690 research outputs found
Profilaxis de los puentes óseos fisarios mediante interposición de injerto autólogo de periostio. Estudio experimental en conejos
Se ha realizado un trabajo experimental sobre la profilaxis de los puentes óseos
epifisometafisarios mediante la interposición de injerto autólogo de periostio, planteando los siguientes
objetivos: 1) Conseguir una barrera epifisometafisaria que impida la comunicación de
los vasos epifisarios y metafisarios y 2) Estudiar la capacidad condrogénica del periostio. Se
han utilizado 48 conejos, distribuidos en dos Series de cuatro Grupos cada una, según el momento
del sacrificio a la 1a, 2a, 4a y 8a semanas. En la serie Control, se procedió a la extirpación
de 1/3 de la fisis distal externa, mientras que en la Experimental se interpuso un injerto
Ubre de periostio. Todos los especímenes se estudiaron macroscópica, radiológica e histológicamente.
Las conclusiones han sido, que el periostio como injerto Ubre: 1) Actúa como barrera
pasiva en las lesiones fisarias en las primeras semanas. 2) Tiene capacidad condrogénica en las
primeras semanas. 3) A largo plazo no es un material efectivo en la profilaxis de los puentes
óseos epífiso-metafisarios.An experimental work has been carried out on prevention of fiseal bone
bridges formation by means of interposing autologus periosteum graft, bringing up the following
objetives: 1) To achieve a barrier which can prevent the communication between
epiphyseal and metaphyseal vessels, and 2) To study the condrogenic potencial of periosteum.
A total of 48 rabbits have been used, arranged in three series of four groups each,
acording to the moment of sacrifice in the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 8 t h weeks. They were all operated
on the right femur. In the control serie an extirpation of 1/3 of the outer and distal
growth plate was carried out, while in the experimental series the created defect was filled
up with a free periosteum graft. All the specimens were studied macroscopically, radiologically
and histologically. As conclusions, the periosteum used as a free graft: 1) In the first
weeks act like a pasive barrier in physeal lesions, 2) It has also condrogenic capacity in the
first weeks and, 3) On large follow-up studies, the periosteum do not seems to be a efective
material to prevent physeal bone bridges
On the relation of optical obscuration and X-ray absorption in Seyfert galaxies
The optical classification of a Seyfert galaxy and whether it is considered
X-ray absorbed are often used interchangeably. But there are many borderline
cases and also numerous examples where the optical and X-ray classifications
appear to be in conflict. In this article we re-visit the relation between
optical obscuration and X-ray absorption in AGNs. We make use of our "dust
color" method (Burtscher et al. 2015) to derive the optical obscuration A_V and
consistently estimated X-ray absorbing columns using 0.3--150 keV spectral
energy distributions. We also take into account the variable nature of the
neutral gas column N_H and derive the Seyfert sub-classes of all our objects in
a consistent way.
We show in a sample of 25 local, hard-X-ray detected Seyfert galaxies (log
L_X / (erg/s) ~ 41.5 - 43.5) that there can actually be a good agreement
between optical and X-ray classification. If Seyfert types 1.8 and 1.9 are
considered unobscured, the threshold between X-ray unabsorbed and absorbed
should be chosen at a column N_H = 10^22.3 / cm^2 to be consistent with the
optical classification.
We find that N_H is related to A_V and that the N_H/A_V ratio is
approximately Galactic or higher in all sources, as indicated previously. But
in several objects we also see that deviations from the Galactic ratio are only
due to a variable X-ray column, showing that (1) deviations from the Galactic
N_H/A_V can simply be explained by dust-free neutral gas within the broad line
region in some sources, that (2) the dust properties in AGNs can be similar to
Galactic dust and that (3) the dust color method is a robust way to estimate
the optical extinction towards the sublimation radius in all but the most
obscured AGNs.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication by A&A; updated PDF to
include abstrac
Obscuration in AGNs: near-infrared luminosity relations and dust colors
We combine two approaches to isolate the AGN luminosity at near-infrared
wavelengths and relate the near-IR pure AGN luminosity to other tracers of the
AGN. Using integral-field spectroscopic data of an archival sample of 51 local
AGNs, we estimate the fraction of non-stellar light by comparing the nuclear
equivalent width of the stellar 2.3 micron CO absorption feature with the
intrinsic value for each galaxy. We compare this fraction to that derived from
a spectral decomposition of the integrated light in the central arc second and
find them to be consistent with each other. Using our estimates of the near-IR
AGN light, we find a strong correlation with presumably isotropic AGN tracers.
We show that a significant offset exists between type 1 and type 2 sources in
the sense that type 1 sources are 7 (10) times brighter in the near-IR at log
L_MIR = 42.5 (log L_X = 42.5). These offsets only becomes clear when treating
infrared type 1 sources as type 1 AGNs.
