10 research outputs found

    Problematic between Law Enforcement Case Crime, Breach of Discipline and the Case of Violation of Professional Code of Ethics of the National Police

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    Problematic in the interpretation of the law enforcement process in the handling of criminal assault and violations committed by members of the police, thus impacting the clash between the provisions of disciplinary rules violations by police professional code of ethics, so it is necessary to identify the problem. In the application of the law enforcement process is often the law enforcement agencies to interpret the clause in the legislation inconsistent with the fact that the problems encountered in the field, resulting in material that has been made into raw because once tested does not comply with the subject matter. This condition must be a point of weakness, if you develop a claim or objection of offenders to deny it. There are some things that become problematic in the interpretation of the law enforcement process in cases of disciplinary violations dank ode of ethics police, among others: the ability and understanding of the statutory provisions, Ankum would hear a case of violation of discipline and code of ethics police, should study first formerly the docket to be tried in order to gain understanding of matter and kejelesan case material, case of violation of discipline and code of ethics of the police hung and immediately actionable, the application of alternative penalties for offenders with reference to the punishment of the lightest very educational, handling breaches of discipline and code of ethics Police profession must be done with firmness, understanding of law enforcement officials in handling cases of discipline violations and police professional code of ethics is very diverse. Keywords: Problematic, Law enforcement case crime, Professional code of ethics, National Polic

    Pattern formation by dynamically interacting network motifs

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    Systematic validation of pattern formation mechanisms revealed by molecular studies of development is essentially impossible without mathematical models. Models can provide a compact summary of a large number of experiments that led to mechanism formulation and guide future studies of pattern formation. Here, we realize this program by analyzing a mathematical model of epithelial patterning by the highly conserved EGFR and BMP signaling pathways in Drosophila oogenesis. The model accounts for the dynamic interaction of the feedforward and feedback network motifs that control the expression of Broad, a zinc finger transcription factor expressed in the cells that form the upper part of the respiratory eggshell appendages. Based on the combination of computational analysis and genetic experiments, we show that the model accounts for the key features of wild-type pattern formation, correctly predicts patterning defects in multiple mutants, and guides the identification of additional regulatory links in a complex pattern formation mechanism