35 research outputs found

    Rodzaje i nazwy uczelni w polskim systemie szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki

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    Among the basic entities performing tasks within the Polish system of higher education and science, the legislator includes HEIs, which are obliged to perform other tasks related to education. HEIs, with such an extensive system, do not constitute a uniform category; they are an internally diverse group. In order to enable the identification of their scientific potential, which should interact with the teaching potential, the legislator in the Law on Higher Education and Science reserves certain names and makes the use of these names conditional on the fulfilment of statutory criteria. This paper aims to analyse the previous and current legal regulations in this respect and formulate conclusions to further develop the solutions in question.Do podstawowych podmiotów realizujących zadania w zakresie polskiego systemu szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki ustawodawca zalicza uczelnie, na których spoczywa obowiązek realizacji m.in. zadań związanych z kształceniem. Uczelnie, przy tak rozbudowanym systemie, nie stanowią kategorii jednolitej, są grupą wewnętrznie zróżnicowaną. W celu umożliwienia identyfikacji ich potencjału naukowego, który powinien oddziaływać na potencjał dydaktyczny, ustawodawca w ustawie Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce zastrzega określone nazwy i uzależnia posługiwanie się nimi od spełnienia ustawowych kryteriów. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza wcześniejszych i aktualnych regulacji prawnych w tym zakresie i sformułowanie wniosków co do dalszego rozwoju przedmiotowych rozwiązań

    The evaluation of the impact of titania nanotube covers morphology and crystal phase on their biological properties

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    The highly ordered titanium dioxide nanotube coatings were produced under various electrochemical conditions on the surface of titanium foil. The anodization voltage changes proved to be a main factor which directly affects the nanotube morphology, structure, and wettability. Moreover we have noticed a significant dependence between the size and crystallinity of TiO 2 layers and the adhesion/ proliferation of fibroblasts and antimicrobial properties. Cellular functionality were investigated for up to 3 days in culture using a cell viability assay and scanning electron microscopy. In general, results of our studies revealed that fibroblasts adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation on the titania nanotube coatings is clearly higher than on the surface of the pure titanium foil. The formation of crystallic islands in the nanotubes structure induced a significant acceleration in the growth rate of fibroblasts cells by as much as *200 %. Additionally, some types of TiO 2 layers revealed the ability to the reduce of the staphylococcal aggregates/biofilm formation. The nanotube coatings formed during the anodiza-tion process using the voltage 4 V proved to be the stronger S. aureus aggregates/biofilm inhibitor in comparison to the uncovered titanium substrate. That accelerated eukaryotic cell growth and anti-biofilm activity is believed to be advantageous for faster cure of dental and orthopaedic patients , and also for a variety of biomedical diagnostic and therapeutic applications

    Prevalence and clinical characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis in Poland : a nationwide study

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    Introduction: There are no reliable data regarding the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Poland. Material and methods: The first stage was a face-to-face survey on a nationwide representative sample of 3000 people, which identified respondents with a physician-confirmed diagnosis of RA. The second stage was a survey of RA patients, which characterized the disease course and treatment. It was evaluated by analysis of a representative group of 1957 RA patients in routine clinical practice. Results: The overall RA prevalence in Poland was 0.9% (95% CI: 0.6–1.2%), 1.06% for women, 0.74% for men. Seventy-eight percent were female, mean age was 56 and mean disease duration 7 years. Younger patients (< 50) remained professionally active in 90% of cases. Thirty percent of patients were diagnosed within 3 months of the first RA symptoms, while for 17% it took more than 1 year. Fifty-six percent of newly diagnosed patients were characterized by high disease activity (DAS-28 > 5.1). Presently, low disease activity (DAS-28 < 3.2) was found in 38.5% of patients. In Poland, 94% of patients have been treated with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, almost 80% with glucocorticoids. Meanwhile, methotrexate, as an anchor drug in Poland, has been used by 80% of patients, biological agents by 2.94% of patients. Conclusions: This is the first cross-sectional population-based epidemiological study regarding prevalence of RA in the adult Polish population. The results demonstrate a high prevalence, falling within the upper boundary estimates for Europe. Despite ongoing treatment, the majority still have moderate to high disease activity, and the use of biological therapies is low

    First record of Giardia assemblage D infection in farmed raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides)

