96 research outputs found

    UniMOOC: colaborative work, innovating in education

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    Desde que en 2007-2008 se pusiera en práctica por vez primera la metodología MOOC (Cursos Abierto Online y Masivo), el proceso de innovación educativa se ha acelerado gracias a iniciativas tan potentes como Udacity, Coursera o MITx. Su impacto potencial en el mundo universitario y de la enseñanza en general han llevado a replantear el futuro de la educación a gran escala. El éxito de los MOOCs ha sido exponencial, desde los 50 matriculados en el curso de David Wiley sobre Educación Abierta (año 2007) hasta los más de 2.5 millones de inscritos en Coursera en 2012. Hasta este punto, se ha vivido un proceso de reafirmación y apuesta por el modelo tanto por parte de la sociedad como de las instituciones educativas de mayor prestigio en el mundo. A pesar de encontrarnos aun en un marco metodológico claramente experimental, ya nadie puede negar el éxito cosechado por los MOOCs y el previsible futuro que parece aguardarles. En este documento se presenta el caso UniMOOC como el primer MOOC para emprendedores en español, un proyecto que comienza a definirse en la primavera de 2012, y que cuenta con una proyección orientada a alcanzar los 60.000 alumnos en su primera edición.In 2007-2008 appeared for the very first time the MOOC phenomenon (Massive Open Online Course). Since then educational innovation process has accelerated due to initiatives like Udacity, Coursera or MITx. The potential impact of MOOCs in every educational grade has forced to rethink the future of universities and schools. The success of MOOCs has been exponential: the 2007 David Wiley's Open Education MOOC involved 50 students; in 2012 were more than 2.5 millions of courserians inscribed in at least one of the thousands MOOCs offered in Coursera. To gain the current success it has been necessary the society recognition and the support from the main educational institutions of the world. Nowadays the educational community is still in the first stage of the MOOC methodology, but what it has achieved in a few years aim to a favourable future. In this paper we present UniMOOC Project, like the first Spanish MOOC for entrepreneurships. This Project started to define in Spring of 2012, and it is projected to reach more than 60.000 users in its first edition

    An index for measuring the countries’ commitment to Artificial Intelligence: the case of Spain and the role of the Basque Country

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    La inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha configurado como la tecnología referente de la nueva era. Una herramienta de disrupción con un alcance transversal capaz tanto de generar nuevos sectores como de transformar profundamente los tradicionales. Por eso, una gran cantidad de países han lanzado estrategias para afrontar con garantías los cambios que se avecinan. Pero más allá de estas promesas, la realidad es que no todos los países tienen el mismo compromiso con la innovación. En este artículo, a partir de trece indicadores muy específicos relacionados con la IA, se mide la apuesta de dieciséis países por esta tecnología y se sintetiza mediante un índice que mide el grado de especialización en IA. Con ello hemos podido comprobar cómo Asia está tomando el mando, mientras que Europa está rezagada, y en especial una economía como España, que empieza a quedar muy relegada.Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the benchmark technology of the new era. A disruption tool with a transversal scope capable of both generating new sectors and profoundly transforming traditional ones. That is why a large number of countries have launched strategies to face the changes that are coming. But beyond these promises, the reality is that not all countries have the same commitment to innovation. In this article, based on thirteen very specific indicators related to AI, we measure the commitment of sixteen countries to this technology and is synthesized using an index that measures the degree of specialization in AI. We have seen how Asia is taking the lead, while Europe is lagging, and especially an economy like Spain, is starting to take a back seat

    The Development of Low-Cost Airlines and Tourism as a Competitiveness Complementor: Effects, Evolution and Strategies

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    This paper addresses the relationship between the development of the airline industry and tourism. On the one hand, air transport has triggered the growth of tourism throughout the world, while, on the other hand, tourism has acted as a complementary product for developing new flight routes. This process has intensified with the emergence of low-cost carriers. A profound change has been observed in companies’ strategy to adapt to the demands of this type of market. To conduct this study, a review of the existing literature related to tourism and low-cost carriers was carried out. To conclude, an analysis of the positioning and price-fixing strategies of low-cost airlines operating on some of the most important tourist routes in Europe was performed. The results indicate different level of fares among the five companies in the sample, especially between Ryanair and easyJet, but similar pricing behaviour on the routes studied

