.Comment: 13 page

    Lipschitz shadowing implies structural stability

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    We show that the Lipschitz shadowing property of a diffeomorphism is equivalent to structural stability. As a corollary, we show that an expansive diffeomorphism having the Lipschitz shadowing property is Anosov.Comment: 11 page
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