236 research outputs found

    Nematic Ordering of Rigid Rods in a Gravitational Field

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    The isotropic-to-nematic transition in an athermal solution of long rigid rods subject to a gravitational (or centrifugal) field is theoretically considered in the Onsager approximation. The new feature emerging in the presence of gravity is a concentration gradient which coupled with the nematic ordering. For rodlike molecules this effect becomes noticeable at centrifugal acceleration g ~ 10^3--10^4 m/s^2, while for biological rodlike objects, such as tobacco mosaic virus, TMV, the effect is important even for normal gravitational acceleration conditions. Rods are concentrated near the bottom of the vessel which sometimes leads to gravity induced nematic ordering. The concentration range corresponding to phase separation increases with increasing g. In the region of phase separation the local rod concentration, as well as the order parameter, follow a step function with height.Comment: Full article http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v60/i3/p2973_

    Isotropic-nematic phase transition in suspensions of filamentous virus and the neutral polymer Dextran

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    We present an experimental study of the isotropic-nematic phase transition in an aqueous mixture of charged semi-flexible rods (fd virus) and neutral polymer (Dextran). A complete phase diagram is measured as a function of ionic strength and polymer molecular weight. At high ionic strength we find that adding polymer widens the isotropic-nematic coexistence region with polymers preferentially partitioning into the isotropic phase, while at low ionic strength the added polymer has no effect on the phase transition. The nematic order parameter is determined from birefringence measurements and is found to be independent of polymer concentration (or equivalently the strength of attraction). The experimental results are compared with the existing theoretical predictions for the isotropic-nematic transition in rods with attractive interactions.Comment: 8 Figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. E. For more information see http://www.elsie.brandeis.ed

    Conformational Mechanics of Polymer Adsorption Transitions at Attractive Substrates

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    Conformational phases of a semiflexible off-lattice homopolymer model near an attractive substrate are investigated by means of multicanonical computer simulations. In our polymer-substrate model, nonbonded pairs of monomers as well as monomers and the substrate interact via attractive van der Waals forces. To characterize conformational phases of this hybrid system, we analyze thermal fluctuations of energetic and structural quantities, as well as adequate docking parameters. Introducing a solvent parameter related to the strength of the surface attraction, we construct and discuss the solubility-temperature phase diagram. Apart from the main phases of adsorbed and desorbed conformations, we identify several other phase transitions such as the freezing transition between energy-dominated crystalline low-temperature structures and globular entropy-dominated conformations.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    Radius and chirality dependent conformation of polymer molecule at nanotube interface

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    Temperature dependent conformations of linear polymer molecules adsorbed at carbon nanotube (CNT) interfaces are investigated through molecule dynamics simulations. Model polyethylene (PE) molecules are shown to have selective conformations on CNT surface, controlled by atomic structures of CNT lattice and geometric coiling energy. PE molecules form entropy driven assembly domains, and their preferred wrapping angles around large radius CNT (40, 40) reflect the molecule configurations with energy minimums on a graphite plane. While PE molecules prefer wrapping on small radius armchair CNT (5, 5) predominantly at low temperatures, their configurations are shifted to larger wrapping angle ones on a similar radius zigzag CNT (10, 0). A nematic transformation around 280 K is identified through Landau-deGennes theory, with molecule aligning along tube axis in extended conformationsComment: 19 pages, 7 figure2, submitted to journa

    Open-source genomic analysis of Shiga-toxinā€“producing E. coli O104:H4

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    An outbreak caused by Shiga-toxinā€“producing Escherichia coli O104:H4 occurred in Germany in May and June of 2011, with more than 3000 persons infected. Here, we report a cluster of cases associated with a single family and describe an open-source genomic analysis of an isolate from one member of the family. This analysis involved the use of rapid, bench-top DNA sequencing technology, open-source data release, and prompt crowd-sourced analyses. In less than a week, these studies revealed that the outbreak strain belonged to an enteroaggregative E. coli lineage that had acquired genes for Shiga toxin 2 and for antibiotic resistance

    A origem das parcerias pĆŗblico-privada na governanƧa global da educaĆ§Ć£o

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    Durante a Ćŗltima dĆ©cada, a globalizaĆ§Ć£o da governanƧa educacional por meio de parcerias pĆŗblico-privadas (PPP) tem gerado considerĆ”vel debate quanto ao seu significado, propĆ³sito, status e resultados. Este debate Ć© particularmente aquecido no setor da educaĆ§Ć£o por causa da ampla aceitaĆ§Ć£o da educaĆ§Ć£o como atividade complexa, social e polĆ­tica que deve permanecer, em grande parte, se nĆ£o totalmente, no setor pĆŗblico, servindo a interesses pĆŗblicos. O artigo analisa a rĆ”pida expansĆ£o das parcerias pĆŗblico-privadas em educaĆ§Ć£o (PPPE) articulada Ć  introduĆ§Ć£o de regras de mercado no setor. Neste estudo nos concentramos sobre o papel de uma rede de desenvolvimento global, fundamental na globalizaĆ§Ć£o de um tipo particular de PPPE, indicando que a ideia de PPP encaixa-se em um projeto mais amplo de reconstituiĆ§Ć£o da educaĆ§Ć£o pĆŗblica no Ć¢mbito do setor de serviƧos, a ser governada como parte da construĆ§Ć£o de uma sociedade de mercado.Over the past decade, the globalization and governing of education through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have generated considerable debate as to their meaning, purpose, status and outcomes. This debate is particularly heated in the education sector because of the widely-held view that education is a complex social and political activity that should remain largely, if not wholly, in the public sector serving public interests. The article analyses the rapid expansion of Education Public Private Partnerships (EPPPs) and the associated introduction of market rules into the education sector. We focus on the role of a key global development network in globalizing a particular kind of ePPPs, and show that the EPPP idea fi ts into a wider project of reconstituting public education as an education services industry to be governed as part of the construction of a market society

