80 research outputs found

    Deal with steel: investigating the wreck of the heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer

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    In this paper, we present, for the first time, a world war two warship imaged underground, in a silted up harbor. Only reflection seismic measurements and electrical resistivity tomography allowed prospecting of the target at challenging depths from 4 m to 12 m below surface

    “and sent for expert men from Rammelsberg...”: the siege tunnel of Henry the Lion at Desenberg from 1168

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    In this paper, we show first results of seismic and EMI data comprising evidence of a siege tunnel mentioned in medieval written sources. The tunnel would be the oldest archaeological evidence of a man-made tunnel in Westphalia (Germany)

    Barge or tjalk? A wreck investigation in the tidal flats of North Frisia

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    We present a case study on the applicability of geophysical methods to map shipwrecks in the coastal zone. We present results of magnetic gradiometry, electromagnetic induction, and photogrammetry

    Cyclometalated complexes of platinum and gold with biological properties: state-of-the-art and future perspectives

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    The inherent problems accompanying chemotherapy necessitate the development of new anticancer approaches. The development of compounds that can disrupt cancerous cellular machinery by novel mechanisms, via interactions with proteins and non-canonical DNA structures (e.g. G-quadruplexes), as well as by alteration of the intracellular redox balance, is nowadays focus of intense research. In this context organometallic compounds of the noble metals Pt and Au have become prominent experimental therapeutic agents. This review provides an overview of the Pt(II) and Au(III) cyclometalated compounds with a chelating ring containing a strong C-M σ-bond to improve the stability of the compounds with respect to ligand exchange reactions and biological reduction. Furthermore, these properties can be easily tuned by modification of either the anionic cyclometalated or the ancillary ligands. Special focus has been set to C^N, C^N^C, C^N^N and C^N^S platinum(II) and gold(III) pincer complexes regarding their synthesis and biological modes of action as anticancer agents. Methods: A structured search of both chemical and medicinal databases for peer-reviewed research literature has been conducted. The quality of retrieved papers was appraised using standard tools. The synthesis as well as the chemical and biological properties of the described compounds were carefully reviewed and described. The findings were outlined using a conceptual framework. Results: In this review we included 155 papers, the majority originating from high-impact papers on the synthesis and biological modes of platinum(II) and gold(III) compounds. Among them, 17 papers were highlighted to give an introduction to the use of Pt and Au compounds with medicinal properties, mainly focussing on coordination compounds. The synthesis and medicinal properties of organometallic compounds of various metals (such as Fe, Ru, Ti) were outlined in 51 papers. These compounds included metallocenes, metallo-arenes, metallo-carbonyls, metallo-carbenes (e.g. Nheterocyclic carbenes), and alkynyl complexes. The C^N, C^N^C, C^N^N and C^N^S pincer complexes of platinum(II) (46 papers) and gold(III) (44 papers) were discussed concerning their synthesis, stability and advantages to develop therapeutic compounds. We strove to show the consistent development of C^N, C^N^C, C^N^N and C^N^S platinum(II) and gold(III) pincer complexes regarding their synthesis and biological modes from the early beginnings to the most recent findings. Conclusion: This review supplies a profound overview of the development of organometallic compounds for medicinal purposes, setting special focus to the synthesis and stability of C^N, C^N^C, C^N^N and C^N^S pincer complexes of platinum(II) and gold(III) and their use as anticancer agents

    Exploring the C^N^C theme: Synthesis and biological properties of tridentate cyclometalated gold(III) complexes

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    A family of cyclometalated Au(III) complexes featuring a tridentate CNC scaffold has been synthesized and characterized. Microwave assisted synthesis of the ligands has also been exploited and optimized. The biological properties of the thus formed compounds have been studied in cancer cells and demonstrate generally moderate antiproliferative effects. Initial mechanistic insights have also been gained on the gold complex [Au(CNC)(GluS)] (3), and support the idea that the thioredoxin system may be a target for this family of compounds together with other relevant intracellular thiol-containing molecules. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Исследование эффективности брейкеров для жидкостей гидроразрыва пласта

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    Исследование влияния биоразлагаемых брейкеров на реологические характеристики жидкостей гидроразрыва пласта.Investigation of the effect of biodegradable breakers on the rheological characteristics of fracturing fluids

    What Pinnipeds Have to Say about Human Speech, Music, and the Evolution of Rhythm

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    Research on the evolution of human speech and music benefits from hypotheses and data generated in a number of disciplines. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the high relevance of pinniped research for the study of speech, musical rhythm, and their origins, bridging and complementing current research on primates and birds. We briefly discuss speech, vocal learning, and rhythm from an evolutionary and comparative perspective. We review the current state of the art on pinniped communication and behavior relevant to the evolution of human speech and music, showing interesting parallels to hypotheses on rhythmic behavior in early hominids. We suggest future research directions in terms of species to test and empirical data needed