475 research outputs found

    Persistent effects of early infant diet and associated microbiota on the juvenile immune system.

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    Early infant diet has significant impacts on the gut microbiota and developing immune system. We previously showed that breast-fed and formula-fed rhesus macaques develop significantly different gut microbial communities, which in turn are associated with different immune systems in infancy. Breast-fed animals manifested greater T cell activation and proliferation and harbored robust pools of T helper 17 (TH17) cells. These differences were sustained throughout the first year of life. Here we examine groups of juvenile macaques (approximately 3 to 5 y old), which were breast-fed or formula-fed in infancy. We demonstrate that juveniles breast-fed in infancy maintain immunologic differences into the fifth year of life, principally in CD8(+) memory T cell activation. Additionally, long-term correlation networks show that breast-fed animals maintain persistent relationships between immune subsets that are not seen in formula-fed animals. These findings demonstrate that infant feeding practices have continued influence on immunity for up to 3 to 5 y after birth and also reveal mechanisms for microbial modulation of the immune system

    Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las periimplantitis. Actualización en el diagnóstico clínico y en el tratamiento de las periimplantitis

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    En el presente capítulo realizamos una descripción de las investigaciones y hallazgos más importantes aparecidos recientemente en la literatura implantológica, los cuales inciden de una forma más significativa en el diagnóstico clínico y su aplicación en el tratamiento de las periimplantitis por parte del dentista. Aunque todavía no existe claridad ni consenso en los protocolos de actuación terapéutica, hemos realizado un meticuloso análisis de los conocimientos aportados por los diferentes investigadores, y describimos su aplicación más racional al hilo de las últimas investigaciones

    Ameloblastoma mandibular: revisión de la literatura y presentación de seis casos

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    El ameloblastoma es un tumor odontogénico benigno de origen epitelial sin inducción en el tejido conectivo. En el tratamiento del mismo se debe valorar el tipo clínico (sólido y multiquístico, uniquístico, periférico), la localización y el tamaño del tumor, así como la edad del paciente. Recientemente se han publicado algunos artículos con el fin de actualizar los conocimientos y actitudes terapéuticas frente al ameloblastoma. Se presentan seis casos de pacientes afectos de ameloblastomas localizados en la mandíbula, tratados en los últimos siete años. Se aportan datos acerca de su aparición clínica, sus características histológicas, el manejo terapéutico realizado que consistió en la extirpación de la lesión, fresado perilesional del hueso o resección en bloque, según el tipo de ameloblastoma. Finalmente analizamos el seguimiento y la aparición de recidivas en los pacientes presentados. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar los conceptos respecto al ameloblastoma que se han publicado recientemente y valorar su influencia en la actitud del clínico a la hora de actuar frente a esta patología, tomando como punto de partida para ilustrar está discusión la presentación de nuestra experiencia respecto al ameloblastoma.Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumour of epithelial origin without induction in the connective tissue. In treating this type of tumour, it is important to assess the clinical type (solid, multicystic, unicystic, peripheral), localisation, and size of the tumour as well as age of the patient. Articles have recently been published with the purpose of providing updated knowledge and therapeutic approaches to ameloblastoma. We present six cases of patients with localised mandibular ameloblastoma who were treated during the last seven years. We present data on clinical appearance, histological characteristics, and therapeutic approach that was used, which included excision of the lesion, perilesional drilling of the bone, or block resection, according to the type of ameloblastoma. Lastly, we analysed follow-up measures and the rate of recurrence in these patients. The aim of this paper is to review the concepts relating to ameloblastoma that have been published recently and to assess their influence on the clinical attitude taken when facing this pathology, using our experience with ameloblastoma as a starting point to illustrate this discussion

    New dental simulator for microsurgical training preliminary overview

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    Objective: To present a new simulator designed at the Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (Cáceres) which offers an integral, effective and viable training system that can be used for learning microsurgical techniques. Study design: A square methacrylate block was used. Animal jaws were fixed to the sides by means of butterfly screws. This block also has a drainage tube to facilitate the escape of fluids. Results: Excellent results were obtained using this simulator in microsurgical suturing training in dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Conclusions: We believe that this simulator is an essential component in microsurgical training. It is an ethically and morally valid training method with which various suturing techniques can be practised before using live animals and before applying these to daily clinical practice

