135 research outputs found

    Usability Evaluation of a Private Social Network on Mental Health for Relatives

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    Usability is one of the most prominent criteria that must be fulfilled by a software product. This study aims to evaluate the usability of SocialNet, a private social network for monitoring the daily progress of patients by their relatives, using a mixed usability approach: heuristic evaluation conducted by experts and user testing. A double heuristic evaluation with one expert evaluator identified the issues related to consistency, design, and privacy. User testing was conducted on 20 users and one evaluator using observation techniques and questionnaires. The main usability problems were found to be related to the structure of SocialNet, and the users presented some difficulties in locating the buttons or links. The results show a high level of usability and satisfaction with the product. This evaluation provides data on the usability of SocialNet based on the difficulties experienced by the users and the expert. The results help in redesigning the tool to resolve the identified problems as part of an iterative proces

    Disruption of both chloroplastic and cytosolic FBPase genes results in a dwarf phenotype and important starch and metabolite changes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In this study, evidence is provided for the role of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatases (FBPases) in plant development and carbohydrate synthesis and distribution by analysing two Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA knockout mutant lines, cyfbp and cfbp1, and one double mutant cyfbp cfbp1 which affect each FBPase isoform, cytosolic and chloroplastic, respectively. cyFBP is involved in sucrose synthesis, whilst cFBP1 is a key enzyme in the Calvin–Benson cycle. In addition to the smaller rosette size and lower rate of photosynthesis, the lack of cFBP1 in the mutants cfbp1 and cyfbp cfbp1 leads to a lower content of soluble sugars, less starch accumulation, and a greater superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The mutants also had some developmental alterations, including stomatal opening defects and increased numbers of root vascular layers. Complementation also confirmed that the mutant phenotypes were caused by disruption of the cFBP1 gene. cyfbp mutant plants without cyFBP showed a higher starch content in the chloroplasts, but this did not greatly affect the phenotype. Notably, the sucrose content in cyfbp was close to that found in the wild type. The cyfbp cfbp1 double mutant displayed features of both parental lines but had the cfbp1 phenotype. All the mutants accumulated fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and triose-phosphate during the light period. These results prove that while the lack of cFBP1 induces important changes in a wide range of metabolites such as amino acids, sugars, and organic acids, the lack of cyFBP activity in Arabidopsis essentially provokes a carbon metabolism imbalance which does not compromise the viability of the double mutant cyfbp cfbp1.España, Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad BIO2009-07297España, Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad BIO2012-33292Junta de AndalucĂ­a P07-CVI-279

    Disruption of both chloroplastic and cytosolic FBPase genes results in a dwarf phenotype and important starch and metabolite changes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In this study, evidence is provided for the role of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatases (FBPases) in plant development and carbohydrate synthesis and distribution by analysing two Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA knockout mutant lines, cyfbp and cfbp1, and one double mutant cyfbp cfbp1 which affect each FBPase isoform, cytosolic and chloroplastic, respectively. cyFBP is involved in sucrose synthesis, whilst cFBP1 is a key enzyme in the Calvin–Benson cycle. In addition to the smaller rosette size and lower rate of photosynthesis, the lack of cFBP1 in the mutants cfbp1 and cyfbp cfbp1 leads to a lower content of soluble sugars, less starch accumulation, and a greater superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The mutants also had some developmental alterations, including stomatal opening defects and increased numbers of root vascular layers. Complementation also confirmed that the mutant phenotypes were caused by disruption of the cFBP1 gene. cyfbp mutant plants without cyFBP showed a higher starch content in the chloroplasts, but this did not greatly affect the phenotype. Notably, the sucrose content in cyfbp was close to that found in the wild type. The cyfbp cfbp1 double mutant displayed features of both parental lines but had the cfbp1 phenotype. All the mutants accumulated fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and triose-phosphate during the light period. These results prove that while the lack of cFBP1 induces important changes in a wide range of metabolites such as amino acids, sugars, and organic acids, the lack of cyFBP activity in Arabidopsis essentially provokes a carbon metabolism imbalance which does not compromise the viability of the double mutant cyfbp cfbp1.España, Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad BIO2009-07297España, Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad BIO2012-33292Junta de AndalucĂ­a P07-CVI-279

    Diseño de itinerarios de aprendizaje sobre Moodle para asignaturas de redes de computadores basados en virtualización mediante software libre

