82 research outputs found

    Questionnaire Survey of the Skills of Water Tender Drivers at the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic

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    The paper summarizes results of the study aimed to evaluate the change of firefightersengineers’ driving skills after attending the one-day training course. The research focused at drivers of firefighting water tenders. These trucks represent the first-response vehicles in case of emergency rides. The water tenders form the majority of firefighting vehicles at units of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic with the highest mileage per year. They represent the most important fire appliances at each professional fire station. Water tender drivers’ primary task is to transport both firefighters and vehicles safely without any traffic accident to the intervention point. Therefore, the drivers should acquire the best driving skills. The results of the survey shows both a positive impact of the course - driving skills improved after passing the course, and a negative finding - the insufficiently short duration of training rides on the polygon. Drivers’ skills were examined after a certain time from passing the course. This third phase of our survey showed that “avoiding a sudden obstacle when emergency driving” occurred as a most frequent critical situation. This fact relates with the most frequent cause of firefighting trucks’ traffic accidents in last four years, according to the Statistics of traffic accidents

    The parental alienation syndrome

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    The topic of this bachelor thesis is parental alienation syndrome and its impact on the development of children. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of the parental alienation syndrome, its diagnosis, causes and motivations of its emergence and ways of its deepening. It focuses on the impact of the syndrome on children and its consequences in broken relationships with parents. Furthermore, it describes the deformation of emotional and psychosocial development with respect to the parental alienation syndrome, introduces the psychological abuse of the child and its neglecting. It briefly describes the legislative anchoring of the issue at the international and national level. The conclusion of the theoretical part deals with the procedures for finding a solution to the parental alienation syndrome. The practical part consists of three case reports based on document analysis and own observation. The conclusion of the thesis is focused on the comparison of the theory from the professional literature with the real course of cases of children with parental alienation syndrome.Tématem bakalářské práce je syndrom zavrženého rodiče a jeho vliv na vývoj dítěte. Teoretická část práce se zabývá vymezením pojmu syndromu zavrženého rodiče, jeho diagnostikou, důvody a motivací vzniku a způsoby jeho prohlubování. Zaměřuje se na vliv syndromu na dítě a jeho důsledky při přetrhání vazby s rodičem. Dále popisuje deformaci emocionálního a psychosociálního vývoje vzhledem k syndromu zavrženého rodiče, seznamuje s psychickým týráním dítěte a jeho zanedbáváním. Stručně popisuje legislativní zakotvení dané problematiky v mezinárodní a vnitrostátní rovině. V závěru teoretické části se zabývá postupy při řešení syndromu zavrženého rodiče. Praktická část se skládá ze tří kazuistik pořízených na základě analýzy dokumentů a vlastního pozorování. Závěr práce je zaměřen na porovnání teorie z odborné literatury s reálným průběhem případů syndromu zavrženého rodiče.JabokJabokEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult

    Villahouse in Karviná

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    Predmetom tejto bakalárskej práce je spracovanie projektovej dokumentácie pre realizáciu stavby trojpodlažného viladomu pre dve štvorčlenné rodiny v meste Karviná. Objekt je situovaný v pokojnej oblasti, v zástavbe rodinných domov. V blízkom okolí sa nachádza kultúrna pamiatka Lázeňský park, turistický chodník a cyklistická cesta. Návrh je koncipovaný tak, aby oddelil súkromnú časť pozemku - záhradu - od verejnej časti mesta - komunikácie. Blízkosť parku je považovaná za významnú vlastnosť tohto pozemku, a preto sú spoločenské zóny situované týmto smerom. Základom pre vypracovanie dokumentácie bola predchádzajúca urbanistická a architektonická štúdia, vypracovaná v rámci semestrálneho projektu z predmetu Ateliérová tvorba I a dokumentácia pre stavebné povolenie z predmetu Ateliérová tvorba Va. Bakalárska práca je rozdelená na textovú a výkresovú dokumentáciu.The subject of this bachelor thesis is the creation of the project documentation for a realization of a three-storeyed building for two tetrameral families in Karviná. The buildingis situated in a quiet, build-up area of family houses. In the vicinity there is a cultural monument Lázeňský park, a touristic path and a bicycle lane. Proposal is designed to separate the private part of the estate - the garden - from the public part of the city - communications. The proximity of the park is considered to be an important property of this estate, and therefore the society zone are oriented in this direction. The basis for the elaboration of the documentation was previous urban and architectural study, created as the semester project for the subject Atelier creation I and documentation for the building permit for the subject Atelier creation Va. Bachelor thesis is divided into text part and drawing part of the documentation.226 - Katedra architekturyvelmi dobř

