35 research outputs found

    Biomonitoring of wild fish to assess chemical pollution in English rivers:an application of a fish tissue archive

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    Since 2007 CEH and the Environment Agency are building a Fish Tissue Archive by annually collecting roach (and in 2007/08 also some eels and bleak) from a number of English river sites and storing them long-term at -80°C. This provides a resource for retrospective monitoring of bioaccumulative pollutants in the fish tissue - allowing future scientists to answer questions that cannot yet be answered or are not yet asked. By the end of 2014, 1684 fish had been collected of which 179 have so far been analysed for one or more groups of chemicals: metals, organochlorine pesticides, PCBs and PBDEs. The results from the individual fish were compared to each other as well as to regulatory standards and previously published UK and European data. Some of the results are: With the exception of lead in 3% of analysed individuals, no food standards were exceeded, but the environmental quality standard (EQS) for mercury was exceeded in the majority of samples (111/144) and the very low EQS for PBDEs was greatly exceeded in all samples. Some patterns found were:  Mercury and selenium increased with size of the fish and to some extent with the distance of the sampling site from the river source.  PBDE concentration correlated well with the modelled concentration of treated sewage at the sampling site  A hotspot was found for DDTs (banned in 1981) and to a lesser extent lindane, chlordane and copper. Further investigations revealed that a pesticide factory had been located close to the sampling site for much of the 20th century. This shows how unexpected results can point to previously unknown issues, which warrant further investigation.  Compared to previous European data, eels were generally less contaminated with organic pollutants and roach were low in mercury and cadmium, but relatively high in lead

    Persistent Organic Pollutants in sediment and fish in the River Thames catchment (UK)

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    Some organic pollutants including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) have been banned from production and use in the UK for > 30 years but due to their toxicity and persistence are still of concern. However, due to their hydrophobicity they are present at very low concentrations and are difficult to measure in water, and so other matrices need to be sampled in order to best assess contamination. This study measured concentrations of ΣICES 7 PCBs (PCB congeners 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and Σ6 PBDEs (PBDE congeners 28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154) and HCB in both bed-sediments and wild roach (a common pelagic fish) in the Thames Basin. The highest sediment concentrations were detected in an urbanised tributary of the Thames, The Cut at Bracknell (HCB: 0.03–0.40 μg/kg dw; ICES 7 PCBs: 4.83–7.42 μg/kg dw; 6 BDEs: 5.82–23.10 μg/kg dw). When concentrations were expressed on a dry weight basis, the fish were much more contaminated than the sediments, but when sediment concentrations were normalised to organic carbon concentration they were comparable to the fish lipid normalised concentrations. Thus, despite the variability in the system, both sediments and wild fish can be considered suitable for representing the level of POPs contamination of the river system given sufficient sample numbers

    Predicting river phytoplankton blooms and community succession using ecological niche modeling

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    Excessive phytoplankton concentrations in rivers can result in the loss of plant and invertebrate communities, and threaten drinking water supplies. Whilst the physicochemical controls on algal blooms have been identified previously, how these factors combine to control the initiation, size, and cessation of blooms in rivers is not well understood. We applied flow cytometry to quantify diatom, chlorophyte, and cyanobacterial group abundances in the River Thames (UK) at weekly intervals from 2011 to 2022, alongside physicochemical data. A niche modeling approach was used to identify thresholds in water temperature, flow, solar radiation, and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations required to produce periods of phytoplankton growth, with blooms only occurring when all thresholds were met. The thresholds derived from the 2011 to 2018 dataset were applied to a test data set (2019–2022), which predicted the timing and duration of blooms at accuracies of > 80%. Diatoms and nano-chlorophyte blooms were initiated by flow and water temperature, and usually terminated due to temperature and flow going out of the threshold range, or SRP and Si becoming limiting. Cyanobacterial bloom dynamics were primarily controlled by water temperature and solar radiation. This simple methodology provides a key understanding of phytoplankton community succession and inter-annual variation and can be applied to any river with similar water quality and phytoplankton data. It provides early warnings of algal and cyanobacterial bloom timings, which support future catchment management decisions to safeguard water resources, and provides a basis for modeling changing phytoplankton bloom risk due to future climate change

    An alternative approach to risk rank chemicals on the threat they pose to the aquatic environment

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    This work presents a new and unbiased method of risk ranking chemicals based on the threat they pose to the aquatic environment. The study ranked 12 metals, 23 pesticides, 11 other persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 13 pharmaceuticals, 10 surfactants and similar compounds and 2 nanoparticles (total of 71) of concern against one another by comparing their median UK river water and median ecotoxicity effect concentrations. To complement this, by giving an assessment on potential wildlife impacts, risk ranking was also carried out by comparing the lowest 10th percentile of the effects data with the highest 90th percentile of the exposure data. In other words, risk was pared down to just toxicity versus exposure. Further modifications included incorporating bioconcentration factors, using only recent water measurements and excluding either lethal or sub-lethal effects. The top ten chemicals, based on the medians, which emerged as having the highest risk to organisms in UK surface waters using all the ecotoxicity data were copper, aluminium, zinc, ethinylestradiol (EE2), linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), triclosan, manganese, iron, methomyl and chlorpyrifos. By way of contrast, using current UK environmental quality standards as the comparator to median UK river water concentrations would have selected 6 different chemicals in the top ten. This approach revealed big differences in relative risk; for example, zinc presented a million times greater risk then metoprolol and LAS 550 times greater risk than nanosilver. With the exception of EE2, most pharmaceuticals were ranked as having a relatively low risk.Open Access funded by Natural Environment Research Council. We would like to thank the UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for funding this project (CB0462). The views expressed here are of the authors alone. We would also like to thank colleagues at Brunel University and CEH for their advice on the project

