201 research outputs found

    Bioregions and Spirit Places: Taking up Jim Dodge’s Long-Lost Suggestion

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    When people think of bioregionalism they often envision of watersheds, biotic zones, fauna and flora types, weather patterns, decentralization, and autonomy. Intriguingly, in his seminal essay “Living by Life: Some Bioregional Theory and Practice,” bioregionalist Jim Dodge (1981) cites “spirit places” as the third tenet of bioregionalism. However, aside from mentioning Mt. Shasta and the Pacific Ocean as “psyche-tuning power-places,” he offers little in the way of how spirits places shed light on bioregionalism. This paper, drawing on two research trips among the highlanders of Northeast Cambodia, concludes that a bioregional theory that does not include spirit places is myopic. Taken in the highlander context in Cambodia, such a theory is utterly meaningless. The Brao, Tampuan, Bunong and other ethnic minorities of Ratanakiri province show us that bioregionalism is more than geographical separation points and intimate knowledge of local ecology; knowing where spirits dwell and how to deal with them is an equally and quite possibly more important aspect of living sustainably and fruitfully in one’s bioregion. Numerous environmental writers have put forth that indigenous people worldwide are our best teachers for living symbiotically with nature, yet most of these authors are selective students; they are interested in biology lessons, but not spiritual ones. But biology and spirituality are not separate entities for the highlanders of Northeast Cambodia; they are one in the same. This paper argues the point that bioregionalism must take in account spiritual dimensions of the landscape as pointed out by indigenous people

    Introducing "2.0" functionalities in an ERP

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    Companies and ERP editors show an increasing interest for the Web 2.0 technologies, aiming at involving the user of a web site in the creation of content. We summarize in this communication what these tools are and give an overview of recent examples of their use in companies. We show on the example of the most recent ERP of SAP, Business By Design, that if "2.0 tools" are now available in some ERPs, their integration in the business processes is not yet fully done. We suggest in that purpose the first draft of a methodology aiming at developing "2.0 business processes" using an ERP 2.0

    Ultrarelativistic nanoplasmonics as a new route towards extreme intensity attosecond pulses

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    The generation of ultra-strong attosecond pulses through laser-plasma interactions offers the opportunity to surpass the intensity of any known laboratory radiation source, giving rise to new experimental possibilities, such as quantum electrodynamical tests and matter probing at extremely short scales. Here we demonstrate that a laser irradiated plasma surface can act as an efficient converter from the femto- to the attosecond range, giving a dramatic rise in pulse intensity. Although seemingly similar schemes have been presented in the literature, the present setup deviates significantly from previous attempts. We present a new model describing the nonlinear process of relativistic laser-plasma interaction. This model, which is applicable to a multitude of phenomena, is shown to be in excellent agreement with particle-in-cell simulations. We provide, through our model, the necessary details for an experiment to be performed. The possibility to reach intensities above 10^26 W/cm^2, using upcoming 10 petawatt laser sources, is demonstrated.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    TIC e empreendedorismo: o papel das redes sociais

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    As inovaçÔes tecnolĂłgicas, a globalização e a aceleração das comunicaçÔes tĂȘm desencadeado uma enorme revolução no mundo do trabalho, trazendo como resultados o aumento da concorrĂȘncia, a redução drĂĄstica de empregos e a maior exigĂȘncia quanto Ă s competĂȘncias individuais. Antigamente nĂŁo era frequente a mudança de emprego ou de carreira (tĂ­nhamos a ideia do emprego para toda a vida), ou mesmo a necessidade do aperfeiçoamento acadĂ©mico constante. Hoje, com a concorrĂȘncia cada vez mais feroz, a escassez de vagas e a persistente procura de uma melhor qualidade de vida, levam o trabalhador a investir cada vez mais na sua formação acadĂ©mica e na incessante construção de uma rede de relacionamentos que poderĂŁo contribuir para a sua carreira profissional. Poderemos chamar a esta rede social, ligada ao desenvolvimento da empregabilidade do indivĂ­duo, network