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    The presence of Giardia genotypes was investigated in 18 raccoon dogs ( Nyctereutes procyonoides ) and 80 red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ) on one farm. To demonstrate Giardia cysts, fresh and trichrome stained smears were microscopically screened. Two molecular markers were used for Giardia genotyping: a fragment of the beta-giardin gene and a fragment of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene. All faecal samples obtained from red foxes were negative. Giardia cysts were identified only in 2 of the 18 raccoon dogs. The result of genotyping and phylogenetic analysis showed that the G. duodenalis from both raccoon dogs belonged to the D assemblage. This finding of a new animal reservoir of G. duodenalis canids-specific genotypes is important in order to eliminate the risk of infecting other animals bred for fur. Further molecular analyses of Giardia isolates in raccoon dogs are required. The present study represents the first contribution to knowledge of G. duodenalis genotypes in raccoon dogs

    Biocompatibility of Titania Nanotube Coatings Enriched with Silver Nanograins by Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Bioactivity investigations of titania nanotube (TNT) coatings enriched with silver nanograins (TNT/Ag) have been carried out. TNT/Ag nanocomposite materials were produced by combining the electrochemical anodization and chemical vapor deposition methods. Fabricated coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Raman spectroscopy. The release effect of silver ions fromTNT/Ag composites immersed in bodily fluids, has been studied using inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Themetabolic activity assay (MTT) was applied to determine the L929 murine fibroblasts adhesion and proliferation on the surface of TNT/Ag coatings. Moreover, the results of immunoassays (using peripheral blood mononuclear cells—PBMCs isolated from rats) allowed the estimation of the immunological activity of TNT/Ag surface materials. Antibacterial activity of TNT/Ag coatings with different morphological and structural features was estimated against two Staphylococcus aureus strains (ATCC 29213 and H9). The TNT/Ag nanocomposite layers produced revealed a good biocompatibility promoting the fibroblast adhesion and proliferation. A desirable anti-biofilm activity against the S. aureus reference strain was mainly noticed for these TiO2 nanotube coatings, which contain dispersed Ag nanograins deposited on their surface

    Optimization of the Silver Nanoparticles PEALD Process on the Surface of 1-D Titania Coatings

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    Plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) of silver nanoparticles on the surface of 1-D titania coatings, such as nanotubes (TNT) and nanoneedles (TNN), has been carried out. The formation of TNT and TNN layers enriched with dispersed silver particles of strictly defined sizes and the estimation of their bioactivity was the aim of our investigations. The structure and the morphology of produced materials were determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM). Their bioactivity and potential usefulness in the modification of implants surface have been estimated on the basis of the fibroblasts adhesion and proliferation assays, and on the basis of the determination of their antibacterial activity. The cumulative silver release profiles have been checked with the use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS), in order to exclude potential cytotoxicity of silver decorated systems. Among the studied nanocomposite samples, TNT coatings, prepared at 3, 10, 12 V and enriched with silver nanoparticles produced during 25 cycles of PEALD, revealed suitable biointegration properties and may actively counteract the formation of bacterial biofilm.Peer reviewe

    Titania Nanotubes/Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposites Produced with the Use of the Atomic Layer Deposition Technique: Estimation of Bioactivity and Nanomechanical Properties

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    Titanium dioxide nanotubes/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites were produced on a titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V/TNT/HA) and studied as a biocompatible coating for an implant surface modification. As a novel approach for this type of nanocomposite fabrication, the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method with an extremely low number of cycles was used to enrich titania nanotubes (TNT) with a very thin hydroxyapatite coating. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for determination of the structure and the surface morphology of the fabricated nanocoatings. The biointegration activity of the layers was estimated based on fibroblasts’ proliferation on the TNT/HA surface. The antibacterial activity was determined by analyzing the ability of the layers to inhibit bacterial colonization and biofilm formation. Mechanical properties of the Ti6Al4V/TNT/HA samples were estimated by measuring the hardness, Young’s module, and susceptibility to scratching. The results revealed that the nanoporous titanium alloy coatings enriched with a very thin hydroxyapatite layer may be a promising way to achieve the desired balance between biofunctional and biomechanical properties of modern implants

    Titania Nanotubes/Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposites Produced with the Use of the Atomic Layer Deposition Technique: Estimation of Bioactivity and Nanomechanical Properties

