214 research outputs found


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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el empleo de las redes sociales con fines educativos en la formación de los profesionales universitarios. Al respecto en el artículo se ofrece una fundamentación del proceso de formación de los profesionales universitarios mediado por las TIC y su dinámica para el empleo de las redes sociales con fines educativos. Un diagnóstico causal efectuado en el contexto de la Universidad de Oriente de Santiago de Cuba, permitió caracterizar el estado actual de ese proceso lo cual permitió revelar las insuficiencias teórico - praxiológicas que se manifiestan en el mismo que demandan la necesidad de su perfeccionamiento en el plano didáctico – metodológico, con vistas a cumplir con las exigencias de la educación universitaria en la era tecnológica por la que está transitando la humanidad


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    The virtualization of the university training processes in Higher Medical Education, leads to think of a management in Virtual Environments of Teaching Learning, propitiating changes in the process of training professionals and the attitude of teachers for their better performance with Information and Communication Technologies as means of information, communication and didactics, making it necessary to establish a strategy that will make it possible to implement such management in the development of this process. Precisely this article is headed in that direction.La virtualización de los procesos formativos universitarios en la Educación Médica Superior, lleva a pensar en una gestión en Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza Apredizaje, propiciando cambios en el proceso de formación de profesionales y en la actitud de los docentes, para su mejor desempeño con las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones como medios de información, comunicación y didácticos, siendo necesario establecer una estrategia que permita implementar dicha gestión en el desarrollo de este proceso. Precisamente este artículo se dirige en esa dirección

    Clinical management of COPD in a real-world setting. A Big Data analysis

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    9 p.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of diagnosis and treatment of COPD using Big Data methodology on the Savana Manager 2.1 clinical platform. Materials and methods: A total of 59,369 patients with a diagnosis of COPD were included from a population of 1,219,749 adults over 40 years of age. Results: In total, 78% were men. Spirometry data were available for only 26,453 (43.5%) subjects. Disease severity was classified in 18,172 patients: 4396 mild, 7100 moderate, and 6676 severe, although only 27%, 34%, and 28%, respectively, presented obstructive spirometry. The clinical management of COPD is mainly the responsibility of the primary care and pulmonology departments, while internal medicine and, to a lesser extent, geriatrics also participate. Drug treatment was based on bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). A marked decline in the use of long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABA) in monotherapy and a slight reduction in ICS/LABA combinations, associated with a long-acting anticholinergic (LAMA) in 74% of cases, were observed. All-cause in-hospital mortality among the overall population was 5.6% compared to 1% of the general population older than 40 years. In total, 35% were admitted to hospital, with an average stay of 6.6 days and an in-hospital mortality rate in this group of 10.74%. Discussion: This study identifies the main features of an unselected COPD population and the main errors made in the management of the disease

    Service-learning - Diagnostic technologies presented by Ph.D. students to help socially neglected people during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    [EN] Innovation is becoming a fundamental part of many sectors and environments, including universities, not only regarding their research but also how education is approached. In this line, one of the ways to achieve these objectives is based on a collaboration between society, which presents a need to be solved, and the University. This society-university integration is achievable via the Service-Learning methodology (SLM), which has always been based on establishing strong links between the educational world and society. This paper presents a SLM-based project linked to technological development for the health sector during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Specifically, undergraduate chemistry students, and Ph.D. students led by professors have presented part of their technological developments to people in society who are at risk of exclusion to help them understand aspects of infection as well as diagnosis of diseases. In short, the objective is to transfer in an enjoyable fashion, a set of technological developments and knowledge that can help society understand aspects related to the COVID-19 pandemic.This work has been carried out with the financial support of the SL UCM 2018/19_16 and SL UCM 2019/21_14 project and the Madrid City Council.Torrecilla, J.; Cancilla, J.; Pradana López, S.; Pérez Calabuig, A.; Izquierdo, M.; García Rodríguez, Y.; Reyes Ramirez, E.... (2021). Service-learning - Diagnostic technologies presented by Ph.D. students to help socially neglected people during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1141-1147. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13056OCS1141114

    Macrofauna asociada al alga stypocaulon scoparium en el Estrecho de Gibraltar y comparación con el resto de la Península Ibérica

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    Se estudió la macrofauna asociada al alga Stypocaulon scoparium en el estrecho de Gibraltar y el resto de la península Ibérica. Se seleccionaron un total de 14 estaciones, 3 de ellas localizadas en el Estrecho y las 11 restantes distribuidas en las costas cantábricas, atlánticas y mediterráneas de la península Ibérica. En cada estación se midieron parámetros fisicoquímicos (temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, pH y turbidez), se estimó la cobertura del alga y se recolectaron muestras de la misma en el submareal somero (1- 3 m de profundidad) mediante buceo en apnea. Se separaron e identificaron un total de 48.430 individuos pertenecientes a 16 grupos distintos de artrópodos, moluscos, anélidos y equinodermos. Atendiendo a los parámetros fisicoquímicos, los análisis de clasificación mostraron una mayor similaridad del área del Estrecho con las estaciones atlánticas. La costa mediterránea se caracterizó por una mayor temperatura y conductividad, mientras que la atlántica mostró valores más altos de oxígeno disuelto y turbidez, consecuencia un mayor oleaje. La cobertura del alga S. scoparium fue significativamente mayor en el Estrecho de Gibraltar que en las estaciones restantes y se registró una mayor diversidad de invertebrados asociados a este alga en el Estrecho que en otras zonas de la Península. Los crustáceos anfípodos fueron los más abundantes, seguidos de poliquetos y moluscos gasterópodos. El Análisis Canónico de Correspondencias (CCA) mostró que anfípodos, isópodos, quironómidos y crinoideos correlacionaron principalmente con la cobertura del alga, mientras que la abundancia de gasterópodos estuvo condicionada por la turbidez y la de los grupos restantes por la conductividad y temperatura principalmente. El estrecho d

    New opportunities for the study of organic films applied on metals for corrosion protection by means of alternating current scanning electrochemical microscopy

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    A new method for the investigation of the inhibition efficiency against corrosion by organic films adsorbed on metals based on the measurement of Z-approach curves by AC-SECM is proposed. Preliminary measurements conducted on four copper-inhibitor systems exposed to aqueous solutions support that a characteristic frequency can be defined, which corresponds to the frequency of the AC potential signal applied to the SECM tip for which a transition between negative- and positive-feedback behaviours is observed in the approach curves. From the shift of this characteristic frequency towards higher values, the enhancement of the corrosion protection efficiency of the inhibitor system can be established. Furthermore, the effects of inhibitor nature, concentration, and pre-treatment duration for the formation of the surface films, can be readily investigate