3,200 research outputs found

    Electron Correlation Driven Heavy-Fermion Formation in LiV2O4

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    Optical reflectivity measurements were performed on a single crystal of the d-electron heavy-fermion (HF) metal LiV2O4. The results evidence the highly incoherent character of the charge dynamics for all temperatures above T^* \approx 20 K. The spectral weight of the optical conductivity is redistributed over extremely broad energy scales (~ 5 eV) as the quantum coherence of the charge carriers is recovered. This wide redistribution is, in sharp contrast to f-electron Kondo lattice HF systems, characteristic of a metallic system close to a correlation driven insulating state. Our results thus reveal that strong electronic correlation effects dominate the low-energy charge dynamics and heavy quasiparticle formation in LiV2O4. We propose the geometrical frustration, which limits the extension of charge and spin ordering, as an additional key ingredient of the low-temperature heavy-fermion formation in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Isotope Shifts in Beryllium-, Boron-, Carbon-, and Nitrogen-like Ions from Relativistic Configuration Interaction Calculations

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    Energy levels, normal and specific mass shift parameters as well as electronic densities at the nucleus are reported for numerous states along the beryllium, boron, carbon, and nitrogen isoelectronic sequences. Combined with nuclear data, these electronic parameters can be used to determine values of level and transition isotope shifts. The calculation of the electronic parameters is done using first-order perturbation theory with relativistic configuration interaction wave functions that account for valence, core-valence and core-core correlation effects as zero-order functions. Results are compared with experimental and other theoretical values, when available.Comment: 56 pages, 1 figure, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (2014

    Supernova cosmology: legacy and future

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    The discovery of dark energy by the first generation of high-redshift supernova surveys has generated enormous interest beyond cosmology and has dramatic implications for fundamental physics. Distance measurements using supernova explosions are the most direct probes of the expansion history of the Universe, making them extremely useful tools to study the cosmic fabric and the properties of gravity at the largest scales. The past decade has seen the confirmation of the original results. Type Ia supernovae are among the leading techniques to obtain high-precision measurements of the dark energy equation of state parameter, and in the near future, its time dependence. The success of these efforts depends on our ability to understand a large number of effects, mostly of astrophysical nature, influencing the observed flux at Earth. The frontier now lies in understanding if the observed phenomenon is due to vacuum energy, albeit its unnatural density, or some exotic new physics. Future surveys will address the systematic effects with improved calibration procedures and provide thousands of supernovae for detailed studies.Comment: Invited review, Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (submitted version

    Constraining dark matter halo properties using lensed SNLS supernovae

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    This paper exploits the gravitational magnification of SNe Ia to measure properties of dark matter haloes. The magnification of individual SNe Ia can be computed using observed properties of foreground galaxies and dark matter halo models. We model the dark matter haloes of the galaxies as truncated singular isothermal spheres with velocity dispersion and truncation radius obeying luminosity dependent scaling laws. A homogeneously selected sample of 175 SNe Ia from the first 3-years of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) in the redshift range 0.2 < z < 1 is used to constrain models of the dark matter haloes associated with foreground galaxies. The best-fitting velocity dispersion scaling law agrees well with galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements. We further find that the normalisation of the velocity dispersion of passive and star forming galaxies are consistent with empirical Faber-Jackson and Tully-Fisher relations, respectively. If we make no assumption on the normalisation of these relations, we find that the data prefer gravitational lensing at the 92 per cent confidence level. Using recent models of dust extinction we deduce that the impact of this effect on our results is very small. We also investigate the brightness scatter of SNe Ia due to gravitational lensing. The gravitational lensing scatter is approximately proportional to the SN Ia redshift. We find the constant of proportionality to be B = 0.055 +0.039 -0.041 mag (B < 0.12 mag at the 95 per cent confidence level). If this model is correct, the contribution from lensing to the intrinsic brightness scatter of SNe Ia is small for the SNLS sample.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Variational Approach for Minimizing Lennard-Jones Energies

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    A variational method for computing conformational properties of molecules with Lennard-Jones potentials for the monomer-monomer interactions is presented. The approach is tailored to deal with angular degrees of freedom, {\it rotors}, and consists in the iterative solution of a set of deterministic equations with annealing in temperature. The singular short-distance behaviour of the Lennard-Jones potential is adiabatically switched on in order to obtain stable convergence. As testbeds for the approach two distinct ensembles of molecules are used, characterized by a roughly dense-packed ore a more elongated ground state. For the latter, problems are generated from natural frequencies of occurrence of amino acids and phenomenologically determined potential parameters; they seem to represent less disorder than was previously assumed in synthetic protein studies. For the dense-packed problems in particular, the variational algorithm clearly outperforms a gradient descent method in terms of minimal energies. Although it cannot compete with a careful simulating annealing algorithm, the variational approach requires only a tiny fraction of the computer time. Issues and results when applying the method to polyelectrolytes at a finite temperature are also briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript fil

    Open-air storage with and without composting as post-treatment methods to degrade pharmaceutical residues in anaerobically digested and dewatered sewage sludge

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    Over a period of 12 months, the fate of three hormones, 12 antibiotics and 30 pharmaceutically active substances (PhACs) was investigated during open-air storage without and with composting of anaerobically digested and dewatered sewage sludge. The effect of oxidation conditions during storage on degradation of hormones and PhACs in the sludge biomass was also examined. Under summer and winter conditions in Uppsala County, Sweden. two field-scale sludge windrows were constructed: open-air storage of sewage sludge windrow without composting (NO-COM)) and open-air storage windrow with composting (COM). NO-COM achieved effective removal of Sigma Hormones (85%) and Sigma Antibiotics (95%), but lower removal of Sigma PhACs (34%), during the study year. The top layers of the sludge pile had significantly lower concentrations of Sigma PhACs (3100-5100 ng/g ash) than deeper layers (8000-11,000 ng/g ash). After one year of composting, the degradation in the COM windrow resulted in concentrations of Sigma Hormones

    Immersive Composition for Sensory Rehabilitation: 3D Visualisation, Surround Sound, and Synthesised Music to Provoke Catharsis and Healing

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    There is a wide range of sensory therapies using sound, music and visual stimuli. Some focus on soothing or distracting stimuli such as natural sounds or classical music as analgesic, while other approaches emphasize the active performance of producing music as therapy. This paper proposes an immersive multi-sensory Exposure Therapy for people suffering from anxiety disorders, based on a rich, detailed surround-soundscape. This soundscape is composed to include the users’ own idiosyncratic anxiety triggers as a form of habituation, and to provoke psychological catharsis, as a non-verbal, visceral and enveloping exposure. To accurately pinpoint the most effective sounds and to optimally compose the soundscape we will monitor the participants’ physiological responses such as electroencephalography, respiration, electromyography, and heart rate during exposure. We hypothesize that such physiologically optimized sensory landscapes will aid the development of future immersive therapies for various psychological conditions, Sound is a major trigger of anxiety, and auditory hypersensitivity is an extremely problematic symptom. Exposure to stress-inducing sounds can free anxiety sufferers from entrenched avoidance behaviors, teaching physiological coping strategies and encouraging resolution of the psychological issues agitated by the sound

    Toward Quantum Superposition of Living Organisms

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    The most striking feature of quantum mechanics is the existence of superposition states, where an object appears to be in different situations at the same time. The existence of such states has been tested with small objects, like atoms, ions, electrons and photons, and even with molecules. More recently, it has been possible to create superpositions of collections of photons, atoms, or Cooper pairs. Current progress in optomechanical systems may soon allow us to create superpositions of even larger objects, like micro-sized mirrors or cantilevers, and thus to test quantum mechanical phenomena at larger scales. Here we propose a method to cool down and create quantum superpositions of the motion of sub-wavelength, arbitrarily shaped dielectric objects trapped inside a high--finesse cavity at a very low pressure. Our method is ideally suited for the smallest living organisms, such as viruses, which survive under low vacuum pressures, and optically behave as dielectric objects. This opens up the possibility of testing the quantum nature of living organisms by creating quantum superposition states in very much the same spirit as the original Schr\"odinger's cat "gedanken" paradigm. We anticipate our essay to be a starting point to experimentally address fundamental questions, such as the role of life and consciousness in quantum mechanics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Finite-size effects in amorphous Fe90Zr10/Al75Zr25 multilayers

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    The thickness dependence of the magnetic properties of amorphous Fe90Zr10 layers has been explored using Fe90Zr10/Al75Zr25 multilayers. The Al75Zr25 layer thickness is kept at 40 \AA, while the thickness of the Fe90Zr10 layers is varied between 5 and 20 \AA. The thickness of the Al75Zr25 layers is sufficiently large to suppress any significant interlayer coupling. Both the Curie temperature and the spontaneous magnetization decrease non-linearly with decreasing thickness of the Fe90Zr10 layers. No ferromagnetic order is observed in the multilayer with 5 {\AA} Fe90Zr10 layers. The variation of the Curie temperature TcT_c with the Fe90Zr10 layer thickness tt is fitted with a finite-size scaling formula [1-\Tc(t)/\Tc(\infty)]=[(t-t')/t_0]^{-\lambda}, yielding λ=1.2\lambda=1.2, and a critical thickness t=6.5t'=6.5 \AA, below which the Curie temperature is zero.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Spin Glasses: Model systems for non-equilibrium dynamics

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    Spin glasses are frustrated magnetic systems due to a random distribution of ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions. An experimental three dimensional (3d) spin glass exhibits a second order phase transition to a low temperature spin glass phase regardless of the spin dimensionality. In addition, the low temperature phase of Ising and Heisenberg spin glasses exhibits similar non-equilibrium dynamics and an infinitely slow approach towards a thermodynamic equilibrium state. There are however significant differences in the detailed character of the dynamics as to memory and rejuvenation phenomena and the influence of critical dynamics on the behaviour. In this article, some aspects of the non-equilibrium dynamics of an Ising and a Heisenberg spin glass are briefly reviewed and some comparisons are made to other glassy systems that exhibit magnetic non-equilibrium dynamics.Comment: To appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Proceedings from HFM2003, Grenobl