    Reinventing place-identity and embracing new economic opportunities: promoting creative economy of Sanur through public participation

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    Every place on the planet has unique characters that make it distinguishable from other sites. Place-identity is the term widely accepted to explain this phenomenon. It is argued that the place-identity could not only strengthen the sense of belonging of the locals to a place and improve social cohesion but, in the age of global tourism, it could also increase the attractiveness of the place to visitors. Therefore, it contains economic values if managed in a proper way. But places are transforming. The dynamics of contemporary activities where tradition is seen as outdated, new government system, new economic activities, and new actors and their roles challenge the stability of place-identity. Unfortunately, the transformation of a place may benefit some actors but may trouble other groups. Some places, however, maintain their place-identity for the social and economic values it holds. Collaboration among different actors in managing the transformation of such place could maintain the place-identity of a place which ensures its attractiveness to visitors, sustains its economic values amidst rapid changes. The collaboration confirms no one is left behind. The case study research conducted in Sanur showed that the sustained place-identity could economically benefit all actors

    SpĂ©cificitĂ©s et parentĂ© du dispositif pariĂ©tal de l’abri Reverdit (Sergeac, Dordogne)

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    Les blocs ornĂ©s viennent complĂ©ter les Ă©tudes menĂ©es sur les manifestations graphiques pariĂ©tales de l’abri Reverdit par des thĂ©matiques, des techniques et des conventions formelles distinctes de celles qui composent la frise in situ. Leur analyse met notamment en avant la coexistence de deux morphotypes de Bison et rĂ©vĂšle de nouveaux parallĂšles avec les sculptures du Roc-aux-Sorciers, abri occupĂ© et ornĂ© au MagdalĂ©nien moyen (15 000-14 000 BP). Les motifs cupulĂ©s soulignent, en outre, la singularitĂ© de ce dispositif pariĂ©tal


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    The aim of this paper is to consider national identity as a form of collective self-awareness and an important element of the general and humanistic education, in the educational reform based on the standards of the Bologna Process. This consideration starts from the Bologna Declaration which states that the educational reform will respect different cultures, languages and national educational systems. The question arises whether this is truly possible, knowing that the causes of this reform concept are related to the adjustment of education to the neoliberal development strategies in the world, and to the processes of globalization and European integration. Education is subjugated to the market needs and educational institutions are required to subject themselves to strict rationalization and narrow specialist professionalization. Thus, teaching is separated from the process of education and the field of culture; it diverges from the humanistic values and contents, which are crucial for the development of the individual and collective identity and the progressive role culture has in society. This paper illustrates the level of presence of relevant content in the reformed curricula of the faculties of teacher education in Belgrade and Zagreb.Predmet ovog rada je razmatranje nacionalnog identiteta, kao oblika kolektivne samosvijesti i bitnog činioca općeg i humanističkog odgoja i obrazovanja, u reformi obrazovanja prema standardima Bolonjskog procesa. Pri tome se polazi od Bolonjske deklaracije gdje je ukazano da će se u reformi obrazovanja poĆĄtovati različite kulture, jezici i nacionalni obrazovni sistemi. Koliko je to zaista moguće kada je poznato da su uzroci ovog koncepta reforme vezani za prilagođavanje obrazovanja neoliberalnoj strategiji razvoja u svijetu, procesima globalizacije i eurointegracijskih procesa. Obrazovanje se podređuje trĆŸiĆĄtu, a od obrazovnih ustanova se zahtijeva stroga racionalizacija i usko specijalistička profesionalizacija. Time se obrazovanje razdvaja od procesa odgoja i svijeta kulture, ono se rastaje od humanističkih vrijednosti i sadrĆŸaja koji su odlučujući za razvoj individualnih i kolektivnih identiteta i progresivnu ulogu kulture u druĆĄtvu. U funkciji ovog rada, ilustrativno se ukazuje na zastupljenost relevantnih sadrĆŸaja u reformiranim studijskim programima učiteljskih fakulteta u Beogradu i Zagrebu
