295 research outputs found

    Distinct Mechanisms for Ctr1-mediated Copper and Cisplatin Transport

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    The Ctr1 family of integral membrane proteins is necessary for high affinity copper uptake in eukaryotes. Ctr1 is also involved in cellular accumulation of cisplatin, a platinum-based anticancer drug. Although the physiological role of Ctr1 has been revealed, the mechanism of action of Ctr1 remains to be elucidated. To gain a better understanding of Ctr1-mediated copper and cisplatin transport, we have monitored molecular dynamics and transport activities of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ctr1 and its mutant alleles. Co-expression of functional Ctr1 monomers fused with either cyan or yellow fluorescent protein resulted in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), which is consistent with multimer assembly of Ctr1. Copper near the Km value of Ctr1 enhanced FRET in a manner that correlated with cellular copper transport. In vitro cross-linking of Ctr1 confirmed that copper-induced FRET reflects conformational changes within pre-existing Ctr1 complexes. FRET assays in membrane-disrupted cells and protein extracts showed that intact cell structure is necessary for Ctr1 activity. Despite Ctr1-dependent cellular accumulation, cisplatin did not change Ctr1 FRET nor did it attenuate copper-induced FRET. A Ctr1 allele defective in copper transport enhanced cellular cisplatin accumulation. N-terminal methionine-rich motifs that are dispensable for copper transport play a critical role for cisplatin uptake. Taken together, our data reveal functional roles for structural remodeling of the Ctr1 multimeric complex in copper transport and suggest distinct mechanisms employed by Ctr1 for copper and cisplatin transport


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    THE EFFECT OF PUMPKIN WASTE MEAL IN LAYING HEN FEED ON PERFORMANS PRODUCTION. This research was to find out the use of pumpkin waste meal on performance in the production of laying hens. The purpose of this research was to observe the effect of the use of pumpkin waste meal performance in the production of feed for laying hens. A total of 100 MB 402 laying hens from 42 week of age were randomly alloted to four dietary treatments with 5 replication groups of 4 hens. Dietary treatment were; basal diet (R0), basal diet 98% + 2% WCP (R1), basal diet 96% + 4% WCP (R2), basal diet 94% + 6% WCP (R3), basal diet 92% + 8% WCP (R4). The variable were the feed Consumption, hen day production, feed conversion. Data was analyzed with completely randomized Design ( CRD ). The addition of in the feed was not influenced significantly (P > 0,05) to the feed consumption, hen day production, feed conversion. Based on the research that is done it can be concluted that the use of waste carrot pumpkins in the feed at the level of 8% show no significantly different result on the feed consumption, hen day production, feed conversion. Keyword : Pumpkin waste meal, performance laying hens, performance of productio


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    Kerusakan jalan yang terjadi pada lapis pondasi maka rehabilitasi yang harus dilakukan pada lapis pondasinya. Perbaikan yang sering dikakukan yaitu membongkar lapis pondasi yang rusak lalu menggantinya dengan material agregat batu pecah yang baru tanpa menggunakan bahan pengikat maupun menggunakan bahan pengikat berupa semen lalu dipadatkan. Dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan, cara ini sering menghadapi tantangan yaitu secara ekonomi memerluka dana yang besar untuk pengadaan material baru, gangguan lingkungan hidup yaitu mengakibatkan daerah quarry, polusi udara dan degradasi lingkngan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka salah satu teknologi daur ulang yaitu CTRB dapat digunakan. Campuran Cemen Treated Recycling Base (CTRB) adalah teknik daur ulang perkerasan jalan untuk lapis pondasi yang memanfaatkan RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) yaitu material agregat yang mengandung aspal dan RAM (Reclaimed Aggregate Mineral) yaitu material agregat yang tidak mengandung aspal yang berasal dari garukan perkerasan yang telah rusak, dicampur kembali lalu distabilisasikan dengan semen. Semen sebagai bahan stabilisa pada campuran CTRB memerluka biaya yang besar. Oleh sebab itu akan disubstitusikan pozolan alam (tras) terhadap semen. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian ITS (Indirect Tensile Strength). Dalam penelitian ini akukan dilpengujian ITS (Indirect Tensile Strength). Variasi semen yang dibuat yaitu 2%, 4%, 6%  terhadap RAP dan RAM dan variasi tras  0%, 15%, 30% terhadap semen. Variasi campuran semen dan tras yaitu 2% PC, 4% PC, 6% PC, 2% PC : 15% Tras, 4% PC : 15% Tras, 6% PC : 15% Tras, 2% PC : 30% Tras, 4% PC : 30% Tras, 6% PC : 30% Tras. Komposisi optimum campuran yang melampaui nilai ITS yaitu campuran CTRB 6% PC : 15 % Tras dan 6% PC : 30% Tras Kata Kunci: CTRB, RAP, RAM, Tras, ITS, Pozzola

