108 research outputs found

    Effect of Saprotrophic Soil Fungi on Toxocara canis Eggs

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    The purpose of this work was to assess the ovicidal activity of Chrysosporium merdarium, Trichoderma harzianum, Fusarium oxysporum, F. moniliforme and F. sulphureum isolated from public areas in the city of La Plata, Argentina, on Toxocara canis eggs in vitro. Each species were cultured on water agar 2% with a suspension of immature-stage T. canis eggs. At 4, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-culture, they were observed by light and scanning electron microscopy. One hundred eggs were evaluated and scored according to Lỳsek’s ovicidal effect classification. These procedures were repeated three times which each fungal species. Chrysosporium merdarium and F. oxysporum showed very high ovicidal activity, F. sulphureum high ovicidal activity, F. moniliforme intermediate ovicidal activity and T. harzianum did not affect the viability of T. canis eggs. Taking into account the effects on human and animal health and the environment, the species with better prospects for studying its potential use as biological control was F. sulphureum

    Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica peruana en cardiología y medicina cardiovascular

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    Objective. To determine the characteristics and trend of the articles published on cardiology and cardiovascular medicine in the Peruvian context, and to understand how it has changed over the years. Materials and methods. A bibliometric study of original articles published up to 2020 by Peruvian authors in journals indexed under the category “Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems” in Web of Science (WOS) was performed. The articles were included according to the selection criteria in the Rayyan web application and the bibliometric analysis was performed using the Bibliometrix package in the R programming language and VOSviewer. Results. A total of 159 published articles were included, and an increase in the number of publications since 2015 was observed. The most cited article was a clinical trial by Fitchett et al. and published in 2016. Miranda JJ was the Peruvian author with the highest number of published articles followed by Hernández AV and Málaga G. The institutional affiliation with the highest number of original articles was Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Regarding the terms or keywords, it was found that most of the published studies had terms related to epidemiology, while in the most recent articles, the terms were related to outcomes or specific interventions that are used in clinical studies. Conclusions. In the last five years, there has been an increase in the scientific production on cardiology and cardiovascular medicine by authors with Peruvian institutional affiliation, with a greater production from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. The journal with the highest number of publications by authors with Peruvian institutional affiliation on cardiology and cardiovascular medicine was Circulation, where two of the most cited articles with Peruvian institutional affiliation were also found.Objetivo. Determinar las características y la tendencia de los artículos publicados sobre cardiología y medicina cardiovascular en el contexto peruano, y comprender cómo ha cambiado a lo largo de los años. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico de artículos originales publicados hasta el año 2020 por autores peruanos en revistas indexadas bajo la categoría «Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems» en Web of Science (WOS). Se incluyeron los artículos según los criterios de selección en el aplicativo web Rayyan y se realizó el análisis bibliométrico mediante el paquete Bibliometrix en el lenguaje de programación R y VOSviewer. Resultados. Se incluyeron 159 artículos publicados, y se observó un incremento del número de publicaciones desde 2015. El artículo más citado fue un ensayo clínico realizado por Fitchett et al. y publicado en 2016. Miranda JJ fue el autor peruano con mayor número artículos publicados seguido de Hernández AV y Málaga G. La filiación institucional con mayor número de artículos originales fue la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. En cuanto a los términos o palabras clave, se encontró que la mayor cantidad de estudios publicados contaban con términos relacionados con la epidemiología, mientras que en los artículos más recientes, los términos se relacionaron con desenlaces o intervenciones específicas que son utilizados en estudios clínicos. Conclusiones. Se encontró un incremento en los últimos cinco años en la producción científica sobre cardiología y medicina cardiovascular de autores con filiación institucional peruana, con una mayor producción de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. La revista con mayores publicaciones de autores con filiación institucional peruana sobre cardiología y medicina cardiovascular fue Circulation, donde también se encontraron dos de los artículos con filiación institucional peruana más citados