    Microcosmus polymorphus Heller, 1877 (Tunicata: Ascidiacea: Pyuridae)- A new addition to the fauna of the Turkish coasts

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    Microcosmus polymorphus, an Atlanto-Mediterranean ascidian, is here recorded for the first time from the Turkish Seas. One specimen was obtained from Izmir Bay by trawling at the depth of 50 m in July 2007

    Indexes of publications in the non-periodical collection of scientific works of the Didactics Department of the Institute of Pedagogy of NAES of Ukraine «Didactics: Theory and Practice» (2012–2014)

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    Видання містить алфавітні покажчики публікацій у неперіодичному збірнику наукових праць «Дидактика: теорія і практика» (науково-дослідна робота «Фундаменталізація змісту освіти у старшій школі в умовах профільного навчання»; УДК 373.5 – 044.85; № держреєстрації 0112U000336; наук. кер. Г. О. Васьківська) за роками, за прізвищами авторів, за назвами публікацій. Для науковців, педагогічних працівників, студентів вищих закладів освіти, працівників різних категорій у галузі освіти.The book contains alphabetical indexes of publications in the non-periodical collection of scientific works «Didactics: Theory and Practice» (research work «Fundamentalization of education content in the high school under profile education»; UDC 373.5 - 044.85; state registration number 0112U000336; edit. H. O. Vaskivska) by years, by authors' names, by titles of publications. Alphabetical indexes of publications are addressed to scientists, pedagogical workers, university students, employees of various categories in the field of education

    Registro DOCOMOMO Ibérico – Equipamientos I. Comunidad Valenciana

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    El presente capítulo inventaría, documenta y explica los inmuebles, edificio y conjuntos de los usos docentes, sanitarios, religiosos y de equipamiento asistencial en general como representativos de la arquitectura y el urbanismo propios del movimiento moderno de la geografía de la Comunidad Valenciana en el periodo de 1925 a 1965 y que se incluyeron en el Registro General de la Fundación DoCoMoMo-Ibérico. Escuelas, Colegios, Institutos Profesionales, Facultades, Universidades, Ambulatorios, Casas de Reposo, Iglesias y Parroquias, todos ellos con público, como muestra selecta de arquitectura dotacional valenciana en las décadas centrales del siglo XX. Por lo tanto, son obras que acusan los principios del movimiento moderno, en la medida de sus posibilidades y condiciones de contexto, como son; los principios de higiene (ausencia de patios de luces y ventilación), ausencia de ornamentación añadida, composiciones formales asimétricas y sin referencias clasicistas, bloques o prismas exentos, búsqueda de la luz y de las vistas, racionalidad estructural, estructuras de pórticos metálicos o de hormigón armado, preferencia por materiales industriales, funcionalidad de las distribuciones, cercanía de la vegetación o incorporación de jardines, correcta orientación solar y otros tantos axiomas que hacen que los inmuebles resulten más funcionales, menos recargados y más lógicos para la industria de la construcción mejorando la calidad de vida en estos espacios y edificios donde la función (el programa) condiciona y determina su composición volumétrica.Universidad de Alicante, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de la Comunidad Valenciana, Fundación DoCoMoMo, Fundación Caja de Arquitectos