    Riverine concentrations and export of dissolved silicon, and potential controls on nutrient stoichiometry, across the land–ocean continuum in Great Britain

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    Silicon (Si) is an essential nutrient element in freshwater and marine ecosystems, and its abundance relative to macro-nutrients (N, P) can impact phytoplankton communities in eutrophic rivers and estuaries. This study is the first national assessment examining (i) the primary sources (geological, biological, landcover) and controls (geomorphological, precipitation) on the transport of terrestrial dissolved silicon across Great Britain to the ocean, and (ii) the current extent and nature of its interactions with macro-nutrients in these catchments in relation to its potential impacts on phytoplankton community structure. It uses results from a year-long survey of 41 rivers along with historical data. Highest concentrations of dissolved Si (4–5.5 mg L-1) were found in rivers of the chalk- and sedimentary sandstone-based catchments of southern Great Britain and the hard sandstone catchments of Scotland. Catchment yield rates for dissolved Si varied between 0.2 and 2.6 t km−2 yr−1, with highest yields found in catchments with higher precipitation and runoff. Analysis of river N:P and dissolved Si:N ratios suggested that the sampled rivers were typically N enriched, and P limited with respect to dissolved Si. Molar dissolved Si:N ratios < 1, an indicator of river eutrophication, were associated with total nitrogen concentrations exceeding 1.8 mg L-1 or greater. The Indicator of Coastal Eutrophication index was used to assess the potential role of dissolved Si in the eutrophication of coastal waters. Negative values indicating limited eutrophication potential to non-siliceous algae were generally found, although some rivers had annual Indicator of Coastal Eutrophication index values exceeding 0, with values as high as 35 kg C km−2 day−1. In many eutrophic rivers, high dissolved Si concentrations derived from catchment lithology, kept the Indicator of Coastal Eutrophication index values below zero. Results have demonstrated that high N and P export have likely shifted most Great Britain rivers and coastal waters beyond the stoichiometric range where diatoms dominate production and into one where non-siliceous algae maybe increasingly present. Thus, future assessments of macro-nutrient management schemes, such as those involving wetlands should include dissolved Si routinely due to its stoichiometric importance

    Dissolved inorganic carbon export from rivers of Great Britain: Spatial distribution and potential catchment-scale controls

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    Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fluxes from the land to ocean have been quantified for many rivers globally. However, CO2 fluxes to the atmosphere from inland waters are quantitatively significant components of the global carbon cycle that are currently poorly constrained. Understanding, the relative contributions of natural and human-impacted processes on the DIC cycle within catchments may provide a basis for developing improved management strategies to mitigate free CO2 concentrations in rivers and subsequent evasion to the atmosphere. Here, a large, internally consistent dataset collected from 41 catchments across Great Britain (GB), accounting for ∼36% of land area (∼83,997 km2) and representative of national land cover, was used to investigate catchment controls on riverine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), bicarbonate (HCO3−) and free CO2 concentrations, fluxes to the coastal sea and annual yields per unit area of catchment. Estimated DIC flux to sea for the survey catchments was 647 kt DIC yr−1 which represented 69% of the total dissolved carbon flux from these catchments. Generally, those catchments with large proportions of carbonate and sedimentary sandstone were found to deliver greater DIC and HCO3− to the ocean. The calculated mean free CO2 yield for survey catchments (i.e. potential CO2 emission to the atmosphere) was 0.56 t C km−2 yr−1. Regression models demonstrated that whilst river DIC (R2 = 0.77) and HCO3− (R2 = 0.77) concentrations are largely explained by the geology of the landmass, along with a negative correlation to annual precipitation, free CO2 concentrations were strongly linked to catchment macronutrient status. Overall, DIC dominates dissolved C inputs to coastal waters, meaning that estuarine carbon dynamics are sensitive to underlying geology and therefore are likely to be reasonably constant. In contrast, potential losses of carbon to the atmosphere via dissolved CO2, which likely constitute a significant fraction of net terrestrial ecosystem production and hence the national carbon budget, may be amenable to greater direct management via altering patterns of land use

    PCB and organochlorine pesticide burden in eels in the lower Thames River (UK)

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    Thirty-five European eels (Anguilla anguilla), caught in 2007 in the river Thames upstream and downstream of both London and the tidal limit, were analysed for PCBs and organochlorine pesticides. Most chemicals were detectable in every fish, although they have been banned or severely restricted for many years. In general, the tidal eels were more contaminated than upstream ones, which was related to their higher lipid contents. The ICES7 indicator PCB concentrations ranged overall from 4.2 to 124μgkg(-1) fresh weight with averages of 33 and 56μgkg(-1) for the upstream and tidal eels; 3.5-104μgkg(-1), average 26 and 48μgkg(-1) of that were ICES6 PCBs. Total DDT was on average 16μgkg(-1) (1.7-38μgkg(-1)) upstream and 18μgkg(-1) (8.6-35μgkg(-1)) downstream with about half of that provided by pp'DDE. Lindane (γ-HCH) was found at up to 2.8μgkg(-1) (averages 0.58 and 1.1μgkg(-1) upstream and downstream) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was on average 1.9 and 2.5μgkg(-1) in the two groups with a maximum of 6.4μgkg(-1) in each. Therefore all individuals passed the European Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) of 10μgkg(-1) for HCB. PCB contamination was fairly typical for recent UK eel data, whilst DDE and lindane concentrations were lower than most previous UK eel studies, perhaps reflecting a downward trend. Although not as highly contaminated as some eels from previous UK and European studies, the presence of so many of these chemicals, with their known health effects may represent a stress for the fish or higher predators, such as birds