1,020 research outputs found

    Particle statistics and lossy dynamics of ultracold atoms in optical lattices

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    Experimental control over ultracold quantum gases has made it possible to investigate low-dimensional systems of both bosonic and fermionic atoms. In closed one-dimensional systems there are many similarities in the dynamics of local quantities for spinless fermions and strongly interacting "hard-core" bosons, which on a lattice can be formalized via a Jordan-Wigner transformation. In this study, we analyze the similarities and differences for spinless fermions and hard-core bosons on a lattice in the presence of particle loss. The removal of a single fermion causes differences in local quantities compared with the bosonic case because of the different particle exchange symmetry in the two cases. We identify deterministic and probabilistic signatures of these dynamics in terms of local particle density, which could be measured in ongoing experiments with quantum gas microscopes

    Gas-phase Absorptions of C60+: A New Comparison with Astronomical Measurements

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    Campbell et al. recently revised, by a few tenths of an Å, the wavelengths for their low-temperature laboratory measurements of fullerene C60+ bands. This accounts for the perturbation caused by the He atom to the C60+-He spectrum. Here, we demonstrate that the revised laboratory wavelengths improve coincidence with the 9632, 9577, 9428, 9365, and 9348 diffuse interstellar bands detected towards the stars HD 46711, HD 169454, and HD 183143

    Impact of a basic mathematics course on the performance of college students in algebra subject

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    A common problem for universities is the lack of knowledge and mathematical skills of new students because this deficiency creates difficulties in their studies throughout their career, which can cause their dropout. The aim of this paper is to describe the impact of a basic mathematics course on the performance of college student in algebra subject. This is a 32-hour course which is developed in 16 sessions in parallel to the algebra classes and is mainly offered to students: a) identified with low performance on mathematics component of national highschool test, and b) remitted by the subject teacher. The main findings are: a) the pass rate for students who attended to more than half of the sessions of the course if 95%, and b) the average grade of the subject tends to increase as with the attendance level to the course of the students. Consequently, these results lead to the conclusion that the course has a positive effect on the students' performance

    Factors that promote positive attitudes towards mathematics in higher education students

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    The purpose of this review article is to explain the importance of understanding attitudes towards teaching and learning mathematics in higher education students. For that, we start from the premise that attitudes are related to performance towards learning mathematics, bearing in mind that what directly influences their success are the feelings of possessing competencies to understand their contents and not the feelings of difficulty towards them. In essence, at first, we describe the different attitudes towards mathematics. Next, we examine how attitudes influence math learning and finally identify the factors that foster positive attitudes toward math. From this, we suggest teaching practices that can be carried out to foster positive attitudes towards mathematics and propose new lines of research in this field

    Expression of divIB of Bacillus subtilis during vegetative growth

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    Expression of the division initiation gene, divIB, of Bacillus subtilis vegetative growth was examined. lacZ fusion studies and transcription start point mapping have established that a sigma A promoter proximal to divIB is utilized in vivo. The -10 region of this promoter, which is located 93 bp upstream of the start codon, has been defined precisely by site-directed mutagenesis that destroys the promoter. Examination of transcripts by Northern (RNA) blotting has shown that there are at least two transcripts for divIB. The established proximal promoter was found to give rise to a very minor transcript which could not be convincingly demonstrated in wild-type cells but which became apparent upon insertion of a plasmid into the chromosome just upstream of this promoter. The major transcript for divIB originated from a site several kb upstream of the gene and is probably the same as the long polycistronic message also traversing the murD-spoVE-murG genes that was identified previously by others (A.D. Henriques, H. de Lencastre, and P.J. Piggot, Biochimie 74:735-748, 1992). Transcription from the proximal promoter alone, in an upstream-deletion mutant strain, provided sufficient DivIB for normal growth and division as well as sporulation

    Magnetic activity and hot Jupiters of young Suns : the weak-line T Tauri stars V819 Tau and V830 Tau

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    SGG acknowledges support from the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) via an Ernest Rutherford Fellowship [ST/J003255/1]. SHPA acknowledges financial support from CNPq, CAPES and Fapemig. AAV acknowledges support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) via the allocation of an Ambizione Followship. Date of Acceptance: 06/08/2015We report results of a spectropolarimetric and photometric monitoring of the weak-line T Tauri stars (wTTSs) V819 Tau and V830 Tau within the MaTYSSE (Magnetic Topologies of Young Stars and the Survival of close-ingiant Exoplanets) programme, involving the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. At ≃3 Myr, both stars dissipated their discs recently and are interesting objects for probing star and planet formation. Profile distortions and Zeeman signatures are detected in the unpolarized and circularly polarized lines, whose rotational modulation we modelled using tomographic imaging, yielding brightness and magnetic maps for both stars. We find that the large-scale magnetic fields of V819 Tau and V830 Tau are mostly poloidal and can be approximated at large radii by 350-400 G dipoles tilted at≃30° to the rotation axis. They are significantly weaker than the field of GQ Lup, an accreting classical T Tauri star (cTTS) with similar mass and age which can be used to compare the magnetic properties of wTTSs and cTTSs. The reconstructed brightness maps of both stars include cool spots and warm plages. Surface differential rotation is small, typically ≃4.4 times smaller than on the Sun, in agreement with previous results on wTTSs. Using our Doppler images to model the activity jitter and filter it out from the radial velocity(RV) curves, we obtain RV residuals with dispersions of 0.033 and 0.104km s-1 for V819 Tau and V830 Tau, respectively. RV residuals suggest that a hot Jupiter may be orbiting V830 Tau, though additional data are needed to confirm this preliminary result. We find no evidence for close-in giant planet around V819 Tau.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Field Scale Variability of Nitrogen and δ15N in Soil and Plants

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    Understanding the factors that influence soil and plant nitrogen (N) spatial variability may improve our ability to develop management systems that maximize productivity and minimize environmental hazards. The objective of this study was to determine the field (65 ha) scale spatial variability of N and δ15N in soil and corn (Zea mays). Soil, grain, and stover samples were collected from grids that ranged in size from 30 by 30 m to 60 by 60 m. Plant samples, collected following physiological maturity in 1995, were analyzed for total N and δ15N. Soil samples, collected prior to planting in the spring of 1995 and 1996, were analyzed for inorganic‐N, total N, and δ15N. All parameters showed strong spatial relationships. In an undrained portion of the field containing somewhat poorly and poorly drained soils there was a net loss of 95 kg N ha‐1, while in an adjacent area that was tile drained there was a net gain of 98 kg N ha‐1. Denitrification and N mineralization most likely were responsible for losses and gains, respectively. Differences between the N balances of these areas (193 kg N ha‐1) provide a relative measure of the impact of tile drainage on plant N availability and greenhouse gas production in a wet year