    Adsorbate-induced curvature and stiffening of graphene

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    The adsorption of the alkane tetratetracontane (TTC, C44H90) on graphene induces the formation of a curved surface stabilized by a gain in adsorption energy. This effect arises from a curvature-dependent variation of a moirĆ© pattern due to the mismatch of the carbonāˆ’carbon separation in the adsorbed molecule and the period of graphene. The effect is observed when graphene is transferred onto a deformable substrate, which in our case is the interface between water layers adsorbed on mica and an organic solvent, but is not observed on more rigid substrates such as boron nitride. Our results show that molecular adsorption can be influenced by substrate curvature, provide an example of two-dimensional molecular self-assembly on a soft, responsive interface, and demonstrate that the mechanical properties of graphene may be modified by molecular adsorption, which is of relevance to nanomechanical systems, electronics, and membrane technology

    Functional cooperation between CREM and GCNF directs gene expression in haploid male germ cells

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    Cellular differentiation and development of germ cells critically depend on a coordinated activation and repression of specific genes. The underlying regulation mechanisms, however, still lack a lot of understanding. Here, we describe that both the testis-specific transcriptional activator CREMĻ„ (cAMP response element modulator tau) and the repressor GCNF (germ cell nuclear factor) have an overlapping binding site which alone is sufficient to direct cell type-specific expression in vivo in a heterologous promoter context. Expression of the transgene driven by the CREM/GCNF site is detectable in spermatids, but not in any somatic tissue or at any other stages during germ cell differentiation. CREMĻ„ acts as an activator of gene transcription whereas GCNF suppresses this activity. Both factors compete for binding to the same DNA response element. Effective binding of CREM and GCNF highly depends on composition and epigenetic modification of the binding site. We also discovered that CREM and GCNF bind to each other via their DNA binding domains, indicating a complex interaction between the two factors. There are several testis-specific target genes that are regulated by CREM and GCNF in a reciprocal manner, showing a similar activation pattern as during spermatogenesis. Our data indicate that a single common binding site for CREM and GCNF is sufficient to specifically direct gene transcription in a tissue-, cell type- and differentiation-specific manner

    Stimulus Dependence of Barrel Cortex Directional Selectivity

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    Neurons throughout the rat vibrissa somatosensory pathway are sensitive to the angular direction of whisker movement. Could this sensitivity help rats discriminate stimuli? Here we use a simple computational model of cortical neurons to analyze the robustness of directional selectivity. In the model, directional preference emerges from tuning of synaptic conductance amplitude and latency, as in recent experimental findings. We find that directional selectivity during stimulation with random deflection sequences is strongly dependent on the mean deflection frequency: Selectivity is weakened at high frequencies even when each individual deflection evokes strong directional tuning. This variability of directional selectivity is due to generic properties of synaptic integration by the neuronal membrane, and is therefore likely to hold under very general physiological conditions. Our results suggest that directional selectivity depends on stimulus context. It may participate in tasks involving brief whisker contact, such as detection of object position, but is likely to be weakened in tasks involving sustained whisker exploration (e.g., texture discrimination)

    Cowpox Virus Outbreak in Banded Mongooses (Mungos mungo) and Jaguarundis (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) with a Time-Delayed Infection to Humans

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    BACKGROUND:Often described as an extremely rare zoonosis, cowpox virus (CPXV) infections are on the increase in Germany. CPXV is rodent-borne with a broad host range and contains the largest and most complete genome of all poxviruses, including parts with high homology to variola virus (smallpox). So far, most CPXV cases have occurred individually in unvaccinated animals and humans and were caused by genetically distinguishable virus strains. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Generalized CPXV infections in banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) and jaguarundis (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) at a Zoological Garden were observed with a prevalence of the affected animal group of 100% and a mortality of 30%. A subsequent serological investigation of other exotic animal species provided evidence of subclinical cases before the onset of the outbreak. Moreover, a time-delayed human cowpox virus infection caused by the identical virus strain occurred in a different geographical area indicating that handling/feeding food rats might be the common source of infection. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Reports on the increased zoonotic transmission of orthopoxviruses have renewed interest in understanding interactions between these viruses and their hosts. The list of animals known to be susceptible to CPXV is still growing. Thus, the likely existence of unknown CPXV hosts and their distribution may present a risk for other exotic animals but also for the general public, as was shown in this outbreak. Animal breeders and suppliers of food rats represent potential multipliers and distributors of CPXV, in the context of increasingly pan-European trading. Taking the cessation of vaccination against smallpox into account, this situation contributes to the increased incidence of CPXV infections in man, particularly in younger age groups, with more complicated courses of clinical infections
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