All AGNs have very red near-to-mid-IR dust colors. This, as well as the range
of observed near-IR temperatures, can be explained with a simple model with
only two free parameters: the obscuration to the hot dust and the ratio between
the warm and hot dust areas. We find obscurations of A_V (hot) = 5 - 15 mag for
infrared type 1 sources and A_V (hot) = 15 - 35 mag for type 2 sources. The
ratio of hot dust to warm dust areas of about 1000 is nicely consistent with
the ratio of radii of the respective regions as found by infrared
interferometry.Comment: 17 pages, 10 Figures, 3 Tables, accepted by A&
Financial crisis and pension reform in Spain:the effect of labour market dynamics
We analyse the effect of post-financial crisis unemployment dynamics on the Spanish pension system’s financial health using Aggregate Accounting. We compare the basic scenario where the current labour market dynamics persist with a full employment (best-case) scenario. We find that economic risk is the main driver of unsustainability in the short run. However, in the long run, the main driver of expenditures lies in the ageing demographic structure. Our results suggest that future reforms should increase labour market participation but confirm that recent pension reforms do not attain sustainability in the long run, indicating the need of further pension reforms
The applicability of FIR fine-structure lines as Star Formation Rate tracers over wide ranges of metallicities and galaxy types
We analyze the applicability of far-infrared fine-structure lines [CII] 158
micron, [OI] 63 micron and [OIII] 88 micron to reliably trace the star
formation rate (SFR) in a sample of low-metallicity dwarf galaxies from the
Herschel Dwarf Galaxy Survey and compare with a broad sample of galaxies of
various types and metallicities in the literature. We study the trends and
scatter in the relation between the SFR (as traced by GALEX FUV and MIPS 24
micron) and far-infrared line emission, on spatially resolved and global galaxy
scales, in dwarf galaxies. We assemble far-infrared line measurements from the
literature and infer whether the far-infrared lines can probe the SFR (as
traced by the total-infrared luminosity) in a variety of galaxy populations. In
metal-poor dwarfs, the [OI] and [OIII] lines show the strongest correlation
with the SFR with an uncertainty on the SFR estimates better than a factor of
2, while the link between [CII] emission and the SFR is more dispersed
(uncertainty factor of 2.6). The increased scatter in the SFR-L([CII]) relation
towards low metal abundances, warm dust temperatures, large filling factors of
diffuse, highly ionized gas suggests that other cooling lines start to dominate
depending on the density and ionization state of the gas. For the literature
sample, we evaluate the correlations for a number of different galaxy
populations. The [CII] and [OI] lines are considered to be reliable SFR tracers
in starburst galaxies, recovering the star formation activity within an
uncertainty of factor 2. [Abridged]Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A on May 7th 201
Star Formation Rates from [C II] 158 μm and Mid-infrared Emission Lines for Starbursts and Active Galactic Nuclei
A summary is presented for 130 galaxies observed with the Herschel Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer instrument to measure fluxes for the [C II] 158 μm emission line. Sources cover a wide range of active galactic nucleus to starburst classifications, as derived from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon strength measured with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. Redshifts from [C II] and line to continuum strengths (equivalent width (EW) of [C II]) are given for the full sample, which includes 18 new [C II] flux measures. Calibration of L([C II)]) as a star formation rate (SFR) indicator is determined by comparing [C II] luminosities with mid-infrared [Ne II] and [Ne III] emission line luminosities; this gives the same result as determining SFR using bolometric luminosities of reradiating dust from starbursts: log SFR = log L([C II)]) - 7.0, for SFR in M ⊙ yr-1 and L([C II]) in L ⊙. We conclude that L([C II]) can be used to measure SFR in any source to a precision of ~50%, even if total source luminosities are dominated by an active galactic nucleus (AGN) component. The line to continuum ratio at 158 μm, EW([C II]), is not significantly greater for starbursts (median EW([C II]) = 1.0 μm) compared to composites and AGNs (median EW([C II]) = 0.7 μm), showing that the far-infrared continuum at 158 μm scales with [C II] regardless of classification. This indicates that the continuum at 158 μm also arises primarily from the starburst component within any source, giving log SFR = log νL ν(158 μm) - 42.8 for SFR in M ⊙ yr-1 and νL ν(158 μm) in erg s-1
A Survey of HC3N in Extragalactic Sources - Is HC3N a Tracer of Activity in ULIRGs?
Context. HC3N is a molecule that is mainly associated with Galactic
star-forming regions, but it has also been detected in extragalactic
environments. Aims. To present the first extragalactic survey of HC3N, when
combining earlier data from the literature with six new single-dish detections,
and to compare HC3N with other molecular tracers (HCN, HNC), as well as other
properties (silicate absorption strength, IR flux density ratios, C II flux,
and megamaser activity). Methods. We present mm IRAM 30 m, OSO 20 m, and SEST
observations of HC3N rotational lines (mainly the J = 10-9 transition) and of
the J = 1-0 transitions of HCN and HNC. Our combined HC3N data account for 13
galaxies (excluding the upper limits reported for the non-detections), while we
have HCN and HNC data for more than 20 galaxies. Results. A preliminary
definition "HC3N-luminous galaxy" is made based upon the HC3N/HCN ratio. Most
(~80 %) HC3N-luminous galaxies seem to be deeply obscured galaxies and
(U)LIRGs. A majority (~60 % or more) of the HC3N-luminous galaxies in the
sample present OH mega- or strong kilomaser activity. A possible explanation is
that both HC3N and OH megamasers need warm dust for their excitation.