    The application of microscopic surgery in dentistry

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    The use of the microscope as a tool for practising Medicine, especially in surgical specialisations, has been established for decades. The microscope was first used in OdontologyDentistry back to the 1970s and 1980s, and was introduced more widely (although it was still far from being in general use) during 1990s. The purpose of this article is to describe the main applications of the microscope in OdontologyDentistry today, as well as providing odontologists and stomatologists, whether specialists or in general practice, with information about microscopic OdontologyDentistry for better patient care. This work also gives particular importance to matters needed to achieve the necessary manual dexterity to work in a magnified operating field using a surgical microscope (SM)

    Perceived needs and health-related quality of life in people with schizophrenia and metabolic syndrome : a "real-world" study

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    The complexity of schizophrenia lies in the combination of psychiatric, somatic and social needs requiring care. The aim of the study was to compare perceived needs between groups with absence/presence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and to analyze the relationship between needs, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and MetS in people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. A "real-world" cross-sectional study was set up with a comprehensive framework including the following, needs for care (Camberwell Assessment of Need Interview [CAN]), HRQoL (Euro Qol-5D Questionnaire), sociodemographic data, lifestyle habits, psychopathology (Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale [PANSS]), global functioning (Global Assessment of Functioning Scale [GAF]), anthropometric measurements and blood test results were assessed for an outpatient sample (n = 60). The mean number of needs (given by CAN) was identified for both groups. Patients with MetS rated a higher number of needs compared to the group without this condition. Mobility problems (given by EQ-5D) were negatively associated with the number of total and unmet needs. For participants with MetS, HRQoL was related to the number of needs and unmet needs. For people with MetS, positive symptomatology score (given by PANSS) was related to the number of needs and met needs and general symptomatology was associated with total, met and unmet needs. For individuals without MetS, the global functioning score (given by GAF) was significantly inversely related with total, met and unmet needs. Needs and HRQoL, as well as general symptomatology, were related only in patients with MetS. This has implications for treatment planning at the individual and organizational levels. An analysis of both physical and mental needs could provide a starting point for the extension of facilities in the health care system in order to reach the goal of improving quality of life