    Der thermische Zerfall des Chlorhexoxyds in Gegenwart von Fluor

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    Es wird der thermische Zerfall des Chlorhexoxyds in Gegenwart von Fluor innerhalb eines Druckgebietes von 40–375 mm Hg bei Temperaturen zwischen 22 und 48°C untersucht. Als Reaktionsprodukte entstehen etwa 70–75% Chlorylfluorid, etwa 25% Chlorheptoxyd, einige Prozent Chlor, geringe Mengen einer flüchtigen, Fluor, Chlor und Sauerstoff enthaltenden Verbindung, die nicht mit Sicherheit identifiziert werden konnte, aber möglicherweise FClO4 ist, und die entsprechenden Mengen an Sauerstoff. Weder das Hexoxyd noch das Trioxyd reagieren mit Fluor. Das Trioxyd geht verschiedene Zerfallsreaktionen ein. Eine führt zur Bildung von Chlordioxyd und Sauerstoff, eine weitere zu der von ClO4 und Chlordioxyd und eine dritte zu Chlor und Sauerstoff. Die Aktivierungsenergien dieser 3 Reaktionen weichen nicht sehr stark voneinander ab. Sie betragen etwa 12 ± 2 kcal. Der überwiegende Teil des Chlordioxyds wird durch Reaktion mit Fluor zu Chlorylfluorid umgesetzt, während die ClO4-Radikale mit ClO3 Chlorheptoxyd bilden. Es gelingt mit Hilfe der neuen Erkenntnisse, bisher ungeklärte Beobachtungen beim durch Chlor sensibilisierten thermischen Ozonzerfall zu erklären und für diese Reaktion ein vollständiges Reaktionsschema anzugeben. Ebenso konnten einige experimentelle Ergebnisse von ROLLEFSON und von GOODEVE und Mitarbeitern, die die thermische Reaktion zwischen Chlortrioxyd und Ozon und die photochemische Reaktion zwischen Chlor und Ozon bzw. den thermischen Zerfall des Chlorhexoxyds untersuchten, gedeutet werden.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Simulación Versus Modelos de Redes de Colas para Estimar Performance de Redes Informáticas

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    En el presente trabajo se busca determinar la aproximación de los resultados obtenidos mediante dos técnicas de modelización para evaluar la performance de un sistema de información, la primera basada en la simulación por eventos discretos y la segunda mediante modelos operacionales que responden a la teoría de las redes de cola. El grado de proximidad de resultados permitirá concluir cuando los modelos operacionales pueden servir para validar los resultados de la simulación ante la falta de datos del sistema real. El desarrollo de este trabajo considera un sistema de comercio electrónico, en el que se estiman métricas de desempeño por simulación y por modelo operacional

    Late myocardial reperfusion in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is the most severe clinical form of acute myocardial infarction, for which the current treatment consists of effective and timely myocardial reperfusion (within 12 hours of symptom onset). However, between 10% and 15% of patients with STEMI arrive at hospital facilities 12 hours after the onset of symptoms (late presentation). Therefore, the objective of the present study will be to determine if late revascularisation (12-72 hours after the onset of symptoms) affects the indicators of cardiovascular mortality, reinfarction, recurrent infarction, hospitalisation for heart failure and post infarction angina compared with no late revascularisation in patients with STEMI. Methods and analysis A systematic literature search of PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Web of Science, Scopus and Global Health will be conducted. Publications in English, Portuguese or Spanish that report the clinical results of primary percutaneous revascularisation (primary PCI) in adult patients with STEMI 12-72 hours after the onset of symptoms will be included. Studies with participants with a diagnosis other than STEMI or patients with STEMI of >12 hours complicated by heart failure, cardiogenic shock or ventricular arrhythmias, and studies of combined interventions (pharmacoinvasive strategy) were excluded. Two independent authors will identify the relevant publications, and discrepancies will be adjudicated by a third author. Data extraction will be performed by two independent authors and verified by a third author. Risk of bias of studies will be assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias' tool (RoB 2) or Risk Of Bias In Non-randomised Studies - of Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool. If appropriate, a meta-analysis will be performed in order to examine the effect of late revascularisation in clinical outcomes of interest. Ethics and discussion This study will use published data only, thus, ethical approval will not be required. The results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publication and conference presentations. PROSPERO registration number CRD42021283429.Revisión por pare