Alternatively, the dust that excites the OH megamaser offers protection against
UV destruction of HC3N. A high silicate absorption strength is also found in
several of the HC3N-luminous objects, which may help the HC3N to survive.
Finally, we find that a high HC3N/HCN ratio is related to a high dust
temperature and a low C II flux.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic
Emerging from the ‘worst’: An ethnography of the modern Filipino commuting culture behind the Metro Manila traffic crisis
Metropolitan Manila has become the world’s ‘worst’ in terms of its traffic scenarios and such crisis left an impact to the commuters which has led to the emergence of the modern Filipino commuting culture. The ethnography utilized covert participant observation in which the researchers immersed themselves in the culture and experience the activities of the commuting culture. They also conducted personal and synchronous interview to the participants involved. The findings of the study are summarized through five emergent themes which represent the roots of the culture’s existence, the commuters’ preferences on public transit modes, the features of Metro Manila commuting experiences, the coping mechanisms and adjustments done by commuters, and the desires and decisions for commuting experiences, respectively. Also, the mentioned culture reflected the Filipino values such as patience, crab mentality, and the misused value of resilience. The findings ended with a concrete recommendation to establish an Internet-based platform for Metro Manila commuters and a summary report intended for public transport stakeholders and public officials
Herschel-PACS Observations of Far-IR CO Line Emission in NGC 1068: Highly Excited Molecular Gas in the Circumnuclear Disk
We report the detection of far-IR CO rotational emission from the
prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068. Using Herschel-PACS, we have detected
11 transitions in the J_upper=14-30 (E_upper/k_B = 580-2565 K) range, all of
which are consistent with arising from within the central 10" (700 pc). The
detected transitions are modeled as arising from 2 different components: a
moderate excitation (ME) component close to the galaxy systemic velocity, and a
high excitation (HE) component that is blueshifted by ~80 km s^{-1}. We employ
a large velocity gradient (LVG) model and derive n_H2~10^{5.6} cm^{-3},
T_kin~170 K, and M_H2~10^{6.7} M_sun for the ME component, and n_H2~10^{6.4}
cm^{-3}, T_kin~570 K, and M_H2~10^{5.6} M_sun for the HE component, although
for both components the uncertainties in the density and mass are plus/minus
(0.6-0.9) dex. We compare the CO line profiles with those of other molecular
tracers observed at higher spatial and spectral resolution, and find that the
ME transitions are consistent with these lines arising in the ~200 pc diameter
ring of material traced by H_2 1-0 S(1) observations. The blueshift of the HE
lines may also be consistent with the bluest regions of this H_2 ring, but a
better kinematic match is found with a clump of infalling gas ~40 pc north of
the AGN. We discuss the prospects of placing the HE component near the AGN, and
conclude that while the moderate thermal pressure precludes an association with
the ~1 pc radius H_2O maser disk, the HE component could potentially be located
only a few parsecs more distant from the AGN, and might then provide the
N_H~10^{25} cm^{-2} column obscuring the nuclear hard X-rays. Finally, we also
report sensitive upper limits extending up to J_upper=50, which place
constraints on a previous model prediction for the CO emission from the X-ray
obscuring torus. [Abridged]Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
Far-Infrared Line Deficits in Galaxies with Extreme Lfir/MH2 Ratios
We report initial results from the far-infrared fine structure line
observations of a sample of 44 local starbursts, Seyfert galaxies and infrared
luminous galaxies obtained with the PACS spectrometer on board Herschel. We
show that the ratio between the far-infrared luminosity and the molecular gas
mass, Lfir/MH2, is a much better proxy for the relative brightness of the
far-infrared lines than Lfir alone. Galaxies with high Lfir/MH2 ratios tend to
have weaker fine structure lines relative to their far-infrared continuum than
galaxies with Lfir/MH2 < 80 Lsun/Msun. A deficit of the [C II] 158 micron line
relative to Lfir was previously found with the ISO satellite, but now we show
for the first time that this is a general aspect of all far-infrared fine
structure lines, regardless of their origin in the ionized or neutral phase of
the interstellar medium. The Lfir/MH2 value where these line deficits start to
manifest is similar to the limit that separates between the two modes of star
formation recently found in galaxies on the basis of studies of their gas-star
formation relations. Our finding that the properties of the interstellar medium
are also significantly different in these regimes provides independent support
for the different star forming relations in normal disk galaxies and major
merger systems. We use the spectral synthesis code Cloudy to model the emission
of the lines. The expected increase of the ionization parameter with Lfir/MH2
can simultaneously explain the line deficits in the [C II], [N II] and [O I]
lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 5 pages, 3 figure
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