23 research outputs found

    Hodnotenie efektívnosti diverzifikovaných fariem na Slovensku pomocou metahraničného prístupu DEA

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    The agricultural sector in Slovakia is characterized by low productivity and diversification. There is a substantial prospect of increasing agricultural productivity using the existing level of inputs and limited resources more efficiently. This study employed the metafrontier approach, which is a variation of the Data Envelopment Analysis technique to assess the technical efficiency of diversified farms that operate under different technological frontiers. A panel sample of 215 Slovak farms performing other gainful activities from 2014 to 2019 was constructed based on the Farm Accountancy Data Network database. Diversified farms were divided into three groups according to the type of specialization on farms specializing in crop, animal and mixed production. Results show that there are significant differences between farms using different technologies, specializing in crop, animal, and mixed production. The average technical efficiency of diversified farms that focus on crop production (0.72) and mixed production (0.71) generally has a high and stable level when compared to farms with animal production (0.65). In addition, this empirical analysis shows that specialization in livestock production is the least suitable from the point of view of technical efficiency in the case of farms that perform other income-generating activities. Finally, average technological gap ratio values indicate that diversified farms in crop production can compete efficiently with other farms and, on average, produce 89% of their potential outputs with their inputs. The existence of a technological gap between farms concerns the technology of resource utilization, therefore it would be necessary to rationally change resource utilization and support the improvement of management and organizational systems by improving the level of management.Poľnohospodársky sektor na Slovensku sa vyznačuje nízkou produktivitou a diverzifikáciou. Existuje značná perspektíva zvýšenia poľnohospodárskej produktivity efektívnejším využitím existujúcej úrovne vstupov a obmedzených zdrojov. V tejto štúdii sa použil metahraničný prístup, ktorý je variáciou techniky analýzy dátových obalov na posúdenie technickej efektívnosti diverzifikovaných fariem, ktoré fungujú pod rôznymi technologickými hranicami. Na základe databázy Informačná sieť poľnohospodárskeho účtovníctva bol zostavený panel údajov 215 slovenských fariem vykonávajúcich iné zárobkové činnosti v rokoch 2014-2019. Diverzifikované farmy boli rozdelené do troch skupín podľa druhu špecializácie na farmy špecializujúce sa na rastlinnú, živočíšnu a zmiešanú výrobu. Výsledky ukazujú, že existujú významné rozdiely medzi farmami využívajúcimi rôzne technológie špecializované na rastlinnú, živočíšnu a zmiešanú výrobu. Priemerná technická efektívnosť diverzifikovaných fariem so zameraním na rastlinnú výrobu (0.72) a zmiešanú výrobu (0.71) má vo všeobecnosti vysokú a stabilnú úroveň v porovnaní s farmami so živočíšnou výrobou (0.65). Táto empirická analýza navyše ukazuje, že špecializácia na živočíšnu výrobu je z hľadiska technickej efektívnosti najmenej vhodná v prípade fariem, ktoré vykonávajú iné zárobkové činnosti. Napokon, priemerné hodnoty pomeru technologických rozdielov naznačujú, že diverzifikované farmy v rastlinnej výrobe môžu konkurovať v efektívnosti ostatným farmám a v priemere produkujú 89% svojich potenciálnych výstupov svojimi vstupmi. Existencia technologickej priepasti medzi farmami sa týka technológie využívania zdrojov, preto by bolo potrebné racionálne meniť využívanie zdrojov a podporovať zlepšovanie systémov riadenia a organizácie zlepšením úrovne riadenia

    Empirical Evidence of the Distributional Effects of the CAP in the New EU Member States. Factor Markets Working Document No. 58, August 2013

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    This study, carried out in the context of the Factor Markets research project, investigates the impact of the SAPS (Single Area Payment Scheme) on farmland rental rates in the new EU member states. Using a unique set of farm level panel data with 20,930 observations for 2004 and 2005 we are able to control for important sources of endogeneity. According to our results, the SAPS has a positive and statistically significant impact on land rents in the EU. However, the estimated incidence is smaller than predicted theoretically. Land rents capture only 19 cents of the marginal SAPS euro, and around 10% of the SAPS benefit non-farming landowners through higher farmland rental prices. As the share of rented land is higher in corporate farms than individual ones, family farms benefit more from the SAPS than corporate farms do

    Ekonomické prínosy pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku

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    Článok hodnotí ekonomické prínosy pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku na základe údajov z roku 2016 a 2017. Analyzujeme prínos fariem z pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku pre štátny rozpočet, zdravotné poisťovne a Sociálnu poisťovňu v porovnaní s prínosom pestovania obilnín, resp. olejnín. V prípade nahradenia pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku obilninami by poklesla zamestnanosť, mzdy na farmách a príjmy štátneho rozpočtu v dôsledku poklesu DPH a dane z príjmu. Celkový ročný negatívny dopad sme vyčíslili na 3,872 mil. Eu

    A comparison of the decomposition of consumer food prices in the supply chain in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