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease subtypes. transitions over time

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    Background Although subtypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are recognized, it is unknown what happens to these subtypes over time. Our objectives were to assess the stability of cluster-based subtypes in patients with stable disease and explore changes in clusters over 1 year. Methods Multiple correspondence and cluster analysis were used to evaluate data collected from 543 stable patients included consecutively from 5 respiratory outpatient clinics. Results Four subtypes were identified. Three of them, A, B, and C, had marked respiratory profiles with a continuum in severity of several variables, while the fourth, subtype D, had a more systemic profile with intermediate respiratory disease severity. Subtype A was associated with less dyspnea, better health-related quality of life and lower Charlson comorbidity scores, and subtype C with the most severe dyspnea, and poorer pulmonary function and quality of life, while subtype B was between subtypes A and C. Subtype D had higher rates of hospitalization the previous year, and comorbidities. After 1 year, all clusters remained stable. Generally, patients continued in the same subtype but 28% migrated to another cluster. Together with movement across clusters, patients showed changes in certain characteristics (especially exercise capacity, some variables of pulmonary function and physical activity) and changes in outcomes (quality of life, hospitalization and mortality) depending on the new cluster they belonged to Conclusions Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clusters remained stable over 1 year. Most patients stayed in their initial subtype cluster, but some moved to another subtype and accordingly had different outcomes

    A valuable QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance from Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccoides has a stable expression in durum wheat cultivars

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    Langdon(Dic-3A)-10 line carrying the QTL Qfhs.ndsu-3AS from T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides that confers Type II resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) was crossed with Argentinean durum wheat cultivars. F4 progeny were screened with the microsatellite locus Xgwm2, tightly linked to the Qfhs.ndsu-3A region. Reaction of these plants and parents to FHB was evaluated at 7, 14 and 21 days post-inoculation (dpi) with F. graminearum; severity (% symptomatic spikelets/spike) and AUDPC (area under disease progress curve) were calculated. F4 progeny carrying the resistance allele in heterozygous or in homozygous condition showed significantly lower scab damage at 21 dpi and slower progress of disease than cultivated parents. Our results indicate that the resistance Qfhs.ndsu-3AS has a stable dominance expression in genetic backgrounds of durum cultivars and demonstrate that the linked microsatellite is an effective molecular tool for resistance screening. This work offers valuable information for Qfhs.ndsu-3AS utilization in wheat breeding programs

    Recomendaciones para gestantes con diabetes: conclusiones del Consenso reunido por convocatoria del Comité de Diabetes y Embarazo de la SAD

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    La diabetes gestacional es una alteración de la tolerancia a la glucosa con severidad variable que comienza o es reconocida por primera vez durante el embarazo en curso. Esta definición es válida independientemente del tratamiento que requiera, de si se trata de una diabetes previa al embarazo que no fue diagnosticada, o si la alteración del metabolismo hidrocabonado persiste al concluir la gestación. El presente trabajo, realizado por Consenso en el Comité de Diabetes y Embarazo de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, actualiza los criterios diagnósticos de la diabetes gestacional, así como también el tratamiento, seguimiento y control de la patología tanto durante la gestación, como en el parto y el puerperio.Fil: Faingold, María Cristina.Fil: Lamela, C..Fil: Gheggi, María Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lapertosa, Silvia.Fil: Di Marco, Ingrid.Fil: Basualdo, María Natalia.Fil: Rovira, Marta Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Jawerbaum, Alicia Sandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Glatstein, Lucia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: López, C..Fil: Caamaño, A..Fil: Salcedo, L..Fil: Rodríguez, María Elena.Fil: Alvariñas J.