988 research outputs found

    Chandra/ACIS-I study of the X-ray properties of the NGC 6611 and M16 stellar population

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    Mechanisms regulating the origin of X-rays in YSOs and the correlation with their evolutionary stage are under debate. Studies of the X-ray properties in young clusters allow to understand these mechanisms. One ideal target for this analysis is the Eagle Nebula (M16), with its central cluster NGC6611. At 1750 pc from the Sun, it harbors 93 OB stars, together with a population of low-mass stars from embedded protostars to disk-less Class III objects, with age <= 3Myrs. We study an archival 78 ksec Chandra/ACIS-I observation of NGC6611, and two new 80ksec observations of the outer region of M16, one centered on the Column V, and one on a region of the molecular cloud with ongoing star-formation. We detect 1755 point sources, with 1183 candidate cluster members (219 disk-bearing and 964 disk-less). We study the global X-ray properties of M16 and compare them with those of the Orion Nebula Cluster. We also compare the level of X-ray emission of Class II and Class III stars, and analyze the X-ray spectral properties of OB stars. Our study supports the lower level of X-ray activity for the disk-bearing stars with respect to the disk-less members. The X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF) of M16 is similar to that of Orion, supporting the universality of the XLF in young clusters. 85% of the O stars of NGC6611 have been detected in X-rays. With only one possible exception, they show soft spectra with no hard component, indicating that mechanisms for the production of hard X-ray emission in O stars are not operating in NGC 6611.Comment: Accepted in Ap

    X-rays from HH210 in the Orion nebula

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    We report the detection during the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) of two soft, constant, and faint X-ray sources associated with the Herbig-Haro object HH210. HH210 is located at the tip of the NNE finger of the emission line system bursting out of the BN-KL complex, northwest of the Trapezium cluster in the OMC-1 molecular cloud. Using a recent Halpha image obtained with the ACS imager on board HST, and taking into account the known proper motions of HH210 emission knots, we show that the position of the brightest X-ray source, COUP703, coincides with the emission knot 154-040a of HH210, which is the emission knot of HH210 having the highest tangential velocity (425 km/s). The second X-ray source, COUP704, is located on the complicated emission tail of HH210 close to an emission line filament and has no obvious optical/infrared counterpart. Spectral fitting indicates for both sources a plasma temperature of ~0.8 MK and absorption-corrected X-ray luminosities of about 1E30 erg/s (0.5-2.0 keV). These X-ray sources are well explained by a model invoking a fast-moving, radiative bow shock in a neutral medium with a density of ~12000 cm^{-3}. The X-ray detection of COUP704 therefore reveals, in the complicated HH210 region, an energetic shock not yet identified at other wavelengths.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    A 1.3 cm wavelength radio flare from a deeply embedded source in the Orion BN/KL region

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    Aims: Our aim was to measure and characterize the short-wavelength radio emission from young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Orion Nebula Cluster and the BN/KL star-forming region. Methods: We used the NRAO Very Large Array at a wavelength of 1.3 cm and we studied archival X-ray, infrared, and radio data. Results: During our observation, a strong outburst (flux increasing >10 fold) occurred in one of the 16 sources detected at a wavelength of 1.3cm, while the others remained (nearly) constant. This source does not have an infrared counterpart, but has subsequently been observed to flare in X-rays. Curiously, a very weak variable double radio source was found at other epochs near this position, one of whose components is coincident with it. A very high extinction derived from modeling the X-ray emission and the absence of an infrared counterpart both suggest that this source is very deeply embedded.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Simultaneous X-ray, radio, near-infrared, and optical monitoring of Young Stellar Objects in the Coronet cluster

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    Multi-wavelength (X-ray to radio) monitoring of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) can provide important information about physical processes at the stellar surface, in the stellar corona, and/or in the inner circumstellar disk regions. While coronal processes should mainly cause variations in the X-ray and radio bands, accretion processes may be traced by time-correlated variability in the X-ray and optical/infrared bands. Several multi-wavelength studies have been successfully performed for field stars and approx. 1-10 Myr old T Tauri stars, but so far no such study succeeded in detecting simultaneous X-ray to radio variability in extremely young objects like class I and class 0 protostars. Here we present the first simultaneous X-ray, radio, near-infrared, and optical monitoring of YSOs, targeting the Coronet cluster in the Corona Australis star-forming region, which harbors at least one class 0 protostar, several class I objects, numerous T Tauri stars, and a few Herbig AeBe stars. [...] Seven objects are detected simultaneously in the X-ray, radio, and optical/infrared bands; they constitute our core sample. While most of these sources exhibit clear variability in the X-ray regime and several also display optical/infrared variability, none of them shows significant radio variability on the timescales probed. We also do not find any case of clearly time-correlated optical/infrared and X-ray variability. [...] The absence of time-correlated multi-wavelength variability suggests that there is no direct link between the X-ray and optical/infrared emission and supports the notion that accretion is not an important source for the X-ray emission of these YSOs. No significant radio variability was found on timescales of days.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (06 Dec 2006

    Multi-wavelength observing of a forming solar-like star

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    V2129 Oph is a 1.35 solar mass classical T Tauri star, known to possess a strong and complex magnetic field. By extrapolating from an observationally derived magnetic surface map, obtained through Zeeman-Doppler imaging, models of V2129 Oph's corona have been constructed, and used to make predictions regarding the global X-ray emission measure, the amount of modulation of X-ray emission, and the density of accretion shocks. In late June 2009 we will under take an ambitious multi-wavelength, multi-observing site, and near contemporaneous campaign, combining spectroscopic optical, nIR, UV, X-ray, spectropolarimetric and photometric monitoring. This will allow the validity of the 3D field topologies derived via field extrapolation to be determined.Comment: 4 pages, proceedings of the 3rd MSSL workshop on High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy: towards IX

    Radio and X-ray variability of Young Stellar Objects in the Coronet Cluster

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    The Coronet Cluster in the nearby R CrA dark cloud offers the rare opportunity to study at least four "class I" protostellar sources as well as one candidate "class 0" source, a Herbig Ae star, and a candidate brown dwarf within a few square arcminutes - most of them detected at radio- and X-ray wavelengths. These sources were observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 3.5cm on nine occasions in 1998, spread over nearly four months. The source IRS 5, earlier shown to emit circularly polarized radio emission, was observed to undergo a flux increase accompanied by changes in its polarization properties. Comparison with VLA measurements taken in January 1997 allows for some analysis of longer-term variability. In addition to this radio monitoring, we analyze archival Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray data of these sources. Three class I protostars are bright enough for X-ray spectroscopy, and we perform a variability analysis for these sources, covering a total of 154 ksec spread over more than two and a half years. Also in X-rays, IRS 5 shows the most pronounced variability, whilst the other two class I protostars IRS 1 and IRS 2 have more stable emission. X-ray data is also analyzed for the recently identified candidate class 0 source IRS 7E, which shows strong variability as well as for the Herbig Ae star R CrA for which we find extremely hot X-ray-emitting plasma. For IRS 1,2 and 5, the hydrogen column densities derived from the X-ray spectra are at about half the values derived with near-infrared techniques, a situation similar to what has been observed towards some other young stellar objects.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&