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    Táto práca bola podporovaná Vedeckou grantovou agentúrou VEGA č. 1/0768/20 Hodnotenie dopadov Programu rozvoja vidieka na ekonomiku Slovenska, Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja APVV-20-0359 Covid-19 pandémia, makroekonomický vývoj, potravinová bezpečnosť a blahobyt domácností, APVV-19-0544 Meranie, modelovanie a monitorovanie bioekonomiky a Českou vedeckou nadáciou (GACR) v rámci projektu 19-18080S.The paper evaluates the development of consumer prices of selected types of food in the Slovak and Czech Republic for the period 2010 – 2022 (January – July 2022) and then analyzes the share of individual elements of the food vertical (agricultural primary producer, processor, retailer, as well as the state through indirect taxes - VAT) on total consumer price. The aim of the paper is to evaluate and compare the development and decomposition of consumer prices of representative types of food products, i.e. j. pork and dairy products. The analyzed data are taken from situational and outlook reports, as well as from the results of departmental statistical surveys. The comparative analysis proved only a short-term and limited impact of the reduction of the value-added tax rate on the development of consumer prices. At the same time, she pointed out relatively significant differences in the share of individual elements of the food vertical in the resulting price for which Slovak and Czech consumers buy food products in the retail network

    Where are craft breweries located? The role of agglomeration, tourism, and know-how

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    The objective of this article is to identify main drivers determining the geographical location of craft breweries in Slovakia. The main contribution of the article to the literature is to provide empirical evidence on the location determines of small firms as well as the focus on the Eastern European country both of which are less explored in the literature. The article employs a conditional logit model on a regional panel data dataset of craft breweries and location attributes covering 79 counties in Slovakia for the period 1995–2019. The estimated results suggest that agglomeration economies are key determinants of location choices. However, the agglomeration of small breweries has notably strong effect, while the agglomeration of large breweries and past brewing experience are statistically insignificant in affecting location choices. Further, important drivers of craft breweries location choices are demand factors linked to tourist sector development. Other drivers, such as urban effects, life quality and labour market conditions, seem not to play role or have rather a weaker impact

    Online grocery retailing in Germany: an explorative analysis

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    The paper focuses on the German food retailing industry with its market characteristics and the status quo of online food retailing in Germany by analysing data from market research institutes and consumer direct questionnaire. The paper examines the consumers’ perceptions of online as well as offline grocery shopping. As a result, an online grocery model was created using PLS-SEM modelling. It illustrates all major success factors related to the consumer’s willingness to shop for groceries online in Germany. The main factors influencing the willingness to shop for groceries online are awareness of benefits, need for more convenience, and change of the lack of trust in the new distribution channel. We identified some consumer groups that are more open to online shopping as they benefit more from online grocery shopping. Especially working mothers and young professionals are the consumer groups with a high potential interest

    Economic analysis of the link between diet quality and health: evidence from Kosovo

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    We analyse the link between diet diversity, which is a proxy of diet quality and health outcomes measured by body-mass index (BMI) in a representative sample of Kosovar adults using household expenditure micro-data. Building on a household model of health production we devise a two-stage empirical strategy to estimate the antecedents of diet diversity and its effect on BMI. Economic factors and demographic characteristics play an important role in the choice of balanced diets. Results from the BMI analysis support the hypothesis that diet diversity is associated with optimal BMI. One standard deviation increase in diet diversity leads to 2.3% increase in BMI of the underweight individuals and to 1.5% reduction in BMI of the obese individuals. The findings have important implications for food security policies aiming at enhancing the public health in Kosovo

    Food consumption and diet quality choices of Roma in Romania: a counterfactual analysis

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    This paper analyses the diet quality aspect of food security of Roma in Romania. We employed a modified Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition technique using Household Budget Survey data for the period 2004–2011. The estimates suggest that Roma have inferior diet diversity compared to the non-Roma. Around one-third of the diet diversity gap is explained by the differences in observed socio-economic factors, whereas the remaining part of the gap is attributed to unobserved factors. We argue that the unexplained component of the diet diversity gap is caused by the discrimination of the Roma on the labour market and by their specific informal institutions

    Ekonomické prínosy pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku

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    Článok hodnotí ekonomické prínosy pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku na základe údajov z roku 2016 a 2017. Analyzujeme prínos fariem z pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku pre štátny rozpočet, zdravotné poisťovne a Sociálnu poisťovňu v porovnaní s prínosom pestovania obilnín, resp. olejnín. V prípade nahradenia pestovania cukrovej repy na Slovensku obilninami by poklesla zamestnanosť, mzdy na farmách a príjmy štátneho rozpočtu v dôsledku poklesu DPH a dane z príjmu. Celkový ročný negatívny dopad sme vyčíslili na 3,872 mil. eu

    Light, moderate and heavy drinkers in Slovakia: how they respond to higher alcohol prices?

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    This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-16-0321 and the Scientific Grant Agency VEGA No. 1/0928/17.In recent years WHO published several global reports about alcohol consumption including suggestions for reducing alcohol consumption. The main aim of this effort is decreasing of alcohol consumption globally about 10 % by 2025. They presented several policy options like taxation, bans on alcohol advertising and restrictions on the physical availability of retailed alcohol. Since alcohol consumption in Slovakia is in the top 10 in the world ranking and drinking pattern are according to OECD medium risky and there is huge inequality in distribution of alcohol consumption we decided to analyse how different drinking groups e.g. light, moderate and heavy drinkers respond to price change. Results confirms that heavy drinkers are less price sensitive than light and moderate drinkers, therefore reducing of alcohol consumption in Slovakia cannot be done only by taxation, but other supporting tools like sales restrictions and advertisement bans must be involved