438 research outputs found

    Modelling of Physical Ageing in starch using the TNM equation

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    Gelatinised wheat starch, freeze dried and equilibrated at different RH, was aged at different temperatures and for different times. The Tool–Narayanaswamy–Moynihan (TNM) model was used to describe the ageing for all samples under all conditions. Three TNM parameters: x, Dh⁄ and A were determined experimentally using, respectively, the peak shift method (x) and the dependency of T0f (the limiting value of Tf) on the cooling rate (Dh⁄ and A). The non-linearity parameter x and the non exponential parameter b were also estimated by optimising a fit of the experimental normalised specific heat at different ageing times and temperatures to curves generated using the TNM model. The TNM model successfully described the normalised experimental data. It was found that the intermolecular forces were strong and the relaxation times depended more strongly on the glass structure than the glass temperature. The hydration level of the starch had a direct impact of the breadth of the relaxation time distribution. A dependency of the non-linearity parameter x on ageing temperature (peak shift method) was observed. This suggests that physical ageing is more complex than is described by TNM formalism

    Combining geometric morphometric analyses of multiple 2D observation views improves interpretation of evolutionary allometry and shape diversification in monitor lizard (Varanus) crania

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    Geometric morphometrics is a powerful tool for the quantification, visualization and analysis of morphological variation and change. This approach is being applied more frequently in a phylogenetic comparative context to assess the relative influence of size, ecology, function, and developmental constraints on morphological evolution. Geometric morphometric methods rely on homologous landmarks as the source of shape data, and the level of detail and accuracy increases with the amount of information contained in a landmark configuration. It may be possible, however, to capture particular elements of shape variation by concentrating on different observation angles of a complex structure like the vertebrate cranium. Our study examines how observation view (dorsal, ventral and lateral) influences 2D geometric morphometric analysis of interspecific cranial shape variation in monitor lizards. We recover a strong phylogenetic signal in all three views and general concordance in patterns of size-corrected shape diversification within the genus. We also find subtle, but important differences, however, among views in analyses of evolutionary allometry and shape variation, which may reflect both landmark configuration design and adaptive functional trends of the study system. Our study shows that studies restricted to a 2D geometric morphometric analysis of a complex 3D biological structure can combine carefully designed 2D landmark configurations describing alternative planes to maximize shape coverage.JSK thanks the Australian Research Council for ongoing support

    Quantitative heterodonty in Crocodylia: assessing size and shape across modern and extinct taxa

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    Heterodonty in Crocodylia and closely related taxa has not been defined quantitatively, as the teeth rarely have been measured. This has resulted in a range of qualitative descriptors, with little consensus on the condition of dental morphology in the clade. The purpose of this study is to present a method for the quantification of both size- and shape-heterodonty in members of Crocodylia. Data were collected from dry skeletal and fossil specimens of 34 crown crocodylians and one crocodyliform, resulting in 21 species total. Digital photographs were taken of each tooth and the skull, and the margins of both were converted into landmarks and semilandmarks. We expressed heterodonty through Foote’s morphological disparity, and a principal components analysis quantified shape variance. All specimens sampled were heterodont to varying degrees, with the majority of the shape variance represented by a ‘caniniform’ to ‘molariform’ transition. Heterodonty varied significantly between positions; size undulated whereas shape was significantly linear from mesial to distal. Size and shape appeared to be primarily decoupled. Skull shape correlated significantly with tooth shape. High size-heterodonty often correlated with relatively large caniniform teeth, reflecting a prioritization of securing prey. Large, highly molariform, distal teeth may be a consequence of high-frequency durophagy combined with prey size. The slender-snouted skull shape correlated with a caniniform arcade with low heterodonty. This was reminiscent of other underwater-feeding tetrapods, as they often focus on small prey that requires minimal processing. Several extinct taxa were very molariform, which was associated with low heterodonty. The terrestrial peirosaurid shared similarities with large modern crocodylian taxa, but may have processed prey differently. Disparity measures can be inflated or deflated if certain teeth are absent from the tooth row, and regression analysis may not best apply to strongly slender-snouted taxa. Nevertheless, when these methods are used in tandem they can give a complete picture of crocodylian heterodonty. Future researchers may apply our proposed method to most crocodylian specimens with an intact enough tooth row regardless of age, species, or rearing conditions, as this will add rigor to many life history studies of the clade

    Migraine with aura in the locker room: three case reports

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    It is well known that physical activity can aggravate the intensity of the headache, but the pathophysiological relationship between exertion and aura is still unknown. Anecdotal reports describe episodes of migraine preceded by head trauma and visual symptoms, migraine prodrome symptoms after unusually strenuous running with no subsequent head pain or recurrent attacks of hemiplegic migraine induced only by exertion. We describe the cases of three young men with recurrent episodes of migraine with aura occurring in the locker room shortly after a football match. Since the symptoms could mimic important pathologies in approximately 10% of these of headaches, it was mandatory to exclude a secondary form of headache in these patients. Several theories exist regarding the cause of primary exertional headache, but the pathogenesis of migraine triggered by physical activity has still not been identified. The present International Classification of Headache Disorders does not mention sport/exercise-induced migraine with aura episodes as primary headache. Since there are many cases described in the literature of migraine with aura triggered only by exercise, it may be helpful to specify, in the typical aura with migraine headache comments, that in some cases it can be exclusively triggered by sport/exercise

    Preventable hospital admissions among the homeless in California: A retrospective analysis of care for ambulatory care sensitive conditions

