358 research outputs found

    Genetic mapping and legume synteny of aphid resistance in African cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) grown in California.

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    The cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (CPA) is a destructive insect pest of cowpea, a staple legume crop in Sub-Saharan Africa and other semiarid warm tropics and subtropics. In California, CPA causes damage on all local cultivars from early vegetative to pod development growth stages. Sources of CPA resistance are available in African cowpea germplasm. However, their utilization in breeding is limited by the lack of information on inheritance, genomic location and marker linkage associations of the resistance determinants. In the research reported here, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between a susceptible California blackeye cultivar (CB27) and a resistant African breeding line (IT97K-556-6) was genotyped with 1,536 SNP markers. The RILs and parents were phenotyped for CPA resistance using field-based screenings during two main crop seasons in a 'hotspot' location for this pest within the primary growing region of the Central Valley of California. One minor and one major quantitative trait locus (QTL) were consistently mapped on linkage groups 1 and 7, respectively, both with favorable alleles contributed from IT97K-556-6. The major QTL appeared dominant based on a validation test in a related F2 population. SNP markers flanking each QTL were positioned in physical contigs carrying genes involved in plant defense based on synteny with related legumes. These markers could be used to introgress resistance alleles from IT97K-556-6 into susceptible local blackeye varieties by backcrossing

    A major QTL corresponding to the Rk locus for resistance to root-knot nematodes in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.).

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    Key messageGenome resolution of a major QTL associated with the Rk locus in cowpea for resistance to root-knot nematodes has significance for plant breeding programs and R gene characterization. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) is a susceptible host of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) (RKN), major plant-parasitic pests in global agriculture. To date, breeding for host resistance in cowpea has relied on phenotypic selection which requires time-consuming and expensive controlled infection assays. To facilitate marker-based selection, we aimed to identify and map quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring the resistance trait. One recombinant inbred line (RIL) and two F2:3 populations, each derived from a cross between a susceptible and a resistant parent, were genotyped with genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. The populations were screened in the field for root-galling symptoms and/or under growth-chamber conditions for nematode reproduction levels using M. incognita and M. javanica biotypes. One major QTL was mapped consistently on linkage group VuLG11 of each population. By genotyping additional cowpea lines and near-isogenic lines derived from conventional backcrossing, we confirmed that the detected QTL co-localized with the genome region associated with the Rk locus for RKN resistance that has been used in conventional breeding for many decades. This chromosomal location defined with flanking markers will be a valuable target in marker-assisted breeding and for positional cloning of genes controlling RKN resistance

    Efecto del escalamiento a 10 kg del catalizador Al/Fe-PILC sobre sus propiedades fisicoquímicas y catalíticas en la degradación de fenol

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    Durante la última década diferentes estudios han demostrado que las arcillas pilarizadas con el sistema mixto Al/Fe presentan una excelente respuesta catalítica en la degradación de compuestos orgánicos tóxicos disueltos en agua mediante Peroxidación Catalítica en Fase Húmeda (PCFH) [1-3]. Sin embargo,la implementación de ésta tecnología en la descontaminación de aguas a escala real depende fuertemente de la preparación reproducible del catalizador a mayor escala, sin una pérdida significativa de sus propiedades tanto fisicoquímicas como catalíticas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal determinar el efecto de la preparación del catalizador Al/Fe-PILC en tres diferentes escalas y concentración de sus precursores

    Codon Usage of Chloroplast Gene rbcL in Laurencia sensu lato (Rhodophyta) species

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    Recent advances in molecular biology make it possible to sequence not only genes or genomes, but also to understand codon dynamics. For the organelle genes of these organisms, a small set of preferred codons are used for encoding proteins. For the first time, this paper treats the divergence of synonymous codon usage and its bias in the rbcL gene within the Laurencia complex of red algae. We observed that the synonymous codon preference biases in rbcL are large and differ among species. A clear distinction in codon usage between genera is evident: the genera Dasya and Delesseria use a set that fluctuated between 53 and 58 codons. Whereas, in the genera Ceramium, Chondrophycus, Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Laurencia s.s, Osmundea, and Palisada codon usage indicates a higher restriction fluctuating between 40 to 51 codons. Laurencia complex genera and other representative algae showed a defined composition pattern, with lower percentage values of NNC/G (7-24.9%). Dasya and Delesseria showed a selective pattern tendency because of high percentage values of NNC/G (54-55%). The estimated codon bias parameters were tested to infer systematic relationships and match suitable codons with the NNC / G codon percentages. Cluster analysis based on Codon Usage supports phylogenetic relationships between Chondrophycus, Palisada, Laurencia, Osmundea, and Yuzurua species