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    El diseño de recursos educacionales y materiales didåcticos vía on-line permite mejorar el aprendizaje autónomo y a distancia (o no presencial). El proceso de convergencia Europea del Espacio de Educación Superior determina que el empleo de este tipo de recursos dota al estudiante de mås flexibilidad, aunque la metodología de educación dominante sea la tradicional (es decir, las clases presenciales). Los recursos educacionales on-line juegan un rol importante en este contexto. En trabajos previos se ha experimentado diseñando cursos con ayuda de un LCMS (Learning Content Management System) como el Moodle corporativo de la UA, incorporando documentos SCORM para diseñar lecciones de autoevaluación, con laboratorios virtuales y otras herramientas de simulación de diseño propio (KIVANS, applets KIVANS+EJS). En esta nueva red se pretende generar nuevos recursos didåcticos basados en software libre. Ninguno de los laboratorios virtuales desarrollados hasta ahora permiten a los alumnos poner en pråctica los desarrollos de las clases presenciales a distancia. Para ello, usando el software de libre distribución GNS3, y teniendo como base la configuración de la red del laboratorio L24 de la EPS, se pretende construir un entorno virtual que simule las posibilidades reales de este laboratorio

    VirtualizaciĂłn de Redes de Computadores con GNS3: EvaluaciĂłn de soluciones para el aprendizaje a distancia

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    El diseño de los recursos educativos permite a los estudiantes modificar su proceso de aprendizaje. En particular, los recursos educativos on-line descargables han sido utilizados con Ă©xito en la educaciĂłn en ingenierĂ­a en los Ășltimos años. Por lo general, estos recursos son gratuitos y accesibles desde la web. AdemĂĄs, son diseñados y desarrollados por profesores y usados por sus estudiantes. Pero, rara vez se desarrollan por los estudiantes con el fin de ser utilizados por otros estudiantes. En este artĂ­culo, profesores y estudiantes trabajan juntos para implementar recursos educativos de libre distribuciĂłn, que puedan ser utilizados por los estudiantes para mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje de redes de computadores en los estudios de ingenierĂ­a. En particular, se virtualizan topologĂ­as de red para modelar redes LAN (Local Area Network) y MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) con el fin de simular el comportamiento de los enlaces y nodos cuando estĂĄn interconectados con diferente diseño fĂ­sico y lĂłgico. Para ello, usando el software de libre distribuciĂłn GNS3, y teniendo como base la configuraciĂłn de la red del laboratorio L24 de la EPS, se construye un entorno virtual que simula las posibilidades reales de este laboratorio

    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups influence the progression of knee osteoarthritis: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)

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    [Abstract] OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of the mtDNA haplogroups on knee osteoarthritis progression in Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) participants through longitudinal data from radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Four-year knee osteoarthritis progression was analyzed as increase in Kellgren and Lawrence (KL) grade, in addition to increase in OARSI atlas grade for joint space narrowing (JSN), osteophytes and subchondral sclerosis in the tibia medial compartment of 891 Caucasian individuals from the progression subcohort. The influence of the haplogroups on the rate of structural progression was also assessed as the four-year change in minimum joint space width (mJSW in millimetres) in both knees of (n = 216) patients with baseline unilateral medial-tibiofemoral JSN. Quantitative cartilage measures from longitudinal MRI data were those related to cartilage thickness and volume with a 24 month follow-up period (n = 381). RESULTS: During the four-year follow-up period, knee OA patients with the haplogroup T showed the lowest increase in KL grade (Hazard Risk [HR] = 0.499; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 0.261-0.819; p<0.05) as well as the lowest cumulative probability of progression for JSN (HR = 0.547; 95% CI: 0.280-0.900; p<0.05), osteophytes (HR = 0.573; 95% CI: 0.304-0.893; p<0.05) and subchondral sclerosis (HR = 0.549; 95% CI: 0.295-0.884; p<0.05). They also showed the lowest decline in mJSW (standardized response means (SRM) = -0.39; p = 0.037) in those knees without baseline medial JSN (no-JSN knees). Normalized cartilage volume loss was significantly lower in patients carrying the haplogroup T at medial tibia femoral (SRM = -0.33; p = 0.023) and central medial femoral (SRM = -0.27; p = 0.031) compartments. Cartilage thickness loss was significantly lower in carriers of haplogroup T at central medial tibia-femoral (SRM = -0.42; p = 0.011), medial tibia femoral (SRM = -0.32; p = 0.018), medial tibia anterior (SRM = +0.31; p = 0.013) and central medial femoral (SRM = -0.19; p = 0.013) compartments. CONCLUSIONS: Mitochondrial genome seems to play a role in the progression of knee osteoarthritis. mtDNA variation could improve identification of patients predisposed to faster or severe progression of the disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; CIBERCB06/01/0040Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI 08/2028Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (España); PLE2009-014