    Analysis of Minor Proteins Present in Breast Milk by Using WGA Lectin

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    Breast milk is a complex and dynamic biological fluid and considered an essential source of nutrition in early life. In its composition, the proteins have a relevant biological activity and are related to the multiple benefits demonstrated when compared with artificial milks derived from cow’s milk. Understanding human milk composition provides an important tool for health care providers toward the management of infant feeding and the establishment of breastfeeding. In this work, a new technique was developed to increase the knowledge of human milk, because many of the components remain unknown. To isolate minor proteins present in breast milk by using WGA lectin, breast milk was centrifuged to remove cells and separate the fat phase from the serum phase. The serum obtained was separated into two groups: control (n = 3; whole serum sample from mature milk) and WGA lectin (n = 3; sample processed with WGA lectin to isolate glycosylated proteins). The samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS). A total of 84 different proteins were identified from all of the samples. In the WGA lectin group, 55 different proteins were isolated, 77% of which had biological functions related to the immune response. Of these proteins, there were eight WGA lectin group exclusives, and two had not previously been described in breast milk (polyubiquitin-B and POTE ankyrin domain family member F). Isolation by WGA lectin is a useful technique to detect minor proteins in breast milk and to identify proteins that could not be observed in whole serum

    Effects of the 2015 heat wave on benthic invertebrates in the Tabarca Marine Protected Area (southeast Spain)

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    In the late summer of 2015, extensive mortality of scleratinian corals, gorgonians, and sponges was observed in the Marine Protected Area of Tabarca (southeast Spain). Quantitative data indicated that at 25 m depth the sea fan Eunicella singularis was the most affected species (50% of colonies affected by partial mortality); while in shallow waters more than 40% of the endemic scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa population showed tissue lesions that affected more than 10% of their surfaces. Other affected species were the scleractinian corals Oculina patagonica and Phyllangia mouchezii, the sea fan Leptogorgia sarmentosa and the sponge Sarcotragus fasciculatus. This mortality event coincided with an abnormal rise in seawater temperature in this region. Microbiological analysis showed a higher abundance of culturable Vibrio species in invertebrates exhibiting tissue lesions, which indicated that these opportunistic pathogens could be a key factor in the process

    Heterogeneous Infectivity and Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Beta, Delta and Omicron in Transgenic K18-hACE2 and Wildtype Mice

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    The emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) may display enhanced transmissibility, more severity and/or immune evasion; however, the pathogenesis of these new VOCs in experimental SARS-CoV-2 models or the potential infection of other animal species is not completely understood. Here we infected K18-hACE2 transgenic mice with B.1, B.1.351/Beta, B.1.617.2/Delta and BA.1.1/Omicron isolates and demonstrated heterogeneous infectivity and pathogenesis. B.1.351/Beta variant was the most pathogenic, while BA.1.1/Omicron led to lower viral RNA in the absence of major visible clinical signs. In parallel, we infected wildtype (WT) mice and confirmed that, contrary to B.1 and B.1.617.2/Delta, B.1.351/Beta and BA.1.1/Omicron can infect them. Infection in WT mice coursed without major clinical signs and viral RNA was transient and undetectable in the lungs by day 7 post-infection. In silico modeling supported these findings by predicting B.1.351/Beta receptor binding domain (RBD) mutations result in an increased affinity for both human and murine ACE2 receptors, while BA.1/Omicron RBD mutations only show increased affinity for murine ACE2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heterogeneous Infectivity and Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Beta, Delta and Omicron in Transgenic K18-hACE2 and Wildtype Mice

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    Altres ajuts: Fundació La Marató de TV3 202126-30-21The emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) may display enhanced transmissibility, more severity and/or immune evasion; however, the pathogenesis of these new VOCs in experimental SARS-CoV-2 models or the potential infection of other animal species is not completely understood. Here we infected K18-hACE2 transgenic mice with B.1, B.1.351/Beta, B.1.617.2/Delta and BA.1.1/Omicron isolates and demonstrated heterogeneous infectivity and pathogenesis. B.1.351/Beta variant was the most pathogenic, while BA.1.1/Omicron led to lower viral RNA in the absence of major visible clinical signs. In parallel, we infected wildtype (WT) mice and confirmed that, contrary to B.1 and B.1.617.2/Delta, B.1.351/Beta and BA.1.1/Omicron can infect them. Infection in WT mice coursed without major clinical signs and viral RNA was transient and undetectable in the lungs by day 7 post-infection. In silico modeling supported these findings by predicting B.1.351/Beta receptor binding domain (RBD) mutations result in an increased affinity for both human and murine ACE2 receptors, while BA.1/Omicron RBD mutations only show increased affinity for murine ACE2