    Nonlinear dynamics in superlattices driven by high frequency ac-fields

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    We investigate the dynamical processes taking place in nanodevices driven by high-frequency electromagnetic fields. We want to elucidate the role of different mechanisms that could lead to loss of quantum coherence. Our results show how the dephasing effects of disorder that destroy after some periods coherent oscillations, such as Rabi oscillations, can be overestimated if we do not consider the electron-electron interactions that can reduce dramatically the decoherence effects of the structural imperfections. Experimental conditions for the observation of the predicted effects are discussed.Comment: REVTEX (8 pages) and 4 figures (Postscript

    Un estudio sobre los materiales curriculares impressos en EducaciĂłn Fisica: implicaciones para la formaciĂłn del profesorado

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    Neste artigo apresenta-se a fase descritiva de uma investigação sobre os materiais curriculares impressos derivados da análise de um questionário elaborado para esse fim. O questionário foi aplicado sob a forma de entrevista em uma amostra representativa de professores e professoras de educação física da Província de Valencia que trabalham no ensino secundário obrigatório. Apresentam-se os resultados gerais relativos à escolha, a elaboração e o uso desses materiais. Posteriormente, discutem-se esses resultados e se comenta suas implicações para a formação do professorado.In this paper, the descriptive phase of a research on printed curriculum materials derived from the analysis of a questionnaire is presented. This questionnaire is applied to a representative sample of physical education teachers that belong to the Valencian Autonomy and teach in Secondary Compulsory Education. General results concerning to selection, elaboration and use of such materials are presented. Finally, results are discussed and its implications in teacher education are also commented.En este artículo se presenta la fase descriptiva de una investigación sobre materiales curriculares impresos derivados del análisis de un cuestionario elaborado al efecto. El cuestionario se ha aplicado en forma de entrevista a una muestra representativa de profesores y profesoras de educación física de la Autonomía Valenciana que trabajan en la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria. Se presentan los resultados generales relativos a la elección, la elaboración y el uso de los materiales. Posteriormente, se discuten estos resultados y comentan sus implicaciones para la formación del profesorado

    Humanising Higher Education as a tool to enrich society: challenges and opportunities’

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    Humanising higher education through a multi angle approach can be transformational for students and staff, can inspire learning, advance knowledge, and enrich society. During this thematic forum we will introduce our approach to embedding a culture of kindness, a positive mindset and a caring approach, all areas included as part of our university's implementation plan as a route to humanise our practice. We will begin by exploring the notion of humanising which according to Galvin and Todres (2013, p. 10/11) is to “uphold a particular view or value of what it means to be human, and furthermore to find ways to act on this concern. Such concern also needs to be practically translated into the more experiential issues of what practices can make people feel more human”. Traditionally humanising practice has been explored within health and social care, we felt that its essence and the humanising framework developed by Todres at al. (2009) could be applied within the context of higher education. Todres et al. (2009), explain that there are two main foundations to base the strategies to humanise practice. The first one is that the vocabulary used must be simple and continuously focus on humanising issues. The second one is to make sure that this humanising focus is championed at all levels of an organisation. Within the higher education environment, these encompass the language, values, attitudes, and behaviours that can be shared, and role modelled within every level of the organisation. We will relate it to our own experiences in various roles within the university and how taking on a humanising approach has shaped the way in which we practice (Devis-Rozental and Clarke 2020). Looking at humanising from a positive organisational culture point of view, we will then explore some of the challenges we have faced as culture leaders introducing this new way of being. We will then discuss the ways in which we have overcome these challenges and reflect on our experiences. We will draw on our previous work to present the research evidenced practice we are embedding and how this has already influenced some of our university wide responses. During the thematic forum we will then foster dialogue and interaction by posing to the audience the following themes which have informed our work on humanising higher education: • We are much more than a font of knowledge, our role as educators to inspire learning • Disrupting the them and us culture prevalent in some higher education institutions when referring to academics and professional members of staff • Values based practice as a tool to humanise environments, it is all about our people • Embedding socio-emotional intelligence in the curriculum to enhance the student experience (Devis-Rozental 2018) • Applying an appreciative inquiry lens to improve our practice • Working collaboratively through embedding ubuntu as a philosophy of working to strengthen the heart of our teams • Practicing with our head, hand and heart to deliver excellence in higher education • Leading with kindness to develop a sense of belonging • Spotlighting out relational energy to embed a positive organisational culture • Positive educational strategies to inspire learning in higher education • Creating working environment where individuals feel are able to bring their unique selves and find their purpose to enrich society • The place of passion in higher education as an engine for positive chang