    Small-animal PET registration method with intrinsic validation designed for large datasets

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    Proceeding of: 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS'07), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Oct. 27 - Nov. 3, 2007We present a procedure to validate the results of small animal Positron Emission Tomography (PET) image registration by means of consistency measures. Small animal 2-Deoxy-2-[F-18]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) PET studies do not show the same intensity distribution even for images acquired in similar conditions, as the resulting image is influenced by several variables which are not always completely under control. Because of these difficulties, the results from automatic registration methods have to be visually inspected to detect failures. We propose a method to automate this validation process. Two reference images from the dataset are selected by an expert user avoiding images with poor contrast, animal movement or low quality, and both are co-registered using anatomical landmarks. All the remaining images in the dataset are then registered to every reference with an automatic two-step algorithm based on Mutual Information. The known transformation relating both references allows measuring the registration consistency, which is a good estimator of the accuracy of the alignment process, for every image in the dataset. This value can be used to assess the quality of the registration and therefore detect the incorrect results. We have applied this validation process on a large dataset of 120 FDG-PET rat brain images obtained with a rotating PET scanner. The registration consistency was calculated for every image in the dataset and values below 1.65 mm (PET image resolution) were considered as successful registrations. 116 images were correctly registered with an average error of 0.839 mm, while in four images the proposed method detected a registration failure. Two of these failures were due to very low image quality and these studies were discarded from the study, while the other two were correctly aligned after applying a manual pre-alignment step. Our approach requires minimal user interaction and provides automatic assessment of the registration error, making it unnecessary to visually inspect and check every registration result.This work was supported by projects CIBER CB06/01/0079 (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo) and CDTEAM (CENIT program, Ministerio de Industria)

    The Effects of 6 Weeks of Tribulus terrestris L. Supplementation on Body Composition, Hormonal Response, Perceived Exertion, and CrossFitÂź Performance: A Randomized, Single-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

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    [EN] Tribulus terrestris L. (TT) supplementation have been shown to enhance sports performance in many but not all studies. Moreover, data regarding the potential impact of TT supplementation on CrossFitÂź endurance is limited. This study aimed to determine whether TT supplementation improve body composition, hormonal response, and performance among CrossFitÂź athletes. In a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial, a total of 30 healthy CrossFitÂź-trained males were randomly allocated to receive either 770 mg of TT supplementation or a placebo daily for 6 weeks. Body mass, fat mass, fat composition, testosterone and cortisol levels, and CrossFitÂź performance (5 common Workouts of the Day: back squat, bench press, dead lift, Grace, and CrossFitÂź Total) were assessed before and after intervention. There were no significant group x time interactions for the outcomes of the study except for testosterone levels and bench press performance (p < 0.05). TT supplementation did not impact enhance performance or body composition in CrossFitÂź male athletes. However, TT supplementation may act as a testosterone booster helping the recovery after physical loads and mitigating fatigueS

    Narrow genetic base in forest restoration with holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Sicily

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    In order to empirically assess the effect of actual seed sampling strategy on genetic diversity of holm oak (Quercus ilex) forestations in Sicily, we have analysed the genetic composition of two seedling lots (nursery stock and plantation) and their known natural seed origin stand by means of six nuclear microsatellite loci. Significant reduction in genetic diversity and significant difference in genetic composition of the seedling lots compared to the seed origin stand were detected. The female and the total effective number of parents were quantified by means of maternity assignment of seedlings and temporal changes in allele frequencies. Extremely low effective maternity numbers were estimated (Nfe ≈\approx 2-4) and estimates accounting for both seed and pollen donors gave also low values (Ne ≈\approx 35-50). These values can be explained by an inappropriate forestry seed harvest strategy limited to a small number of spatially close trees