    Peer rejection and social behaviour in the classroom perceived by their teachers

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    Comunicación presentada en el Simposio “El rechazo entre iguales: Contextos y situaciones sociales”, coordinado por F. J. García Bacete, duranrre el VI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación (CIPE VI), celebrado en Valladolid (España) del 29 de marzo al 1 de abril 2011.Las relaciones sociales tienen un alto impacto en el desarrollo personal, en especial en los momentos iniciales, y en donde el entorno escolar es uno de los más importantes para los niños y niñas. El tipo y calidad de esas relaciones tiene implicaciones que sobrepasan el ámbito escolar, tanto presente como futuro. Lo habitual es que se establezcan relaciones aceptables, en diferente intensidad, con la mayoría a la vez que se producen relaciones más intensas y recíprocas con otros. Son los que Coie, Dodge y Coppotelli denominan como tipo sociométrico “medio”, y que se estima que son el 60/65% de los integrantes del grupo. Sin embargo, hay otros que no son aceptados por gran parte de sus compañeros, sino directamente “rechazados” (10/12% aproximadamente). El perfil del alumnado en situación de rechazo es mayoritariamente varón (relación de 3/1 respecto a las mujeres), caracterizado por la inmadurez, ansiedad e incluso agresividad o aislamiento, dificultades de gestión emocional y en interpretación de las señales sociales, con escasas conductas de ayuda hacia los demás. Es un alumnado que suele tener dificultades para desenvolverse socialmente. Sin embargo no lo hace de la misma manera ya que en el ámbito escolar se producen multitud de situaciones diferentes. Es por ello que nuestro objetivo se centra en conocer aquellas situaciones sociales en las que el alumnado en situación de rechazo presenta más dificultades con la finalidad posterior de diseñar y proporcionar intervenciones más específicas. La muestra está formada por 217 niños y niñas (116 medios y 101 rechazados) de 35 aulas de primero de Educación Primaria de 15 centros educativos de cuatro comunidades autónomas. Como instrumento de recogida de datos se ha utilizado el Taxonomy of Problem Situations (TOPS, de Dodge et al, 1985). Es un cuestionario formado por 44 ítems tipo Likert que mide, mediante la cumplimentación por parte del profesorado, el grado de dificultad que presenta cada alumno en seis situaciones sociales: (a) entrada en el grupo de iguales; (b) respuesta a la provocación; (c) respuesta al fracaso; (d) respuesta al éxito; (e) expectativas sociales de los iguales; y (f) expectativas del profesor. Como resultados más significativos nos encontramos con diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todas las dimensiones antes mencionadas, con mayores dificultades por parte del alumnado rechazado que de los medios. Sin embargo, no se encuentran evidencias de que el género sea una variable moduladora.Social relations have a high impact on personal development, especially in the initial moments, where the school environment is one of the most important for children. The type and quality of these relationships has implications that go beyond the school environment, both present and future. Usually, the relationships established will be, in different intensity, acceptable to most while more intense and reciprocal relationships with other are produced. Are those that Coie, Dodge and Coppotelli called as sociometric “medium” type and it’s estimated to be 60/65% of the group members. However, there are others who aren’t accepted by most of their peers, but directly “rejected”. The profile of students in a position of rejection is mostly male (ratio of 3 / 1 for women), characterized by immature, anxiety and even aggressiveness or isolation, emotional management difficulties, interpretation of social cues and poor behavior of helping others. They are students that often have difficulties to function socially. However they don’t handle it in the same way because many different situations are produced in the school. That’s why our aim is focused on knowing those social situations in which students in position of rejection have more difficulties in order to design and provide more specific interventions. The sample consisted 217 children (116 medium and 101 rejected) attending first-grade of primary school from 35 different classes of 15 centers in four autonomous regions. Taxonomy of Problem Situations (TOPS, de Dodge et al, 1985) was used as data collection instrument. It’s a questionnaire, filled out by teachers, consisting of 44 Likert-type items measuring the degree of difficulty of each student in six social situations: (a) peer gropu entry; (b) response to peer provocation; (c) response to failure; (d) response to success; (e) social expectations; (f) teacher expectations. As the most significant results we have found statistically significant differences in all dimensions above, with rejected students showing greater difficulties than medium. However, It hasn't been found evidences that gender may be a moderator variable

    Conservative management of dentigerous cysts in children

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    Purpose and Introduction: Dentigerous cysts are epithelial in origin and are the most commonly found cyst in children. The majority of these lesions are usually a radiological finding and are capable of quite large before being diagnosed. The standard treatment for these cysts is the enucleation and the extraction of the affected tooth. However, if the patient is a child and the affected tooth is not developed, a more conservative attitude should be considered. Material and Methods: (Clinical case): A 7-year-old patient is presented with an eruptive backlog of the lower permanent first molars. Radiological examination reveals two radiolucid lesions in relation to them, which are compatible with a dentigerous cyst, and in relation to the inferior aveolar nerve and various germs. A partial enucleation is carried out, maintaining all the dental germs related to the cyst in mouth and monitoring the patient until the case study is over. Results and Discussion: Diagnosis and early treatment of these lesions in children is of great importance, especially in cases where the lesions enclose permanent teeth. Conclusions: Whenever possible, a conservative attitude should be taken, one that allows for the maintenance of the dentition and treatment of the associated cyst in order to not compromise either the occlusion or the mental state of these patients

    A metabolomic approach to characterize the acid-tolerance response in Sinorhizobium meliloti