    Photo-assisted ozonation of cefuroxime with solar radiation in a CPC pilot plant. kinetic parameters determination

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    The combination of ozone and solar radiation can be considered an effective technology as advanced oxidation process, AOP, for addressing the removal of harmful contaminants of emerging concern in water. Cefuroxime is an example of an antibiotic whose presence may result in a problem if not conveniently removed from the water. Cefuroxime oxidation has been performed employing photolytic ozonation in an autonomous pilot plant, consisting of a solar collector photo-reactor with ozone feeding, solar panel cells, and batteries for energy demands. Firstly, the kinetics of cefuroxime ozonation has been deeply studied in an agitation cell reactor. The stoichiometric ozonation ratio was estimated as zO3 = 1.00 ± 0.06 (O3 mol per cefuroxime mol) and the second-order rate constant in the range 1.50 × 106 – 4.69 × 106 M−1 s−1 for the non-dissociated and dissociated, respectively, cefuroxime molecule. The oxidation intermediates identified included hydroxylation of the initial molecule, attack to the secondary amide group and oxidation of the bi-substituted sulfide position. Secondly, the simultaneous application of ozone and solar radiation in the CPC pilot plant enhanced the degradation of cefuroxime. The kinetics in the CPC reactor was simulated and the importance of the hydroxyl radical over ozonation and photolysis was confirmed, 55% of HO• contribution. Also, over 55% of mineralization was observed during photolytic ozonation in wastewater matrix whereas single ozonation only was able to partially oxidize the initial organic content to short organic acids (formic, acetic, and oxalic) that were accumulated in the wate

    Diseño, construcción y optimización -mediante superficie de respuesta- de un proceso tecnológico artesanal para la extracción de almidón de Manihot esculenta grado FAO

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es mostrar cómo se diseñó, construyó y optimizó un proceso tecnológico (Matilda v1.0) involucrado en la extracción artesanal del almidón de yuca. Se obtuvo un rendimiento estimado de trabajo alrededor de 200 kg de yuca por día y de producción aproximada de 60 kg de almidón/día (con un rendimiento estimado óptimo de 32%). El uso de agua es de alrededor de 0,3 L/kg de yuca. La optimización se realizó mediante la metodología superficie de respuesta y el diseño experimental fue un factorial completo 23 Central Compuesto Box-Wilson, uniformemente rotable y bloqueado ortogonalmente (por día). Se probaron diferentes tratamientos: tiempos de tamizados, tiempos de secado y tiempos de remoción del almidón durante su secado. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: Tiempo de tamizado (45 min.); remoción del almidón (3 veces durante el periodo de secado) y tiempo de secado (4 h; 20 min) con un intervalo de temperatura de 40-60°C en el horno solar para un rendimiento máximo (31,83 %) y un intervalo de confianza de (30.24, 32.97) e intervalo de predicción de (27.98, 35.23). Palabras clave.- extracción almidón, yuca, tecnología sustentabl

    Ice-rafted dropstones at midlatitudes in the Cretaceous of continental Iberia

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    The Cretaceous is widely considered to have been a period subjected to super-greenhouse conditions. Here, we provide multiscale sedimentologic evidence of glaciers developing at mid-paleolatitudes (∼45°N) in continental Iberia during the Hauterivian cold snap. Striated and faceted ice-rafted glacial dropstones (cobble to boulder size) and striated and grooved silt- to sand-sized grains (ice-rafted debris [IRD]) occur in a lacustrine sequence of the Enciso Group in the eastern Cameros Basin, Spain. The ice-rafted materials constitute the first evidence reported for a Cretaceous continental cryospheric record in Europe, and they are attributed to calving of glacier snouts, releasing icebergs into an ice-contact lake. The sedimentary succession resembles glacial-deglacial records in lakes overridden by the late Pleistocene Laurentide Ice Sheet in eastern Arctic Canada. The Iberian glacial succession was coeval with plateau permafrost in Asia and IRD records in the Arctic and Australia, revealing a stronger than previously thought cryosphere during the global Hauterivian cold snap