    Analysis of Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers in an Industrial Company

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    Hodnotenie a výber dodávateľov je jedna z dôležitých častí nákupného procesu. Práca je zameraná na výber a hodnotenie dodávateľov v podniku. Diplomová práca je rozdelená do piatich kapitol. Cieľom práce bolo vylepšiť a zjednodušiť tento proces v podniku. V diplomovej práci je popísaný nový navrhovaný proces výberu a hodnotenia dodávateľov (výber kritérií, definovanie kritérií). Výsledkom práce sú navrhované odporúčania k vylepšeniu.Supplier evaluation and selection is important part of purchasing process. The thesis focuses on the process of evaluation and selection of supplier in the company. Master thesis is divided into five chapters. The main goal of the thesis is to improve and simplify this process in company. The whole new suggesting process of evaluation and selection of supplier (criteria selection, criteria definition) are descripted by the master thesis. The results of the thesis are proposed recommendations for improvement.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávelmi dobř

    Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Proposals for its Improvement

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou spokojenosti zákazníků, která se zaměřuje na průmyslovou firmu OLZA, spol. s. r. o. Pomocí dotazníku bude zjištěna současná spokojenost zákazníků a získané informace budou analyzovány a formulovány do souboru návrhů a doporučení pro zvýšení aktuální úrovně spokojenosti zákazníků.The bachelor's thesis deals with an analysis of customer satisfaction which focuses on an industrial company called OLZA, spol. s.r.o. Current customer's satisfaction will be found by a questionnaire and acquired information will be analyzed and formulated to a set of suggestions and recommendations to increase the current level of customer satisfaction.

    Testing of Driving Dynamics of Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles at the Ostrava Mošnov Airport

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    The paper briefly informs about content, procedures, and objectives of a study of driving dynamics of selected Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (hereinafter ARFF) vehicles that have been used in practice to ensure fire safety at the Leoš Janáček Ostrava Airport. Two characteristic types of ARFF vehicles were selected for testing. Specifically, the vehicles were Mercedes-Benz 3360A 6x4.2 Actros (hereinafter M-B Buffalo) and Rosenbauer 36.705 Panther 6x6 CA5 ECE HRET (hereinafter Rosenbauer Panther). The driving dynamics testing focused on crisis braking in a straight direction, and on driving in a circle at speeds approaching the safe limit for a vehicle rollover

    Ekonomická transformace a zahraniční kapitál

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    Emergency Evacuation Route Choice Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm

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     In order to explore the optimal route choice for emergency evacuation in the campus, we propose a novel route choice method based on brittle characteristics of campus system and improved ant colony algorithm. Both optimal and worst-case emergency evacuation routes are simulated in the campus of Ningbo University of Technology. From the simulation, the length of optimal and worse-case evacuation routes between the starting point and eight exits can be obtained by adjusting the importance value of trip distance and the degree of conformity, under the condition of static relative importance of pheromone concentration to graph G. The optimal route of emergency evacuation in the campus can be obtained when the importance of trip distance is above 5 and the degree of conformity is above 0.3; while the worse-case route is obtained with the importance of trip distance above 5 and the degree of conformity below 0.5

    Evaluation of Records from Driving Dynamics Testing on Training Polygons

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    The paper briefly informs about the content, procedures and objectives of the student grant competition project (ID No. SP2021/58) entitled “Verification of driving characteristics of water tender type firefighting vehicles” (Šudrychová et al., 2022). It summarizes the results of one of the two main project objectives, namely the evaluation of records from driving dynamics testing on training polygons under emergency braking when driving in a straight line and in a circle at a speed approaching the vehicle rollover safe limit. These two tasks are essential driving skills and must be reliably mastered by firefighting vehicle drivers in critical situations on the road