    A novel sensor for ion electron emission microscopy

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    Abstract An ion electron emission microscope (IEEM) to be installed at the SIRAD heavy ion irradiation facility at the 15 MV tandem accelerator of the INFN Legnaro laboratory (Italy) will be used to characterize the sensitivity of electronic devices to single event effects (SEE) to ion impacts with micrometric lateral resolutions. The secondary electrons emitted by ion impacts from the target surface are transported and focused by an electron microscope onto a micro-channel plate (MCP) detector coupled to a fast phosphor. The luminous signal is then detected by a position sensitive photon detector located outside the vacuum chamber. The high repetition rates and high spatial resolution, required to temporally distinguish ion impacts for SEE studies and avoid degrading of the initial resolution of the IEEM and MCP are met by the system, presented here for the first time, based on two orthogonal linear CCDs

    Full configuration interaction approach to the few-electron problem in artificial atoms

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    We present a new high-performance configuration interaction code optimally designed for the calculation of the lowest energy eigenstates of a few electrons in semiconductor quantum dots (also called artificial atoms) in the strong interaction regime. The implementation relies on a single-particle representation, but it is independent of the choice of the single-particle basis and, therefore, of the details of the device and configuration of external fields. Assuming no truncation of the Fock space of Slater determinants generated from the chosen single-particle basis, the code may tackle regimes where Coulomb interaction very effectively mixes many determinants. Typical strongly correlated systems lead to very large diagonalization problems; in our implementation, the secular equation is reduced to its minimal rank by exploiting the symmetry of the effective-mass interacting Hamiltonian, including square total spin. The resulting Hamiltonian is diagonalized via parallel implementation of the Lanczos algorithm. The code gives access to both wave functions and energies of first excited states. Excellent code scalability in a parallel environment is demonstrated; accuracy is tested for the case of up to eight electrons confined in a two-dimensional harmonic trap as the density is progressively diluted and correlation becomes dominant. Comparison with previous Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the Wigner regime demonstrates power and flexibility of the method.Comment: RevTeX 4.0, 18 pages, 6 tables, 9 postscript b/w figures. Final version with new material. Section 6 on the excitation spectrum has been added. Some material has been moved to two appendices, which appear in the EPAPS web depository in the published versio

    Metabolic and Functional Profile of Premenopausal Women With Metabolic Syndrome After Training With Elastics as Compared to Free Weights

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a strength training program (STP) using free weights (FW) versus elastic tubing (ET) in 62 premenopausal, sedentary women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MS). Participants were randomly assigned to the FW or ET experimental group (EG) or a control group whose members remained sedentary. Members of each EG followed their assigned STP for 12 weeks, and biomarkers (BMs) related to MS and motor function (MF) parameters were evaluated. Both EGs showed a significant reduction in C-reactive protein level and a positive trend in the other BMs. Almost all MF parameters increased significantly in both EGs. No positive changes were found in the CG. These results indicate that the implementation of an STP, with either FW or ET, improves both metabolic health and MF and should be considered part of the basic approach to health care in women

    Improving automatic delineation for head and neck organs at risk by Deep Learning Contouring

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    INTRODUCTION: Adequate head and neck (HN) organ-at-risk (OAR) delineation is crucial for HN radiotherapy and for investigating the relationships between radiation dose to OARs and radiation-induced side effects. The automatic contouring algorithms that are currently in clinical use, such as atlas-based contouring (ABAS), leave room for improvement. The aim of this study was to use a comprehensive evaluation methodology to investigate the performance of HN OAR auto-contouring when using deep learning contouring (DLC), compared to ABAS. METHODS: The DLC neural network was trained on 589 HN cancer patients. DLC was compared to ABAS by providing each method with an independent validation cohort of 104 patients, which had also been manually contoured. For each of the 22 OAR contours - glandular, upper digestive tract and central nervous system (CNS)-related structures - the dice similarity coefficient (DICE), and absolute mean and max dose differences (|Δmean-dose| and |Δmax-dose|) performance measures were obtained. For a subset of 7 OARs, an evaluation of contouring time, inter-observer variation and subjective judgement was performed. RESULTS: DLC resulted in equal or significantly improved quantitative performance measures in 19 out of 22 OARs, compared to the ABAS (DICE/|Δmean dose|/|Δmax dose|: 0.59/4.2/4.1 Gy (ABAS); 0.74/1.1/0.8 Gy (DLC)). The improvements were mainly for the glandular and upper digestive tract OARs. DLC significantly reduced the delineation time for the inexperienced observer. The subjective evaluation showed that DLC contours were more often preferable to the ABAS contours overall, were considered to be more precise, and more often confused with manual contours. Manual contours still outperformed both DLC and ABAS; however, DLC results were within or bordering the inter-observer variability for the manual edited contours in this cohort. CONCLUSION: The DLC, trained on a large HN cancer patient cohort, outperformed the ABAS for the majority of HN OARs
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