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    Omar Draghi W, Florencia Del Papa M, Barsch A, et al. A metabolomic approach to characterize the acid-tolerance response in Sinorhizobium meliloti. METABOLOMICS. 2017;13(6): 71.Introduction Sinorhizobium meliloti establishes a symbiosis with Medicago species where the bacterium fixes atmospheric nitrogen for plant nutrition. To achieve a successful symbiosis, however, both partners need to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses within the soil, especially that of excess acid, to which the Medicago-Sinorhizobium symbiotic system is widely recognized as being highly sensitive. Objective To cope with low pH, S. meliloti can undergo an acid-tolerance response (ATR(+)) that not only enables a better survival but also constitutes a more competitive phenotype for Medicago sativa nodulation under acid and neutral conditions. To characterize this phenotype, we employed metabolomics to investigate the biochemical changes operating in ATR(+) cells. Methods A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry approach was used on S. meliloti 2011 cultures showing ATR(+) and ATR(-) phenotypes. After an univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, enzymatic activities and/or reserve carbohydrates characterizing ATR(+) phenotypes were determined. Results Two distinctive populations were clearly defined in cultures grown in acid and neutral pH based on the metabolites present. A shift occurred in the carbon-catabolic pathways, potentially supplying NAD(P)H equivalents for use in other metabolic reactions and/or for maintaining intracellular-pH homeostasis. Furthermore, among the mechanisms related to acid resistance, the ATR(+) phenotype was also characterized by lactate production, envelope modification, and carbon-overflow metabolism. Conclusions Acid-challenged S. meliloti exhibited several changes in different metabolic pathways that, in specific instances, could be identified and related to responses observed in other bacteria under various abiotic stresses. Some of the observed changes included modifications in the pentose-phosphate pathway (PPP), the exopolysaccharide biosynthesis, and in the myo-inositol degradation intermediates. Such modifications are part of a metabolic adaptation in the rhizobia that, as previously reported, is associated to improved phenotypes of acid tolerance and nodulation competitiveness

    Relaxed sugar donor selectivity of a Sinorhizobium meliloti ortholog of the Rhizobium leguminosarum mannosyl transferase LpcC: Role of the lipopolysaccharide core in symbiosis of Rhizobiaceae with plants

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    The lpcC gene of Rhizobium leguminosarum and the lpsB gene of Sinorhizobium meliloti encode protein orthologs that are 58% identical over their entire lengths of about 350 amino acid residues. LpcC and LpsB are required for symbiosis with pea and Medicago plants, respectively. S. meliloti lpsB complements a mutant of R. leguminosarum defective in IpcC, but the converse does not occur. LpcC encodes a highly selective mannosyl transferase that utilizes GDP-mannose to glycosylate the inner 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) residue of the lipopolysaccharide precursor Kdo2-lipid IVA. We now demonstrate that LpsB can also efficiently mannosylate the same acceptor substrate as does LpcC. Unexpectedly, however, the sugar nucleotide selectivity of LpsB is greatly relaxed compared with that of LpcC. Membranes of the wild-type S. meliloti strain 2011 catalyze the glycosylation of Kdo2-[4′-32P]lipid IVA at comparable rates using a diverse set of sugar nucleotides, including GDP-mannose, ADP-mannose, UDP-glucose, and ADP-glucose. This complex pattern of glycosylation is due entirely to LpsB, since membranes of the S. meliloti lpsB mutant 6963 do not glycosylate Kdo2-[4′-32P]lipid IVA in the presence of any of these sugar nucleotides. Expression of lpsB in E. coli using a T7lac promoter-driven construct results in the appearance of similar multiple glycosyl transferase activities seen in S. meliloti 2011 membranes. Constructs expressing lpcC display only mannosyl transferase activity. We conclude that LpsB, despite its high degree of similarity to LpcC is a much more versatile glycosyltransferase, probably accounting for the inability of lpcC to complement S. meliloti lpsB mutants. Our findings have important implications for the regulation of core glycosylation in S. meliloti and other bacteria containing LpcC orthologs.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta