22,239,333 research outputs found

    Rotating molecular outflows: the young T Tauri star in CB26

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    The disk-outflow connection is thought to play a key role in extracting excess angular momentum from a forming proto-star. Though jet rotation has been observed in a few objects, no rotation of molecular outflows has been unambiguously reported so far. We report new millimeter-interferometric observations of the edge-on T Tauri star - disk system in the isolated Bok globule CB26. The aim of these observations was to study the disk-outflow relation in this 1Myr old low-mass young stellar object. The IRAM PdBI array was used to observe 12CO(2-1) at 1.3mm in two configurations, resulting in spectral line maps with 1.5 arcsec resolution. We use an empirical parameterized steady-state outflow model combined with 2-D line radiative transfer calculations and chi^2-minimization in parameter space to derive a best-fit model and constrain parameters of the outflow. The data reveal a previously undiscovered collimated bipolar molecular outflow of total length ~2000 AU, escaping perpendicular to the plane of the disk. We find peculiar kinematic signatures that suggest the outflow is rotating with the same orientation as the disk. However, we could not ultimately exclude jet precession or two misaligned flows as possible origin of the observed peculiar velocity field. There is indirect indication that the embedded driving source is a binary system, which, together with the youth of the source, could provide the clue to the observed kinematic features of the outflow. CB26 is so far the most promising source to study the rotation of a molecular outflow. Assuming that the outflow is rotating, we compute and compare masses, mass flux, angular momenta, and angular momentum flux of disk and outflow and derive disk dispersal timescales of 0.5...1 Myr, comparable to the age of the system.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Discovery of a peculiar Cepheid-like star towards the northern edge of the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    For seven years, the EROS-2 project obtained a mass of photometric data on variable stars. We present a peculiar Cepheid-like star, in the direction of the Small Magellanic Cloud, which demonstrates unusual photometric behaviour over a short time interval. We report on data of the photometry acquired by the MARLY telescope and spectroscopy from the EFOSC instrument for this star, called EROS2 J005135-714459(sm0060n13842), which resembles the unusual Cepheid HR 7308. The light curve of our target is analysed using the Analysis of Variance method to determine a pulsational period of 5.5675 days. A fit of time-dependent Fourier coefficients is performed and a search for proper motion is conducted. The light curve exhibits a previously unobserved and spectacular change in both mean magnitude and amplitude, which has no clear theoretical explanation. Our analysis of the spectrum implies a radial velocity of 104 km s1^{-1} and a metallicity of -0.4±\pm0.2 dex. In the direction of right ascension, we measure a proper motion of 17.4±\pm6.0 mas yr1^{-1} using EROS astrometry, which is compatible with data from the NOMAD catalogue. The nature of EROS2 J005135-714459(sm0060n13842) remains unclear. For this star, we may have detected a non-zero proper motion for this star, which would imply that it is a foreground object. Its radial velocity, pulsational characteristics, and photometric data, however, suggest that it is instead a Cepheid-like object located in the SMC. In such a case, it would present a challenge to conventional Cepheid models.Comment: Correction of typos in the abstrac

    A spectroscopic survey of the youngest field stars in the solar neighbourhood. I. The optically bright sample

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    We present the first results of a ground-based programme conducted on 1-4m class telescopes. Our sample consists of 1097 active and presumably young stars, all of them being optical counterparts of RASS X-ray sources in the northern hemisphere. We concentrate on the 704 optically brightest (V_Ticho<=9.5 mag) candidates. We acquired high-res spectroscopy in the Halpha/Li spectral regions for 426 of such stars without relevant literature data. We describe the sample and the observations and we start to discuss its physical properties. We used a cross-correlation technique and other tools to derive accurate radial/rotational velocities and to perform a spectral classification for both single and SB2 stars. The spectral subtraction technique was used to derive chromospheric activity levels and Li abundances. We estimated the fraction of young single stars and multiple systems in stellar soft X-ray surveys and the contamination by more evolved systems, like RS CVn's. We classified stars on the basis of Li abundance and give a glimpse of their sky distribution. The sample appears to be a mixture of young Pleiades-/Hyades- like stars plus an older Li-poor population (~1-2 Gyr). 7 stars with Li abundance compatible with the age of IC 2602 (~30 Myr) or younger were detected as well, although 2 appear to be Li-rich giants. The discovery of a large number of Li-rich giants is another outcome of this survey. The contamination of soft X-ray surveys by old systems in which the activity level is enhanced by tidal synchronisation is not negligible, especially for K-type stars. 5 stars with Li content close to the primordial abundance are probably associated with known moving groups in the solar neighbourhood. Some of them are PTTS candidates according to their positions in the HR diagram.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables; 2 figures and 2 tables in electronic form only. Paper accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Thermohaline instability and rotation-induced mixing. III - Grid of stellar models and asymptotic asteroseismic quantities from the pre-main sequence up to the AGB for low- and intermediate-mass stars at various metallicities

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    The availability of asteroseismic constraints for a large sample of stars from the missions CoRoT and Kepler paves the way for various statistical studies of the seismic properties of stellar populations. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of rotation-induced mixing and thermohaline instability on the global asteroseismic parameters at different stages of the stellar evolution from the Zero Age Main Sequence to the Thermally Pulsating Asymptotic Giant Branch to distinguish stellar populations. We present a grid of stellar evolutionary models for four metallicities (Z = 0.0001, 0.002, 0.004, and 0.014) in the mass range between 0.85 to 6.0 Msun. The models are computed either with standard prescriptions or including both thermohaline convection and rotation-induced mixing. For the whole grid we provide the usual stellar parameters (luminosity, effective temperature, lifetimes, ...), together with the global seismic parameters, i.e. the large frequency separation and asymptotic relations, the frequency corresponding to the maximum oscillation power {\nu}_{max}, the maximal amplitude A_{max}, the asymptotic period spacing of g-modes, and different acoustic radii. We discuss the signature of rotation-induced mixing on the global asteroseismic quantities, that can be detected observationally. Thermohaline mixing whose effects can be identified by spectroscopic studies cannot be caracterized with the global seismic parameters studied here. But it is not excluded that individual mode frequencies or other well chosen asteroseismic quantities might help constraining this mixing.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    O18O and C18O observations of rho Oph A

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    Observations of the (N_J=1_1-1_0) ground state transition of O_2 with the Odin satellite resulted in a about 5 sigma detection toward the dense core rho Oph A. At the frequency of the line, 119 GHz, the Odin telescope has a beam width of 10', larger than the size of the dense core, so that the precise nature of the emitting source and its exact location and extent are unknown. The current investigation is intended to remedy this. Telluric absorption makes ground based O_2 observations essentially impossible and observations had to be done from space. mm-wave telescopes on space platforms were necessarily small, which resulted in large, several arcminutes wide, beam patterns. Although the Earth's atmosphere is entirely opaque to low-lying O_2 transitions, it allows ground based observations of the much rarer O18O in favourable conditions and at much higher angular resolution with larger telescopes. In addition, rho Oph A exhibits both multiple radial velocity systems and considerable velocity gradients. Extensive mapping of the region in the proxy C18O (J=3-2) line can be expected to help identify the O_2 source on the basis of its line shape and Doppler velocity. Line opacities were determined from observations of optically thin 13C18O (J=3-2) at selected positions. During several observing periods, two C18O intensity maxima in rho Oph A were searched for in the 16O18O (2_1-0_1) line at 234 GHz with the 12m APEX telescope. Our observations resulted in an upper limit on the integrated O18O intensity of < 0.01 K km/s (3 sigma) into the 26.5" beam. We conclude that the source of observed O_2 emission is most likely confined to the central regions of the rho Oph A cloud. In this limited area, implied O_2 abundances could thus be higher than previously reported, by up to two orders of magnitude.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures (5 colour), Astronomy & Astrophysic

    High resolution spectroscopy for Cepheids distance determination. V. Impact of the cross-correlation method on the p-factor and the gamma-velocities

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    The cross correlation method (hereafter CC) is widely used to derive the radial velocity curve of Cepheids when the signal to noise of the spectra is low. However, if it is used with the wrong projection factor, it might introduce some biases in the Baade-Wesselink (hereafter BW) methods of determining the distance of Cepheids. In addition, it might affect the average value of the radial velocity curve (or gamma-velocity) important for Galactic structure studies. We aim to derive a period-projection factor relation (hereafter Pp) appropriate to be used together with the CC method. Moreover, we investigate whether the CC method can explain the misunderstood previous calculation of the K-term of Cepheids. We observed eight galactic Cepheids with the HARPS spectrograph. For each star, we derive an interpolated CC radial velocity curve using the HARPS pipeline. The amplitudes of these curves are used to determine the correction to be applied to the semi-theoretical projection factor derived in Nardetto et al. (2007). Their average value (or gamma-velocity) are also compared to the center-of-mass velocities derived in Nardetto et al. (2008). The correction in amplitudes allows us to derive a new Pp relation: p = [-0.08+-0.05] log P +[1.31+-0.06]. We also find a negligible wavelength dependence (over the optical range) of the Pp relation. We finally show that the gamma-velocity derived from the CC method is systematically blue-shifted by about 1.0 +- 0.2km/s compared to the center-of-mass velocity of the star. An additional blue-shift of 1.0km/s is thus needed to totally explain the previous calculation of the K-term of Cepheids (around 2km/s). The new Pp relation we derived is a solid tool for the distance scale calibration (abridged).Comment: Comments : 9 pages, 3 Postscript figures, 5 Tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars - VII. Theta Cygni radial velocity variations: planets or stellar phenomenon?

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    (abridged) In the frame of the search for extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around early-type main-sequence stars, we present the results obtained on the early F-type star Theta Cygni. Elodie and Sophie at OHP were used to obtain the spectra. Our dedicated radial-velocity measurement method was used to monitor the star's radial velocities over five years. We also use complementary, high angular resolution and high-contrast images taken with PUEO at CFHT. We show that Theta Cygni radial velocities are quasi-periodically variable, with a ~150-day period. These variations are not due to the ~0.35-Msun stellar companion that we detected in imaging at more than 46 AU from the star. The absence of correlation between the bisector velocity span variations and the radial velocity variations for this 7 km/s vsini star, as well as other criteria indicate that the observed radial velocity variations are not due to stellar spots. The observed amplitude of the bisector velocity span variations also seems to rule out stellar pulsations. However, we observe a peak in the bisector velocity span periodogram at the same period as the one found in the radial velocity periodogram, which indicates a probable link between these radial velocity variations and the low amplitude lineshape variations which are of stellar origin. Long-period variations are not expected from this type of star to our knowledge. If a stellar origin (hence of new type) was to be confirmed for these long-period radial velocity variations, this would have several consequences on the search for planets around main-sequence stars, both in terms of observational strategy and data analysis. An alternative explanation for these variable radial velocities is the presence of at least one planet of a few Jupiter masses orbiting at less than 1 AU. (abridged)Comment: 9 pages, accepted in A

    J&A Grocery

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    Triggered massive-star formation on the borders of Galactic HII regions. IV- Star formation at the periphery of Sh2-212

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    Aims: We wish to establish whether sequential star formation is taking place at the periphery of the Galactic HII region Sh2-212. Methods: We present CO millimetre observations of this region obtained at the IRAM 30-m telescope to investigate the distribution of associated molecular material. We also use deep JHK observations obtained at the CFHT to study the stellar content of the region, and radio observations obtained at the VLA to look for the presence of an ultra-compact (UC) HII region and for maser emission. Results: In the optical, Sh2-212 is spherically symmetric around its central exciting cluster. This HII region is located along a molecular filament. A thin, well-defined half ring of molecular material surrounds the brightest part of the HII region at the rear and is fragmented. The most massive fragment (~200 solar masses) contains a massive young stellar object displaying a near-IR excess; its spectral energy distribution indicates a high-mass (~14solar masses), high-temperature (~30000K), and high-luminosity (~17000 solar luminosities) source. This object ionizes a UC HII region. Conclusions: Sh2-212 is a good example of massive-star formation triggered via the collect and collapse process. The massive YSO observed at its periphery is a good candidate for a massive star formed in isolation.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. To be published in A&

    Multi-wavelength observations of Galactic hard X-ray sources discovered by INTEGRAL. I. The nature of the companion star

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    Context: The INTEGRAL hard X-ray observatory has revealed an emerging population of highly obscured X-ray binary systems through multi-wavelength observations. Previous studies have shown that many of these sources are high-mass X-ray binaries hosting neutron stars orbiting around luminous and evolved companion stars. Aims: To better understand this newly-discovered population, we have selected a sample of sources for which an accurate localisation is available to identify the stellar counterpart and reveal the nature of the companion star and of the binary system. Methods: We performed an intensive study of a sample of thirteen INTEGRAL sources, through multi-wavelength optical to NIR photometric and spectroscopic observations, using EMMI and SofI instruments at the ESO NTT telescope. We performed accurate astrometry and identified candidate counterparts for which we give the optical and NIR magnitudes. We detected many spectral lines allowing us to determine the spectral type of the companion star. We fitted with stellar black bodies the mid-infrared to optical spectral energy distributions of these sources. From the spectral analysis and SED fitting we identified the nature of the companion stars and of the binary systems. (abridged).Comment: A&A in press; The official date of acceptance is 15/12/2007; 25 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables. New version with language editing required by edito