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    Background Limited research exists that investigates hospital admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) among the homeless, who frequently lack a usual source of care. This study profiled ACSC admissions for homeless patients. Methods Bivariate analyses and logistic regression were completed to investigate ACSC and non-ACSC admissions among homeless patients using the 2010 California State Inpatient Database. Results Homeless patients admitted for an ACSC were mostly male, non-Hispanic white, and on average 49.9 years old. In the predictive model, the odds of an ACSC admission among homeless patients increased when they were black, admitted to the emergency department or transferred from another health facility. Having Medicare was associated with a decreased odds of an ACSC admission. Conclusions Specific characteristics are associated with a greater likelihood of an ACSC admission. Research should examine how these characteristics contribute to ACSC hospitalizations and findings should be linked to programs designed to serve as a safety-net for homeless patients to reduce hospitalizations

    Association between siesta (daytime sleep), dietary patterns and the presence of metabolic syndrome in elderly living in Mediterranean area (MEDIS study):The moderating effect of gender

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    Objectives: Several lifestyle parameters including diet, physical activity and sleep were associated in isolation with the presence of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) in adults, to date there is a paucity of studies which evaluated their combined role aging populations and especially with respect to gender. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to provide a global consideration of the lifestyle factors associated with MetS among elderly individuals. Design: Cross-sectional observational study. Setting: 21 Mediterranean islands and the rural Mani region (Peloponnesus) of Greece. Participants: during 2005-2015, 2749 older (aged 65-100 years) from were voluntarily enrolled in the study. Measurements: Dietary habits, energy intake, physical activity status, sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle parameters (sleeping and smoking habits) and clinical profile aspects were derived through standard procedures. The presence of MetS was defined using the definition provided by NCEP ATP III (revised) and cluster analysis was used to identify overall dietary habit patterns. Results: The overall prevalence of MetS in the study sample was 36.2%, but occurred more frequently in females (40.0% vs. 31.8%, respectively, p=0.03). Individuals with MetS were more likely to sleep during the day (89.4% vs. 76.8% respectively, p=0.039) and frequent ‘siesta’ was positively linked to the odds of MetS presence in females (Odds Ratio (OR) =3.43, 95% Confidence Intervals (CI): 1.08-10.9), but not for men (p=0.999). The lower carbohydrate (i.e., 45.2% of total daily energy, 120±16gr/day) dietary cluster was inversely associated with the odds for MetS presence, but only for men (OR=0.094, 95%CI: 0.010-0.883). Conclusions: Lifestyle parameters including sleep and diet quality are strongly associated with the presence of MetS in elderly cohort, but different their level of influence appears to be different, depending on gender. Further research is needed to better consider the role of lifestyle characteristics in the management of MetS in clinical practice

    Extracellular matrix hydrogels from decellularized tissues: structure and function

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    Extracellular matrix (ECM) bioscaffolds prepared from decellularized tissues have been used to facilitate constructive and functional tissue remodeling in a variety of clinical applications. The discovery that these ECM materials could be solubilized and subsequently manipulated to form hydrogels expanded their potential in vitro and in vivo utility; i.e. as culture substrates comparable to collagen or Matrigel, and as injectable materials that fill irregularly-shaped defects. The mechanisms by which ECM hydrogels direct cell behavior and influence remodeling outcomes are only partially understood, but likely include structural and biological signals retained from the native source tissue. The present review describes the utility, formation, and physical and biological characterization of ECM hydrogels. Two examples of clinical application are presented to demonstrate in vivo utility of ECM hydrogels in different organ systems. Finally, new research directions and clinical translation of ECM hydrogels are discusse

    GR-891: a novel 5-fluorouracil acyclonucleoside prodrug for differentiation therapy in rhabdomyosarcoma cells

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    Differentiation therapy provides an alternative treatment of cancer that overcomes the undesirable effects of classical chemotherapy, i.e. cytotoxicity and resistance to drugs. This new approach to cancer therapy focuses on the development of specific agents designed to selectively engage the process of terminal differentiation, leading to the elimination of tumorigenic cells and recovery of normal cell homeostasis. A series of new anti-cancer pyrimidine acyclonucleoside-like compounds were designed and synthesized by structural modifications of 5-fluorouracil, a drug which causes considerable cell toxicity and morbidity, and we evaluated their applicability for differentiation therapy in human rhabdomyosarcoma cells. We tested the pyrimidine derivative GR-891, (RS)-1-{[3-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-1-isopropoxy]propyl}-5-fluorouracil, an active drug which shows low toxicity in vivo and releases acrolein which is an aldehyde with anti-tumour activity. Both GR-891 and 5-fluorouracil caused time- and dose-dependent growth inhibition in vitro; however, GR-891 showed no cytotoxicity at low doses (22.5 μmol l−1 and 45 μmol l−1) and induced terminal myogenic differentiation in RD cells (a rhabdomyosarcoma cell line) treated for 6 days. Changes in morphological features and in protein organization indicated re-entry in the pathway of muscular maturation. Moreover, GR-891 increased adhesion capability mediated by the expression of fibronectin, and did not induce overexpression of P-glycoprotein, the mdr1 gene product, implicated in multidrug resistance. New acyclonucleoside-like compounds such as GR-891 have important potential advantages over 5-fluorouracil because of their lower toxicity and their ability to induce myogenic differentiation in rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Our results suggest that this drug may be useful for differentiation therapy in this type of tumour. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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