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    Titanium dioxide nanotubes/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites were produced on a titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V/TNT/HA) and studied as a biocompatible coating for an implant surface modification. As a novel approach for this type of nanocomposite fabrication, the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method with an extremely low number of cycles was used to enrich titania nanotubes (TNT) with a very thin hydroxyapatite coating. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for determination of the structure and the surface morphology of the fabricated nanocoatings. The biointegration activity of the layers was estimated based on fibroblasts’ proliferation on the TNT/HA surface. The antibacterial activity was determined by analyzing the ability of the layers to inhibit bacterial colonization and biofilm formation. Mechanical properties of the Ti6Al4V/TNT/HA samples were estimated by measuring the hardness, Young’s module, and susceptibility to scratching. The results revealed that the nanoporous titanium alloy coatings enriched with a very thin hydroxyapatite layer may be a promising way to achieve the desired balance between biofunctional and biomechanical properties of modern implants

    Modelling the European High-voltage electricity transmission

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    This Master’s thesis describes modelling of the cross-border electricity transmission network of Europe. Under this work an extension of The Open Source Energy Model Base for the European Union (OSeMBE) was developed, implementing interconnections to the already existing model. The model is built using the Open Source Energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS). The purpose of the model is to find cost optimal shape of the electricity system of Europe in the modelling period from 2015 to 2050. The model was used to analyse plans for the development of the electricity interconnection network, defined by the European Union on the list of Projects of Common Interests. For the thesis four scenarios of the European electricity system’s future development were modelled. The aim was to analyse on which borders new interconnection capacity would be beneficial and to test the influence of the interconnection development on the whole electricity system, particularly generation capacities and CO2 emissions. The electricity flows were analysed on each border. For a better overview in the analysis four regions were defined. The regions are adequate to the four priority corridors for electricity defined in Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E). The major finding of the scenario that optimized the capacity of the interconnections in Europe, was that only 16% of capacities planned as the PCI are needed to be built. Most of those capacities should be developed in the northern Europe, particularly on the subsea borders Germany-Norway, United Kingdom-Norway, Poland-Lithuania, but also land ones Finland-Sweden, Denmark-Germany. The analysis also included utilization factors of the interconnection lines. However, due to the simplifications and limitation of modelling tool OSeMOSYS, the results needs to be taken with certain dose of caution and may serve only for indicating the direction of further analysis. The work conducted under this Master’s thesis, might also be a base for the future work, such as deeper look on the already obtained data with purpose to find relationship between electricity generation sources being utilized and interconnections utilization. The model might be also improved by implementation interconnection representation to the borders which were omitted here due to the lack of cost data.Detta examensarbetebeskriver modellering av Europas gränsöverskridande elektriska transmissionsnät. Under detta arbete utvecklades en utvidgning av Open Source Energy Model Base för Europeiska unionen (OSeMBE) för implementering av sammankopplingar med den redan existerande modellen. Modellen är byggd med hjälp av Open Source Energy Modeling System (OSeMOSYS). Syftet med modellen är att hitta en kostnadseffektiv form av Europas elsystem under modelleringsperioden 2015 till 2050. Modellen användes för att validera planer för utveckling av sammankoppling för elnätet, definierade av Europeiska unionen i listan över projekt av gemensamt intresse. Under denna avhandling modellerades fyra scenarier för det europeiska elsystemets framtida utveckling. Målet för scenarierna var att analysera för vilka gränser en ny sammankopplingskapacitet skulle vara till nytta, samt att testa påverkan av samtrafikutvecklingen på hela elsystemet, särskilt produktionskapacitet och koldioxidutsläpp. Därefter analyserades flödena av elektricitet vid varje gräns, och för att förenkla analysen delades området upp i fyra regioner. Regionerna är uppdelade i enlighet med de fyra prioriterade korridorerna för elektricitet, definierade i Transeuropeiska Nät för Energi (TEN-E). Det huvudsakligaresultatet i scenariot som optimerade kapaciteten för sammankopplingarna i Europa var att endast 16% av den kapacitet som planerades som PCI behöver byggas. De flesta av dessa kapaciteter bör utvecklas i norra Europa, särskilt vid havsgränserna Tyskland-Norge, Storbritannien-Norge, Polen-Litauen, men också Finland-Sverige och Danmark-Tyskland. Även användningsfaktorer för samtrafikledningarna analyserades i arbetet