    Portable, Low-Cost, Column Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurements for Validating Satellite Observations in Remote Locations

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    We present a low-cost (~10Kperinstrument),portablesolutiontogroundbasedvalidationofsatelliteobservationsfordifficulttoreachlocationswithprecisionsof1ppmXCO2and10ppbXCH4forhourlydataproducts.WhileTotalCarbonColumnObservingNetwork(TCCON)isthegoldstandardforgroundvalidation,therearelocationswhereagroundcolumnvalidationdatapointwouldbeusefulbutconditionsarenotconducivetoapermanentstation.Examplesincludewetlands,thawingpermafrost,thetropics,theAmazon,subSaharanAfrica,aswellaslocationswithoutapowergridorwithgeopoliticalconflict.Inaddition,thelowcostandportabilitymeanageographicalregioncanbestudiedindepthwithmultipleinstruments.Thispassive,sunpointinginstrumentisaminiaturized,laserheterodyneradiometer(miniLHR)thathasbeenunderdevelopmentbyourteamsince2009.ItcanbeoperatedeitherintandemwithAERONET(aglobalnetworkof500instrumentsthatmeasureaerosolopticaldepth),orasastandaloneinstrumentwithalowcost( 10K per instrument), portable solution to ground-based validation of satellite observations for difficult to reach locations with precisions of 1 ppm XCO2 and 10 ppb XCH4 for hourly data products. While Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is the gold-standard for ground validation, there are locations where a ground column validation data point would be useful but conditions are not conducive to a permanent station. Examples include wetlands, thawing permafrost, the tropics, the Amazon, sub-Saharan Africa, as well as locations without a power grid or with geopolitical conflict. In addition, the low-cost and portability mean a geographical region can be studied in depth with multiple instruments. This passive, sun-pointing instrument is a miniaturized, laser heterodyne radiometer (mini-LHR) that has been under development by our team since 2009. It can be operated either in tandem with AERONET (a global network of 500 instruments that measure aerosol optical depth), or as a stand-alone instrument with a low-cost (~3K), light-weight sun tracker. One of the main benefits of the mini-LHR is that it can quickly reach remote locations and provide a validation measurement even if there is limited or no infrastructure at the site. The instrument weighs ~10 lbs, fits into a backpack, and is powered by two folding solar panels and a battery pack. In clear conditions, the instrument can be set-up in under an hour. Portability means that mini-LHRs can be easily moved for side-by-side comparisons with other mini-LHRs and with TCCON which simplifies assessing instrument bias as well as accuracy. Like TCCON, the mini-LHR points directly at the sun with a narrow field-of-view and is its insensitivity to cloud and aerosol scattering that is common to nadir-pointing passive satellite approaches. Here we present a collection of sample data sets to demonstrate performance from locations that vary in climate, altitude, solar zenith angle, hours of sun per day, etc., as well as data from side-by-side TCCON comparisons. Retrievals of CO2 and CH4 were completed using the NASA/Goddard's Planetary Spectrum Generator (PSG) that incorporates meteorological inputs from Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) data set

    El género Amanita Pers. ex Hooker en la provincia de León

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    Se citan 23 taxa del género Amanita en la provincia de León (Noroeste de España).Se acompaña una clave para su determinación, su distribución provincial, ecología, así como su relación con las series de vegetación.Twenty three taxa of genus Amanita in León province (NW Spain) are quoted.An identification key of all these taxa is provided, as well as their provincial distribution, ecology and their relation with the vegetation serie

    Global generalized solutions for Maxwell-alpha and Euler-alpha equations

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    We study initial-boundary value problems for the Lagrangian averaged alpha models for the equations of motion for the corotational Maxwell and inviscid fluids in 2D and 3D. We show existence of (global in time) dissipative solutions to these problems. We also discuss the idea of dissipative solution in an abstract Hilbert space framework.Comment: 27 pages, to appear in Nonlinearit